Welcome to Africa

By AssassinNovice72

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In the Country of South Africa, a virus has surfaced with an old enemy, the B.S.A.A and Washington Agent are... More

Chapter 1: We're not in Kansas Anymore
Chapter 2: An Unforgettable Face
Chapter 3: A BusinessMan with Standards
Chapter 4: No More Orders
Chapter 6: Loose Ends tied tight
Chapter 7: A Businessman Indeed
Chapter 8: Ruined Palace
Chapter 9: Forgotten Ways
Chapter 10: Trip down Memory Lane
Chapter 11: The Big Reveal
Chapter 12: Old Friends Together Again
Chapter 13: Stowaways
Chapter 14: Off With Her Head
Chapter 15: Confronting The Devil
Chapter 16: Sending the Devil back to Hell
Bonus Chapter: Letting Pain Go

Chapter 5: Shattered Slates

206 2 0
By AssassinNovice72

Sun already high in the air as Chris drove the speedboat into the Marshlands and passes the empty houses on the sides. Annabelle looks out at the scenery as they pass and Sheva turns to Chris. "What happened to your partner?" she asks him. Annabelle shot a look back at her. "Jill and I were pursuing a man named Albert Wesker," he states then looks away, remembering:

(The storm roars in the dark clouds that raining night the castle sat lonely on the cliff as there was light inside.)


He was the top official with Umbrella and a leader of our S.T.A.R.S unit. I meet him again after the Raccoon City incident on Rockfort Island."

(Chris and Jill walk through the dark lit halls of the mansion, their guns at the ready for anything to pop out.)

"Since then we've been trying to track him down.

Then a few years ago we got a tip from a reliable source."

(They stride further down the hall and immediately came to a stood, they both stood ready for anything behind the doors.)

"The Whereabouts of Umbrella's founder Ozwell K. Spencer. So we paid him a visit hoping he'd lead us to Wesker."

(Looking to Jill, she locks eyes with him, nodding and they both ram their shoulders into the door, storming the open room and their guns were ready.)

(But in the back of the room, a man laid dead on the ground, a wheelchair at the head of the steps, and standing in front of the window was the man himself. Albert Wesker. He slowly turns to them, the lighting behind him, flickers, igniting the glowing eyes behind the shades as he grins.)


(Chris calls out, aiming his gun right at him. Then both he and Jill opened fire onto the man, but thanks to his Infected virus abilities, he flash-steps, dodging the bullets as he inches closer to them.)

(He was insanely fast, punching the gun from Chris' hands, disarming him. Then flash-steps over to Jill, she tried to land a hit on him. But he grips her throat tightly. Lifting her off the ground and slams her into the pillar.)

(She gasps, gripping his wrist, and struggles to break free. But he steps back, dodging Chris's fist, and drops Jill. Then kept dodging his pushes as he steps back. Then blocks the punch and crushes his fist in his hand.)

(Chris growls out in pain, breaking his hand off and swung his leg at him, but Wesker effortlessly catches his leg. Jill fires, making Wesker shoves Chris away and Flash-steps backward, twirling in the air, dodging the bullets, and lands on his feet.)

(Then both Chris and Jill charge at him, Jill pulling out a knife and charges at him, but he easily threw off their attacks and kicks Jill on the gut, sending her flying back and smacks into the hall.)

(Wesker then turns his attention to Chris throwing his attacks off, then grips his throat, lifting him up into the air and slams him straight back down onto the table, slides him forward, and sent him flying onto the ground in front of the windows.)

(Jill groans then pants to herself as she looks up at the two boys, Wesker strides towards Chris, who was groaning on the ground. Wesker strides towards Chris as the BSAA soldier tries to pick himself back up.)

(But Wesker immediately grips his vest and hoisted him up in the air, Chris gasp in surprise as he grips onto Wesker's wrist. Jill just looks at them, seeing that Wesker was going to kill him.)


(She cries out, charging right at Wesker, Chris struggles in his grip as he raised his fist, clutching it tightly.)

"Let's finish this."

(Wesker said with a sickening glee, but Jill charges right for him, and without a second thought on her mind, she rams her right into him. Wesker drops Chris as the two shatter the window and plummeted down to the depths of death.)

(Chris ran towards the broken window and reaches out for his partner that sacrificed her life for her partner.)


Annabelle looks away as she had read the report, she lost more than a friend from reading those words, but she knew Wesker. He wouldn't waste a valuable asset, willing or otherwise. "Jill's body was never found and she was presumed dead. The person I saw in that data looked just like her. I... have to know if he's still alive." Chris informs her.

Sheva looks over her shoulder to him, "I know she's alive, Wesker would never waste something with potential. But... I hope she still has her humanity." Annabelle states and Sheva and Chris turn to her. "You sound so sure." Sheva states and Annabelle just looks at her. "It's what Wesker and Umbrella did to me when I was a child. They stripped me of my innocence, my humanity, and turned me into a cold-blooded killer," she informs her.

Sheva just looks at her as Chris looks over at them, "You seem close." she states, Annabelle just smiles as she looks away. "She's my friend and Chris's partner," she informs him and Sheva looks over at him. "Were partners," he mutters. Annabelle rolls her eyes and looks back to the scenery. "What about you? Why'd you join the BSAA?" Chris asks her.

She looks up at him, "My parents were involved in an accident caused by a pharmaceutical company when I was young." she informs him and looks away. "Umbrella?" he asks her. She looks back and nods at him. "Yes, I only found out later that the accident was to cover up the manufacturing of biological weapons for terrorists," she states and the two looked at her. "They were using Africa as a testbed for their experiments. Bioweapons were responsible for the deaths of my parents. And someone has to pay for that!" she informs him and looks away.

Annabelle just looks at her, "So you joined the BSAA." Chris states and she looks up at him. "There's only so much one person can do. Even a superhero like you, Chris," she states and Annabelle just smiles. "That's new." she mutters and Chris just chuckles to himself "I'm so superhero. But together, we can end this," he tells her.

Sheva then turns to him as Annabelle looks back at him as well. "Then let's make a stand for our fallen brothers!" Sheva tells him, Annabelle nods in agreement. Chris nods at her then looks ahead. "Hang on!" he tells them and they looked back ahead. A wooden ramp, he went right for. He jumps the ramp, soaring over the water and lands back on the surface, and speeds away.


Arrive towards a dock, Chris slows the speed boat to a stop next to the dock, then Sheva and Annabelle step out of the boat, followed by Chris. They stride onto the docks, keeping aware of the front gate into the village, it was all still around them.

They looked around, seeing no soul in sight. "It's too quiet," Annabelle mutters as she looks around the area. Chris spots a body of a BSAA member of the African branch. He kneels next to it, examining the body as Annabelle spots a broken off stone tablet. "Interesting," she mutters and pockets it as Chris picks up a report of the Soldier's body.

The corpse of a BSAA Agent. It such a tragedy... his PDA has an unsent message.

Schedule Report

From the evidence gathered thus far, it would appear that most of Delta Team was wiped out between the time they requested backup and the time we reached the area.

One of their beacons was still transmitting an active signal, so we moved to intercept due to the possibility of survivors.

While en route the beacon's transmission ceased. Judging by the last transmission the beacon should be just ahead of our current position.

There is a sealed door currently blocking our route, so infiltration may prove difficult.

End report.

Chris stood up and turns to the others, "Nothing here, let's move on." he tells them, they both nodded at him and they walk back onto the dock and quickly step onto the speed boat as Chris took the driver seat. He started up the speedboat and he headed down the river. "Chris, the powerlines." Annabelle calls out, Chris just looks up, seeing the powerlines, "They must lead somewhere. A powerhouse, perhaps?" she asks them, "Only, one way to find out." Sheva states.

Then Chris execrates the motor and speeds faster down the river. Staying under the powerlines, Annabelle looks over, seeing they were close to the edge of a village. Sheva looks ahead and saw the incoming docks in front of the village. Chris pulls back and the speed boat began to slow in its ascendance and came to a stop next to the dock. Sheva hops onto the dock, Annabelle steps up as Sheva pulls Chris onto the dock.

Their arms at the ready as they shuffled into the front of the closed-off village and look around, seeing no one in sight, but Chris shuffles to the side, spotting a map of all the slates locations. He added to this own and turns to the others. "We're done here," he tells them. They both nodded and hurried back to the boat. Sheva jumps in first, followed by Annabelle and Chris.

They took their seats and Chris gently push the stick forward. Speeding away from the village. Sheva looks down at the map, showing Annabelle and they journey from one port to another, collecting the slates that were located on the map. But even found spots where treasure and weapons that were not on the map.

Stopping at a dock, they hoped of the speed boat and shuffled onto the land and hurried along the pathway, leading them further inland. Annabelle looks back down at the map, seeing they were close. "Almost there," she assures them and they step into a little home that looked abandoned for years. They looked around, collecting money and treasure with ammunition. Sheva looks up as something shiny got her attention. "I see something up there," she calls out and Annabelle hurries next to her and looks up as well. "Give me a lift?" Sheva asks her. Annabelle nods and held her hands ready. Sheva steps a foot in and Annabelle raises her up and threw her into the watchtower.

She then steps away and stood next to Chris as Sheva collects the shard of a Shaman slate, she then jumps down and stood in front of them. But then angry cries of the Infected villagers get their attention, "Well, we certainly pissed them off!" Annabelle states as she turns to the villagers as they were charging at them. She then pulls her sword out and flash-steps at the villagers. "They're all infected!" Chris states as Annabelle cuts down the infected clearing a path for them "How could someone do this to them?" Sheva questions as she and Chris hurried after her.

Annabelle dodges the thrust of a warrior's spear, then she slides her foot in a forward circular side, twisting under the spear, gripping the body of it, standing on the side and pulls her leg up and slams her foot right into the side of the villager's head, snapping his neck in the process.

She then took the spear as she twists her body in the motion, standing back on her foot, then twirls the spear into her hands and slams the blade right into the forehead of a villager, digging it deep in. Chris and Sheva ran along the bloodied path, firing at the villagers, hitting them right in the head.

Annabelle raised her leg right up and slams it onto the spear, breaking off the blade, then she pulls back and slams her blade right into the gut of an infected villager behind her. She looks back, seeing it growling at her, but she twirls, ripping her blade right out and severs its head right off. She then blocks an incoming swing next to her, then flips right over, landing on top, and slams her blade right through the head.

Then she flips off, as the villager fell to its knees and she turns to him, griping her hilt and rips her blade right out, Chris and Sheva kept running. Annabelle then Spartan throws the stick and it rams through three of the Infected, she then pulls out a grenade, biting onto the pin, ripping it out and tosses it to the incoming Infected and took off running.

Many of the infected were caught in the blast, throwing the others off as the three agents ran to the dock, jumping onto the speedboat and Chris took off, leaving the village behind. The three were panting as they made their daring escape. But then Sheva looks behind them, seeing some were speeding after them, "Oh, come on!" she snaps as she stood up and fired at the incoming speedboats.

Annabelle looks back, seeing them as well, she pulls out her sniper and fired at the motor fan, making them explode. She took out the last one and it sinks to the bottom. Sheva exhales as she sat down and Annabelle places her sniper away. "We should be good now," she states as she sat down. "I'm glad you're on our side." Sheva states.

Annabelle looks at her, smiling then nodded. "That makes two of us," she states, Chris smiles as he leans against his leg. "Three of us," he states, they both looked back at him and smiled at him. Sheva looks away as Chris looks at Annabelle, she nods at him in gratitude then turns her attention to her blade and cleans it off.

Chris leans back and looks head seeing they were coming up to another dock and he slows down next to it, they step off and carefully steps into a drowned village. "Look like we have to go this way," Sheva states Annabelle places her sword away and nods in agreement. "Seems so," she states, as they step into the river they march through the water, slowing down of the heavy.

But something lurks in the water, slithering closer towards them, Annabelle flicks her eyes to the side, sensing that something. "We're not alone," she states, Chris and Sheva kept their guns ready for any surprises. "Head to the house, we might find something underneath it," she informs them.

The two nodded at her and they began marching there, as they pass the boat, the water ripples, making Annabelle stop as she looks over her shoulder. Then she turns as something jumps out at her, opening its white massive undead crocodile, Chris, Sheva, and Annabelle turns to it, seeing the jaw, and braced herself as they both slam into the water.

With the massive splashing behind them, Chris and Sheva stumble back as they brace themselves against the wave, getting drenched, once it was calm, the two looked back, wiping the water from their eyes and spitting it out. Once they could breath and talk, they looked back seeing Annabelle was gone. Chris marches forward, looking around. "Annabelle?!" Chris calls out to her.

It was quiet. Silent as they looked around the drowned village, but then the crocodile burst through the water, getting their attention. The crocodile roars as Annabelle held tightly onto the back of the crocodile with her combat blade stabbed into its thick back as it struggles. Chris and Sheva aim their guns right at the crocodile, firing at the head. Annabelle pulls her knife back and stabs it right back into the head, making the crocodile roar out in pain.

Chris quickly reloads and fires back at the crocodile, getting it right in the eye, it reels back, shaking its head from the surprise attack, Sheva kept firing at the crocodile. Trying to take it out, but then Annabelle pulls her knife away, placing it back in its sheath, then pulls out her blade, shaking its head roughly, it reels it back up, throwing Annabelle into the air and she reels her sword over her head. As she fell back down, she slices the crocodile's head right off.

It drops dead in the water, headless as Annabelle lands in the water, soaking wet, panting as she looks down at the dead crocodile, spitting out the water, and turns to the others as they lowered their guns. "You okay?" Chris asks her, she exhales ad places her sword away. "I hate the viruses," she mutters. Chris chuckles at her as she wipes the water off her face and eyes. "Well, at least you got it." Sheva states, Annabelle looks back at the body and shrugs. "Just another to add to the books," she states.

Then marches towards them, "Let's get back to searching for these slates before something else tries and eats us... again." she states, Sheva nods at her as they continue with their search. Finding only jewels and ammo for their weapons. And a shard of a slate. "Let's go," Chris tells them and they hurried back down the path and onto the dock, jumping into the boat and they speed away.

After exploring the lake of the marshlands, fighting off the undead, and collecting the shards of the slates they speed down the lake returning to the locked gate. They stood in front of it, then pulled out the slate shards they collected around the lake, returning back to the main dock of the quarantined area.

Standing in front of the locked door, they placed the shards inside the slot, creating a stone slate. Unlocking the door and they stepped through.

Stepping onto what was left of a walkway, Chris jumps into the muddy waters and marches through them, with Sheva and Annabelle right behind him, but as they did so. Some explosion went off, alerting to hostiles close by. They march up the stepping, out of the water.

Then hurried along the path the lead them into a village. They kept coming until they ran into some infected villagers. They aimed and open fire onto the enemy, taking them out one by one. Once they were down, they hurried down the path, keeping an eye open for anything.

They were able to search the villager and found useful ammo for their journey and herbs along with a new arsenal. They make it to the top of the village and Chris steps over towards the crank and began turning the wheel. "You're taking the crank? OK. I'll head for the bridge." Sheva informs them and walks towards the bridge. "I'll cover you," Annabelle said as she ran to the rail and aims her gun, ready for anything. Sheva ran back down, running across the bridge towards the door, unlocking it, and hurried inside.

Chris releases the crank and steps away, Annabelle pulls her gun away as she steps back with Chris and they step towards the door. They headed inside the village and hurried down the steps.

They hurried around the small area, searching and collecting items, then headed back up the stairs and did the same as well.

But Annabelle stops as she spotted an open diary of one of the children that lived here. "Guys, over here," she calls out, picking up the book. "From one of the villagers," she states, they looked over her shoulder and read over the words.

April 5

A man who said he was foremen of the oil plant came to visit us today. He said he wants to inoculate everyone living near the oil field against some kind of disease.

In my parents' generation, they tricked our people and stole the land to turn it into their oil field. They must feel guilty about that because they are always trying to help our village now.

When we wouldn't get across the swamp, they built a gondola on a rope for us.

Sometimes they'll give us alcohol from foreign countries. This medicine is probably something like that.

Everyone in our village is glad to receive this medicine, but I don't want it. I don't have a reason for not getting it, I just didn't like the way the foreman looks, that's all.

April 8

Everyone went to the oil field to get this inoculation. The village is usually never this quiet. The only thing to do is sleep.

April 9

I slept too much during the day, so I couldn't sleep at night, and it was noisy outside. Everyone was talking with serious voices in the middle of the village. All of the children in the village had come down with a fever.

The mothers all drew water to cool their bodies, but it didn't help. By the next morning, they were all dead.

In the morning our leader went to the oil field. He wanted to know if this medicine they were given killed the children.

When he came back to the village, he said the children all died because of the disease. He told everyone that they needed to go back for more shots. I didn't want to, but everyone in the village was worried about catching the disease. They forced me to go with them and get the shots.

April 10

People are fighting in the village. All the men are very angry. It might be because all the children died, but I think it's something else.

The women just sit around and don't move, I wonder if the disease is spreading?

April 11

I couldn't sit still today. It felt like something was moving around inside me.

Outside I saw a man who looked strange. He was naked and had a weapon. His entire body was covered in war paint. It wasn't even festival day.

I tried to talk to him, but when he turned around, I saw his face...

He didn't even look human!

What is happening to the people of my village!?

April 12

The screaming has not stopped since yesterday. The men are all dressed like our ancestors and fighting each other. Most of the women have died.

April 13

Head hurts. Fever... feel angry.

Saw a big man outside the window. Very tall.

Must be vision

April 14

Feel good...

Screams... stop...

Looks fun...

Want to... kill...

Closing the dairy, Annabelle looks away in disgust, "They were all infected with the virus disguised as some medicine. It killed all the children. Slowly deteriorated all the women's minds. And broke the men, making them incredibly violent. An old tactic Umbrella always used." Annabelle mutters to herself, rubbing her hand over her face in irritation as she remembers such a tactic. Chris just looks at her "You okay?" he asks her. She exhales, pulling her hand, and grips her gun then turns to him. "No... I'm not. But I'm still breathing." she answers.

He nods at her and looks at Sheva, "Let's go." he tells them, they both nodded at him, leaving the room and they walk up a ramp, leading them to a cargo lift, they step onto it and it leads them away, leaving the Marshlands.

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