My Beloved Fake Wife -Nalu AU

By _thefairytailnalu_

531K 16.3K 13K

Famous actor, Natsu Dragneel, hosts auditions. But for what actually? He needs a fake wife to come with him o... More

Chapter 2 Meet the Family
Chapter 3 First Kissu
Chapter 4 Sightseeing
Chapter 5 The Bachelors
Chapter 6 The Bachelorettes
Chapter 7 First Time
Chapter 8 Damsel in Distress
Chapter 9 Say Yes to the Dress
Chapter 10 Farewell Contract
Chapter 11 Farewell Lucy
Chapter 12 Movies and Popcorn (REVISED)
Chapter 13 Acting Gig
Chapter 14 Guest Star
Chapter 15 Layla's Funeral
Chapter 16 Drunk Lucy
Chapter 17 Meet the Celebs
Chapter 18 Going Separate Ways
Chapter 19 Shoobeedobop Premiere
Chapter 20 Heartbreak
Chapter 21 Igneel and Natsu
Chapter 22 Lonely Lucy
Chapter 23 Do Over
Chapter 24 Mischief
Chapter 25 Paparazzi Buzz
Chapter 26 Couture
Chapter 27 Lucy's Premiere
Chapter 28 Le Afterparty
Chapter 29 Meet the Heartfilias
Chapter 30 Friendship Anniversary
Chapter 31 Natsu's Premiere
Chapter 32 Sunset
Chapter 33 Runaway Duo
Chapter 34 Happy Daddy and Gus's Girl
Chapter 35 Couple Wars
Chapter 36 First Day of Filming
Chapter 37 ILWAD Premiere
Chapter 38 Off to Paris
Chapter 39 Rolling Through Paris
Chapter 40 Magnolia Movie Awards
Chapter 41 Preparations, Bridal Shower, and Kittens
Chapter 42 Wedding Bells and Honeymoon

Chapter 1 You're Hired

37.2K 694 1K
By _thefairytailnalu_

(Natsu's POV)
"Hello?" I picked up my phone. I was laying on my lounge chair, getting a tan at my mansion. Though it isn't really that big. Anyways...
"Oi, Natsu! Your uncle's weddin' is next week, and you're his best man!" Yes, this was Igneel's voice.

"Huh?! Again? How many women does he mess with?"

"I dunno! But you gotta come here, son! The best man is always there. Oh and I would love to meet that sweet wife of yours you mentioned that one time." Igneel chuckled at that last sentence. Wife? Huh, I don't have a wife!

"Oi, Pops-" he hung up on me. "Wife..." I mumbled,"When did I mention having a wife?"

Igneel, Natsu, and the rest of the Dragneel family were at a banquet, eating till' their hearts content.
"Hey, Natsu," Igneel talked with food in his mouth to start up a conversation,"Don't you have someone special back at Magnolia? You're constantly visiting me but you're always on that phone of yours."
"Ah, yes!" Natsu smirked,"I actually do have a wife back home. I always gotta check up on her, ya know?" This was a complete lie. The real reason he's on his phone a lot is to schedule some meetings for some acting businesses, but he wants to keep it a secret to surprise Igneel one day. (But now he already knows.)
"Ooh~! How's she like?"
"She's flawless. Her smile is to die for, she has the best sparkling eyes, smooth skin, and she has the perfect hour-glass body. Plus she has an amazing personality." Natsu thought of his ideal wife in his head.
"She sounds perfect for you. Ya know what, I wanna meet her someday."
"I'll try to work somethin out. You know how I'm always so busy, Pops."

I facepalmed myself,"Damn I'm such an idiot. Why did I lie like that?" Now I gotta hire a fake wife to bring, cause Pops hates it when I lie. Ugh damn this is going to take so much time. I called up my agent, Gus. "Do I have any acting jobs or meetings scheduled this week?"

"Great. Do you think I can hold some auditions for a little something something?"

"And what is this something something?"

"I need a fake wife to bring at my uncle's wedding."

"Then don't go to the wedding."

"I can't. I'm the best man."

I heard Gus sigh,"Damn. Well let me get the auditions set up. We need to act like this is a screenplay or a commercial, though."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Let's meet up for the details. I need to find one ASAP."

~The next day~
(Lucy's POV)
"Oh my gosh! Did you hear THE Natsu Dragneel is holding auditions, and everyone can participate!" I heard girls throughout the whole street talking about it. My ears popped out like a dog. Auditions?! For something really huge with THE FAMOUS NATSU DRAGNEEL?! Oh my gosh- THIS IS MY CHANCE! I ran towards the studios that Natsu works at, and how do I know, actually?

My dream since like- forever was to become an actress. I would use the money to help my ill mother. And I've always wanted to work in the same studios that Natsu Dragneel works at, mostly every 5 star actors/actresses work there, it was my top goal. That studio name was Fairy Tail.

I smiled brightly as the building began to get bigger in my vision, but I suddenly stopped walking. There was a huge crowd covering the outline of the whole studio. And it was a crowd of girls, people like me. I sighed, there's no way they'll be able to get through all those girls in one day. I turned around, shoulders slumped forward as I walked back to my apartment.
I arrived at my apartment, and looked in the mail. "Eh?" my lips formed an 'o' as I saw a mini-packet in my mailbox. I took it out and read the top. "'You're the One: Script' Huh? Is this the movie that Natsu Dragneel is holding auditions for?" My eyes widened at the realization, I squealed,"EEE!! How did they know I wanted to audition?" I then looked at the other glass mail compartments, I saw the same packet in there, too. "Hm....They probably wanted all the women in Magnolia to audition? That'll be tough going through them all." I mumbled to myself.

Immediately going over the script, I took off my shoes and sat on the bed. The movie is about two best friends falling in love. I skimmed it over until I found my favorite scene.
Scene 21
(Brandon- Natsu Dragneel Elaina- ?)
Brandon sits on his couch in his apartment. Looking over old pictures of Eliana and him, he sighs, smiling. Eliana suddenly knocks on the door.
Elaina: Brandon..?
Brandon: *hides pictures* Yeah, come in!
Elaina: *comes in* Hey *smiles and sits down next to Brandon
Brandon: Hey. *looks away*
Elaina: Is there something wrong? You've been ignoring my calls all day. *frowns*
Brandon: There's was just something in my mind..
Elaina: What? Is it something bad?
Brandon: *shakes head*
Elaina: *takes Brandon's hands, and they look at each other in the eye* You can tell me. We're friends, right?
Brandon: That's the problem... *turns away* *mumbles* I want to be more than friends.
Elaina: Huh? What did you say? *gets closer to Brandon to hear better*
Brandon: *gives Elaina a peck on the lips.
Elaina suddenly kisses back* *pulls away* I want to be more than friends Elaina, I've just been to shy to tell you that.
Elaina: Brandon... *caresses Brandon's cheek* Same here. *smiles*
The two lean in for another kiss, this time, it's longer.
It's written better than the other scenes, to be honest. I should use that as my audition. I turned to the last page. "'You are number 6,666. Your audition is scheduled on Friday.'" I read,"Huh?! Friday is the last day for auditions!" I slammed my face into my pillow. "There's no way I can wait till then." I mumbled to myself as I realized today was Sunday.
(Natsu's POV)
I sat at a table that was covered in blue tablecloth, and it held papers of all the girls auditions. I smirked,"Damn. 6,666 girls are comin' in." The door opened and my agent, Gus, came in with a smile on his face, his black hair jumped a little.

"My man," we did a little high-five & hug with a pat on the back,"Ready?"

"Yup," I smirked back. A girl came in, a paper on her shirt was numbered, 1, and she stood in the middle of the room. She had a big smile on her face I looked at my checklist: flawless, attractive smile, sparking eyes, smooth skin, hour-glass body, amazing personality. I then studied the girl. She has brown hair in a ponytail, small eyes, missing teeth- "Next!" I yelled.

"What?" the girl frowned.

"You heard the boss. Out." Gus shooed her. I shook my head, this is gonna take a while.
~The 5 days later~
I sat down at the table again. No luck, and today's the last day till auditions. They all don't fit the checklist.

I heard Gus sigh,"Man. I should have attended my parent's baby shower instead of doing this."

"You could've gotten nicer clothes, too." I smirked, teasing him and his fashion sense.

"Heh," Gus fake laughed as he walked to the door, opening it for the first girl of the day.

"Ha." I muttered back. Anyways, I looked back how many girls will audition today. Woah, only 2.
(Lucy's POV)
You can do this Lucy! My legs twitched as I sat on a chair, waiting for my turn to audition. I was wearing my best white blouse, a blue mini-skirt, and white flats with a ribbon on it. That's weird though, only me and one other girl showed up today. Maybe we're the last ones? Eh.

"Number 6,665!" A black haired young adult popped up, dressed in a dark blue blazer and tie. The girl who sat next to me stood up and walked.

"Good luck," I called out. I bit my lip as I noticed I'm next. I practiced the scenes this whole week! I should definitely get in! My eyes widened as I saw number 6,665 run out the room in tears. I watched her run, did they not accept her? Oh no..... I clenched the script in my hands.

"Number 6,666!" The black haired guy with brown eyes called out. I made my way there, and the guy's smile he gave me and shaking his hand before I walked in made my nervousness go away. I stopped in the middle of the room, grinning while I eyed THE Natsu Dragneel sitting before me. He wore a black suit with a red tie.

"Lucy Heartifila, right?" Natsu...formed a little smirk.

I nodded,"It's really a pleasure to meet you!" I clapped my hands without making any noise and bowed. Now standing up, I hesitated to say my lines. Lucy! You've prepared all week for this! Just- say your lines!
(Natsu's POV)
Attractive smile, check. Sparkling eyes, check.
Gus went and whispered,"She has soft skin." I nodded and smirked more. Soft skin, check. I studied her as her face was buried in the fake script. Hour-glass body, check. Woah, she's gotta be it.

"You don't wear any makeup, do you?" I interrupted her going over her fake lines. She looked up, her sparkling brown eyes met mine, and I can clearly see that flawless face.
"Nope. I don't have time for that." She started frowning,"Will that effect my chances of getting in?" Yet that constipated face was still flawless.

"No, not at all! I was just wondering." I smiled,"I never thought pretty women like you exist." She had no extra hair on her face, no blemishes, no acne, no pimples, and she doesn't even wear any makeup! That's pure flawlessness - check. All I need is the amazing personality. How do I know.... I whispered to Gus about it, and he gave himself a cut. Woah, I didn't want him to do it like that but...

"Are you okay?" Lucy went and checked his finger,"You're drawing out blood!" Gus sucked the excess blood, and Lucy ripped a piece of her white blouse to bandage it. "Be careful next time, okay?" She patted his shoulder and Lucy stood back in the middle of the room. That blouse of hers was really nice! And she ripped it for the sake of someone's injury. Great personality, check.
(Lucy's POV)
I took a deep breath.


"You're in." Natsu interrupted.

"Huh?" I said out loud, but WHAT?! I didn't even finish my audition!

Natsu stood up from his chair, and he held my hands, I stared into his eyes as he stared into mine,"My agent and I agree to choose you, Miss Heartifila." he smiled. My mouth was opened a little, what- how? I got the job...I GOT THE-! My thought bubble popped when I felt something tight wrap around my wrists. I looked down, huh? Natsu's agent started tying my wrists together with a rope.

"What the- kyah!" I was now on Natsu's shoulder. I blinked twice, to see if this was actually real. But it wasn't a dream. Natsu started walking outside the studios. Where the hell is he taking me?

"What are you-"

"I'll explain later," Natsu interrupted me again. I looked where we were heading, and we were entering his private jet. Okay, now I'm really confused. This escalated quickly. Natsu placed me on a seat, and placed on the seatbelt for me.
"Can you explain yourself now?" I raised a brow.

"Only if you promise not to run away." He said, sitting in the seat in front of me. I looked out the window, we're about to take off.

"I don't want to die by jumping off a flying private jet so, I promise."

"Good," Natsu untied the rope. I stretched out my hands to get the circulation functioning again. He then slid a piece of paper and a pen in front of me, it was a contract.

"So, I need a fake wife to show to my family," Natsu explained as I read the contract. I look up at him, pulling an 'are you serious' look. This whole movie was just a set-up.

"You could've asked another actress. They're better than an amateur person like me." I looked back at the contract.

"True, but those actresses couldn't fit this." Natsu slid another paper in front of me. It was a checklist, of what he wanted in a fake wife. That's...very needy of him.

"Remember, you checked off all the boxes." Natsu mentioned before I could say anything. I did, didn't I? But that still makes can I describe this... I can't tell if this is a good thing or a bad thing..? I skimmed over the contract, it states exactly what he just said to me, but in larger sentences. The last sentence was in bold, capital letters. 'YOU MAY NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH NATSU DRAGNEEL, AND NATSU DRAGNEEL MAY NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU. THIS IS JUST AN ACT.' Right it is, but I have no love interest in Natsu Dragneel.

"If you help me, look at how much money you'll get." I looked at the bottom. It stated a large number. Woah...

"It'll be enough to help my parents," I mumbled to myself. Then I looked back up at him,"But I also want something else."

"Anything to make you accept!"

"I want to be an actress, working at Fairy Tail studios. Do you think you can make that happen?"

Natsu gave me the most convincing smile ever,"Of course I can!"

I picked up the pen,"Thank you, I will gladly sign this contract." I signed my signature on the blank line.

"It's nice doing business with you." We shook hands. As the private jet started to move, Natsu suddenly felt uneasy.

"Do you have motion sickness?" I handed him a nearby throw up bag. He nodded as he took the bag. I rubbed his back,"It'll be over soon. Just hang in there."

"T-thank y-you." Natsu mumbled, and he went all face-desk on the table between us.
"That doesn't look comfortable," I got up, and sat next to him,"You won't feel better afterwards."

He rose up, and he snuggled his head on my shoulder,"Yeah. This is way better. But don't get mad if I throw up on you."

I laughed,"I can't make any promises."

(Natsu's POV)
Even though we just met, her personality so far is quite amazing. Her laugh is attractive as well. I'm really glad I waited till last-minute. But her body heat is really warm...It helped me fall asleep.
(3rd person/Normal POV)
As the private jet landed in Capital Crocus, Gus went to go check up on the two, but he found Natsu leaning on Lucy's shoulder, and Lucy leaning on him as well.

He sighed, smiling,"Maybe they'll get even closer than I thought." Then he shook Natsu, to make him wake up. "Oi, wake up, we're here!" Gus said in Natsu's ear. Natsu rose up, making the sleeping Lucy next to him lean on his shoulder. He slowly blinked, and Gus waved his hands in his eyes,"We're here." Natsu nodded, and looked at Lucy. She was sleeping peacefully, like an angel.

Natsu then shook her,"Hey, wake up." Lucy slowly rose her head, opening her eyes.

"Anyways," Gus sat in front of them,"We need to go over this 'act.'" Lucy nodded as she was now wide-awake.

"Hm...think of this as improv. Lucy, we already have you your part. You just need to act the part."

"I think I can manage to improv this whole scenario," Lucy took a deep breath, closing her eyes. After releasing the air, her eyes shot open, and she gave Natsu the most sweetest smile,"Honey, what would you like for dinner?" She said in a cheerful-like tone.

Gus rubbed his chin,"That's the typical housewife. What about an aggressive type?"

Lucy nodded, and she slammed the table in front of us,"What did I tell you about flirting with other women?! You MARRIED ME." she got all up in Natsu's face,"Don't even think about doing it again," she roared. Natsu was horrified, yet satisfied at how pretty she still was when she was angry.

Gus clapped,"Great. That's what a typical married couple would do. But since this is in front of Natsu's family, you two need to act sweet to each other."

"Like those cheesy romantic movies?" Lucy suddenly turned into her normal self.
Gus nodded,"That's all I need to say. Now let's go." Michael already headed towards the exit. Lucy stood up, and walked towards the exit as well. She felt a warm hand grab her wrist, she turned, and it was Natsu. She looked confused, why is he doing this right now?

"We need to act like we're married even if my family isn't watching. So um....let's walk together." Natsu then intwined his hands with Lucy's.

(Lucy's POV)
Why am I blushing?! This is all just improv, right? S-so I closed our intwined fingers, and we headed out the private jet.

"You also need to look the part," Natsu lead me to the city without his agent.

"So you're saying I look like odd being paired up with you?" I raised a brow.

"No, it's just...that skirt just screams 'I'm single.'" We passed by a guy, and Natsu watched him walk away.

"Huh?" I looked back.

"He was staring at your ass. See what I mean?" Natsu frowned.

"But it's not like I'm really married to you or something." I looked away.

"What happened to the improv, Lucy?" Natsu shook his head,"I need to teach you a few things when we get to the hotel." Natsu let go of my hand to open the door of a clothing store for me. I walked inside, and a ton of amazing clothes that were my style displayed neatly before my eyes. My eyes shinned, and I looked at Natsu like a kid wanting to go on the playground with his parent's permission. He smiled,"Go ahead, buy whatever you want. I'll pay."

"Really!?" I went and bear hugged him,"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"We don't have all day," Natsu laughed a little.

"Ah- y-yeah!" I broke the hug and went to go try some things on. My face started flushing with red,'I have no love interest in Natsu Dragneel! This is just an act!' I repeated over and over again in my head but lost my train of thought as I came across some clothes that caught my eye.

(Natsu's POV)
"Natsu Dragneel! What are you doing here in Capital Crocus?!" The cashier squealed.

"Just to attend some family business, and buying my wife the appropriate attire for it." I replied with a tiny smile.

"No, no! Whatever you buy will be free, Mr. Dragneel!" The cashier nodded with a tiny smile, not showing her teeth.

"Natsu!" I heard Lucy's voice from the changing room. I quickly got over there, and Lucy was hiding in the changing room.

"The zipper got stuck..." she said in a low tone.

"Let me help you," I got in the changing room, and I caught her trying to zip up the back of a dress.

"Idiot, you can't zip that yourself." I went ahead and go zip it for her.

"Well I didn't want you to see me changing!" I saw Lucy frowning in the mirror in front of us.

"Why can't I? We're married, right?" She frowned more.

"Don't pull that card on me," she turned to face me, where I can now see her angry expression up close.

"You're really something," I smirked.

Her frown slowly disappeared. "S-shut up. Just tell me if this looks good," Lucy turned back to the mirror.

"Anything looks good on you, sweetie~" I hugged her from the back, realizing the cashier is right outside. She was about to burst until I whispered,"We're being watched."

She nodded, and smiled,"Aw...thanks. But I don't want to be too revealing, you know? You're the only one I belong too." I smiled, she was a convincing actress. And hearing that made my heart skip a beat. Oh- right! I took out two rings and placed one on her right ring finger, she completely understood why I was doing so, so she kept quiet.

"Can you unzip it now?"

"Yeah," I went ahead and unzipped it, seeing her smooth, flawless skin. I shook my head to get rid of the thought.

"Go ahead and try those others on. Hurry before I change for you~" I smirked as I went outside, seeing the cashier acting all casual and innocent. As suspected, she was listening to our conversation. I sat on a chair near the fitting room, waiting for Lucy to get done.

"You two are actually cute together. I can ship it!" The cashier complimented.

"Haha...yeah," I scratched my head, smiling. Lucy came out, dressed in the same clothes as before, and holding the clothes that she would like to buy.

"I would love to get these please." Lucy smiled.

"Ah yes, but it's on the house!"

"Really? Thank you so much!" Lucy hugged her.

"No problem at all!" The cashier hugged her back. I sighed, smiling, Lucy is pretty something, I can't describe it. We walked out of the store, me holding her bags while we held hands.
We arrived at a hotel, and I started to sign in. The clerk didn't say anything, she just gladly signed me in one of the best rooms.

"Let's go, Lucy." I called and we both went inside the elevator.

"This doesn't effect your motion sickness?" She asked. Mentioning that word even made me feel sick.

"It does, but I don't want to walk 100 flights of stairs." I leaned on the walls of the elevator, and the elevator started moving. I started to feel light-headed and it looked as if the world was spinning around. Then I heard a ding.

"We're here," Lucy grabbed my arm, wrapped it around her shoulder, and lead us out.

"T-thanks..." I mumbled as I gave her the hotel key. She lead us into our room, and I sat on the bed.

"One bed..." Lucy mumbled to herself as she examined the hotel room. I felt better now, and stood up to examine the room with her.

"These fake wedding rings really do something," I looked at my ring finger with the fake silver ring on it. "Anyways," I started before she could say anything,"We need to practice acting, so we can convince witnesses that we're not faking it." I walked closer to her.

"What are you implying?" She walked backwards and I kept walking towards her.

"Have you ever," she stopped as a wall stopped her from walking. I leaned over her with my arm, holding the space between us,"Had your first kiss before?" She shook her head. "I'm surprised, how can nobody touch those pretty lips of yours?" I held her chin.

Her cheeks started turning red,"W-why do we need to practice this, anyways?"

"You want to become an actress, right? You'll always have to kiss your co-stars at least once. And who's my co-star in this case? You~" I slurred, smirking. Wait, what am I doing?! I can't do states that in the contract! I backed up, facepalming myself.

"Dammit. Sorry, I felt like your lips were calling for me." I sat back on the bed, covering my hands with my face.

"'s okay," I heard her voice say,"But you were right about what you said. So don't be sorry..."

"You're so kind," I looked up and met her shiny brown eyes,"I wish I have a real wife like you."

"...Thanks." She smiled a little.

"Whoever ends up with you should be loyal, just saying," I sighed,"You can always call me whenever someone hurts you."

"But I don't have your number..." she said, taking out her phone. I took it and exchanged phone numbers myself.

"Now you do," I smiled as I handed her back her phone.

"Thanks again," she smiled as she held her phone close to her chest.

Quickly changing the subject, I got up,"I should go take a shower now. We have to head to my uncle's house for dinner." She nodded, and I went ahead and got in the shower.

(Lucy's POV) I rubbed my chin, where Natsu's hands touched. He almost kissed me...and I didn't think it was for 'practice.' I shoved my head in a nearby pillow. "I can't fall in love with Natsu Dragneel. I can't fall in love with Natsu Dragneel. This is just an act." I repeated.

[I wonder how Lucy's acting will effect the Dragneel family? Find out in the next chapter of My Beloved Fake Wife!]

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