His Beta of Submission

By YOLOwriting101

241K 7.5K 3.1K

"Be mine." I flinch, my mind being brought back to reality. When I hear him say such a thing it instantly ma... More

twenty one
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forty seven


8.1K 234 104
By YOLOwriting101

"Good morning!"

I saw Xavion grin down at me as I was walking down the hall that was supposed to lead me to the kitchens. At the moment I was...disturbed by his presence because he did such a thing to his brother.

I couldn't look or speak to him the same. The respect I had for him was all gone and I found it hard just to offer him any amount of decency.

"Yes." I nod, walking a little faster. Except that wasn't a problem for Xavion because he kept up just fine.

"You seem upset. What's wrong? Did Ezra do something?" He asks me as if he cared.

"Actually, Ezra has been great. Very kind and helpful, especially with Remi." I say honestly, seeing Xavion nod at my words. "Sorry, but don't you have work to do?"

Xavion stopped in his tracks, looking at me in shock. He almost looked offended by what I said even though that was a serious question. Though he started to chuckle and I began to feel a little...uncomfortable.

Especially when he just had an unsettled look in his eyes.

"You know, don't you?" He asks me, and I don't say anything. "That's just great."

I see him scoff, cursing under his breath as he ruffled his hair a bit. Saw him look back at me again and faced forward now. Could tell he was contemplating something and I hoped that 'something' wasn't...bad.

"You probably think I'm a horrible person, right? Want to join the train of hating Xavion Volek, yes?" He smiles at me, regaining his composure now. "I had my reasons, I don't regret it one bit-."

"You should!" I snap, and I saw Xavion look surprised by my outburst. "You stole your own flesh and blood's Mate! Don't you have any sympathy whatsoever? You broke his heart and he was rejected because of you... Doesn't that arise any type of regret or sense of guilt?"

I see him just look at me, only to shrug as he leaned against the wall. It seemed like he was thinking about the right thing to say to me. Or was he going to punish me for yelling?...imagine.

"It was either my way or no way. Our parents are dead - just in case you haven't realized that." He growls at me, and I knew he was emitting pheromones in anger just by his tone. Thank goodness I couldn't smell them as I look at him.

"That means absolutely nothing."

"It does! I don't care if I'm the enemy in his eyes. I rather him hate me than know what his Mate and who his Mate really was. I can easily handle his hatred, but Ezra isn't as strong as he think he is. If he knew about his Mate and...what they really were to do - he'd die from heartbreak before the rejection. He is quite weak and I did what I did to strengthen him, but also to protect him. I don't care what you think or what he told you - because I know the truth." Xavion sneers at me, walking close and in my space.

I back away from him, not really understanding what he was implying. There was a lot of missing pieces to the story and I could tell Xavion was saying Ezra's Mate just wasn't a good person.

For all I know that I could be the cover-up. Except at the same time...why lie about something like that?

"Are you implying that Ezra's Mate wasn't a good person...and you did this to help him?" I question him seriously, stepping one step closer so that he understood that I wanted to understand.

Xavion just looks at me, soon scoffing as he walks away from me. Now I was very curious...who was Ezra's Mate? It was evident that Xavion wouldn't tell me anymore beyond that point.

"W-wait!" I exclaim, and Xavion stops as he goes back to looking at me. "About Remi's tarantulas... Was that an act or are you really going to help me get them?" I ask him now, causing him to snort.

"You really want to get him those spiders...huh?" He seems to tease me, and I nod. "What kind of tarantula was it?"

"I'm not sure...I'd know once I see it though." I say simply. Xavion just sighs even though he was the one that initiated the buying of the new spider.

"I don't think it would be wise to come with me - especially if my brother just recently told you the story. I'd be cautious." He seems to suggest to me, and before I can respond I begin to hear him chuckle. "He's coming."

"How do you-?"

I saw Ezra turn the corner leading this way, seeing him look at us both. Except I nod for him to understand that I knew everything, and his annoyance calmed. Now he sighed a bit - walking towards us now.

Once he was beside me I saw him nod behind me.

"Were you going to...make those cookies for Remi?" He asks me and avoided looking at Xavion.

"Yes. Would you like to help me?"


"Ezra you can't." Xavion says, and I saw Ezra continue to grin at me. "Did you hear me-?"

"I'm ignoring you for a reason - get the damn hint." Ezra snaps at Xavion, and he snickers. "What's so funny? Do you get a kick out of seeing me upset?"

"Why are you upset?" Xavion seems to ask genuinely.

Except Ezra doesn't respond, he just grabs my hand and starts pulling me away from him. I knew their hate ran deep...at least for Ezra it did. Now I wondered who his Mate really was.

I have never heard anything on them.

As we walked on, I saw him glaring forward. Now I was curious as to why he was upset too.

"What's wrong?" I ask him as I sum up the courage, removing my hand from his. He looks at me before we enter the bustling kitchen and I saw his slight irritation.

"I have some...business deals to handle. Some of them involve me being away, and I don't want to leave you here with...him." Ezra cringed, looking disgusted just at the thought of me being alone with Xavion.

I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to tell him.

"I would...go with you-."

"Yes! Come with me - I was going to suggest that." Ezra nods as if he thought of the best thing in the world.

"But, I have Remi and I don't want to leave him here by himself with Xavion. Not that I think...he will do anything displeasing, but still." I state to him, and Ezra groaned.

"Why don't you...bring him with you?"

"Then where are you going? Say I was to bring Remi with me - which I'm not. If I were to, then where and what is this all about?" I question him, and he starts to groan like a child.

"I have business dealings. There's debts here and there that haven't been paid, there's also people that I have to make new deals with. I mean...it can get kind of dirty, but not too dirty. Oh! There's going to be a bidding on two wrestlers. Two of the best from these two organizations that owe me - whoever I bet on and another bets on...whoever loses gets the loser downed and the money-."

"This sounds horrible."

I saw Ezra frown in confusion as if I should've been understanding all of this. Except who and why would anyone bid on someone? It's like dog fighting, but stupider.

"It's not as bad as it sounds, listen." Ezra smirked at me, pulling out his phone as he showed me an image of a tall man, who also happened to be buff. The scar across his cheek was the most prominent thing. "This guy belongs to the opposing team. I could possibly get him because I am sending in one of my best. I have been wanting this man on my side for ages."

I saw him look at the screen in amazement. To see him so happy about such a sport was kind of disturbing.

"Side as in bodyguard?"

"Yeah. I have three already, but odd numbers make me uncomfortable. I am ready for this for sure." He sighs peacefully, only to soon go back to looking at me. "So...are you coming?"

I shook my head no, and he sneers.

"Why? It's in the contract - yes, contract! You have to come with me!" He exclaims, and I narrow my eyes on him. "You can't exactly say no. Either..."

I see him come towards me, wrapping his arm around my waist. He yanked me closer towards him and my hands stop on his chest to hold him back. Just for him to lean closer towards me and his lips rest on my cheek.

"I have sex with you for a whole day - no stopping whatsoever until I want to." Ezra whispers, and I don't say anything. "Or you can come with me and you can take your child. There's always your parents too, so...it's up to you."

Ezra pulls away from me, grinning down at me. Except I knew he would do something like this.

"If I come with you - will you pay me for doing so?" I question him, and he nodded.

"What about both?" He smirks at me, and I shook my head no. "Why not? That's quadruple the pay - if we're being honest here."

I just look at him, wondering if he was messing with me. His math was a little bad considering he'll only pay me twice.

"That doesn't make sense-."

"If you...act like you're in love with me when we do it and I am convinced - I will double the pay. I want to be able to feel like I am in a relationship with you. Let me feel the love." Ezra sighs happily, biting his lip even though I looked at him like he was crazy.

How am I going to 'act' like I'm in love with him? Love is something that I don't think can be acted out. Yet he's over here wanting me to act like we're lovers.

I feel like he has feelings for me. I still am curious about his used-to-be Mate, but I'm also wondering where he's met me before. At the same time there was also this thought that I was to have to pretend like I'm in a relationship with him.

When I haven't been in a good, healthy relationship...even before Remi was born!

"I would rather not lie to you." I say to him truthfully, and he looks at me oddly. "I'll go with you, okay? I just need to talk to my parents and see if they would like to see him for a bit. I can't be away from Remi for more than a five days though."

Ezra seems to nod in understanding, a condescending smirk accompanying his face randomly.

"I knew you would come."

"You threatened me with the reminder of the contract. I don't think I necessarily had a choice." I remind him, and he still didn't look like he believed me. Even though it was a fact because that's what happened.

"Either way, you're coming. It makes it all much more fun."

"For who, exactly?" I raise my eyebrows, causing him to rest his hand on his chest.

"For me, duh." He smiles brightly, and I snort. "We will be leaving here in two days, so you're informed. We'll only be gone for four days, so I'd pack at least...six outfits."

"Why six?" I ask him as he got a call randomly, and he answers it.

"Because, you'll see when you come."

Now he walks away from me, leaving me standing here in contemplation to his words. It bothered me the things I was possibly going to see. I'm not one for that much violence.

If I see anything I could possibly oppose - I'm leaving. Have to keep a clear and clean mind for Remi. He happens to be at preschool, so it makes things slightly easier.

I like to spend my time with him instead of anyone else. I'll...be sad that I won't be able to see him for some time. He's so precious to me...

Finally I go into the kitchen and saw people rushing around. Saw them cooking and even prepping for a next meal it seemed. It was awkward as I walked in and I saw one chef look at me.

They looked confused, but I went to them first.

"Is it okay if I make something here? Can I participate in any way?" I ask one of the chefs that looked like the most powerful figure in here.

"You're who, exactly?" She asks me, and I grin awkwardly.

"I am...Ezra's significant friend." I say awkwardly, and she frowns.

"A friend? I have never seen you in his circle of friends... Are you newly incorporated?" She asks me curiously, causing me to nod awkwardly. "You look a little softer than the usual of his friends. You're a Beta, right?"

I nod happily, and she smiles at me.

"I am too. You can cook down here, but I advice you not to please not interfere with the cooking processes." She tells me kindly, and I nod in understanding.

On her shirt tag before she turned I saw the name Celeste, informing me. Now I was happy to know there were kind people here. Not that Ezra wasn't kind...let me stop.

I still was curious about...his Mate though. I want to see who they are so that I could understand Xavion's motives. At the same time I just don't feel like something so kind and yet stupid could be done.

There could've been much better ways to handle it instead of stealing someone's Mate. I don't think I'll ever figure out Xavion's true motives. I'm curious as to why - of course! At the same time I don't want to be nosy.

With the trip I have to go with Ezra on...I need to talk to my parents. Hopefully they don't mind taking in Remi for a couple of days.


I flinch, looking as I saw a man rushing towards me. He grabbed my arm tightly and I was yanked towards him.

What was with people and them yanking me along?


"I know why you're here - you can't fool anyone!" He growls at me, and I become nervous. "I saw what Ezra did with you in the hall. You two are more than friends - you lied! No friend suggests sex in such a normal manner..."

I look at him awkwardly as he continued to glare at me. Being at a loss for words was the right thing to say, because I was. He saw what Ezra did - and heard him?

"What relationship do you two even have anyway?! Are you his slut or something?" He snaps at me, and before I could even get a word out he shushes me. "You can't even deny it because I saw and heard a lot. I'm telling the Head Alpha!"

I flinch, seeing him beginning to rush out and I became fearful. Not because he was ratting me out or any of that, but because I didn't want him of all people knowing.

"Wait!" I cry after him, running after him. I saw him practically sprinting away and I became even more afraid. Even though I was running as fast I could I couldn't beat him to it when he entered what appeared to be Xavion's meeting room.

There were people inside when the chef slammed his hands on the table. I tried catching my breath now, looking on fearfully when the man pointed at me.

"Head Alpha, I apologize for the interruption; but this man right here is a prostitute! He is here for your brother's desires and is absolutely not fit to be here, sir! I tell you this so that he doesn't do anything." The chef told him now, and I saw Xavion look at me now.

I knew my face was burning up because there were other people here. The way some looked at me was making me uncomfortable and I felt sick.

"Wait, your brother is in business dealings with prostitutes? Isn't he a Beta?" Some random guy asks Xavion, and he doesn't respond.

"Xavion, isn't Ezra about to be going on a trip revolving around the plans we're handling now? Then we find this out?"

"Aren't prostitutes forbidden?"

"Why a Beta though?"

I could hear the questions bustling around and I lowered my head. This was too much shame to handle all at once.

"Head Alpha, I wanted to just inform-."

"You've informed enough, go." I hear Xavion snap, and I look up. I saw him glaring at the chef as he rushed around the table now. Before he could even get to him he was already bolting off, but not before he looked at me with disgust.

Now it was awkward as I stood here... Xavion glances at me, looking at me differently. He took a deep breath when he faced me completely. A look of hurt crossing his features.

Saw everyone in the room start gagging, almost as if they were smelling something nauseating. I knew it was Xavion's pheromones because Ezra seemed to have the same type of pheromones.

Pheromones that bring pain and suffering.

"Theo." Xavion says my name, and I bow my head deeply.

"I'm so sor-."

"Is it true?"

I look up at him, actually seeing how mad he looked. Now I felt like his anger wasn't needed because we aren't close or have any type of relationship. It was...unprecedented.

"Theo is it true-?"

"Partially!" I exclaim, seeing Xavion's eyes widen. "I'm sorry, but you don't need to even care all that much. This all...is between Ezra and me."

Xavion looks over his shoulder at everyone, and I saw them watching. That's when he just rushes and grabs my upper arm. He begins to rush away from them while pulling me, and it became clear that we were going to Ezra.

Once we got to him he looked furious to see Xavion holding my arm like this.

"Xavion what the fuck are you doing?!" Ezra yells at him, and he gets up from his seat to grab me. Except Xavion pulls me me away at the last second and Ezra began to look infuriated.

"I know the truth! Are you making Theo your prostitute?" Xavion snaps at him a question.

Ezra eyed him with so much fury in his eyes, walking closer towards him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me away except Xavion still held onto my arm.

"Theo is no prostitute. It's more than that. It has nothing to do with you. Stop acting like you give two fucks about it!" Ezra shouts in his face.

"Ezra, it's wrong. This is an all-time low."

Ezra's eyes widened at him, and he started laughing. I found it hypocritical now that he would say something like that...considering what he's done.

Now I saw Xavion swallow a lump in throat suddenly, and his hand let go of my arm. He covered his nose and I could tell Ezra was releasing pheromones.

"From the person I hate the most, I don't want to hear anything about you saying who is doing wrong, ever. Nothing will ever surpass your actions, ever!" Ezra yells at him, and I saw Xavion start to glare at him.

It was as if they were having a battle with each other...with their pheromones. I saw outside the halls people succumbing to the scent. Even some crumbling to the ground.

When I look back at them I see Ezra looking afraid, his eyes lowered to the ground and Xavion glaring at him. I assumed at the moment that Xavion won...but I rather Ezra.

"Ezra I'm just trying to help you. Am I entirely wrong for saying this arrangement is wrong? What is this all even about?" Xavion questions him now, and Ezra seemed to be forcing himself to have a strong front.

Glaring at him, he scoffed; but it didn't seem genuine.

"Fuck you."

Ezra pulled out now and left Xavion. I looked and saw Xavion watching us leave. Even though he did seem to have some concern...something felt off about it...

I just can't put my finger on it.



Neither can I. 🤭

I can't put my finger on it either. 🤥

I mean, Xavion thinks he's helping. 😬

His way of doing so is interesting... 👁👄👁

If I'm being honest. 🥴

That chef guy... 😪

He's going to get fired. 😡

I already know it. 😤

Though for that trip their taking soon... 👀

It will be insane. 🙇🏽‍♀️

What'd you think? 🤔

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~ YOLO❤️

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