•𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖉𝖚𝖘𝖙 • Jaime Lan...

By He11oHowareYou

202K 6.3K 451

"𝐢𝐟 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥" Daenerys was not the only girl bor... More

❂New Casting❂
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4.9K 156 4
By He11oHowareYou

Rhena and Lyanna trecked their way up to the highest tower where the Mertell's were staying, trying to make up for lost time. Because of this, they weren't able to change from their riding clothes and fell into the room in a tangle of hair, smiles, and laughter. The women of Elia's court turned to the door as the two made their way in and stood in respect for the princess.

"Ah! Elia, I'm so sorry for being late, Lady Lyanna and I were caught up in our riding." She said with a bright smile. Elia smiled softly and inclined her head.

"No worries, we have just barely started Your Highness." She said in her sweet Dornish accent. The smooth words blended together in a way that Lyanna and Rhena had never heard before and they found themselves entranced by the soft voice of the visiting princess. A needle was in her hand and she gripped the yellow fabric of her house close to her, as if savoring the last moments she had as a Martell.

Rhena's mother sat next to the princess and was holding a cloak of her own. It was in the Targaryen red and Rhena came to the sound conclusion that it was to be Rhaegar's cloak which he would give Elia during the ceremony. "Mother." Rhena said, striding forward gracefully and giving her mother a kiss on the cheek. Queen Rhaella gave her daughter a look and Rhena looked back sheepishly. "I swear, we lost track of time. Rhaegar had to remind us." The women in the room giggled slightly at the mention of the name and sent looks to Elia who ignored them completely. And this is why Rhena preferred her time be spent with her sharp tongue handmaiden, Jaime, or Tyrion. They did not giggle at the simplest things, and they did not whisper secrets at court.

"Well," her mother said, her voice soothing all embarrassment and silencing the room. "Thank the gods he ran into you. Take a seat my dear." Rhena sat next to Elia in the seat that had been reserved for her. Lyanna remained standing, watching in slight wonder. This was surely her first southern wedding and the customs for the old gods were different. "Come now dear." The Queen said with a polite smile. "What is your name?" She asked, wanting to know who had been placed in her daughter's service.

"Lyanna Stark Your Grace." The girl said as she curtsied. Rhaella looked to Rhena in question and the girl straightened and faced her mother and the rest of the ladies.

"Lord Tywin thought that we could become great friends and he made the offer to her to become one of my ladies." They smiled at each other and Lyanna came to sit with the rest of the princess' and queen's ladies. "We went out riding this morning and I do believe that we can become good friends. In fact!" Everyone's attention was now on the princess who was the perfect picture of grace and wildness at the same time. "Would you and your family stay for the month, just until Jaime and I are married, you can get used to the life around here, and may even snag a proposal." She said with a mischievous glint in her eye.

Lyanna laughed, and those around her thought it to be bells. "I would love to," She said merrily. "Though I may have to turn down that marriage proposal, I fear my father has already made a match for me." so it was true. Rhena thought to herself. Lyanna was betrothed to Robert. If she could befriend the northerner into her trust, Rhena and Tywin might be able to stop a war.

"Oh yes, the young lord of Storm's End." One of Elia's ladies said with excitement. "Have you met him?" And so the conversation continued with talk of wedding and love and babies, all the things that men think women are good for. Perhaps it's just a huge loop, men thinking women only do these things so women only do the things they want them to. And so the wheel continues.

Elia, who had yet to say anything regarding her or Rhena's wedding, continued sewing on the Dorn Sun on the back of her cloak, the embroidery beautiful and Rhena lined the Targaryen one with black threat while her mother intricately embroidered black dragon wings onto the shoulders, spreading down the sides and framing the Targaryen crest which was already sewn on the very middle.

"I will be glad to have at least one Targaryen friend." Elia whispered softly to Rhena. The princess's hands faltered slightly but she continued to listen to the Dornish beauty. "That is until you go to Casterly Rock. Though having a connection with the West would be beneficial." She did not try to hide behind false pleasantries like Rhena had done with Lyanna. They both wanted what they wanted, and they didn't care if the other knew. At the moment, they were at the same status, and at that status, they had to become allies.

"Perhaps all the kingdoms will be in peace again." Rhena added, looking secretly at Lyanna. Though the north was with the Seven Kingdoms, she feared that they would join with Robert if his rebellion came to be. Elia followed her gaze and a flash of understanding crossed over her face, though she quickly hid it.

"I see." She whispered. "You and Tywin Lannister already have something planned." She nodded in approval. "I heard he was a smart man." Elia turned to the princess fully. "Though you were never involved in any of his schemes that found their way to my ears."

Rhena shrugged and smiled slightly. "Well until now, I was one of his schemes." Elia furrowed her brows in confusion and looked back down to her cloak.

"What do you mean?" she asked, stroking the soft fabric with care.

"He comes from a powerful house." Rhena explained. "And those with power, always crave more. He introduced Cersei and Jaime to me and Rhaegar at a young age, hoping that at least one of us would catch the other's eye and miraculously place him higher up the ladder." She smiled bitterly. "Cersei never liked us. She tried to charm Rhaegar, purely because she wanted a crown. Father had considered her too, a betrothal was on its way, but Rhaegar got out of it, convincing father that he shouldn't marry her or me." Elia didn't even bat an eyelash at the mention of potential incest. "And he was able to get out of both because of you. So thank you for that, father would have had us married had Rhaegar not suggested you." Elia inclined her head. "Jaime and I became great friends though and we spent numerous summers together back and forth between King's Landing and Casterly Rock."

"I meant to offer you congratulations but I know the feeling of being overwhelmed." They both looked down to their ladies who had given her good wishes a million times over.

"Thank you." Rhena said. That was at least one who wasn't gushing over her wedding dress or Jaime's good looks, or how beautiful their children would be. "I just learned recently that Lord Tywin had intercepted every betrothal proposition that would go to my father, waiting for Jaime and I to grow closer. Then he suggested a match a few nights ago to my father at the ball. The rest is history." Rhena had finished hemming the edge of the cloak and placed her needle down gently after tying the string. "All I have to do is birth a son and I can finally escape Tywin's large scheme. He has been involving me in things regarding the Lannister house lately. Most likely trying to ease me into the role of Lady Lannister." Elia nodded and placed her own needle down, finally finished with her golden cloak.

"I can understand that. He does not want his house to fall apart as soon a new lady is introduced to the household. Not to say that would ever happen to you." She added carefully. Rhena shook the comment off and stood, stretching the ache out of her legs.

"Yes, he's just being careful." She assured Elia. "He's worked so hard for his house and just wants to be sure it won't come crumbling down into nothing." She looked around the gossiping ladies who had readily invited Lyanna into their group, all of them sharing whatever scrap of news that they had heard in court. "Good day ladies." She called out. All the heads comically snapped up to Rhena and she had to stifle a smile. "Mother, I'll see you tonight at dinner." She said, placing a hand on her mother's shoulder. "I've been requested in the gardens." She could still feel the press of the paper in her hand which she had placed in her room for safekeeping before she had come to the gathering, and she couldn't wait to read it.

Trying to quietly excuse herself, which didn't work by the way since all the eyes in the room followed her, she left the room and was flanked by two of the King's Guard who were supposed to be with her wherever she went. Even though she did not let them at most times. Her room was right across the hallway and she only had to take a few steps to enter her room and the two white cloaks stood outside her door, guarding, ready for any intrusion. Not looking back, Rhena closed her door and rushed to the ornate box which held a box of solely Jaime.

The newest scrap of paper was situated at the very top and was lined with golden ink all around the sides. It was thin and light traveled through when it was held up to the window. Rhena sighed, amused by his messy handwriting and unfolded the delicate parchment.


Meet me in the glass gardens at the hour of the wolf. I have a surprise for you. Come alone make sure you're aren't followed.


Rhena smiled and placed the paper back into its box, to rest next to its brothers. She grabbed a stack of parchment and a quill and walked out to her balcony. The sun was especially sweet today, her room faced the west where the bright bulb was falling behind the water, painting the sky with its soft reds, pinks, and oranges. She turned her face to the warmth and started on the taxes that Tywin had given her for practice, urging the pale moon to hurry in her turn of the earth.

When the moon came to be high above the horizon, Rhena wrapped herself in her cloak and ventured out alone. The two guards were gone from the sides of her doors and she hurried before their two replacements came. The hallways were splashed in moonlight and reflected the silver of her hair. She made her way through the twisting hallways of her father's castle and came to the large heavy transparent doors of the glass garden, which was filled with all of her favorite flowers, all an assortment of white, blue, purple, and soft pinks. Jaime stood in the middle staring into the black dragonglass fountain which was fashioned from dragon fire ages ago by one of her ancestor's dragons.

The light from the torches danced through his hair and a breeze grazed his tunic, sending waves down his back. Rhena was content to just watch him for a bit with his hands behind his back, clearly not noticing her yet. She smiled and crept up to him, her slippers making no sound on the stone. When she came closer, Rhena moved to wrap her arms around him from behind.

"Enjoy the view?" He asked her, before she could fully encircle her arms around him. She scoffed and shook her head.

"But I was so quiet." She whined. Her arms were now clasped at his heart and he lifted his hands to cover hers.

"I could hear you the moment you opened the door, Rhe." He told her softly, turning to take her in his arms. She was surrounded by him, the sweet smell of his soap, leather, and something sweet that she couldn't put her finger on. "I've missed you today. Rhaegar and I spent the whole day tracking a damn white stag. He was obsessed, wouldn't let us leave until he was shot.

"Death's near." She said softly. Jaime looked down at her, confusion clouding his eyes. She looked up at him and explained, "My mother used to tell me that when a white stag is found, it's an omen of death. She said that when a white stag is killed, the fate is sealed for the one who shot and killed." She sighed.

Jaime smiled and kissed her head. "Just an old tale to keep children from killing too many animals. It's a lesson, my mother told me the same one." Rhena nodded but the feeling of forlorn doom. Perhaps it was just a story, or maybe it was something else. Right before she was going to ask who shot the arrow, Jaime pulled away from her and grabbed a small box.

"Jaime, you can't keep giving me things." Rhena said with an amused smile. Jaime countered with a smile of his own and handed her the box, wrapped in purple cloth that matched her eyes and golden ribbon.

"Yes I can, come on open it." He urged. She rolled her eyes and pulled the bow away. The cloth fell to the ground and all that remained was a small black box. Rhena raised her eyebrows but continued to open the box, peaking at the inside contents. What she saw took her breath away. Nestled in between black velvet, was a ring of two golden bands, twisted together and in the center, a red jewel was embedded. It was as if the red gem was an eye which was half lidded and accusing. 

"Tyrion gave me the idea." Jaime said as Rhena was stunned into silence. "In the days of old, the Targaryen kings would give their betrothed a ring of their house. Tyrion found it in a book, as if I'd ever read-" Rhena jumped into his arms and kissed him.

It seemed as if the whole world suddenly stopped, just for them. As if the whole kingdom was holding its breath with them. Jaime's eyes closed and he tangled his hand in her hair, the other snaking around her waist to hold her close to him. Rhena had never kissed anyone before that moment, and secretly she hoped that Jaime hadn't either. He hadn't. Their lips moved against each other cautiously, as if one of them would break if the other moved to roughly. When they pulled away from each other, and their heads rested against each other, everything seemed utterly right. As if they just needed that last piece to complete the puzzle.

Rhena's chest was full of light and Jaime's smile seemed to cast away any darkness which had previously been lurking in the garden, looking to corrupt their happiness. "As I was saying." He stammered out, taking the box from her hand and retrieving the ring inside. "The kings of old would give these to their wives, as a symbol of truth, love, and honor. They would put them on this finger," He said, sliding the ring onto her finger next to her smallest. "That way everyone knew that she was his, and he was hers." Rhena smiled tenderly at Jaime and kissed him again, this one swifter.

"It's beautiful Jaime, thank you." she said truthfully. A slight blush crept up his cheeks and he smiled bashfully.

"It was my grandmother's, on my father's side. She was the strongest woman I knew, could even control father for a time. She guided his decisions. A true lion." Rhena hummed and looked down at the ring.

"And it seems a dragon will now be wearing it." Jaime grinned and took his future into his arms. They swayed gently to the music in their heads, and let the light of the moon guide them into the night. Both stealing kisses and laughing lightly, forgetting about their families, forgetting the oncoming up rise in Storm's End. They were not the future lord and lady of house Lannister, they were simply Jaime and Rhena, two people in love. 

Hey everyone. Not a huge amount of fluff, tell me what you thought though. Stuff's about to go down, I assure you, this is just the calm before the storm! Love you lots, stay safe!

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