By walida_md

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NASRIN MUHAMMAD KANGIRMO , is a 17-year-old model, who hides her modeling career from her family, she's a car... More

Chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 19
Chapter 23
Chapter 26


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By walida_md


I hastily rushed up after hearing Nasrin shout. I started throwing questions of worries as soon as i swung her room door open.
What happened?
Whats wrong?
I kept repeating myself turning around in the room in search of Nasrin.
A very heavy but calming hug came from nowhere . The warm ease of mind that came along with her scent that engulfed me was blissful.
In a cup of worry , i turned to look at her and ask what was wrong.
Her cheeks held a slight taint of blush and her whole face was covered with joy .

I watched as she heaved a sigh before raising her phone to my acknowledgement to look at something.

My heart rate spiked because i was confused. I looked at the phone to see a blue and yellow image with rows and columns of subjects and grades then i noticed the bold West African Examination Council title at the top of the website.
A heavy breath escaped my chest when i saw the bold A1's and only two B2's out of the nine subjects she sat for during the exams.

After a few seconds of adjusting my focus, i looked into Nasrin's eyes and a smile i knew wasn't common to me showed up on both our faces. It took me a while and a heavy stare from Nasrin to realize how awkward the moment was.

"I never knew scary cat was a brainiac"I said , still smirking boldly at her lighted expression.

" you know the smirk is really annoying, especially when it's coming from you, so split it" she said , moving her eyes back to her phone .

" ouch , okay" I playfully said with a neutral expression , moving an inch backwards.

" so you won't say congratulations to me ?" She Replied trying hard to return my neutral expression.

A genuine smile forced it way on my face looking at how happy she was , I didn't know when I pulled out my hand to her cheeks before gently dragging her soft cheeks .




Drifting from my unorthodox dreamland . I slowly shifted my sleepy,half opened eyes towards the annoying sound coming from my phones notifications .I held the phone up gently,pressing the ''on button'' to see what was so disturbing.

I saw a lot of notifications from our schools group chat on Whatsapp and snapchat. Then I noticed five new messages pop up from our school coordinators number with a link and some other instructions and salutations.

The first thing that came to my mind was to call ruffy and ask for a spoiler on what was going on. After a few failed calls, she picked up and yelled out my name.

"Nas Nas!!".

I answered with a soft giggle under my sleepy voice asking what could have made her so excited. She kept quiet for almost thirty seconds before asking if i have seen mine.

I was so confused that I didn't know when I asked"my what?". She kept quiet.

She chuckled before hastily saying "your WAEC result".

It didn't feel as real but it seemed as if my heart skipped a beat when she made the last statement. I didn't even acknowledge her waiting presence before cutting the call.

I quickly opened the message from our school coordinator and i saw the WAEC result link with my reference ID number.

I clicked on it and waited for the website to load completely with my heart beating harder and faster by each passing second. I wasn't sad but tears clustered around my eyeballs when i saw my name with a line up of the subjects i sat for with grades aligned beside them.

All i saw was the A1's and B2's, i checked for at least a 'C' but non was visible.
The fistful of excitement that came out of my mouth as a heavy scream made me pause and wonder the kind of freight i would have gave Ahmad who I haven't seen today .

Before i could arrange myself from the jumps of excitement, i heard the door burst open with force. I saw a heavy chested Ahmad rush into the room with a worry expression written all over his face.

He walked pass me without noticing my happy structure . Seeing him stand there with a confused expression, I didn't know when my happiness took control of my head and i found myself hugging him .

The awkwardness shifted for a moment, and I immediately brought out my phone screen to his seeing .
After a few seconds of staring at my phone, he started saying out the grades, A1, A1, A1, A1, A1, B2, A1, A1, B2.

I watched as the word " MASHALLAH" rolled out of his mouth together with his deep husky voice.

" I never knew scary cat was a brainiac" he said , exchanging his smile with a smirk .

It took a bit of the happiness I was still feeling , to resist myself from rolling my eyes at him . Brah this guy is too stale !.

" you know the smirk is really annoying, especially when its coming from you , so split it ." I said , moving my eyes back to my phone .

"Ouch okay" I heard him reply , my eyes fixed on ruffy's result .

I raised my eyes to the feeling of his eyes staring deeply at my face . I shifted uncomfortably, wondering why he was looking at me that intense.

" Won't you say congratulations to me ?" I asked, forcing a neutral expression on my face .

My eyes trickled as he raised his hands to my cheeks, a shiver playing my body like a string , I watched as he placed them on both the side of my Cheeks before gently dragging them.
I raised my eyes to his face before moving down to his mouth that held a cheeky smirk.

" Congratulations Scary cat! " he blurted , almost whispering out the words .

I didn't know when I bursted into laughter , trying to force my face out of his grip because it was a bit painful. After an awkward moment of stares at each other.

" your cheeky grin is so weird" I said , my mind playing back to his cheeky smirk.

He smiled without saying a word to me before turning to walk out of the room.

I knew we were both hungry and needed breakfast but I was too excited to not share that moment with my friends.
I went straight to the group with a screenshot of my results.

I received different praises of excellence and appreciation. They all presented their results too and the results were all similar to mine . No one failed any paper which made me even more excited . After a few jokes and discussions .

Ruffy suggested a girls day out as an idea to hear our opinions.

I really liked the idea but I wanted us to have something indoor , so I suggested planning a dinner at my house .

" why don't we have something indoor , dinner at my house ?" I typed fast .

" yeah exactly, sounds so much fun" zurl replied immediately.

" wlh it's so much better , what time ?" Hussy asked .

" starting from 6 in the evening, yeah?" I typed , asking for their opinion.

"Perfect ! , I really, really miss your cooking" Pelumi typed for the first time .

" ouuu ! , I'm feeling myself . Told you all you're going to miss eating my food" I proudly typed , really feeling myself.

" Blaa , stop bluffing already , we already know we are the only ones hyping your food" zurl replied .

"Exactly! , it's probably because we always have no other option but to eat it" ruffy added .

"Oho dei, let me go and check on Ahmad , I don't have you guys time now . See you all later !." I tapped on the send button before holding my phone firmly on my hand .

I arranged my falling cap firmly on my head before flying downstairs to check on Ahmad .

When I got to the living room , it was very quiet with no trace of Ahmad , I looked around for a while before finally giving up to cook breakfast.

I was about entering the kitchen , when the sound of my phone's notification alerted me . I looked away immediately, fixing my eyes back on my phone .

" I had some work to take care of at the office, I will be back before magrib prayers . Take care."

I kept looking and reading the lines that was surprisingly from Mr Lucifer.

Was I meant to reply and inform him about the dinner ? .
"No it doesn't really matter"My subconscious

I walked into the kitchen, placing my phone back into my sweat pocket .

"I placed a pot on the Cooker , wanting to cook noodles .
The thought of the heavy work against this dinner crossed my mind , knowing I can't do it alone.

Deciding to call humaira so she can come help me out , I picked up my phone dialing her number immediately.

After a few rings ,she picked up.

"Hummy what's up!!" I yelled into the phone .

"The sky!!!!!!"She yelled back , matching my energy.

"Hmm, this one that you called me today Addah , hope all is well" she continued.

"I called to arrest you , nonsense!" I hissed , trying to break the eggs .

" easy tigress , I miss you !" She said , her voice calming down .

" I miss you more , guess what !!!" I replied .

"What? , Omg!!! are we getting babies wayoo!" She said in one breath , I could imagine her jumping on whatever she was standing on .

" Talk Addah , I'm going to be a mother" she added .

" Guyy chill!!!, I know you're not doing anything at home . So come over and I will tell you what's up" I said , trying hard not to laugh.

"Ayyah addah , just give me a spoiler before I come mana" she replied.

" No! , just come" I said , dishing my already cooked noodles In a plate before preparing to fry the eggs .

" okay , see me in your house in ten minutes" she said before the call ended .

"Ohh my , that girl doesn't behave like her age" I thought , a smile reminding me of how much I missed doing everything Together with her .

I fried the eggs in total silence, thinking of the buffet we were going to make for the dinner .

I picked my food and sat on the barstool , I turned on my cellular data and started going through my Instagram feeds .

I was about checking my dm's when I heard the door bell ring , I knew it was humaira so I rushed to open it .

Two heavy hugs pounced on me from Humaira and Asma.

"OMG" i nearly screamed in amusement seeing both of them together.

"No time for goofing off, what's the gist ? " humaira asked, walking into the kitchen.

" heheeh , humaira you and gulma . So you came all the way from your fathers house just because of gulma . And I'm sure you bothered Asma to follow you here" I said hugging Asma , before trailing behind Asma .

" who told you , Asma came to visit me a while ago . So I told her I was coming here" humaira replied opening my fridge and bringing out a pack of galaxy chocolates.

" you see why I love , love coming to your House Addah nasrin" Asma spoke for the first time , snatching a bar from humaira .

I laughed before saying " Anyways , I'm happy you both came . The work will be easier with both of you"

"Which work ?" humaira asked .

"Okay let me spill, I'm organizing a dinner here by six in the evening" I said, moving away to the sink .

"Ouu, what's the dinner for?" Asma asked .

" Because I'm happy" I said bringing out my phone to show them my WAEC result .

" uhmm happy? ,for what reason" humaira asked , her brows squeezing .

" look !" I said before giving her my phone .

I watched as they roomed their eyes on my screen , Asma squealing seconds after then .

"Ouu we aced it !!" She finally said , hugging me . Asma following suit .

"Yeppie!!" I replied , returning the hug .

"So, have you finally decided on the school you're going to ?" Humaira asked , immediately she broke the hug .

" No actually, you know where my heart belongs already" I boasted .

" hhhhh , UK ?" Humaira said mockingly , laughing afterwards.

" Mtcheww dont even start , we all know that assuming I didn't get married . I would have been there by now , so don't even start. We have a lot of work to take care of" I said walking to the deep freezer , trying to pick out iced Chickens , shredded beef and other stuffs .

" Toh aunty Chef , what are we cooking ? And Asma you seem really distant today . What's up ?" I heard Humaira say from my back .

Truth be told , Asma isn't really lively today and it's just hitting my head . I turned to Asma immediately.

I looked her in the eye and I observed the eye bags laying roughly under her eyes for the first time .

"Asma , what's wrong with you" I asked immediately, gliding to her front .

" Nothing Addah , I'm okay" she said , almost stammering, I could see how hard she was trying to hide the fact that something was bothering her .

" Asma"I called her name slowly, gently placing my hands on her cheeks .

" look at me please" I said and she raised her eyes to my face .

" what's wrong with you Asma ? I asked again .

"Addah , I don't know how to start , i don't know how to make you both understand how I feel . I'm a total mess right now" she said slowly , I could see the tears threatening to spill from her eyes .

" We will understand INSHA ALLAH , and trust me you will feel a lot better after telling us" Humaira said , shifting closer to us .

" It's Ayaan"

''what happened to him'' humaira beat me to asking.

I found out He is dating my best friend Hiba . They betrayed me Addah , I don't even know how to cope with all this . I keep having sleepless nights , I can't even eat anymore because I'm hurting . I love him so much . I can't even think of living life without him . I have grown so obsessed and addicted . We have been together for three years and I get this" she said in one breath , breaking down miserably .

" wlh Addah men are scum , you love them with your whole heart, you love them purely with good intentions and all they end up paying you with is a broken heart.
The worst and the hurting was him cheating with my Bestfriend . I trusted her with everything. But she broke my trust in return , dating someone she knows I really love . A'gaban idona ?" She continued ,fresh set of tears rolling down from her eyes .

I could see how hurt she was , she was really broken . I used my hand to gently lay her head on my shoulder, hugging her calmly.

" Shhh , don't worry . Stop crying Asma , calm down" I said , gently soothing her back .

"They both don't deserve you . You shouldn't keep crying here and hurting yourself the more while they don't still care about you .

"You should stop crying Asma and as for your Best friend , you shouldn't wrestle with any choices about her anymore . She never deserved your friendship, we are here for you , it's time to feel better , you've got me and humaira and so many others that would go to any extent to see you happy".

" Asma" humaira called interrupting me , taking in her left hand .

" I can see how much you're hurting , I'm so sorry you're going through all this but I'm here . Ever since I've known you , I keep learning more about you and I cherish the fact that I have a very great friend who is also a sister to me . Everything happens for a reason , you might not believe it right now but it's true . You should empty your mind okay?, empty your mind and bring back that spirit okay ? .

" OMG ! , I love you guys so much" she said slowly, fresh set of tears wailing down from her eyes and she embraced us afterwards .

I knew what it felt like to be heartbroken. Even if there's no love , Seeing someone you expected more from , falling your hands and hurting your heart is a deeper Shiit .

Men are scum indeed .

I was in my deep thought when Asma's voice interrupted me . I looked up to see her grinning, she was really trying hard to be happy and I felt really good .

" Addah, you know it's almost asr and we've got no time. What and what are we making ?" She asked , her voice cutting due to the fact that she has been crying all long .

" uhm I don't really know, I have been thinking of what to make" I replied , releasing a chuckle.

" I have ideas about the main course but I'm not sure about the desserts" humaira said moving closer to the apron rack .

"We should make crispy honey Galic chicken wings , curry chicken sliders , fried rice with crunchy chicken and beef samosas , cheese lasagna and chicken spinach rice casserole " she said in one breath.

" WHOA !!!" I said immediately almost laughing .

" And who's going to make all that in two hours" Asma asked cracking up too .

" hehe you guys should take a smove , I think I got us covered" humaira said picking her phone from her bag .

" how ?" I asked almost immediately. Mann she didn't even mention the deserts .

"Hello good afternoon" humaira said to her phone interrupting Asma from speaking .

"I'm humaira speaking, Am I speaking to COVE BISTRO ?" She asked politely ,playing with her eyebrows .

"Yes ma'am , cove bistro on the line"

"I would love to make orders for curry chicken sliders , beef samosas , fried rice with crunchy chickens and cheese lasagna" she mentioned in one breath .

" ma'am I just confirmed that we have all the course you mentioned but could you please send a text message indicating the quantity you want . After doing that , we will make sure to send in the price and bills for your orders . Together with that , payment validates your order ."

" okay I will do that immediately, I need the food before 6 in the evening" humaira replied calmly .

" No problem ma'am, just make sure you confirm the order .
Have a pleasant evening" the lady said before ending the call .

I looked at Humaira with confused eyeballs .

"What?!"she asked , a weird smile playing on her lips .

"I'm just in wonders , for the first time you proved to be the daughter of your father not a confused clown" I said , releasing a smirk and earning a loud laughter from Asma who was trying to pick something from the freezer .

"Ouchh , Let's just pretend I didn't hear that and do the next thing"

"So what's for dessert?" Asma asked , licking off chocolate from her finger .

"I feel lazy" I finally admitted.

"To be honest after Humaira thought of buying food outside , I kinda feel we should order everything outside. Then we should only concentrate on arranging the house" I said.

"Exactly , we only have merely two hours left" Humaira added.

"Lazy ass !!!!" Asma said to Humaira , earning a pinch from her .

"Says someone who can't even cook noodles" Humaira defended , returning the death glare Asma was already giving her .

"Enough!" I said almost laughing .

"I will get the deserts from Deedees'bites" Asma volunteered.

"Lets go together "humaira voiced ,making me turn to look at her immediately.

"hummy ,you aren't going anywhere, we still have arranging to do in the house " i said , despite the face she was making.

"okay fine !! , whats next ?" she asked defeatedly .

"let me call the driver to take Asma" i said already dialing his number .

After some few minutes ,Asma left to get the deserts , leaving me and Humairah to start our work.

Arranging everywhere in the house was easy because everything was already clean and in place.

After a bit of dusting and smoking the house with turaren wuta . I and humaira ran through the staircase to my room just like the good old days .

" I so much miss doing stuffs like this with you Addah" hummy said laying on my bed just like i did .

"me too , i miss everything hummy , i miss home" i said sincerely.

I watched as the smile on her face turn into a smirk ,she walked to my vanity table opening it like she kept something there . i watched as she brought out my humongous bluetooth speaker.

Turning to face me with the smirk still visible on her face , she picked her phone from her pocket and scrolled through it for almost a minute.

" finally!, i almost couldnt find the playlist i made for you"

remembering that we both have a playlist of each others favorite musics on our phones , a loud sound came from the speaker , making me shiver in freight and almost loosing my balance. I turned my face back to humaira who was laughing really hard . i squeezed my face giving her a death glare .

I was about ranting on why she scared me like that when i was interrupted by my old favorite song "Four Pink Walls" by Alessia cara. A genuine smile craved on my lips and i stood up immediately wiggling my hips .

We both danced to different songs together like old times, Almost forgetting that we were expecting guest this evening .

The song suddenly came to an abrupt stop ,making me turn immediately to Humaira who was already looking at me.

''Addah nasrin, a lot has changed'' i notice her facial expression change into a worried one.

''meyafaru ?'' i asked .

" I sometimes cry because i'm lonely, the weight of you and Addah hamida's absence is really affecting me. Whatever happens, i have no one to share to , so i keep it to myself.

And sometimes i keep having a feeling that you aren't happy .I don't know if i'm overthinking stuffs ,i....''she said almost tearing up .

''Shh'' it was the only thing i could say before embracing her .

she is my sister ,and she is the only one that is trying to fish out things because she knows i'm not happy . Indeed blood is thicker than water .

Tears was already wailing from my eyes and i felt hummy break the hug . she was looking at me , Finally assuring her doubt that i was'nt happy .

She placed her hand on my face wiping off my tears , she whispered "Addah please not today I wiped the tears for her and said Adda please not today. Cheer up, your friends will be here to celebrate with you. Lets me go back to work.

"Guess who's in the building" I heard voices yell , almost making me shriek .

We both turned our eyes to my room door , surprised to see hussy and zurl .

I was about asking how they got inside the house when I noticed Asma trailing behind them . Then I remembered she took my key card .

"Look at my babies" I said with a wide smile ,trying to stand up .

I embraced them warmly .

"Girl!!!,where are you expanding to?" Zurl asked immediately she sat on my vanity chair .

" Blaa !, don't even start , do I look like a balloon to you .

"Yenyenyen , keep quiet, as if you don't like it . See as you're looking very fresh like today's bread" hussy interrupted my yarns .

"Mtcheww , where is Ummiter and pelums" I asked .

"They will be here shortly, BTW get your fat thick ass !!! to that toilet and bath , it's almost 6" zurl thundered .

"Toh boss , I don't even know what to wear tbh" I said walking towards my closet .

"Well , you've got a celebrity help !!" Hussy said , walking after me . Zurl following her back .

"Celebrity with a big head !" I replied teasing her .

"Hmm , let's seee" Zurl said picking out cloths from my closet , interrupting hussy from firing back .

I watched as they both started scanning my cloths .

"You guys shouldn't scatter my wardrobe" I said , after noticing the way they were dropping back the cloths carelessly.

"Talk again and we will see who will help you out" Zurl replied, rolling her eyes .

"Durhhh !, I've got Asma and Hummy" I said , laughing .

"Torm , Zurl let's go and sit" hussy spiked .

"Oya Oya I'm sorry mummies !" I said almost laughing.

"Mtcheww ode like you" Zurl replied turning back to my wardrobe.

"Okay so should I wear an abaya" I asked, because it was the only thing I was thinking of in my head .

"No !!! , wear something eye catching, something different ,you're always on abayas since you got married , if I should be asked shaa" hussy said .

"Uhmm something like this" zurl replied her , picking a knee length maroon evening gown .

"You go sis , you've got the head" hussy said to zurl , collecting the gown from her and placing it close to my shoulders to see how it will fit .

"Perfect !!!" They both said in unison.

"But , this is stopping below my knees , I can't wear it gaskiya . Ahmad's mom is coming fah" I tried saying because I felt it wasn't that long .

Sharaap!, no BUTsssss! ,you're wearing this .

"Are you sure it's not bad ?" I asked both of them .

"Common Nasrin , it's not like you're going out with it . It's just your mother inlaw and your mom , then us and Ahmad . It's no big deal" zurl tried assuring me .

" Hmmm okay , let me go and bath . Can you both meet Asma and humaira downstairs. They are setting the table but I need your supervision" I said trying to pull up my top .

"No problem!, just go get ready and meet us downstairs" zurl replied as they both walked out of my closet .

I picked the gown and immediately looked for a matching veil and dropped it on my bed before proceeding to the bathroom .

I finished bathing after ten minutes, dressed in my gown and applied khajal and lipgloss, I arranged my edges with an edge control before walking out of my room .

As I walked downstairs, Asma , humaira , zurl and hussy were all seated in the sitting room . I noticed Ummiter and Pelumi amidst them .

"My babies" I said making my presence known and walking to hug ummiter and Pelumi .

"Ohh my, look at that peng thing !!!" Ummiter smiled and stood up , embracing my opened arms .

"You all look beautiful" I said after hugging Pelumi .

"You're always the killer aii"Pelumi said facing her front camera towards me .

I smiled to the camera as she took a shot .

And that was how we started taking both beautiful and goofy crazy pictures.

God ! I missed all this , so no more MR akindele's annoying voice .

"I swear down!!!!" They all chorused .

  After a few chats, the doorbell rang and Humaira walked up to check who it was .

Amidst squeals of excitement, i heard my mama's voice exchanging pleasantries with Humaira. Before i could catch a breath, i jumped on my mother with a warm hug.

My hands were still wrapped around her when I noticed my mother inlaw walking towards the door with an older looking lady and a girl who looks in her early twenties . I smiled a bit when my eyes caught Ahmad's mother's brown orbs  and I immediately shifted a bit from the door  still holding my mama's  hand .

"Assalamuailakum ya ukhti" umma said to mama when she entered , making mama acknowledge her presence .

mama was taken aback by seeing umma, as she smiled warmly at her before leaning to hug each other.

I turned my eyes a bit after feeling four heavy eyes on me . They came in contact with the older lady whose eyes were sending daggers at me . My body tensed a bit and I didn't know when I fell to the ground to greet her .

"Inna wuni mama" I greeted her , Boeing my head a bit because her eyes were already making me go sane .
They were looking very scary!. 

"Sanun ki , daman karamar yarinya ga aka Auran''ma ahmadi na"( is this the small girl you guys got Ahmad married to ) she spoke in utter disgust , which only made the room become quiet .

I raised my head to my friends, their eyes and attention were all focused on what was going on.

"Hajiya can you not start all this please" Ahmad's mother was the first to break the silence .

The lady only rolled her eyes in a more disclosed way . I watched as she dragged the girl who looked like the younger version of her and they walked to the sitting room .

I raised my clueless eyes to ummah , who gently placed a warm smile on her lips and walked to me . She raised her hands and picked my left ones before whispering " you look very beautiful my daughter" . I smiled weakly at her before noticing her opened arms .

I turned my eyes to my mother who was also holding a broad smile .

After then we proceeded to the living room , my body still tensed .

As I walked , I could feel their eyes on me but I payed no attention to that as I sat close to my friends .

"Omo wetin dey occur ?" Zurl whispered to my hearing immediately I sat down , I was resisting the urge to laugh at the way she spoke the broken English that doesn't fit her tongue .

"Who is this woman ahbeg" ummiter asked with a voice higher than a whisper.

"Astagfirullah, She looks really wicked tbh" hussy added .

This time I felt her eyes on me , it was as if she knew we were talking about her and i immediately pinched hussy to stop talking .

"Look at the nonsense your daughter is wearing" she said in a blink , turning to look at mama .

"What's the difference between her and a harlot ? , her thighs are almost opened for everyone to see . Batada kunya neh .
Mtcheww, na'imah wlh I expected you to do the right thing even if my brother was that stubborn. How can you get your son married to a small brat with no home training . This is really insulting , to top it all , you're pretending to not notice all this .

"Okay where is this going to" I said to myself, tears threatening to spill from my eyes . I felt Ummiter's cold hands rub on my palms gently .

"Hajiya what is all this DanAllah , why are you disgracing our family . What is wrong with what she's wearing for godsake .
We are all her mothers here and they are her friends , I don't see any male here . So why hitting on the poor girl and even calling her names ?"

My tears were already falling, I looked up to my mother who was trying to bury her face from what was happening.

Why did I agree to wear the gown .
Where is all this hate coming From?.

"Mtcheww kede kikasani, this girl is no match for your son , the earlier you realize it and allow him get married to "Ammah" the better ."she spitted vigorously .

So this was everything,
Who was Ammah ?

My question was answered immediately as she mentioned the girls name who was sitted close to her .

I lowered my head a bit trying to hold myself .


Came from the voice  I have been longing to hear .......

Assalamualaikum everyone!, I know you All are angry at me so let me start by apologizing. I'm really sorry I haven't updated for a very long time . At first I was dealing with my exams coupled with writer's block . Then when I finished , I wrote the whole chapter but I was having issues with my wattpad account which a lot of you noticed .

Just yesterday I was able to rectify the problem. I hope you all forgive me and enjoy the chapter .

Lastly I wish you All a Ramadan Mubarak , May Allah accept our ibadaa ❤️. Thank you .


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