Since We Were Young {Asta x R...

By angestrashywrites

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{Disclaimer: This is a Fem!Reader}{As the title says, I update quite slowly. Please expect a chapter every 2... More

• Information - Please read before beginning story •
Extra: Where you would appear in the opening (1)
- A/N -
• One •
• Two •
• Three •
• Three (Part 2) •
• Four •
• Five •
• Six •
• Seven •
• Eight •
• Nine •
• Ten •
• Birthday Special •
• Eleven •
• Announcement •
• Quick Thank You •
• Twelve •
• Thirteen •
• Fourteen •
• Fifteen •
• Sixteen •
• Thank you !! - 10k Reads! •
• Seventeen •
• Eighteen •
• Nineteen •
• Twenty •
• Twenty One •
• Twenty Two •
• Twenty Three •

• Twenty Four •

806 21 9
By angestrashywrites

Abreviation to know:

(Y/N) = Your first name

(L/N) = Your last name

(P.O.V.) = Point of view

  Listening to the girl's voice was so relaxing. Her voice sounded so pure and clean. You, Noelle, and Asta all stood and stared at her in silence.

  "Woah... is she a water spirit?" Asta asked with sparkly eyes. The girl stopped singing and turned her head in your direction.

  "Eeeeeek! You heard that? How embarrassing! Eeeek!" The girl put her hands on her cheeks and she had a huge grin on her face. She didn't actually seem embarrassed that you had caught her singing. "Well, now that you've heard me, there's no way around it. Let's be friends!" She jumped off the rock and joyfully made her way to where you were standing, still confused about her personality.

  "I'm Kahono. What are your names?" The girl introduced herself excitedly.

  "I'm Noelle. The meathead is Stupidsta, and the other girl is (Y/N)." Noelle jumped in to introduce you herself.

  "Who are you calling "Stupidsta the meathead""?! 

  "And I'm just "the other girl"? You sweatdropped.

  "Ah, so Noelle, Stupidsta the meathead, and (Y/N) the other girl! What strange names..." Kahono actually believed Noelle, so Asta brought it up.

  "That's totally a nickname, and she's making fun of us! It's Asta and (Y/N)! Our name's are Asta and (Y/N)!" Asta actually had to explain that Noelle just gave you a dumb nickname.

  "I see. It's nice to meet you, Asta and (Y/N)!" Kahono closed her eyes and smiled.

  "So.. what were you doing out here, Kahono?" Noelle asked her.

  "I was singing." She simply answered.

  "I was doing vocal training," she further explained. "I love singing at this spot!" Noelle asked what she meant by training.

  "I have a dream! I want to be a singing, dancing, magic-using idol!" She exclaimed. 

  "What's an idol?" The three of you asked in unison. None of you had heard of an idol before.

  "What?! You don't know?!" She asked. The three of you shook your head. "They're all the rage in the Common Realm and Noble Realm right now!" You all let out a quiet "ohh...".

  "Well, you see... So, you see... Well... Idols are popular people who can sing, dance, and use magic!" Kahono tried her best to explain what and Idol is, and you tried to imagine one. Then, something popped into your head. You placed a fist on your other palm in realization. 

  "I think I used to here my sister listening to those over the radio. Like they're usually in a group?" You asked Kahono.

  "Yes! That's it! I'm going to become a famous idol and get super rich!" Her eyes sparkled as she imagined her future.

  "So you're after money? What's so great about money, anyway? If you do have it, it's just in the way." Noelle complained.

  "It's just in the way for you because you have so much you don't have anywhere to put it." You told Noelle. She opened her closed eyes and glared at you.

  "You're a royal, too. You should know how it is." You dropped your head a bit. Sure you were a royal, but you weren't as well known as the Silvas and Vermillions.

  "It's not in the way! Money is important. You've never had to worry about not having money, so you wouldn't understand. But money's really important! You can't eat tatoes without any money!" Noelle stared at Asta completely confused.

  "If you don't have any tatoes, why don't you just eat steak?" Noelle asked him as if it was normal for him to just eat steak. It wasn't a problem for you, but Asta's never eaten anything but tatoes for 15 years of his life. He fell on all fours in defeat.

  "Damned royalty!" He yelled, almost ready to smack his head on the sand.

  "Yeah! Money's really important! I totally understand what Stupidsta's saying!" Kahono pitched in. Asta stood up and she immediately went to violently shake his hand.  His eyes went white as he tried to free himself from her hold.

  "Seriously, who are you calling Stupidsta?!" He yelled at her basically scared of her.

  "Was it Kasta?" She asked, already have forgotten his name.

  "I told you, it's Asta!" He yelled back

  Oh, right. Asta! You've got a funny friend other gi- oh?" Kahono stopped mid-sentence and her smiled faded. Asta looked around, eyes popping out of his head. He asked what was wrong.

  "Stupidsta, your body's weakened." She told him.

  "It's Asta, damn it! Huh?"

  Your muscles are pretty fatigued." You were surprised she could tell just from shaking his hand.

  "Do you ache when you move?" She asked. Asta looked up at her.

  "Wait, how can you tell?" He asked. Kahono giggled.

  "That's my power." All of you tilted your head, confused. "Power?" You asked.

  "Don't worry. You'll feel better in a sec." Kahono held her arms out by her side and began to sing another melody. Many bubbles suddenly appeared around her. They surrounded Asta and make their way through his skin to his muscles, quickly soothing his aches and pains. When Noelle asked how he felt. Asta was ecstatic to find out that his body wasn't sore anymore. He excitedly thanked Kahono who was happy to know that she helped him.

  "Great! That'll be 100 Yuls per session." Kahono held out her hand, waiting for her payment. Asta's mood instantly changed when he heard that he had to pay. 

  "Just kidding!," She turned away leaving Asta relieved "Or not!" She turned back, upsetting Asta again.

  "Money's important, right?" Her eyes sparkled as she acted innocent. Asta sighed and fished the money out of his pouch. 

  "Thank you for your business! Let me know when you want me to sing for you again!" Kahono took the money and winked, her eyes sparkling again while Asta was on the verge of tears because he had to give up some of his hard-earned cash.

  "That's just pocket money." Noelle mumbled but didn't go unnoticed by Asta.

  "How is that pocket money?! I can but at least 10 tatoes with 100 Yul!" He yelled at her.

  "See? It is change." She snootily looked away from him. Asta fell on all fours again, yelling about "damned royalty". Kahono laughed.

  "You're both really funny! How old are you?" She asked. The three of you answered that you were 15, which Kahono replied that she was too.

  "Hey, let's be friends!" Kahono suddenly suggested. Asta was quick to accept, as well as you. Noelle seemed to be in thought for a minute.

  "W-Well if you insist, I guess I don't mind. I'm willing to be your friend." With that, Kahono went to grab all of you for a group hug, but she ended up slapping all of you in the face. She backed up and giggled.

  "Oh, sorry. I'm so happy, I couldn't help myself. She blushed, placing a hand on her cheek. After a quick laugh, Kahono went to sit on a nearby rock. You talked a bit about your backgrounds.

  "I see. So you're all Magic Knights. That's amazing!" Kahono expressed her interest. 

  "It's no big deal. It's to be expected for me. I'm royalty after all." Noelle explaied, same as usual.

  "I'm a peasant, though. (Y/N)'s royalty, though." Asta aimed his thumb at you. You looked at him then looked back and nodded.

  "So, what brings you to Raquey? Taking a vacation?" Kahono askd.

  "We're on an important mission. We're actually trying to get to the Underwater Tem-" You and Noelle quickly slapped a hand over Asta's mouth to stop him from going any further. You shushed him.

  "Sorry, but this mission's a secret.' Noelle told her, you both trying to smile and act as nothing happened. Kahono shrugged.

  "Whatever. So, what were you two up to at this hour? Could it be... Eeeee!" Noelle yelled at Kahono while you tried to avoid eye contact with Kahono. Your face flushed as you knew what she meant.

  "The moonlight is so romantic, isn't it? The sound of the splashing waved also heightens the mood and... Eeee! So, which one of you girlies is it~?" Kahono singsonged asked. Your shot-open eyes looked to stare and Noelle and pray she didn't say anything. Although, Noelle didn't seem to get the message.

  "Obviously not me! Those two are the lovebirds!" Noelle's head shot towards you as your stomach did a backflip. You blinked multiple times as a way of saying "really?". 

  "Eeeeee how cute! So how long have you been together? Who asked who out? Have you had your first k-"

  "WE WERE DOING NOTHING BUT TRAINING!" You cut her off before she could finish her last sentence. 

  "Hmmm, alright... I'm sure of it." She winked at you. You were ready to collapse right there.

  "Anyway, we were magic training. I can't give you the details, but I need to learn to control my magic within the week before the next full moon. Otherwise, this important mission-" Noelle was cut off when Kahono jumped down to stand closer to her.

  "I see. So you want to control your magic... Hey, Noelle. Show me your magic real quick." Kahono requested. Noelle was confused, let go of Asta's mouth, and went to a more clear area anyway. She opened her grimoire and let her magic run wild, while at the same time tried to control it. She floated in the center of her raging water magic as Asta and you shouted supporting words at her. Eventually, she couldn't do any more and she released her magic with a crash on the sand. You went down from the rock the three of you were standing on to get to Noelle, who was kneeling in a small hole she made in the sand while she caught her breath.

  "Now that we're friends, I have some advice for you. I think you're trying to hold in your mana too much when you try to control your magic," Kahono explained to Noelle, who was now standing "Listen closely." She quieted down for a second so you could hear the crash of a wave on the beach. 

  "I listen to the sound of the waves to calm myself so I can use my magic exactly how I want to. It might just be me, but I think that true concentration comes from a calm heart." She added on.

  "A calm heart...?" Noelle questioned.

  "I get it!," Asta exclaimed, "I also feel like my best swings happen when I'm not thinking about anything at all!" Asta started to swing his sword back and forth while yelling, which annoying the hell out of Noelle.

  "What's the kindest memory you have that brings you the most peace?" Kahono asked Noelle. Noelle didn't know what to say, so Kahono considered her family being one of them. Noelle was silent for a moment before she sneered at Kahono.

  "Thanks for the advice, Kahono. I'll try practicing a bit more." Noelle dodged her question and walked away to practice on her own. Asta swung his sword mindlessly as he stared up at the moon in thought.

  "A kind memory, huh?"

  {8 years ago}

  "Rayla! Can I borrow your nail polish?" Seven years old you excitedly opened your older sister's bedroom door wanting to borrow her nail polish, as you wanted to teach yourself to paint your nails.

  "What?! Get out!" Rayla threw the hairbrush she was currently using at you, hitting you just above the eye. You placed your hand over the spot that was hit. You were still for a moment before tears formed in your eyes. This caused your eyes to squint and your lips to pucker, causing you to start crying. Yuuma, who was 12 at the time, was in his bedroom and heard the commotion. When he looked out into the hallway, he saw you standing in front of Rayla's room crying. He ran out to get to you.

  "(Y/N)! What happened?!" Yuuma bent down to your height and tried to get you to look at him.

  "R...Rayla! S...she-!" You couldn't even talk, so you just pointed. Yuuma looked at Rayla who was sitting with crossed arms, then glanced down at the hairbrush on the floor in front of you.

  "Rayla! What did you do?!" Yuuma shouted at her. 

  "She wanted to use my nail polish, but no way in hell would I let her use it! She'll just spill it all over the place or use too much of it! She can go buy her own if she wants it that bad!" Rayla looked away as she yelled back. 

  "Really? All this over some nail polish?!" Yuuma kicked Rayla's hairbrush into her room and slammed it behind him. He took your hand and had you follow him to the bathroom. By then, you had stopped crying a bit and were just hiccuping at random points. Yuuma sat you down on the toilet.

  "Can I see?" Yuuma asked. You nodded slightly and moved your hand away from the injury, it stinging a bit when you did. Yuuma noticed a small black and blue bump forming just on and above your right eyebrow.

  "Is it bad?" You whimpered.

  "Nope! Just a bump is all. Here, one second." Yuuma grabbed a small face cloth from a basket beside the sink and ran the sink water as cold as it could go. He held the cloth under it for a second, turned off the water, and rung out the cloth only leaving a little water left. He slowly pressed it against the bump, which stung for a second, but felt better once the cold water was pressed against it. He told you to hold onto the cloth for a moment and he kept his hand there until you grabbed it. He searched through the cabinets until he found a cream that would reduce swelling and bruises. He told you to move the cloth as he applied a little of the cream on his index finger. He gently pressed the cream to your wound, rubbing it around. When he finished, he put the cream back and quickly rinsed the remainder off. 

  "That's it! Does it feel a little better now?" He bent down again to ask you. You slowly nodded, a small smile returning to your face. 

  "Glad to hear it. Now, let's go somewhere." He walked toward the door and signaled for you to follow.

  "Where are we going?" You asked as you jumped off of the toilet seat, jogging slightly to catch up with your brother.

  "You'll see." He said simply. You followed him through the house, down the street, taking a few turns, and into a store. He looked through the isles before turning down one of them. He made sure you were still with him before he stopped in front of a selection of nail polishes.

  "Go on, pick whichever you want!" Yuuma put his hand out to the huge selection of nail polish. Your smile widened greatly, and you turned back to him.

  "Can I really?!" He nodded and told you to go on. You wasted no time looking through the different colors. You took your time because you wanted to get the perfect one. It took you almost five minutes, but you finally found the perfect polish in your favorite color. You grabbed it from the shelf and held it up proudly. 

  "Alright, let's go." You followed Yuuma to the cashier. You were expecting to have to pay for it and were going to tell Yuuma you didn't bring any money, but Yuuma was already placing a few Yul coins on the table. The lady thanked Yuuma and wished him well. You stared up at him, not even aware that he was walking toward the exit until he snapped you out of it. You laughed and open-mouthed smiled.

  "Thank you, big brother!"

{Present time}

  As the days went by, the Black Bulls spent their time relaxing at the beach, but Noelle was hard at work training to get her magic right. One day just as the sun was setting, you and Asta were Noelle's cheering team as she was getting closer to her goal. When nighttime had arrived, Kahono did as well. Tonight was the last night Noelle would have to work on her magic control, and you could tell she was starting to give up hope. It was quiet while Noelle caught her breath until Asta yelled out.

  "I just got a great idea! Noelle! Stop thinking and let your magic run wild! I just remembered! That thing from the first time you lost control would probably go underwater the best. Remember what Kahono said earlier? That you were holding your magic back? If that's the case, maybe it'll work if you let everything loose." Asta suggested. You were a bit confused, but you could see where he was getting at.

  "Are you crazy? If it doesn't work then-" Noelle yelled, but Asta stopped her.

  "If it doesn't work then I'll use my sword to save you! (Y/N) is here too! So don't worry and just go!" Noelle seemed determined for a minute but went back to her normal self. Although, you knew she was still willing to try. Noelle took a deep breath before letting all of her magic run free. It whirled up in a giant water spout before forming into the huge sphere with other spouts of water shooting out from before. Noelle struggled to keep up with the powerful magic she was trying to let do its own thing. She was starting to lose hope and let herself lose focus. Her eyes slowly closed before shooting back open when many voices called for her. Joining you on the beach was Magna, Gauche, Finral, Charmy, Vanessa, Luck, and Grey (disguised as Magna). All of the Black Bulls yelled at Noelle to do her best. Magna yelling how she always talks big, so why is she giving up now, Luck not wanting her magic to go to waste and fighting him, Vanessa yelling that even if she messes up, she won't die and to take it easy, Charmy wanting her to finish up so that she could eat the food she made, Finral saying how if she falls, he'll catch her, Gauche saying if she falls he'll put her right back up, and Grey telling her to get it done.

  "Noelle! You can do this!" You and Asta yelled. The look of realization appeared in Noelle's eyes that the kind memory she had been searching for was right in front of her. The Black Bulls have been nothing but good to her, and that if her family wasn't there for her, the Black Bulls would always be. Everyone's cheers mixed together into a wave of yelling. Noelle placed a hand on her heart before holding her arms out to the side, finally determined to finish. Her grimoire turned a page, writing quickly self-appearing on the two pages. The out-of-control water had finally calmed itself into a calm sphere with smaller water bubbles circling it, It almost looked like a planet of its own. Noelle was finally smiling at what she had done, although she was completely out of energy, breaking the spell and falling to the ocean, the remaining water splashing over your team. Asta quickly ran up a rock and jumped into the air to catch Noelle, Finral very disappointed. You ran over to the two with a huge smile on your face. Even though Asta was still holding her, you managed to wrap your arms around her neck.

  "You did it, you crazy woman. You're amazing." You stayed like that for a few seconds.

{Noelle's P.O.V.}

  "The last member of the (L/N) family. This should be interesting."


  "You know, she really isn't that bad..."

{Your P.O.V.}

  Noelle came back to reality and realized Asta was holding her.

  "Get your hands off of me!" She slapped him in the face, sending him flying. You sighed in relief Asta quickly wrapped an arm around your shoulder.

  "She really did it! Hahaha!" You smiled and laughed with him as Magna and Luck combined their magic to create fireworks. Your laughter died down and you took a deep breath as you watched the fireworks explode, splashing color on everyone's happy faces.

  "Now, it's time to head to the Underwater Temple"

~~~~~End of Chapter~~~~~

Total word count: 3380

Holy it's been a while since I've updated. I hope you're still enjoying the story! Today my dad and I finally finished Naruto Shippuden and lemme tell you, a few hours later I listened to the last opening (the full version) and god did I sob LMAO I was sobbing for a good 10 minutes after playing it on repeat. But holy shit what a ride it was. If you haven't heard the news, Black Clover is going to be ending on episode 170 on March 30th to let the manga get ahead so Black clover stays almost no filler. The studio also wants to take the time off to improve their animation for the upcoming arc. There will be an important announcement after the last episode, which could before a movie, a game, or when the next season will be out! 

Thank you for reading! Stay safe and healthy <3

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