Star of the Cosmos

By Relatable_ruler

61.9K 1.7K 838

Captain Atom, a renowned member of Earth's Justice League has followed the example of some of his league mate... More

Claire Bowen Aka Stellar
Independence Day
Welcome to Happy Harbor
Alpha Male
Date? More Like Hangout
Manhunter Mayhem
Usual Suspects
Auld Acquaintances
Convergence Part I
Convergence Part II

The Everything Fort

1.6K 60 3
By Relatable_ruler


August 12, 20:35 EDT

"Recognized. Kid Flash B-0-3."

"Alright, Clairebear, I got two packs of sour patches, three pepperoni pizzas, two bags of popcorn, and four bottles of soda," Wally announced as he walked into the cave, wearing his civvies and carrying two big bags of food.

"In here, Wally!" Claire shouted from the lounge.

The speedster walked into the room with a giant grin on his face.

At least until he saw five other people in the room besides Claire, all of which in their civvies. Wally gained a confused look on his face before facing Claire, who stood straight ahead of him.

"I thought it would be just the two of us." He said to her confusedly.

"Aww, did you want Claire all to yourself?" Artemis smirked at the red-faced Wally.

"N-no!" He stuttered out quickly. "I just only brought enough food for the two of us." He explained.

"Well, none of them had any plans, so I decided to invite them to our little hangout," Claire said to the boy before grabbing one of the bags of food from his hands, placing it on the kitchen table.

"By the way, are you ever going to tell us why you had us grab every blanket and pillow in the cave?" Robin asked from his seat on the couch.

Claire just turned around and grinned at him before saying, "The everything fort!"

Robin just stared at her, confused.

"The everything fort." She repeated with a contented nod of her head.

"Okay, I'm gonna need you to explain." He said carefully.

"Ugh." She groaned out. "The everything fort is like a giant version of a blanket fort."

"Oh, well, you could have just said that," Robin responded with a chuckle.

"I assumed someone as smart as you could connect the dots." Claire snapped back with a grin.

"Ooooh," Wally said, placing the other bag of food down on the table.

"Now, M'gann, if you would please," Claire said, gesturing to the tangled mess of the countless blankets and pillows on the floor in front of her.

The martian nodded before the blankets and pillows began hovering into the air, rearranging themselves and floating down in a fixed position.

"Artemis, can you pin the blankets to the wall. So that they don't come falling on us?" Claire asked the female archer, who quickly got to work, grabbing her arrows and pinning the blankets to the wall.

"And now for the finishing touch," Claire said, grabbing some gold Christmas lights from inside her bag. Flying up and draping them around the fort before ultimately plugging them into a wall.

"Wait, I forgot something," Claire said before flying to the thermostat and turning it to the lowest it could go.

"That was quick," Wally remarked as she flew back to the lounge.

"Had to turn up the AC. I wouldn't want anyone passing out from heat exhaustion. Now come on." Claire said, grabbing Wally's arm with one hand and grabbing the bags of food with her other. Before dragging the speedster inside the fort.

The rest of their friends following.

Claire quickly turned off the lights when they entered.

"So, what now?" Superboy asked in confusion. The team was sitting in a circle.

"I was thinking we can start with some truth or dare, then just go from there," Claire responded before turning to Wally.

"But we need a bottle to spin," Claire said, looking around.

"I believe I have that covered," Kaldur said, producing a bottle made of hard water. Claire grinned at the Atlantean's resourcefulness before grabbing the bottle and spinning it.

The edge of the bottle landed on Wally.

"So Kid dork, truth or dare?"

"Dare beautiful," Wally said in a flirty tone.

"I dare you to drink ketchup and mustard, with just a dash of hot sauce," Claire said with a wide smile.

"Ugh, Claire, really?" Wally asked her with a pouty face.

"Yep, get to mixing flash boy." She said with a grin before she pushed him out of the fort.

While they were waiting for the speedster to return, Claire opened one of the two packs of sour patches. Artemis reaching for one but finding her hand smacked away.

"These are mine," Claire said lowly. The archer just raised her hands in surrender with wide eyes before going back to her original position.

The speedster came back moments later with a small cup from the kitchen. Claire smelled the mixture beforehand to make sure it was real.

"Mhm, that's definitely the right thing," Claire said with a grimace before Wally inhaled and downed it in one go.

Everyone looked on wide-eyed as the boy smacked his lips together a few times before his smile brightened.

"That actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." He said. Claire just looked at him in disgust.

The speedster just shrugged before spinning the bottle, the end landing on Robin this time around. Wally smirked.

"Robin, truth or dare?" He asked.

"Truth." The boy wonder said.

There was a collective boo from everyone but M'gann, Superboy, and Kaldur. Claire threw a single piece of popcorn at Robin.

"Do you have a crush on anyone in this room?" Wally asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"No," Robin replied simply before grabbing the bottle to spin.

Claire laughed at the speedster's stupidity before eating her last sour patch. Wally just glared at her before huffing and crossing his arms. 

The bottle finally stopped and landed on Claire, who was still laughing at Wally.

"Claire, truth or dare?" Robin asked her.

"Huh?" She responded before looking around and finding everyone staring at her expectantly.

"Oh, dare." She said to the boy wonder confidently. Ready to take on any challenge that he could think of.

"I dare you to sit on Wally's lap for the rest of the game." He said, smirking.

All color drained from Claire's face as she looked over at Wally. Everyone in the fort broke out into laughter except Wally, who looked down at his lap with a red face.

The girl slowly got up on shaky legs as she walked over to the speedster. Wally looked up, surprised that she was going through with the dare. He shifted into a criss-cross applesauce position.

Claire took a big gulp before sitting down on his lap. Her cheeks grew rosy as she did so.

The speedster was definitely not faring any better. As soon as she sat down, Wally had inhaled deeply, and his body had grown rigid.

"Don't do anything stupid," Claire said to the ever flirting speedster, who only nodded his head in response.

Glaring at Robin with a challenging smirk, she spun the bottle. Unfortunately, it landed on M'gann instead.

"Truth or dare?" Claire asked M'gann, who honestly looked slightly afraid.

"Umm dare?" She said as more of a question than a statement.

"I dare you to levitate Robin into the air for the next two rounds," Claire said while sending an innocent smile to Robin.

The boy wonder only glared before he slowly floated off of the ground.

Claire grinned happily before grabbing a slice of pizza out of one of the three boxes.

"Hey, pass me a slice, babe," Wally said before remembering the compromising position they were in. Both heroes blushed widely.

Claire still reached into one of the boxes before handing Wally a slice.

M'gann twirled the bottle with her telekinesis. This time it landed on Artemis.

"Truth or dare?" The Martian asked.

"Dare." The archer responded.

"Break all of your arrows," M'gann said after thinking on it for a little while.

"What!" Artemis screeched with a face of horror before grabbing her arrows and holding them close to her protectively.

"You've got to do it, Artemis," Claire said with a grin before drinking some of the soda they had.

"Fine." The archer growled before beginning to snap the arrows on her knee one by one.

After she was finished, she grabbed the bottle, Spinning it until it ultimately landed on Superboy.

"Truth or dare?" Artemis asked the clone.

"Dare," Superboy said, causing Artemis to smirk deviously.

"I dare you to... hop into the air and say 'I'm a pretty princess' in your best kid voice," Artemis said.

"Wally, pass me my other sour patches," Claire said with wide eyes at the dare Artemis gave the boy of steel.

As Wally obediently handed Claire her favorite sour candy, Superboy jumped into the air with his right foot kicked up behind him and his index finger on the edge of his mouth.

"I'm a pretty princess." The clone said in a scarily accurate girl voice, batting his eyelashes three times for added effect. Before plopping back down onto the ground with a stoic expression.

Claire sat with her mouth agape at Superboy's performance.

With Superboy's round done, Robin was allowed back onto the 'battlefield.' Already glaring at the girl on Wally's lap.

Superboy spun the bottle with it landing on Robin.

"Truth or dare?"

''Dare," Robin said this time as opposed to truth.

"I dare you to kiss Claire," Superboy said quickly. Everyone going wide-eyed. Wally wrapped his arms around her waist protectively, not that she noticed.

"No way am I losing my first kiss like this," Claire announced, shaking her head before tapping her cheek.

"He never said what type of kiss it had to be or where. So just kiss me on the cheek." She said to Robin, still not noticing that Wally's arms were around her waist.

Robin just cleared his throat and nodded. Crawling over and placed a quick peck on her cheek before going to his old spot.

Robin quickly grabbed the bottle and spun it in silence. This time it landed on Kaldur.

"Truth or dare, Kaldur?" Robin asked with a grin. The silence once consuming the fort, now gone.

"Truth." He responded. Claire booed and threw three pieces of popcorn at Kaldur.

"Do you like anyone, and if so, who?" Robin asked the Atlantean, resting his head on his palms.

"Yes, there is someone in Atlantis. Tula was her name. I do miss her so." Kaldur said with a small sigh, looking out into the distance.

Clearing his throat and coming back to reality. He spun the bottle, landing on Claire and Wally.

"So who's taking it?" Artemis asked with a grin.

"I volunteer as tribute!" Claire yelled out with her head held high, nearly head butting the ginger behind her.

"Truth or dare, Claire?" Kaldur asked with a chuckle.

"Truth." She responded.

"Boo!" Wally said with a grin before throwing a handful of popcorn up at her. The girl just grinned with a shrug, catching one of the pieces of popcorn in her mouth like a pro.

"How did you become Stellar?" Kaldur asked her.

"Well... it all happened when I was fourteen back at the end of my ninth-grade year. The gifted class of my school, which I just so happened to be a part of, took a trip to the metropolis power plant to learn about nuclear fission," Claire informed.

"Very, very long story short, that I will not be getting into now, the plant became unstable and everyone was forced to evacuate."

She opened her mouth to continue but Robin stopped her, "Let me get this straight. You... as a fourteen-year-old, caused a full-blown nuclear meltdown."

"Maybe." The blonde muttered, holding her head down in embarrassment.

"Anyway, back to the story, everyone was evacuated, but I snuck past security like a super secret ninja and stayed behind to attempt to stop what was definitely going to be a huge nuclear fallout."

"I realized that the reactor coolants weren't going to cool it down in time, so I attempted to limit the explosion by splitting an atom and forcing the nuclei to strike one another at high speeds."

This time instead of Robin interrupting, it was Wally with wide eyes. "Hold on, you know about physics? You're actually smart?" He asked incredulously, obviously not believing what he just heard.

Claire glared at him, "I'm actually a physics prodigy thank you very much." She replied.

"Now anyway, the nuclei crashing into each other lowered the reaction like I had thought it would, but the only problem is that it only limited the reaction to the plant. Which I was still trapped inside."

"Then, Captain Atom showed up in response to the League's call since he was the only member able to contain a nuclear explosion. When he landed I guess he found me in the control room. He grabbed me to protect me from the nuclear radiation and my guess is that the my DNA was affected by nuclear fusion."

"Transforming me into the Stellar that you all know and love." She stated with a proud smile, finishing the quick rundown of how she got her powers.

"Love is a strong word. More like tolerate." Wally corrected from his place behind her.

She elbowed him in response.

"Ow!" He whined, causing her just to roll her eyes.

"Anyway, truth or dare is getting boring so... Movies?" Claire asked with a grin.

"Only if I get to pick it?" Robin said with a devious smirk. Claire only rolled her eyes and gestured to the T.V remote.

"Yes!" Robin said, quickly hopping up and grabbing the remote.

As Robin was setting up the movie, Claire tried to move out of Wally's lap, only to find his arms wrapped around her waist.

"Um, Wally?" She asked.

"Yeah, beautiful?" He responded.

The girl didn't say anything in return. She only pointed to his arms wrapped around her waist, preventing her from moving with a face the shade of a tomato.

"Oh, sorry." He said quickly, body going stiff and face rosy before releasing her waist from his grasp.

The girl quickly moved from his lap and to the side of him where her blanket pallet lay. Unplugging the Christmas lights and bathing the fort in darkness.

Everyone else decided to move to the couch, leaving no room for Wally or Claire.

Claire groaned out loud before patting the spot next to her, inviting Wally to lay down beside her on the pallet.

The speedster grinned and stood up, plopping down next to Claire and bringing the rest of their snacks over with him.

With Robin in charge of the movie, Claire should have known it would be scary.

They were watching something called Halloween, and Claire was so not feeling the aster.

At the moment, she was curled in on herself with a blanket in front of her eyes, as the killer was stabbing a babysitter.

A little while after that, the movie had finished, and the team had long since gone to sleep peacefully. Meanwhile, Claire was shaking like a leaf as she dreamt.

Wally, who was asleep next to her on the pallet, rolled over and wrapped his right arm around her waist, cuddling into her.

The girl slowly stopped shaking and snuggled more into the warmth that was the speedster.


Tbh there was really no point for this chapter. I just wanted to make it.

Also, can someone explain how the 'You may also like' feature works because every other book I see has similar stories under them while mine is just blank.

Anyway, comment, vote, and or share if you'd like.

Ps. The picture at the top is the blanket fort they made. Just imagine a huge flatscreen instead of a laptop.

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