Darkness unleashed

Від Foolscap2122

3.4K 141 152

A creeping darkness begins to spill into Sanjo City and pulling all timelines into one, from ancient Rome to... Більше

A creeping darkness
Creature Chase
A looming darkness
Where did you come from??
Anyone else gonna fall from the sky
Darkness In Sanjo
Enemies all around
Aeon's Attack!
"Not Again"
To Zeta Point We Go!
Alpha Droid Madness!
Peace and Quiet????
Fight or Flight Pt 1
Fight Or Flight Pt 2
A Medical Emergency
The Caverns
The Finale

Time's up

240 6 10
Від Foolscap2122

warning: Sue going mental, Jim being Jim

As Sheer left the room her final words haunted Gavro, as much as he believed Foolscap would live. Something in him felt that Sheer might be right.

Gavro looked at Foolscap's face hoping he would open his eyes or show some sign of movement for some reassurance but like before there was nothing, just almost pure silence all that could be heard was the faint beep from the computer on the nightstand where Seth had attaches a cord from it to a part of Gelly's gel which was around Foolscap's wrist monitoring his heart and bpm

Every time the machine beeped Gavro feared it would suddenly flat line and after dealing with Sheer his fear quickly overwhelmed him Gavro felt very anxious and scared he shook a little 

"Dammit get a hold of yourself" he mumbled but he couldn't he was too scared every beep on the computer felt like hell for until the next beep it was the silent fear, worry and anxiety that filled the room

Gavro couldn't take it anymore he eventually got up and left the room despite his fear and worry he knew if he stayed in there it would only get worse, as he walked down the stairs he noticed the Alpha Gang hiding behind the sofa 

"What are you guys doing there" he asked "Shhh she'll hear you" snapped Ursula "She? who Cretacia?" asked Gavro in a softer tone "No! Helga! she's gone mental" hissed Ursula "Eep I hear her coming Gavro hide!" yelped Ed 

Without having to be told twice Gavro ducked down behind the couch, Ed scooted over so Gavro would have a bit more room to duck down since he was quite tall "W..W..Where are y...y.you" asked a female robotic voice

The four behind the sofa stayed dead silent in fear she may find them, the silence was un nerving a sudden but quite loud sneeze spooked everyone "ED" hissed Zander and Ursula 

"It wasn't me" panicked Ed "Wasn't him, it was Spectre" said Gavro quietly "Jesus the toad nearly brought the whole house down with that one" mumbled Zander "Hey calling him toad is my thing, it's my revenge for him calling me old" snapped Ursula 

"Quiet" hissed Gavro as he heard heavy footsteps approaching "Oh.....son of a fuuuuuuuu" 

Helga lifted the couch and stared down at the four, the five stared at each other before absolute chaos broke out "RUN BITCH RUNNNNN" yelled Ursula as the four quickly stood and mad ea run for it 





Ed and Gavro quickly ran out the back door, Ed tumbled down the stairs as did Gavro since neither knew they were there, Gavro landed on the ground with a loud thud Ed came crashing down on him "GAH....ow that really hurt...AHH S...Sorry Gavro" said Ed as he got off him and helped  the larger male up "It's okay Ed, didn't really hurt at all" said Gavro with a soft smile 

Ed beamed ear to ear hearing that "Oh that's good" said Ed, the moment was disturbed when Ursula and Zander came charging out and down the stairs "SHE'S COMING RUN" yelled Ursula 

Gavro quickly grabbed Ed's hand and led him to where Zander and Ursula had hid, just as Helga came charging out of the house, Gavro and Ursula ducked down as far as they could 

Helga noticed their hair sticking out from behind the bushes except she mistook the hair for plants, as she approached them another loud sneeze drew her attention away she spun around so quickly that her arms sliced through Ursula ponytail 

As the green hair fell the three men stared in horror at the top of Ursula's head "What are you three staring at" asked Ursula "Umm Ursula please don't kill us but...your hair is super short" blurted out Zander obviously avoiding the real thing making them stare 

"Uh..uh...uh yeah" 

"Just that only that, that's all we're staring at" 

"What are you hiding fro-"

Ursula noticed several strands of grey hair among her green hair, she stared at the strands of grey shocked "Oh....shit" mumbled Zander "Ed you might want to get behind me" mumbled Gavro as he watched Ursula's expression change to the most horrifying expression ever

Ed quickly tried to hide behind Gavro but got caught up in Ursula's temper tantrum, "AGHGH GAVRO HELPPP" screamed Ed as Ursula threw him halfway across the garden. Gavro panicked and ran out of the bushes to catch Ed "ED" he yelled out in a panic Zander tried to sneak away but also got caught 

Ursula swung Zander around by his legs Zander screeched like a peacock as he was reminded of what happened when Helga did this to him.

Spike and Aki watched the chaos outside unfold as Ursula had a massive temper over her hair being short and the few grey hairs in her hair and Zander and Ed being tossed around like rag dolls and Gavro trying to catch Ed to stop him from getting hurt while Zander just waited to be thrown into the neighbour's yard  from the kitchen window 

"I'll go get the first aid kit for them" said Aki standing up but suddenly doubling over a little holding her stomch a look of pain washing over her face "Aki" panicked Spike "I...I'm fine Spike just the baby kicking again" said Aki as she stood up slightly before feeling a hand on her shoulder 

"Aki, please rest I don't want you to over work yourself please" said Spike worried "Spike....okay" said Aki 

Aki sat back down in the chair while Spike got up and went to get the first aid kit from the bathroom when he returned he arrived in time to see the Gavro and Ed come racing into the house while Zander was still being thrown around by Ursula 

"You two okay" asked Aki worriedly "We're fine...just...tired" wheezed Gavro Ed clocked out then and there and flopped out on the floor "Ed" asked Gavro confused "He's tired, maybe just let him rest" said Aki "Yeah, okay" said Gavro as he picked up Ed with ease 

Spike set the first aid kit down "Guess we won't need this" said Spike, as if on queue Zander came flying into the side of the house with a very loud crash and thud "Spoke too son Dr. Taylor" said Gavro as he looked out the back door and saw Ursula now attacking a tree "A shame Sheer hates attachments, she would get along very well with Ursula" thought Gavro before he took Ed back to his room 

Ed snuggled into Gavro's arms as Gavro carefully carried him up the stairs, he set Ed gently on the small bed. Ed stretched out as soon as he felt the bed under him, Gavro put the small blanket over Ed and left the room 

As he left he quickly glanced at the room where Foolscap was, he decided to check on Foolscap just to see if he had made any improvement in his current condition

Gavro walked over to the room and opened the door before walking in, he walked over and sat beside the bed. He gently took Foolscap's hand "Get better Fools...please" he muttered after sometime Gavro eventually just rested his head on the side of the bed near Foolscap's arm 

He only expected to just rest slightly but ended up falling asleep he slept for several hours, during his sleep Foolscap slightly moved 

Foolscap shyly opened his eyes quickly shutting them again after being blinded by the light of the sunset's light pouring in  the window he squinted a little as he tried to get used to the light again. "Agh so bright" he groaned softly 

After a few minutes he was able to fully open his eyes he looked around "Where...where am I...owww everything hurts" whined Foolscap as he tried to sit up "GAhh I feel like I got trampled by every dinosaur to ever exist" 

Foolscap even though it hurt like hell sat up, when he did the covers over him fell away and he noticed his shirt had been replaced by a bunch of bandages around his top half and a bit of his mid section he blushed a deep scarlet red "Grrr where's my shirt"

As Foolscap looked around for his shirt he noticed Gavro sleeping beside the bed "Gav" asked Foolscap softly as he gently ruffled Gavro's hair Gavro grumbled in his sleep a little since his slumber was being disturbed 

He groaned sitting up "Guess I fell asleep" he mumbled as he sat up again he then noticed Foolscap staring at him wide eyed and blushing "F...Fools" said Gavro a smile appearing on his face "FOOLSCAP" he cried out as he hugged Foolscap tightly "ACK GAVRO I CAN'T BREATHE" choked Foolscap as Gavro held him so close 

"S...Sorry Fools it's just...I was really worried" said Gavro sadly as he released Foolscap from the hug "It's okay Gav, I understand" said Foolscap "And on another note...WHERE IS MY SHIRT" shrieked Foolscap blushing and hiding under the covers a little again 

"Huh....Oh...AH" Gavro blushed at the sudden realization "S..Sorry" yelped Gavro "It's fine but..please find my shirt...I don't like not having it....even if I'm just around you" mumbled Foolscap. Gavro nodded his eyes closed, Gavro knew how insecure Foolscap was about his body and even though he would always support Foolscap he couldn't help but find something to be insecure about 

Normally it was how thin he was other times it was a few scars or just how he looked, Gavro didn't like when Foolscap did that but always did his best to make Foolscap feel better. Gavro looked around the room and noticed Foolscap's shirt on a desk folded neatly 

"Found it" said Gavro as he got up and grabbed it, he tossed it to Foolscap before leaving the room so Foolscap could change 

---- Meanwhile -----

Helga was stomping around the kitchen throwing random things into a large stew pot. Dume, Jim, and Goma watched her "I'll give you 10 yen  if you drink it" dared Dume as he looked at Goma and Jim "10 Yen" questioned Goma "What's Yen" asked Jim 

Dume sighed "Money" he replied "10 Yen sounds like game money" mumbled Goma, just then Helga turned the stove off and picked up the pot "Wait what's she doing" asked Dume "I have no idea" said Jim. Helga turned around and stared coldly at them "I don't like that" mumbled Goma as he backed away 

Helga stepped forward a bit and grabbed a hold of Dume "Huh HEY LEMME GO" panicked Dume Helga held a ladle up which had the unknown soup in it "Drink up"

Helga shoved the ladle in Dume's mouth forcing him to drink it, Dume's face flushed red before he coughed and sputtered he flailed around screaming taking it as a sign to run Goma and Jim took off very quickly 

Helga eventually caught Jim and gave the soup to him Jim wheezed and sputtered as he tried to get rid of the burning sensation in his mouth

Goma ran like hell but was unable to outrun Helga, he ended up meeting the same fate as Dume and Jim 

During the commotion Seth had finally had enough of Helga's malfunctioning and tased her she stopped dead in her tracks and toppled over spilling what remained of the soup onto the floor


- - - - - meanwhile - - - - 

A brunette with blue glasses and another brunette walked through the streets towards where the Taylor's house was "S...Sue I'm scared what if a monster appears again" asked the smaller brunette in a frightened tone as she clung to the other brunette's arm

"Amy don't worry I fought one off remember, I can take on another" said Sue as she continued walking putting her arm around Amy to try and comfort her "I...I know but I'm still a bit scared"

"You don't have to be, Zoe, Meena and I will always protect you"

"You guys will"

"Of course!"

Amy softly smiled and hugged Sue gently as they walked up to the Taylor's house, Sue quickly peered in the front widow and suddenly went red with anger

- - - - -- - - - - --  - - - - - --  -- - -

"Jim are you okay?" asked Zoe noticing Jim sprawled out on the floor looking very close to death from whatever was in Helga's soup "I'm okay Zoe don't worry" wheezed Jim as he sat up and slowly stood

Zoe stepped back a bit "That's good but um where's Goma and Dume shouldn't they be around here somewhere " asked Zoe as she looked around for the other two boys

"Ah who care's where they are, at least you and me get to spend sometime together" said Jim with a wink  and a soft blush on his face

" Jim we talked about this " said Zoe looking away clearly annoyed and not interested in Jim's attempts to be romantic, " Why, cause I'm too romantic for you " asked Jim trying to be smart

Reese stared at Jim her eyes burning with anger, Gavro and Foolscap slowly made they're way down the stairs confused by the commotion

"What's going...oh.." asked Foolscap as he noticed Jim trying to flirt with Zoe "Oh not this shit again"

"He still after her" asked Gavro "Still after her" asked Reese as she turned around even more angry than before "Um yeaaahhh about that, in the past when we were after the blue cosmos stone. Ginger haired over there tried nearly every trick in the book to get Zoe to love him back" said Foolscap

"Oh did he now"


" Father hand me Bertha" growled Reese as she looked down at Mr. Drake whom was clinging onto his needle " R...Ree my angel please calm down" said Zander nervously noticing the ominous aura originating from Reese's body as he entered the room with Ursula

"Jim stop please" said Zoe noticing her sisters rising anger and hatred for Jim, "Oh but Zoe just a quick kiss" said Jim puckering his lips and leaning forward " JIM NO" panicked Zoe

Suddenly a hand with a pink glove shot out protecting Zoe from Jim, "Huh" said Jim stepping back only to notice the dark glare he was getting from Ursula , Jim gulped at the yellow  eyes locked onto his teal eyes, Ursula's intense glare shooting through Jim's soul

Jim backed away a little but only to bump into Reese, slowly turning around he felt like he was looking straight at death, although if Zander wasn't holding Reese back Jim would be correct.

A sudden crash from the living room caused everyone to look over, Jim felt his heart drop when he saw two brown haired girls standing there one wearing glasses and the other slightly cowering behind the other "YOU.....GET AWAY FROM ZOE" boomed the brunette with the glasses as her eyes locked on Jim

"Oh god..." mumbled Jim "Is....is that your girlfriend" asked Foolscap nervously as he stared at Sue who was going mental "Yup....and she can be pretty protective over me, Amy and Meena"

"Meena? Amy?"

"My other two girlfriends"

"Oh okay"

Sue stormed over to Jim and grabbed him by his shirt hoisting him into the air, Sheer poked her head in the room having heard the screams of a child "Some kid getting killed in here or what" asked Sheer before noticing Sue attacking Jim "This is good I'm gonna go grab some popcorn...is that what it's called to watch this" said Sheer with a smile

Reese eventually had enough of watching from the sidelines so she quickly stormed down the stairs shoving past Gavro and Foolscap and snatched Bertha from Dr. Drake "REESE NO DROP IT" yelled Amano Reese stared back at Amano annoyed "Drop it, we only let you throw cacti at people not your fathers needle"

Reese growled and put the needle down, she then spotted a small cacti in a pot on the window sill she grabbed it but yet again was stopped by someone "Reese that belongs to Aki please don't break it, he's not worth it" said Spike Reese growled angrily "Here use my scissors" said Cretacia handing a spare pair of scissors to Reese


That's it everyone for this chapter :)

Sue belongs to @mauselet

Hope you all enjoyed sorry if it seems a bit rushed I just really wanted to get it out here

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