
By Sugar_And_Spice125

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Cast List and Welcome!
№1|Enter: Medusa Demgorgean
№2|Welcome to the WhiteClad Pack
№5|Eyes Of Prophecy
№7|Tell Me The Truth, Vanessa!
№9|It's Always A Price With You Isn't It?
№11|Some Things Science Can't Explain
№12|The Full Moon Festival (Part 1)
№13|The Full Moon Festival (Part 2)
№14|The Full Moon Festival (Part 3)
№16|It's Okay To Get Saved
№17|The Night Before Court
№18|His Medusa
№19|Werewolf Court
№20|Patient Zero
№21|International Phone Calls
№24|Here To Stay
№26|Care For A Doughnut?
№30|Lastachka Part 2
№32|Tick... Tick... Tock...
№34|Stupid Dragons
№35|Lets Make A Plan!
№36|The 7 Mile Escape From Candyland
№37|Loved You Since The Beginning
№38|What Did You Do?!
№39|Aura Imprints
№40|How Much I Love You
№41|I'm Nothing Like You
№42|Don't Eat The Orange Chicken
№43|Costume Time!
№44|It's Been So Long
№46|The Price Of Knowledge
№47|My Most Precious Thing
№48|I'll Be Back
№49|The Camp Part 1: Help Me Understand
№50|The Camp Part 2: Poppet
№51|The Camp Part 3: Cake Walk
№52|You're Mine. I'm Yours
№53|Change Of Plans
№55|Scars On The Heart
№56|Wings Were Made To Fly
№57|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 1)
№58|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 2)
№59|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 3)
№60|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 4)
№61|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 5)
№62|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 6)
№63|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 7)
№64|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 8)
№65|Tick... Tock... Boom!

№31|No New Friends, Just New Lovers

32 4 2
By Sugar_And_Spice125

№31|No New Friends, Just New Lovers
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

Salvador, Kalypso, Alfonzo, and Camila sat in the mess hall, watching with a careful eye as they got their first look at the dragons.

“Maybe we should go talk to them? Ya know, introduce ourselves.” Kalypso suggested, eliciting a growl out of Salvador.

“No way.” He said rather defensively.

“Why not?” Kalypso asked.

“Yeah, Sal, why not?” Camila smirked slyly at her son.

“U-Um… because…” his cheeks flushed as his eyes locked with hers, “it’s dangerous that’s why…”

“Is that the only reason?” Alfonzo chuckled, wiggling his eyebrows.

“Sh-Shut up!” Salvador looked away from the beautiful witch. “Go talk… see if I care.”

Kalypso furrowed her eyes at him, huffing as she walked off towards the dragons. Camila sighed deeply, shaking her head at her son. “You’re so stupid.”

“How am I stupid? She’s the one who wanted to talk to them in the first place.” Salvador shrugged.

“Son,” Alfonzo rolled his eyes, “she wanted you to give her a reason to stay.”

“Why didn’t she just say that?” Salvador questioned.

“Because women don’t say what they feel sometimes. We shouldn’t have to say it. You men should already know what we mean.” Camila scoffed, huffing as she turned away from her son.

“What?” Salvador was beyond confused. “I don’t get it.”

Camila groaned, pointing her finger judgingly at her son. “Kalypso knows you don’t understand so she’s gonna make you understand. Just like how I had to make your father understand.”

“What are you talking about?” Salvador was even more confused.

“You’ll see.” Camila folded her arms over her chest. “Trust me… you’ll understand.”

Simmering with anger at Salvador, Kalypso slipped off her necklace and placed it in her pocket as she walked over the dragons with a smile on her face.

“Hi,” her voice came out smooth like velvet, “I’m here to welcome you to the pack.”

“Wow, they really do know how to set up a welcome party,” one of the dragons kissed her hand, “I’m Rufus Valgoria. Who might this beautiful witch be?”

Rufus possessed deep, slanted dark green eyes, delicate facial features, and a mildly prominent nose. Rufus was a slim young man of average height with very long, straight blond hair that reached down below his back. It gathered near the end, tied in a small ponytail by a large, dark band. Framing his face are two bangs, which reach down to his shoulders and then mingled backwards with the rest of his hair.

“Kalypso,” she smirked slyly at Salvador, “Kalypso Payne.”

With that, Salvador crushed the glass he was drinking. Camila chuckled. “And here we go~”

“So,” Kalypso slid into the booth with Rufus, “where are you from?”

“Newingwood Enclave,” Rufus played with strands of her auburn hair, “someone as beautiful as you must be from heaven.”

Kalypso giggled, blushing slightly. “No, no… I’m from Weybury Islet.”

“Ahh,” Rafus secretly scanned her neck for a mark, surprised to see none was there, “now how does a beautiful witch, like yourself, live in a pack filled with wolves and not have a mark? Or even a betrothal jewelry.”

Kalypso rubbed her fingers over the necklace in her pocket. “Um… yeah… it’s funny. Ironic, right?”

Salvador growled deeply, clenching the side of the bar stool.

Kalypso eyed Salvador from the corner of her eye. You gonna do anything? She groaned inwardly as she watched him stand still. Maybe I need to up the anthem.

She leaned in closer to Rufus. “So~ what kinda dragon are you?”

“Storm dragon.” Rufus replied. Kalypso crawled into his lap.

“Do you have any scales? I read in a book that dragons have scales peppered across their skin in human form.” Kalypso ran her soft fingers down his bicep, feeling the scales that laid across his skin.

Rufus rolled up his sleeves, revealing the deep blue scales on his biceps. “Wow!” Kalypso gasped a little too dramatically, “I always wanted to be with a dragon. I kinda need a change of pace from being surrounded by wolves all day.”

“Yeah,” Rufus winked at Salvador, “wolves are pretty stupid.”

Salvador growled deeply, storming out of the mess hall. Kalypso’s eyes saddened as she watched her wolf storm off. The witch sighed, scooting away from Rufus. “I’m sorry for leading you on…”

“Oh honey, if this is about the wolf, just leave him be.” Rufus lifted up her chin, stroking her cheek. “You don’t deserve to be with some ugly wolf. You deserve to be with a handsome dragon.”

“Rufus, you don’t understand… he doesn't understand…” Kalypso looked down in shame. “I thought he did… I thought he loved me…” She pulled out the necklace. “He even gave me this.”

“Wolves are stupid like that. They lead people on just for the hell of it,” Rufus wiped away her tears, “I would never do that to you.” He kissed her cheek, bringing a blush to her face. “Dragons know how to treat a woman right.”

“You do?” Kalypso cheeks flushed even more.

“Of course,” Rufus chuckled, his fingers taking the necklace out of her pocket, “did he give this to you?”

“Y-Yes…” Kalypso nodded, “he wanted to protect me during the day time… but he couldn’t pull through… he walked out like all the others.”

Rufus pulled her in close. “Didn’t I say it before, ‘wolves are stupid’.”

“Yeah,” Kalypso smiled softly, hugging him back, “wolves are stupid.”

Meanwhile, Salvador stood out on the balcony, looking down at his hands. “Why didn’t we go back?” Salvador burying his head in his hands. “That’s what mates are supposed to do, right? Go back… and fight, right?”

“Yes… but... why didn’t we go back?” It suddenly dawned on his wolf. “What if she isn’t-”

“N-No!” Salvador shook her head. “Are you telling me she isn’t-”

“Yeah.” Alfonzo stood beside him. “That’s what he’s saying.”

“B-But…” Salvador clenched the edge of the railing. “Dammit!” Tears streamed down his cheeks. “Why would the Moon Goddess string me along with her?!”

“Maybe it’s a test.” Camila rubbed his shoulder. “Do you think me and your father got together at first sight?”

“Yes. I’ve heard the story every… single… holiday.” Salvador growled.

“Don’t growl at your mother.” Alfonzo smacked him upside the head.

“Sorry…” Salvador apologized.

“It’s fine,” Camila kissed the top of his head, “but look at her.” He turned Salvador towards the mess hall, watching as Kalypso laughed alongside Rufus. “I know you two had it good, but it looks like they have it better.”

“Why couldn’t we have it better… I thought I did everything right…” Salvador whimpered.

“You did everything right, but the heart is a difficult organ. One moment it can love someone, and the next moment it loves someone else.” Alfonzo patted his back.

“Why do I feel like… like… like shit…” Salvador raked his fingers through his hair.

“You’re gonna feel like that for a while, until you find someone new.” Camila kissed his cheek. “I promise you’ll have someone new.”

“Promise?” His hazel eyes gazed into his mother’s green eyes.

“I promise you.” Camila brought him in for a hug.

Salvador walked through the mess hall, locking eyes with Kalypso and Rufus. It was as though the entire world stopped spinning… as though the world became frozen, and there stood only the two.

“Are you mad?” Kalypso whispered.

“No,” Salvador smiled at her, stroking her hair softly, “are you happy with him? Like you were with me?”

“I just met him…” Kalypso smiled widely, “and honestly… I’ve never felt happier.”

“Do you like him?” Salvador smirked slightly.

“I mean, he is kinda hot… but… I don’t know.” Kalypso frowned. “I shouldn’t be talking about this to you… I know what you say about me… how much you loved me…”

“Yeah,” Salvador sighed. He held her hand. “But my dad has a saying; ‘if you love something, you gotta let it be free,’” he kissed her hand, “if you’re happy. If you like him – maybe even love him – then I have to let you go.”

Kalypso hugged him, crying into his shoulder. “Are you going to be in my dreams still…? Protecting me?”

“No,” Salvador sighed, “but you got him now, and I think I was just the placeholder for Rufus.”

“But… we can be friends… right?” Kalypso whimpered.

“Of course, Kali!” Salvador hugged her tightly, “I may not be the one you love but I know you still love me… as a friend of course, and I’m okay with that.”

“You sure?” Kalypso asked.

“Yes,” Salvador kissed her forehead, “and if that dragon doesn't protect you, tell me and I’ll descale him so fast it’ll make his head spin.”

Kalypso laughed. “Look who’s being my big wolf brother.” She smiled into his shoulder. “I like this Salvador… it’s nice knowing I have both a dragon and a wolf protecting me.”

“Oh? So Dragon Boy is gonna be protecting you?” Salvador smirked widely. “He does look head over heels for you. I mean, who wouldn’t. You’re amazing, Kali.”

“Thanks, Sal.” Kalypso brushed strands of her hair back. “I don’t know… it started off as making you jealous but when we started talking… we just-”

“Connected.” Kalypso and Salvador said at the same time.

“Yeah…” Kalypso smiled, her heart fluttering as she gazed into Rufus’ gleaming green eyes. “A witch and a dragon… I know it shouldn't be happy, but… look at him,” Kalypso stroked his cheek, “his touch was so gentle, despite the scales on his finger tips…”

That’s when Salvador noticed it... the haze swimming in her amber eyes. It was never there when she looked at Salvador, only Rufus. He suspected to be angry… but nothing. In fact, he felt relieved. Should I feel relieved?

“Yes… and no… we should be relieved that she found someone new. We should be glad that there’s someone who can protect her in her dreams. We should be happy that she’s happy.” His wolf smiled as he watched Kalypso hug Rufus, the dragon returning back to normal. “Now it’s time for us to be happy.”

Kalypso laughed, her eyes going wide when Rufus made a little storm cloud in his hands. He formed the cloud into a flower, putting it in her hair as the clouds faded away aNd were replaced with a beautiful midnight blue flower.

Kalypso giggled and blushed. “What kind of flower is this?”

“Blue Gladiola,” Rufus replied.

“It’s beautiful.” Kalypso sighed in delight.

“That’s a flower. You’re beautiful.” Rufus muttered, knowing Kalypso couldn’t hear him, but Salvador sure could.

Rufus looked behind her to see Salvador giving him a hard glare. The world began to freeze again, this time it was Rufus and Salvador inside.

“Kalypso takes time,” Salvador began, “you can’t rush things with her. She needs to be loved, cared for, and protected when needed cause she can kick both our asses,” a slight laughed filled the dense air between the two men, “but please… if you really love her, keep her safe… especially at night.”

“What happens at night? Look I don’t know how you wolves operate up in here but if yall touch her in the nightime that’s fucking sick.” Rufus growled, holding Kalypso close. “I’ll make sure you fucking mutts pay if you come anywhere near her in the night.”

“No, it’s not that,” Salvador sighed, shaking his head, “she was a bad person in the past and sometimes she has bad dreams that haunt her. She says she can handle it but I know sometimes she can’t. She needs some help sometimes so please… if you can love her, go to sleep every night with the objective of protecting her.”

Rufus stroked Kalypso’s hair. “You don’t need to worry about her. When dragons meet their mate, both feel these instant connections, and our hearts become intertwined.”

“That’s beautiful,” Salvador chuckled softly, “no wonder she had this instant connection with you.”

“You don’t need to worry about her. Dragons don’t let their mates go.” Rufus kissed the top of her head, the world returning back to normal. “She’s safe with me.”

Salvador patted his shoulder. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Rufus whispered.

With that, Salvador walked out of the mess hall. While he was sad Kalypso found love with another, he knew Rufus could keep her safe. He sat outside in the garden, watching as the flowers swayed back and forth in the wind.

Salvador sighed. “It’s our turn to be happy… right?”

“Yeah, it’s our turn.” His wolf smiled, nodding slightly.

Suddenly, a tap on the shoulder made Salvador turn around to see his mother holding a letter. “This came in today.” Camila smiled slyly. “It’s from Delilah.”

“Delilah?” Salvador's eyes widened in shock. “I haven’t talked to her in ages…”

“Open it.” His father smirked, sitting beside him.

Salvador opened it and began reading.

My Dearest, Salvador,

At three little words, Salvador felt a flood of memories of the wolf in question. His heart began to flutter, beating quickly as he continued to read.

I know it’s been a while since we’ve talked, but at the wedding… I stood at that altar, ready to marry Fernando, but all I could see was you.

Salvador felt his cheeks flush. Delilah was his best friend, and the two had something. But the day of her wedding Salvador and Delilah got into a fight and the two hadn’t talked since.

I don’t even know why I’m writing this letter… you probably hate me now… but, Fernando and I have been divorced for over a year now, and I wish to see you. I heard you were going to be at the WhiteClad pack for a while so I’m coming to visit.

Salvador, every night I was with Fernando, I couldn't help but think of you. Of those soft hands that would rub against my tender skin. Of your kisses that would pepper my neck. How softly my name would roll off your lips.

Salvador coughed slightly, his cheek turning red. “Woah… still descriptive as hell…”

My lovely, Sal, I wish we could be together now, but in a few days I’ll be by your side again.

He could hear the faint giggle of his lovely Delilah inside his mind.

Till we meet again, 

Love, Delilah.

Salvador felt his wolf jumping up and down. “Delilah’s coming! Delilah’s coming!!”

“Yes, she’s coming soon, don't worry.” Salvador chuckled.

“Wolf’s excited, I’m guessing?” Camila smirked.

“Yeah,” Salvador smiled widely, “I haven’t seen Delilah in ages… I wonder what she looks like. What she’s seen. What she’s heard…” Salvador sighed in delight. “I can’t wait till she gets here.”

“I bet she can’t wait either.” Camila winked. “I think she’s on her way. She might get here by tonight.”

“Tonight?!” Salvador shot up from the bench. “Shoot! I can’t meet her like this!”

“I don’t think she’s gonna care what you look like… she’ll just be happy to see you.” Alfonzo laughed, standing up from the bench as well.

Camila watched as her son frantically planned for Delilah’s arrival. “I need to find a place that makes April Rose Puffs… oh and I need to rent her favorite movie.”

Alfonzo laughed, shaking his head. “It was her all along.”

“Yep,” Camila held his hand, “do you think I was too hard on you when we first went out?”

“Nope,” Alfonzo kissed her nose, “I know you put me through all those tests to see if I was worth it.”

“Was I worth it?” Camila questioned.

“Of course.” Alfonzo pulled her in close. “You’re always worth it.”


Hey!! Again sorry for the late in the day update I've been so busy for school update days are blurring together.

Anyways! This is a chapter I had a lot of anxiety posting about because of what y'all would think of Salvador and Kalypso finding other ppl. So what do u think? Good? Bad?

Tell me what u think in the comments!! I personally like Rufus and Kalypso together.

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