Give me Anything but Signals...

By Imalittlelost3

26.6K 800 350

Corrine's back! And she's here to win the million, and maybe figure out Duncan's feelings for her. One proble... More

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The Sand Witch Project
Masters Of Disaster
Full Metal Drama
Aftermath II: Forgive or For Gwen
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The Chefshank Redemption

1.3K 41 13
By Imalittlelost3

Last week on Total Drama Action, the dry desert heat baked our favorite partners like roadkill on the blacktop. But crispy bottoms or not, they still had to mount their ancient steed, from a hundred-foot platform! But that wasn't all. A calf-roping contest has the teams lasso each other. When Trent's crazy love act led him to throw challenges for Gwen, she gave him the old heave-ho. And then she got busted by his furious teammates, which led to some Total Drama. Well, poor old deputy Trent found himself hitching a ride on the 3:10 to Looneyville. The Screaming Gaffers won the west, and only eleven remain! Stay tuned and find out who will win this week.

The sleeping boys were woken up by the sound of an airhorn, making them jump up in shock. Owen wiped the crud out of his eyes and Duncan quickly jumped out of his bunk.

"Wiss dibs," He announced. "I called it."

He wrapped his hand around the doorknob and pulled, but was unable to open it. His brows furrowed in confusion and he pulled again, using two hands this time. He looked over to Justin, who was in a sleeping mask and had a small fan blowing on him, preventing sweat.

"Hey," He called out. "A little help?"

"This is day twelve of my manicure," Justin scoffed out, wiggling his fingers. "To risk any more cuticle damage would be madness."

Owen jumped off his bed, yawning and heading towards the door. He stretched out his arms with a groan, looking confident.

"Dudes, I got this."

Harold gasped as Duncan and Justin backed away, watching Owen in worry.

"Rule number one," Harold said to the confessional. "Do not wake Owen's beast within in the morning."

Owen placed both hands on the knob and began to pull, groaned at the strength he used to pull on the door.

"Owen, we had cowboy beans last night! You are risking a serious toxic leak!" Harold warned.

"That's all I am to you?" Owen asked, hurt. "A human fart machine?"

"We just value our lives is all," Duncan said. "All right, big guy?"

Owen cooed, bringing the remaining boys into a hug.

"Aw, I love you guys," He said with a smile. "And I promise I'll never blow another morning-"

He was interrupted by a loud fart.

"Starting now."

He farted again.

"I mean now."

Meanwhile, the girls were experiencing the same problem, brainstorming ways to open the door; Gwen was beginning to panic.

"They've gotta open the door, right?" She asked, pacing. "I have claustrophobia."

"Oh boo hoo," Heather snapped, pulling on the door again. "This trailer is as tight as the space between Lindsay's ears!"

"Aw, thank you!" Lindsay said with a blush.

"Up there!" Gwen exclaimed, pointing at the escape hatch on the roof of the trailer. "Maybe one of us can squeeze through."

Gwen inspected each girl before stopping at Heather, smiling over at her.

"What?" She asked, confused at the creepy smile Gwen was giving her.

"Ever since the whole awful Trent thing went down, I've just been waiting for karma to bite me in the ass," Gwen confessed. "But what could I do? He was my weakness, my Achilles heel. We all have one. And luckily, Heather has a whole bunch of useful ones. Glittery objects, new hair products, shameless flattery."

"Of course," Gwen said, lightly smacking herself in the head as a mock 'aha!' moment.

"Only the tooth pickiest of us is gonna fit through that vent. I'm talking model thin. Though surely, the most athletic of us would wanna show off her natural sleekness."

"For once, I agree with you. I'll do it" Heather said, nodding her head in agreement.

"Sometimes I really wish I was one of the guys," Leshawna said, fed up with the girls.

"I know what you mean," Corrine agreed from her spot on her bunk, applying a last bit of eyeliner before jumping down and inspecting the escape hatch.

"Okay," Gwen said, huddling up with the girls. "Here's the plan-"

The door suddenly swung open, blinding the girls briefly with the sunlight. Corrine squinted, focusing her eyes on Chris, who was dressed in a classic cop uniform. While the girl's eyes adjusted from the sunlight, Chris opened the door to the boy's trailer, sending them flying out as they had planned to break the door down. They landed in a heap on the ground and Corrine hid a laugh behind her hand, much to their chagrin.

"Hope you all enjoyed your first taste of the gulag," Chris said, confusing Lindsay.

"Gulag?" She asked. "I didn't get any gulag!"

"Well prepare for it to get a whole lot worse. Because today is prison flick day!"

Leshawna, Beth, Lindsay, and Owen all groaned while Corrine cheered silently, hoping that this would be the challenge she could finally help out in.

Her confidence had wavered during her stay on the lot, as she had been less than helpful the last few challenges with her allergies and fears.

"Lovely," Heather said sarcastically. "At least we've got the only actual ex-con on our team."

"It was only juvenile detention," Duncan corrected. "Don't get too excited."

"Ah, prison," Chris said, pacing dramatically. "The confinement, the claustrophobia, the vile, nasty food. And you're always looking over your shoulder 'cause Mr. Killer Dude wants to cut ya for taking the last tater tot! And no matter how hard you try, digging out spoonfuls of dirt, year after year, there's no escape! Unless you get voted off, of course."

"Talk about overkill," Harold said in the makeup booth. "This place is prison-like already. Not that I'm complaining. I mean, I should probably be locked up for the ladies' sake."

Duncan looked over at Corrine's pajamas, which consisted of one of her ex-boyfriend's old tee's, a pair of black underwear, and her fuzzy black bunny slippers.

"Nice slippers, loser," Duncan teased and she dead-legged the teen, sending him to the ground.

"Nice knees," She teased, walking back into her trailer to change. He watched her leave with a fake glare until she closed the door behind her and he allowed a small smirk to grace his face as he too went off to change.

After the teens changed, Chris led them off to the prison lost, entering the fake prison filled with empty foam cells. In front of the fake cells were two real cages and two tables holding various cups, bowls, old food, and garbage.

"Lockdown, people!" Chris ordered. "Let's get this challenge started! Teams, take a prisoner from the competition! And Chef- I mean warden, lock 'em up."

Chef, dressed in an army green wife-beater and cargo pants, nodded at him.

The teens huddled up, debating to decide which teammate to give up.

"We got this in the bag," Justin said to the group. "Gwen owes us!"

"But what if locking her up means she's out of the challenge," Beth worried.

"But we can't know, remember? We need this bad!" Owen whisper-yelled.

"C'mon guys, we don't need Gwen to win this challenge," Corrine said. "We need to think strategically."

The Gaffers had also huddled up, deciding who to pick when Heather perked up with an idea.

"Remember when Lindsay locked herself in the bathroom?" She asked and Gwen nodded, laughing lightly.

"She lost it!" Gwen exclaimed. "Drank everyone's shampoos in case any of them were magic potions and then barfed on herself!"

"She'll crack for sure," Duncan agreed.

"Choices?" Chris asked, turning to Gwen's team. "Gaffers?"

"Lindsay," Heather chose.

"Yay! I win!" She cheered, clapping.

"Grips?" Chris asked. "Now remember, this is an important choice. Especially for perennial losers like yourself."

"Oh, we shouldn't have any trouble beating... Gwen!" Beth announced with a wink at the girl and Corrine rolled her eyes, annoyed with her team.

"Today's first game is the prison chow-llenge! Each team of prison chefs whips up the foulest, nastiest, most barf-inducing slop on this side of Alcatraz. Gwen and Lindsay have to stomach as much as they can. Last one to power-hurl, wins!" Chris explained and Corrine's stomach turned, feeling bad for the girls.

"I can't!" Lindsay wailed dramatically as she was led to one of the cages. "I'm innocent, I tell you! Innocent!"

"That's what they all say," Chris said as Chef closed and locked the cell door.

"I know I owe the Grips because of Trent's cheating, but even if we forget Lindsay's shampoo incident, last night she nearly hurled because Leshawna's gums smelled too "minty fresh". How am I gonna puke before that?" Gwen asked the confessional.

Lindsay looked over at the table full of garbage and old food, holding back a hurl.

"Oh no!" She gasped out, holding a hand over her mouth.

"This reward better be worth it," Gwen sighed out, leaning her head against the cold bars of her cell.

"Have I ever let you down?" Chris asked, leaving Gwen no time to argue. "Wait, scratch that. Anyway, the winning team gets this!"

He pulled out a golden shovel from behind his back, holding it out for all to see.

"What are we supposed to do with a shovel?" Lindsay asked.

"Everybody knows more wars have been won with a shovel than a sword," Harold confessed. "Give a man a hole, and what does he have? Nothing. But give a man a shovel, and he can dig a hole to contain the nothing."

"Prisoners ready? And culinate!"

The Gaffers went first, Chris narrating the whole time.

"Duncan goes right for the roaches! Harold tops it off with some slimy anchovy paste and oh! Here come the horse lips!"

Back with the Grips, a green bubbling stew had been created, and Beth was returning with hairbrushes full of extra hair.

"Nice work, Beth," Justin commended. "I knew I could count on you!"

Beth let out a love-sick kind of laugh and Corrine rolled her eyes for what felt like the tenth time in the past hour, filling her nails into the green liquid.

"Come on!" Justin said. "You need to do better!"

Corrine glared at the tan boy, shoving her nail file into his chest.

"You need to watch your mouth, pretty boy," She glowered. "You may have all our other teammates under your spell, but I'm not impressed."

He glared back at her.

"Be careful there, it's just like you said. If I tell them to vote you out, they will."

"Oh please," She scoffed. "You aren't nearly smart enough to even make a plan to vote me out."

The two teens held each other's gaze until they were interrupted by Chris.

"Ooh!" He sang. "I love a power struggle!"

Duncan, who had been watching the entire exchange, had to agree. He also loved power struggles, especially the ones that involve an angry hot chick.

"Anyway," Chris said. "Looks like there's a whole lot of dead hair going into the Grip's concoction. Oh! And what's this? On top of Spaghetti, all covered in flakes, and Gwen has to eat it, 'cause them's just the breaks!" He sang out, making Corrine break her glare and giggle at the song.

"Time's up," Chris announced. "And jailbirds, I hope your appetites are primed!"

Justin grabbed the blue, maggot-filled bowl, placed a spoon on the side, and handed it over to Gwen, who eyed it with disgust.

"Feeling queasy?" He asked smugly as Harold passed him, handing the Gaffer's bowl to Lindsay.

"We have the braised hore lips with the goat brains fricassee and the fish gut reduction topped off of course with the toenail clippings. Bon Appetit!"

"Horse lips are low fat, right?" Lindsay asked, cringing away from the monstrosity she had to eat.

"Are you maggots ready?" Chris asked, not caring to hear the response. "One minute to chow and... dig in!"

Gwen quickly scooped up a hefty bite and spooned it into her mouth. She cringed around the hair, dandruff, and maggots.

"I was imagining every horrifying barf-worthy thing I could," Gwen said in the makeup booth. "Drinking the janitor's mop water. The time my brother puked on my neck on the Tilt-a-Whirl. When I was babysitting, the dog ate the kid's diapers and then liked my face. But nothing was working!"

Lindsay gulped and took a bite from her bowl, gulping it down quickly. She paused for a second, letting the flavor set in, and moaned in delight.

"Wow," She said, gulping down another mouthful. "That's delicious! It's like I'm eating an angel's wings!"

Unbeknownst to the teens, DJ had sprinkled his team's bowl with a blend of seasonings he called his "Mama's Spice", drastically improving the taste of the meal they had made for Lindsay. Lindsay scooped up all the food from the bowl, gulping it down quickly and finishing soon after. Gwen watched in amazement, and scooped up another bite, pausing to spit out what seemed to be Beth's retainer.

"Thanks!" Beth said, grabbing the retainer covered in chewed-up garbage. "My dad would've killed me!"

Everyone watched in horror as she snapped it back into her mouth, chewed up food and all. Lindsay covered her mouth in disgust, trying and failing to hold back her barf; she heaved over and puked, right on her shoes.

"No!" Gwen groaned out through a full mouth.

"Gwen keeps it down for the Screaming Gaffers," Chris announced. "And wins the reward!"

The Gaffers cheered, and were handed the golden shovel; Duncan held it over his head in triumph. Gwen sighed and walked out of the cell, facing an upset Lindsay.

"Thanks, Gwen. So much for our deal," She shamed and Gwen's head fell as she walked over to her team.

"What were you and Lindsay just talking about?" Heather asked, suspicious.

"The weather," Gwen said airily as she walked away from her. "Windy and cold with an eighty percent chance of barf."

"You're up to something!" Heather accused. "And I'm finding out what."

The teens were taken to the prison yard enclosed by a wall; the yard filled with fake prisoner dummies, moving fake wardens, a warden rope swing, and two big laundry carts, one for each team.

"Elimination challenge!" Chris exclaimed. "Here we go! No get-out-of-jail-free cards here, people. This is Escape from Total Drama Pen."

He gestured to the laundry carts as he walked the teens through the challenge.

"Each team must hop in their laundry carts while one member pushes through the obstacle course to freedom. When you reach the prison wall, get digging. First team to reach the boxcar to freedom wins immunity. Convicts, select a pusher."

"I'll do it!" DJ suggested to his team immediately.

"You sure you can handle the pressure?" Gwen asked him, trying to scare him. "Everything is riding on this. But, if you like being the one who could lose the whole thing for us..." She trailed off and DJ looked woozy.

"I should probably lay down," He sighed out, jumping into the laundry cart.

"It's okay DJ, I'll do it," Gwen said with a sickly sweet smile, winking over to the Grips.

"Come on, guys," Corrine complained. "We can win this on our own." She went on ignored and huffed, jumping into the cart while the group talked.

"So," Beth said, turning to Justin and Owen. "Which one of you guys are pushing us?"

The boys exchanged looks with each other and Owen let out a wail, holding his knee closer to his chest.

"Oh! Dang trick knee's been acting up again," He grunted. "Ever since the time I, uh... pushed it to the max at the... sports... game?"

He jumped into the cart next to Corrine, hiding his face with the laundry to hide his shame.

"Justin," Lindsay said. "We could really use some manliness here."

"Look, girls," Justin said, turning up the charm. "The Gaffers have Gwen pushing. We don't want it to look too uneven. I think we need a girl too, to help hide the whole cheating business."

He turned to Lindsay, cupping her cheek and brushing a strand of hair aside.

"And beautiful, the way you took on that last challenge nearly blew my mind."

She giggled, watching as he and Beth sat in the cart before it dawned on her.

"Wait," She said. "Why wouldn't Corrine do it? She's the strongest girl around."

Justin opened his mouth to explain how he didn't trust her to not throw it but was interrupted by Chris.

"This is it, teams," Chris said. "On your marks, get set, Escape!"

Gwen zipped off, quickly making her way through the obstacle course, while Lindsay struggled to even move the cart. She began to sweat from the strain she put on her body as she pushed as hard as she could, with no movement to be seen.

"Oh, come on!" She exclaimed, flexing her arms, pushing the cart a few inches.

"Come on! Pump those foxy legs!" Justin cheered her own, much to her ire.

"Do you know how much you and Omar weigh?" She exclaimed. "I'm doing my best!"

Justin groaned in defeat, turning to Gwen in an attempt to slow her down.

"Wow, Gwen!" Beth faux cheered. "You're going even faster than Trent ever could!"

Gwen stuttered to a stop, and Corrine rolled her eyes, looking down at Beth.

"Watch it, four eyes. It would be a shame if that retainer gets punched right out of your mouth." Corrine threatened, silencing Beth immediately.

"Good girl!" Justin continued where Beth left off. "Trent would be proud!"

While Heather interrogated Gwen, Corrine turned to Lindsay, hoping to pump her up.

"Lindsay! Imagine the cart is full of shoes that are fifty percent off, and at the end of the obstacle course is the register!"

Lindsay's head popped up and her eyes narrowed in determination, pushing harder than she ever had before.

They worked through the obstacle course, passing by Gwen and her team quickly; Justin winked at the desperate-looking Gwen, feeling victorious. Lindsay tried to stop at the 'X', but the momentum from the cart pulled her along. Thankfully, the cart stopped right before a crash into the wall, waking up Owen with a slight head bump.

"Get digging, sleepy Mcbumphead," Beth ordered as the teens began to dig with some spoons.

Gwen finally reached the mark and Leshawna jumped out, digging quickly with the shovel.

"Someone's dirt is in my hole! I'm gonna get it out!" She exclaimed, pumped up.

"Leshawna!" Gwen warned. "You'll hurt yourself!"

Heather's brows narrowed and she baggered Gwen again, although Gwen decided to just ignore her.

Thirty minutes passed and the Grips were about halfway through the tunnel dig, with no help from Justin, who watched himself in the reflection of his spoon.

"Justin, I can hear them way ahead of us!" Lindsay complained, hoping that he would help his team out.

"Chill," he said. "Gwen's throwing the game, remember?"

"Oh, right," Lindsay said, digging a little harder. "I keep forgetting."

Meanwhile, the Gaffers were ahead and Gwen was thinking of a way to stall them.

"Oh!" She exclaimed. "My claustrophobia! The walls, they're closing in! I'm like a caged animal! I can't take another second of it!"

She grabbed the shovel from Leshawna and hit Harold over the back with a scream.

"Classic prison madness," Harold confessed. "And that shovel thing? Heck, everyone knows the first day of prison, break something over the big guy's back. Then nobody messes with you. I'm kinda scared of Gwen now. And kind of attracted to her. Don't tell Leshawna! Or Heather, or Gwen."

The teens sat in silence, trying to decide what to do next and feeling a bit hopeless.

"Team," DJ began, trying to pump them up. "We're the Screaming Gaffers, and we're gonna win! Even if we have to dig with our bare hands! Even if we have to eat our way out!"

Leshawna nodded in agreement, pointing to Duncan.

"Danger boy, toothpick, soul patch, puke breath, mama's boy is right. Let's get our dig on!"

Before they could begin to dig again, a hand shot out of the front of the tunnel, crumbling the dirt around it and exposing a familiar ginger.

"Kaleidoscope?" The Gaffers all exclaimed in shock. She made a few animal calls, yelping out in response.

"Yep," Duncan confirmed. "I'd say that's her."

"Yeah," She said. "I've been living underground amongst the prairie dogs."

One of the dogs popped out of the dirt, growling at them and Izzy cooed at him.

"Awe, it's okay, Butchie. These are my friends."

"You were a Killer Grip," Heather corrected. "One of our sworn enemies."

"Friends, enemies," Izzy mused. "Living down here, it changes like, your whole perspective. Follow me, I know a shortcut to the finish line!"

Izzy led the group through the tunnels and to the shortcut, much to Gwen's silent dismay.

"What choice did I have?" Gwen confessed. "If my team knew the truth, I'd be toast!"

Leshawna pushed the rock aside, pulling herself out of the hole.

"Oh, heck no!" She complained, looking up at the smug faces of the Grips.

"We won!" Izzy exclaimed, jumping over to the Grips' side.

"We?" Leshawna asked.

"What? It's way more fun to be on the winning team!" She explained.

"They actually won?" Gwen asked, surprised.

"Try not to look upset, traitor," Heather accused as she pulled herself out of the tunnel.

"All right! Killer Grips! We won! Highfive!" Izzy said.

"But we voted you off," Lindsay said, confused.

"Uh-uh," She denied. "You voted off Kaleidoscope."

"So Izzy's still technically in the game!" Owen exclaimed.

The teens were sent to the Craft Services Tent for dinner, all in shock that Izzy was brought back to the game with Chris' permission.

Corrine was given her scoop of mush and headed over to her table, only for her seat to be taken by Izzy, who was in some sort of romantic dream world with Owen. She shrugged, willing to just stand when suddenly, her tray was pushed out of her hand, sending her food to the floor. She looked down at a smug-looking Justin, while Lindsay looked down, feeling bad.

"Oops," He mockingly apologized, looking pleased with himself. She glared at him, trying her hardest to push down her rage. The sound of Duncan and Gwen calling out her name pulled her out of her violent thoughts and she turned towards them. They gestured for her to sit at their table and she smiled before grabbing Justin's plate from his tray and smashing it in his face. Lindsay and Beth gasped as he sputtered out, blowing food out of his nose.

"Oops," She mocked and took a seat with the Gaffers.

"Nice one," Duncan complimented, giving her a fist bump.

"It's so sad Gwen will be voted off tonight, isn't it, Corrine?" Heather asked her, much to Gwen's annoyance.

"What makes your royal smugness so sure?" She asked.

"I saw through your little stunt," Heather said. "You threw the challenge. We'd still be in the tunnel if it wasn't for Izzy. You're gonna pay."

The teens finished their meal in a tense silence before the Gaffers were sent off to the Gilded Chris ceremony and the Grips were sent off to shower.

The Gaffers took their seats and immediately started their votes, all feeling the tension and hoping the sooner they voted, the sooner it went away.

Chris, dressed in his blue suit, once again, and began his usual spiel.

"I've tallied the votes! Duncan, Leshawna, DJ, and Harold. Another award and another day to compete." He tossed the awards to the teens, leaving one Gilded Chris left.

"Tonight's final Gilded Chris and another chance to win the million goes to... Heather!"

Heather caught her award, looking over at Gwen with a smug smirk.

That night, Duncan caught up with Corrine and they took their usual spot on the fence near the trailers.

"So," Duncan began. "What's up with you and Justin?"

Corrine let out a groan, leaning her shoulder onto Duncan's.

"That guy is such a dick," She said. "And everyone just listens to him because they think he's hot. I can't handle it! But at the same time, I'm gonna have to deal with it because I know that they would vote me out if he asked them to."

"That sucks," Duncan agreed, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"How rough was it to see Gwen go?" Corrine asked him and he shrugged.

"I mean, I get why she got voted off, but it is a bummer."

The two sat quietly for a while before Duncan finally brought up what he had tracked her down to discuss.

"Hey," He said. "Do you know why Gwen was acting so weird today?"

Corrine sighed, knowing that this wasn't gonna end well, but she didn't wanna lie to him.

"Well," She began. "She broke up with Trent because he was throwing challenges for her, and the rest of my team found out."

Duncan tensed, pulling away from Corrine.

"Are you serious?" He asked, growing angry quickly.

"They made her throw the challenges," Corrine confessed. "I tried to make them stop, but they only listened to Justin. That's why we aren't getting along."

"I can't believe you," He barked out, crossing his arms and glaring at her viciously.

"Oh come on!" Corrine begged. "I tried to make them stop! And haven't you said that it's every man for himself? 'That's how you play the game?'"

"Yeah, I say that to everyone else! But you're my friend!" He yelled, feeling betrayed. He walked away from her, heading towards his trailer.

"You should have told me."

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