It Was Supposed To Be Them

By Macenzie_ace

19.7K 813 629

Kirishima x Bakugo As Bakugo was finishing his last day under house arrest, Kirishima comes to him telling hi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Ten

1.1K 49 18
By Macenzie_ace

Bakugo's POV:

REd and I left everyone and went to his dorm. I did everything I could to hold back my laughter as we walked into the elevator. The second the door closed, both Red and I started laughing.

"Omg!" Red said between laughs. "Did you see their faces?"

I nodded. "Well, done with Uraraka. What did you tell her?"

He shrugged. "I just told her that she was right and that you and I are really really close. What did you tell Mina?"

"It's funny. I didn't say anything." I said with a smirk.

He looked at me confused as the elevator doors opened. We walked out. 

"What do you mean?"

"I was in a good mood," I explained. I placed my hands in my pockets as we walked. "I may or may not have mentioned that you looked really cute in the outfit she picked."

His cheeks dusted pink. "Well, now they'll probably on our backs about it. We need to watch out for-"

I leaned over and kissed his cheek. 

His eyes widened as he looked around. "You can't just do that in the open, Katsuki." He whispered.

I smirk as he said my first name. "They're all downstairs. No one's here." I wrapped my hands around his waist.

He rolled his eyes and placed his hands on my shoulders. "Still we need to be more careful."

I chuckled. I leaned down and rested my head on his shoulder.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing. Just you telling me to be careful."

He sighed and wrapped his arms around my neck. "That's what a boyfriend does no matter who it is."

I lifted my eyes and met his gaze. I could sense a hint of fear sprinkle into his eyes. I placed my hand on his cheek.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked. I tried not to have a concern in my voice, but I would lie if I wasn't concerned. 

Red nodded and looked to the ground. "It's just something I have to deal with later."

I used my pointer finger and used it to lift his chin, so our faces met. 

"Red," I said sternly. "What's wrong?"

He stayed silent for a moment. "Can I talk to you about it tomorrow? That's when everyone else finds out."

I thought for a moment. "Is that why Mr. Aizawa wanted to talk to you?"

He nodded his head. He tightened his grip around my neck and nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck. He was hurting. My heart sank seeing him like this. I wrapped my hands around his torso and hugged him tightly. He wasn't crying so that was a plus. I just needed to make him smile. 

I smirked. I leaned down and lifted his legs and carried him bridal style.

Red lifted his head and looked at me. "What are you doing?"

I used my foot to open his dorm door and walked in.

"Katsuki put me down!" He argued trying to hold back his smile.

I kicked the door shut and walked over to his bed. I threw him onto the bed. I pinned him. I had my hands on his wrist that were over his head. I sat on his stomach with my legs pinning his legs.

"Get off!" He said chuckling. 

"Nope," I said leaning close to his face. "I win."

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Oh, yeah?"

Out of nowhere, he kicked his legs free and switched us. I was now on the bed being pinned by him. 

He smirked down at me. "You're too cocky."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm the right amount of cocky, Red."

Red chuckled and leaned his head down. He pressed his lips against mine. I pushed back. We kissed for a moment until he pulled away. I stared into his eyes.

"Thanks, Katsuki." He said with a genuine smile.

I returned the smile. "There's a smile."

He got off and laid next to me. He rested his head on my shoulder and arm around my waist. My arm was wrapped around him pulling him close. My other arm was behind my neck. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. 

I felt him get comfy and soon he was asleep. I could tell by the soft snores I heard from him. I lifted my head and kissed the top of his head. 

"Don't worry, Red," I whispered. "I'll keep my promise. I won't let anyone hurt you. I'll make sure you smile when you need to."

Kirishima's POV:

Bakugo and I fell asleep. We woke up to Iida knocking on the door telling us dinner was ready. We got up and headed down to the lobby. Almost the whole class was there. After dinner was served out is when the rest of the class showed up. They just got dropped off.

We ate dinner and chatted. Once everyone was done, we all agree to go to bed a little early because of school. Bakugo was nice enough to walk me back to my dorm. He wanted to stay with me, but I convinced him that it's school and we needed to go to bed.

He growled and walked to his dorm. Before he walked in he yelled and told me I was walking to school with him. I chuckled as he shut his door. How did I end up with him? Everyone may say that we are the opposites, but that's why we're perfect for each other.

I walked into my dorm got changed and plopped down on my bed. Instead of talking to my mom, I decided to text her. I've kinda got over her insults after listening to the thousands of voicemails she's left me. 

I needed to when dad was going to be around. If I'm going to get parent permission, it's going to be just my mom. It will be all I need. After a couple more insults, which did hurt a little, she told me that he'll be working Wednesday through Saturday. I'll just need to go there on one of those days. I ignored the rest of her text and attempts to call me.

I rolled over in my bed and closed my eyes. I'm not going to fall down that rabbit hole again! I mean it. I will make sure I'm not alone when it happens if the worst-case scenario happens. I smiled. I'm not alone, I have my boyfriend. 

The next morning, I got up and dressed. Right as I grabbed my bag I heard a knock on the door. I walked over to find Bakugo standing there. I smiled and we walked to class together. I think it hurt both of us that we couldn't hold hands in front of everyone. 

We separated once we got to class. He walked to his desk while I walked to mine. I felt Mina and Uraraka stare on me as I sat down. I didn't want to laugh so I did my best to hold it in. Bakugo and I exchanged glances. He smirked and looked back out the window.

It wasn't long till the rest of the class showed up. Mr. Aizawa followed close behind.

"Moring class." He said monotoned. "Before I fill you in about what we're doing today. I have a couple of announcements. First off, at some point during this week you'll need to have your parents sign this form." He held up a stack of papers.

Hagakure rose her hand. 

"Yes?" He asked as he passed the papers around to the class. He went up and down in the rows.

"What are those forms for?" 

He set one on my desk. "It's a parent permission form. We are going to go on a trip over the weekend."

The class cheered in excitement as they began talking to each other. They all were trying to figure it out. I couldn't take my eyes off the sheet in front of me. I took a deep breath and snapped out of it. Mr. Aizawa told me ahead of time. I even know when to go. I don't need to show that I'm scared, it's not manly.

"Settle down." 

The class quieted down.

Mr. Aizawa sighed. "Another school has challenged us to the competition. We agreed only for the idea that it is a good way to take everything you've learned and put it to the test."

Iida rose his hand. 


"What will the competition have in store for us? What type of competition is it?"

"I'll explain. I can't tell you what you'll go through specifically because the simulation you will go through will be sorted for you once we get there. Each one of you will be split off into teams of two. You'll either be a villain or a hero. Your goal is to defeat the other team or beat your simulation." Mr. Aizawa explained. "Like I said. It's a good way to test everything you've learned in this course and put it to the test. If I were you, I'd study over the past couple of days. You have no idea what simulation you'll get."

The class nodded. 

"Now to prepare you, we'll do a bunch of in classwork. We'll do some outside training later in the week." 

Mr. Aizawa gave a couple of lectures, then Present Mic came in to teach English. I couldn't focus too well on the work. My head was too worried about the parent permission slip. I tried to shake it off, but it was always there. 

Once lunch, happened I decided to head outside. I didn't want to be asked a bunch of questions. I told Mina a lie and told her that I had to talk to Mr. Aizawa about the trip. She believed me. I sat on a bench outside. I placed my head in my hands.

Come on, Kirishima! You're manlier than this. You can't just have a sheet of paper scare you. You may have to face your terrible family, but you've planned for that. Argh, just stop thinking about it and relax!


I lifted my head to see Todoroki standing in front of me. "T-Todoroki? What are you doing out here?"

He sat down next to me and handed me a styrofoam box. "I saw the way you looked at the parent permission sheet."

I took the box and opened it. It was lunch from the cafeteria. I looked at him confused.

"I debated on if I wanted to eat lunch as well." He explained. "My reaction to the parent permission form was almost the same."

"Uh, thanks," I said unwrapping the plastic fork and started eating.

Todoroki looked around. "You shouldn't worry about it too much, Kirishima."

I looked up at him. 

"You just need to get their signature." He explained. "I'm not even going to talk to my father. I'll just hand him the sheet tell him to sign it and leave."

Damn it! I forgot that his dad is Endeavor. I sighed. "I wish it was that easy."

"If you let them get to you, the harder it will be," Todoroki explained taking another bite of his food. "It'll get to a point where you can't even look at them or hear their voice. You'd want to avoid them at all costs."

I sighed. He was right. I can't just keep ignoring them. I have to stand up for myself. 

"Thanks, Todoroki." 

He took a bite of his food and nodded.

After eating we headed back to class. Of course, Bakugo was waiting outside with his arms crossed. He was pissed. I stopped next to him while Todoroki walked in.


He stayed quiet. 

I leaned in close. "Katsuki?" I whispered.

He rolled his eyes. "You want to tell me what's going on?"

"What? Are you jealous?" I joked.

He turned towards me. "No. I'm just worried about you. I saw the way you reacted to the form. I wanted to check on you, but you disappeared. Then, Mina told me some bullshit that you had to talk to Mr. Aizawa."

I chuckled. I didn't realize that I made him worry so much. 

"What the hell you laughing at?"

"I'm sorry, Bakugo," I said with a genuine smile. "My head wasn't ... wasn't thinking right. I just needed to get away from everyone."

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Then, what was Icy Hot doing with you?"

"He found me outside. He even gave me some good advice." I explained. "That's it."

He looked away. By now most of the class was already inside and there were only a few stragglers in the hallway. I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. Then, quickly walk into class. I sat down as he walked in. I was glad to see a small smile on his face.

"What are you smiling about?" 

I turn to see Mina staring at me. I felt my cheeks heat up. Crap. 

"Nothing," I explained.

She squinted her eyes. I leaned back in my seat.

"Mina, knock it off," Kaminari said walking in between us. "You've been giving him weird looks since the mall trip."

Mina rolled her eyes. "He knows why."

I shrugged with a smile.

"I just want to figure out if he's just messing with me." She said crossing her arms. 

I didn't realize that it was bugging her so much. I didn't feel bad, it's kind of like payback. If Kaminari and Sero knew, they would probably plan the same thing. 

Before any of us could say anything, Mr. Aizawa came back into the class to teach. The rest of the day was mostly textbook work. The Bakusquad decided to hand out in Kaminari's room and hang out. 

Once we got back, we all got off our uniforms and met up. Instead of video games, Mina wanted all of us to play some board games and card games. After a while, after some shouting and bragging, it was dinner. 

It was Momo, Sato, and Koda's turn to make dinner. They went a little all out. Especially Sato made a bunch of really yummy treats. Once dinner was over, Bakugo and I walked back to my dorm.

He sat down on my bed. I sat down next to him and rested my head on his shoulder. We intertwined our fingers together.

"Are you sure you're okay?" 

I looked up at him. Keeping my chin on his shoulder. "I'm positive. And thanks to you, I'm going to get better."

He looked at me confused. "What are you talking about?"

I turned my body to face him and looked down at our hands. "Middle school was tough for me. Every day I came home to my mom yelling at me. My father was hardly home, so I never saw him much." I took a deep breath. "In school, I didn't really have many friends. I had a small group of friends, but I only hung out with them during lunch."

"Was Mina in that group?" 

I shook my head. "No, Mina and I lived in the same neighborhood. We'd walk home together. That was pretty much it. It wasn't until she found out that I was applying to UA that we really started hanging out."

Bakugo stayed quiet.

"I was alone. I didn't really have anyone. Or at least anyone that I was comfortable with to tell them anything. With all of my mom's insults, I didn't even believe in myself. I fell ... I fell down into a depression." I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I handed him the phone.

It was a photo of me in middle school. I was sitting on a bench with my middle school uniform on. I had my black hair and it was down. I wore a small smile.

Bakugo stared at the photo for a moment. He looked back up at me confused.

I nodded. "When I made the decision to go to UA and do everything I could to become a hero. I wanted to change. I didn't want to be the kid that didn't stand up for himself. I wanted to be manlier." I crossed my arms. "So, I changed my hairstyle and started acting differently. Instead of being the shy kid in class that was always in his own head, I wanted to be friends with everyone else. I wanted to take care of my classmates so none of them went through what I did."

Before I could say anything, I felt Bakugo wrap his arms around my shoulder and pulled me into a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around his torso and pulled him close. I nuzzled my head into his neck. 

This is what I need in middle school. I need someone to listen to me, not say anything. I didn't need someone giving me advice on what to do next. I just needed someone to be with me when I need them to.

"I'm sorry, Red." He whispered as he placed one hand on the back of my head, running his fingers through my hair.

I squeezed him tighter. I didn't want to let go. I need to be close to him right now.

We sat there for a while, hugging each other. Bakugo didn't say anything or try to pull away at all. 

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Hey, it's dinner," Kaminari called.

I pulled away and rubbed my eyes. If we stayed like that any longer, I would have fallen asleep. Bakugo looked towards the door.

"Got it." He shouted.

I heard Kaminari's footsteps trail off. I was about to get up, but Bakugo wrapped his arms around me again and pulled me close. I wrapped my arms back around him. 

"Are we not going to dinner?" I asked placing my forehead on his shoulder. 

"I'll have Mina drop some off." He said running his fingers through my head again. 

I nodded and hugged him tighter. "Thanks, Katsuki."

He kissed my cheek and rest his head against mine. "I'm here for you, Kirishima. Now and forever. I don't care what it is, you can come to me when you need me."

I couldn't hold back the tears coming down. I cried into his shoulder.

"Shhh," He said rubbing my back to comfort me. "It's going to be okay."

I smiled. "I know, Katsuki. I'm just crying because I don't know how I ended up with an amazing guy like you."

He chuckled. "Yeah, I'm the best. Don't forget that."

"I won't."

Bakugo's POV:

I woke up to my alarm. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and turned it off. As my eyes adjusted I realized that I was in Red's room. I look down and see Red laying on top of me. His head was on my chest and our legs were tangled. One of my arms was on his back keeping him in place.

I smiled. Damn, his fucking amazing. I kiss his head and started rubbing his back. "Red. Time to get up."

Red moved a little but went back to sleep. 

"Come on, Red. We've got school." I said patting his back.

He slowly opened his eyes and stretched. He looked up at me and smiled. "Morning, Katsuki."

I smile. "Morning, Red."

He rolled to the side to let me sit up. He stayed laying down. I look over at him. "You better not go back to sleep."

"And what if I do?" He asked with a smirk.

I leaned over and kissed him on the lips. It was quick and simple. "Or I'll drag your ass to school in your pj's."

"You wouldn't."

I smirked. "You want to test that theory?"

He shook his head. "Nope."

I chuckled. "I thought so." I kissed the tip of his nose and stood up. I stretched and started walking towards the door. 

"Wait for me, okay?" He called.

I nodded and walked out. I walked next door to my dorm. I got dressed and brushed my teeth. As I was picking up my bag I received a text message. It was from pinky. I opened the message to find a photo.

I'm going to murder that bitch. After I stop blushing!

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