A Niall Horan Love Story

By Niall_princess_13

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Kaitlin meets a new girl named Elli. Later she got you to sign up to X-Factor with three other girls you meet... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 out of many
Chapter 3 Out Of Many
Chapter four out of many
Chapter 5 out of many
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 35

87 2 0
By Niall_princess_13


I had been crying for about two hours.

Then Elli came running in.

"Kaitlin??!?!?!?!?!?!?" She called.

"In here."

"Kaitlin, are you okay?"


"That isn't your most convincing tone of voice I have ever heard. You wanna talk?"

I waited for a while.... and then I broke.

"Elli, how could I be so dumb as to trust someone so famous."

"First of all, you're not dumb and second we're just as famous as Niall is."

"But why did I choose to date someone famous before someone that's not."

"Kaitlin, I don't know. I thought I knew Niall enough to know that he would never hurt anyone like that and that there must be an explanation, but sometimes you just can't know a person. Trust me, I know, you weren't that easy to figure out. Hell, I haven't even figured you out now."

"I hope your right about the whole explanation thing."

Then Harry came in.

"Are you okay, Kaitlin?" He asked.


Then Niall came in and Bandit started to growl.

Then Elli whispered in my ear, "Did you tell Mark?"

"Yeah." I whispered back.

"Kaitlin, please let me explain." Niall said.


"C'mon Kaitlin he's going to tell the truth. I'll make sure of it." Harry said.


"I didn't kiss whoever that girl was. She kissed me. She was drunk and to be honest, no one knows about us, but I tried to get her off of me, but when your drunk you're stronger. Do you believe me."

"Is he telling the truth?" I asked Harry.

"Yeah." he said.

"Do you believe me?" Niall asked again.

Okay, everything I'm about to tell you happened in a matter of literately two seconds.

So, I was thinking 'Why should I even bother, he already shattered my heart into pieces?', but then I thought, 'But I know Niall, Elli knows Niall, he would never hurt anyone like that!'.

Then, after those two seconds went by, I bolted to my room.

When I closed the door, I turned around and fell on my bed.

Then my door opened up again. At first I thought it was Elli, but then I saw Niall's fluffy hair.

He closed the door gently behind him.

"Kaitlin, are you sure your okay?" He asked.


He then sat beside me on my bed.

"I know I'm not Elli, but just tell me what you saw me doing."

"I saw you kissing that girl."

"No, in deep description."

"Well, you were pinned up against the wall and your arms were at your side. That's all I remember before darting to the street. But, this isn't helping, you kissed her and that's it. Now leave me alone."

I stood up and so did he.

"No, I love you and I don't want you to stay like this. Even if we date again or not, I'm not letting you stay this mad at me."

After he said that, I put one hand on the back of his neck, went on my tip toes, (because I'm a couple inches shorter), and kissed him gently on the cheek.

"What?" Niall asked while laughing a little.

"That was the first time you said that you loved me."

"You don't hate me anymore?"

"I never hated you, but, no, I don't have any grudges against you."

He smiled.

Then his smile faded and turned into another, yet again, worried face.

"What?"I asked.

"Are we stilling gonna date?"

I giggled. "Yeah."

He quickly put his arms around my waist and kissed me.

I slowly slid my hands up his muscular arms and up to his neck while continuing the kiss.

He continued the kiss, while, already having his arms around my waist, pulled me in for a, I guess you'd call it, kissing hug. There was no room between us.

"Can't stay mad at each other can you?" Harry said.

Niall smiled into the kiss which, since he has a contagious smile, made me smile.

"Shut up, Harry. They were cute until you said that." Elli said.

I did even notice that Elli and Harry had opened my door.

"Now it's just gross." Elli said.

"What? You think we enjoy it every time you guys kiss?" Niall asked.

"Touché." Elli said.

She walked out of the room grasping Harry's hand and pulling him with her.

Niall and I walked out holding hands.

Elli and Harry went outside and Niall and I snuggled up on the couch.

After a while, I put my head on his lap and fell asleep while Niall played with my hair with his right hand and put his hand on my back with his left.

I woke up when Niall pulled my hair.

At first I thought he did it on accident, but when he said that I should wake up, I knew that something was up and that when he pulled my hair, it wasn't an accident.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I don't know but if anything goes wrong...I want you safe and conscious."

Then I heard a loud bang on the door.

One of my biggest fears is...not being able to be safe, if that makes any sense?

I stood up and saw what I was wearing, short-shorts and a BIGGGG one direction T-shirt. It was like three times the size of me!

Then another bang.

I jumped onto the couch and into Niall's lap.

"Kaitlin...it's okay." He said.

Then another bang, and I thought, "This is stupid! I should be 21 almost 22 and still be afraid of loud noises?!?!"

I stood up, without any trembling cell in my body, and opened the door and saw Elli and Harry. (they had been throwing rocks at the door.)

Elli didn't see or hear me open the door.

Elli was still bent over and was picking up another rock to throw at the wall next to the door.

And before she could see me she through the rock.

Slow-mo. All I could see was a rock, a giant humongous rock, hurdling towards my face.

Elli started screaming and Harry was trying to push me out of the way. But he was too late.

The rock had hit me right in the face.

I fell to the ground, my knees in my gut, and my head pounding.

"Kaitlin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Elli screamed.

"Oh my gods,....CALL AN AMBULANCE !!!!!!!!!" She screamed, again.

I could see the world around me and I could hear it...but I couldn't move.
Okay, well I probably could move, but it would hurt...a lot.

"No!!!!! Kaitlin!!!!!" Niall screamed.

I was still on the ground, my knees had fallen to the ground when he called my name.

Then an ambulance pulled up.

The paramedics were at my side in seconds.

They helped me to my feet.

"Well, I coulda done that." Niall said.

While Elli started to yell about hitting me in the face and how she should have looked, the paramedics and Niall helped me to the ambulance.

I sat on the edge of the vehicle with an ice pack on my forehead.

Niall sat down next to me.

"Are you okay."


Then the paramedics came over and took my ice pack away, but thank the Lord that it was a girl.

"Okay, sweetie, tell me if this hurts."

She touched my face and when she did my fist when straight into the metal beside me.

"Are you okay?" she asked.


"Well don't feel bad, that's happened before." she said.

She touched my face again.

This time I didn't hit anything.

"Sweetie, I think your gonna be just fine. Your going to have a lot of swelling, some scratches, and maybe a scare or two, but other than that your just fine. But from the looks of it, it seems like you already have a couple scares on your face."

When I was in 7th grade, and through the rest of my junior high and high school year, I was a cheerleader.

I was a base and my stunt group was doing a new stunt. Well, our flyer had missed my shoulder and scraped my
forehead. It started bleeding and bleeding and you get the picture. So, it left a scare.

The paramedic and ambulance left and Niall grabbed my hand.

"I never noticed that?" He said.


"That you had a scare right there."

He touched it softly.

"Did that hurt?"


He kissed my forehead gently and asked if it hurt.

When I said no, he kissed my lips.

He was kissing me gently, but I put as much force as I could without hurting.

He placed the ice pack on my head.

I smiled and so did he.

"Your always gonna keep me on my toes aren't you, my hot mess."

I smile faded when he said that. I guess the answer to his question is yes, but I don't wanna admit it.

He put his hands in mine.

"Yes, and I like that about you." he said.

"Why do you like my reckon-ball-life so much?"

"My life would be boring without you."

I smiled again.

He took the ice pack off of my head.

"You have a bruise, it's swollen, but your beautiful."

"Thank you, but I don't wanna live like this forever."

"You don't have to, but you also have to live now and not in the future."

"Okay, but I need to slow down with all of this stuff."

"Technically, this time want your fault."

"True...its getting cold out here."

"Let's go inside, then."

He led me inside to the couch, and we sat down.

"Kaitlin, I am so so sorry. I will never ever get revenge again. I promise." Elli said.

"It's okay, Elli." I said.

"No it isn't, your face, it's ruined!!!"

"No it isn't!!!!!!!!" Niall said. "She's just as hell as beautiful as she was yesterday and today and as she's gonna be tomorrow!"

"Niall?" I said disappointedly.

"No!" Elli said. "You guys can't fight over this! You and Niall are perfect together. Niall treats you like your his wife already and you've only been dating for two weeks, and Kaitlin, you open up for Niall, you let him kiss you, and...you let him know the real you. Now, please!!!! Don't fight over this!"

"I guess you were just sticking up for me."

"And you were just sticking up for Elli."

"I'm sorry." Niall said.

"I'm sorry too."

He smiled and kissed my cheek and hugged me.

"Thank gods!" Elli said.

Niall let go and we both smiled at Elli.

We spent the rest of the night talking and I fell asleep in Niall's muscular arms wrapped together right above my belly button.

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