Inexplicable (DEREK HALE)


508K 11K 3.1K

(NOW ON AO3) Sarah Stilinski the more popular, beautiful, smarter and talented Stilinski twin. Best friends... Еще

Extended Summary
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 46

5.5K 133 17

Season 4 Episode 2

Scott and Stiles phoned Deaton in advance, preparing him for Derek when they arrived at the Animal Clinic. Erik went somewhere, no one really knew where he went or cared as they were still focused on Derek. They rushed into the animal clinic and lay Derek down on the table, showing Deaton the shocking transformation.

"Wow." Deaton says in astonishment.

"Wow? Wow as in, I've seen this before and I know exactly what to do, kind of wow? Cause that's the kind of wow we were hoping for." Stiles questions.

"I think you might be overestimating his abilities." Sarah counters, grabbing onto Derek's hand. "He's cold. Really cold." She informs the group, subconsciously rubbing her finger soothingly across his hand.

"Do you think this is permanent?" Scott questions.

"It better not be, I look older than him. People will look at me weird." Sarah jokes, but no one finds it funny. "Too soon?"

"I'm not sure a medical diagnosis is even adequate." Deaton reveals, shining a light into his eyes. "This is well beyond my experience."

"So what do we do with him?" Stiles questions.

"Until he wakes up?" Deaton questions. "Probably not much." He reveals and the group let out a defeated sigh. "It might be best to leave him with me. He'll be safe here." 

"You mean from Kate?" Stiles questions.

"If she's alive and she is, what you say she is, she won't be able to walk past that gate." Deaton explains.

"Why would she do this to him?" Sarah muses aloud, wondering why she would take him back to when he was a teenager.

"Knowing Kate, it's probably for a reason that won't be any good for anyone but her." Deaton answers her question and Sarah nods.

"And bad for everyone else." Stiles scoffs and Deaton slowly nods his head.

"You guys should probably go home. He doesn't look to be in any danger. So maybe the rest of you should get some sleep? It is a school night." Deaton says, rather concerned about the young teenagers. "And you all need to start taking care of your own lives again."

"Someone should stay with you." Scott tells him at the same time Derek squeezes Sarah's hand.

"I'll stay." Sarah volunteers. "I'm no longer in school, perks of being an early graduate."

"I'm so not okay with this." Stiles disagrees.

"Guys, go." She demands.

"No." Stiles says, shaking his head and Sarah turns to look at Scott, the reasonable one out of the group.

"Text us if anything happens." Scott questions and Sarah nods her head.

"Nope, still not okay with it." Stiles disagrees, getting dragged by Lydia and Scott. "Not going anywhere." He continues to persist. "All right, just aus you're both stronger." He reluctantly agree, getting dragged out of the room, leaving Sarah and Deaton monitoring over Derek.


Sarah slowly wakes up, the sunlight blinding her as she opens her eyes. She turns her head to look at Deaton who gestures for her to join him. Sarah obliges and walks over to the table. 

"How's he doing?" Sarah questions.

"His heart rate I alarmingly high." Deaton reveals as Sarah grabs his arm again.

"He's a lot warmer now." Sarah notes.

"Sarah, I'm going to try something. I want you ro keep holding his hand." Deaton tells her and she nods her head. Deaton walks away and grabs a scalpel, he places it on Derek's skin and cuts his arm open. They watch in disbelief as it heals immediately.

"That looks like it healed really fast." Sarah notes.

"Unusually fast." Deaton corrects.

"What does it mean?" Sarah questions.

"I'm not sure. Let's try something else. grab me a five millilitre syringe. Top drawer." He tells her and she obliges, walking over to the drawer and they look for what they need, only turning around when they hear a noise behind them. They spin around to see Derek on his feet, full shifted, Sarah pushes Deaton behind her and looks at Derek in his glowing blue eyes.

"Derek." Sarah cautiously questions. "Derek, are you alright?" Sarah asks but he continues to slowly walk towards them. They both take cautious steps back as they repeat his name, he groans whilst clutching his head and swipes his hand towards Deaton, but Sarah was in from of him and she gets cut and threw into one of the tables. Deaton crouches down to her side as Derek runs away. Sarah clutches her arm as Deaton helps her up.

"This is going to hurt. A lot." Deaton reveals, looking at the alcohol.

"It can't hurt more than this." Sarah counters, clutching her teeth together in pain. Deaton starts to call Scott, only for him to not pick up. Deaton then tries Stiles, only for his to do the same thing. "I think they've got Yukimura." Sarah tells him, handing him her phone and he texts the teacher to call her. They then wait for Scott and Stiles to show up at the clinic where Deaton was stitching up Sarah's arm.

"I don't think he's just younger in body. I think he's younger in his mind, too." Deaton reveals, looking at the boys once he'd finished.

"He didn't recognise either of us." Sarah reveals. "And he looked like he was scared out of his mind."

"So if you're a teenage werewolf and you're scared, where do you go?" Stiles questions, looking at Scott.

"A wolf goes back to it's den but Derek lives in a loft." Scott tells them.

"Not when he was a teenager." Sarah realises. "The Hale House."

"He wouldn't remember the fire. It wouldn't have happened yet." Deaton adds and they share a look of worry before heading out of the clinic. 

"The cops could have gotten to him first, we should head to the station first." Stiles tells Scott and he nods as Stiles starts up his jeep, driving to the Sheriff's station where they rush inside to see the look on Stilinski's face. He shakes his head in disbelief and ushers them into his office with Derek.

"Absolutely and completely honest." Stilinski starts and they nod their head in agreement. "Have you been time traveling?" 

"Hang on, what?" Stiles questions in confusion.

"Because if time traveling is real, you know what, I'm done, I'm out." Stilinski reveals in frustration then looks at Sarah. "You're going to be driving to Eichen House."

"We found him like that." Scott reveals.

"Where? Swimming in the fountain if youth?" Stilinski hysterically shouts.

"No. We found him buried in a tomb of wolfsbane in an Aztec temple in Mexico underneath a church in the middle of a town that was destroyed by an earthquake." Sarah quickly explains.

"You told me you were camping!" Stilinski shouts, then directs his gaze onto Sarah. "And you told me you weren't leaving America."

"That depends how you define America.." Sarah trails off.

"I define it as the untied states of America." Stilinski replies.

"See, we must of just got our wires crossed, I thought you meant like the continent." Sarah easily lies, only agitating her father further but he drops it for the moment.

"Derek's been aged backwards- he can't remember anything. We just need to talk to him." Scott replies.

"Yeah, well, so far, he's not talking to anybody." Stilinski reveals and the group shares a look.

"He'll talk to Scott." Sarah declares and they all nod in agreement, dragging Derek into Stilinski's office. Derek locks eyes with the Stilinski girl who was clutching her arm, he felt a wave of safety wash over him and he frowns at the unfamiliar feeling.

"You need to come with us." Scott tells him.

"Why would I go anywhere with you?" Derek questions, locking his gaze onto Scott.

"There was an accident. You lost some memory, but we can help you get it back." Scott tells him, causing him to become more confused.

"How much memory?" Derek questions, looking directly at Scott but his eyes glance towards the woman who looks slightly familiar.

"A lot. but you can trust us." Scott tells him, glancing around the room before flashing his eyes red.

"You're an alpha." Derek realises, then looks around at the other people in the room. "Okay, who are you? and who is he? And who is she?"

"Oh, us? We're the ones keeping you out of jail." Stiles tell him, gesturing between himself and his sister.

"Let us help you." Scott tells him.

"No." Derek persists, causing them all to roll their eyes.

"Okay, dude, You almost tore apart two deputies back there. You nearly tore up Sarah. You need to listen to us - and that starts with no fangs, no claws, no wolf-man. You got that?" Stiles questions, getting rather frustrated.

"I'm fine as long as it's not the full moon." Derek replies.

"You still struggle on the full moon?" Sarah questions, speaking up for the first time since being in the office.

"I said I'm fine." Derek persists.

"All right. You coming with us, or not?" Stiles asks, getting annoyed by the whole ordeal.

"You want me to trust you? Where's my family?" Derek questions and the three teenagers share a look.

"There was a fire." Sarah tells him, deciding to speak up for them. "And they're not here anymore. They're fine, they just had to move out of Beacon Hills. The only one still here is Peter and we'll take you to them after we figure out how to get your memories back."

"Okay.." Derek agrees, believing the woman in front of him. They walk out of the Sheriff's office and wait for him to sign his discharge papers.

"You shouldn't of done that. You lied your ass off." Scott tells him, feeling slightly guilty.

"What he doesn't know can't hurt him." Sarah counters, turning to face the two boys.

"It just feels like another person we're lying to." Scott tells her.

"Who else are you lying to?" Sarah frowns, slightly confused as she feels out of the loop.

"No one, we were just saying in general." Stiles quickly answers and Sarah nods her head, just dismissing it.

"All right. you take him to my house, and don't let him out of your sight." Scott tells Stiles.

"And where are you going?" Stiles questions.

"We're going to talk to the guy we should have gone to before." Sarah answers for Scott, knowing they have to talk to Peter.


"What are you doing here?" Scott questions as they get up the stairs and notice Malia.

"I heard you were coming to talk to Peter. And, since Lydia tells me he's basically Satan in a v-neck, I figured you shouldn't be alone." Malia replies.

"I'm with him, he's not alone." Sarah says with a small smile. "we can handle Peter."

"Well, you can handle him better with me." Malia answers and they open the door to the loft. "What's wrong with you?" Malia abruptly questions.

"Nothing.." Scott trails off.

"Your hearts pounding like crazy. Are you nervous?" Malia asks, making Sarah glance at Scott in confusion.

"He's just bad at introductions." Peter absentmindedly replies, glancing up from his book.

"Peter.. This is Malia." Scott introduces and he drops his book, making his way over to the trio.

"Beautiful eyes. Did you get them from your father?" Peter questions.

"Mother." Malia corrects and Sarah stares at them confused..

"Don't mind his pervy questions, he was fixated on my skin when we first met." Sarah says, ignoring the fact that she has no idea what going on.

"Anyway.. I'm sure they've told you a lot about me." Peter tells her.

"The homicidal killing spree came up." Malia bluntly tells him.

"Well, we're all works in progress." Peter dismisses.

"Then when you progress to your next killing spree, why don't you try and make sure that they all stay dead?" Malia sarcastically questions.

"What is that suppose to mean?" Peter frowns.

"What do you know about people turning by scratch?" Scott questions.

"Did you scratch someone, Scott?" Peter questions with a small smirk. "Don't worry about it, the claws have to go pretty deep."

"But it's possible? Like if you clawed out someone's throat?" Sarah asks, hinting that it was Kate.

"Well, yeah, it's possible. It's also beyond rare. We're talking on in a..." He trails off, finally getting the connection. "Million." He says with a small growl. "Can't anyone in this town stay dead?"

"I think they were hoping you would." Malia bluntly tells him, gaining a small smile from Sarah whilst Peter rolled his eyes.

"Do you have any idea why Kate would turn Derek into a teenager again?" Scott questions.

"What colour are his eyes?" Peter asks.

"Blue." Sarah answers.

"After Paige. Which could mean around the time he first met Kate." Peter realises.

"Derek and Kate knew each other?" Scott questions in disbelief.

"Biblically." Sarah scoffs, gaining a confused look from Scott.

"So you've had the awkward ex's talk." Peter remarks. "That's right, Scott. You weren't the first werewolf to climb into a Hunter's bed."

"Right, can we get back onto the problem at hand?" Sarah questions, not liking where the conversation was going.

"Right... Derek went to the site of the house, thinking it was still there, right?" Peter questions, pacing up and down the room.

"Yeah, but he doesn't remember the fire." Scott adds, causing Peter to stop in his step.

"But if he doesn't remember the fire, then he doesn't remember that it was Kate who set it." Peter realises.

"So, what does that mean?" Malia questions.

"Kate didn't just take him back to being a teenager. She took him back to the age where he still knew her-- when he still trusted her." Peter replies and the next moment Sarah's phone began to ring.

"Sorry." She apologises, pulling it out and answering it.

"He knows you lied to him, he wants to see Scott." Stiles immediately says and Sarah shares a weary glance with the werewolves in the room.

"We've got bigger problems. Kate's took him back to the age when she still knew him. She wants something from him. She might be coming for him." Sarah replies.

"No, he's in Scotts room. He'll be totally fine. To be honest, I'm starting to miss the old Derek. So, if you think that Kate's coming to find him..." Stiles trails off and they shared a worried glance. "You might be right." Sarah hangs up and the two Hales begin to leave the loft.

"Wait-" Scott starts but gets cut off.

"For what? Kate's out there twisting her way into Derek's head yet again. We need to find her." Peter tells him.

"All we need is a scent." Malia adds.

"That could take hours. If we want to get ahead of her, we need to figure out where she's going." Sarah counters.

"Not to underestimate my own cognitive faculties, but we're not exactly a brain-trust of geniuses here." Peter tells them.

"Then maybe we should phone one." Scott tells them, pulling out his phone and calling Lydia when they finally make the connection that Kate is out of control and she's looking for something to keep her in control.

"What are we waiting for then? Let's go to the school." Sarah questions, looking at the people around her and they head to the school to find Derek. They walk through the school grounds, Malia, Scott and Peter searching for Derek's scent when Malia pauses.

"Did you catch a scent?" Scott questions, wondering why she stopped so abruptly.

"It's the same one.. the same as Mexico." Malia mutters, not knowing how the scent has followed them.

"What is she talking about?" Peter asks.

"One of them came after us in the church ruins." Scott reveals, gesturing to himself and Sarah.

"And one on the road. They couldn't have followed us here." Malia says in disbelief.

"They could have been brought by Kate." Scott counters and they begin to pick up on Sarah's raising heart rate.

"You know what it is?" The three werewolves say in unison.

"I couldn't see it in the ruins. Did it have an animal skull? A human wearing a skull over its face?" Sarah questions and that's when Peter finally caught onto what she was suggesting.

"I think so." Malia nods.

"What are they?" Scott asks.

"Berserkers." Peter says, locking eyes with one in front of them in the tunnel. Malia goes to run towards it but Peter holds her back. "Are you crazy?"

"There's just one of them.." Malia reasons.

"And that means we have a chance." Peter tells them.

"To beat him?" Malia optimistically asks.

"To survive." Peter says, running as far away as possible. The three teenagers share a look and realise that he was right, they turn around and head as far away as they can from the berserker but he easily catches up and when they run faster, Malia abruptly stops realising that there was another one right in front of them.

"Up the stairs." Sarah tells them, dragging them by their arms to head up the stairs of the school.

"It's both of them. they're both here." Malia says in a panic.

"Where the hell is Peter?" Scott questions.

"Doing what he does best. Running." Sarah scoffs and they rush up the stairs, only for one of the berserkers to jump up and meet them at the top, trapping the trio. "Shit." Sarah mutters, pulling the gun out of the waistband of her trousers and shooting the berserker at the top of the stairs pushing it back slightly to allow them through and Scott roared towards them to try and scare them off like he did in the church but it didn't work and he jumped over the head of the berserker and began to attack it then Malia followed suit but they paused when it done nothing. Sarah continued to shoot bullets into them but they weren't even phased. The berserker knocked Scott and Malia to the ground and one of them began to head towards an injured Malia so Sarah done all she could think of. She ran towards the berserker and kicked it, pushing it out of the way. Kira came running around the corner and began attacking one of the Berserkers whilst Sarah helped up Scott and Malia who began to attack the other only for her to get knocked onto the ground with Scott and Malia following shortly after. Sarah picked up Kira's swords and twirled it in her hands. "Well then." Sarah mutters to herself, charging towards the berserkers with the sword, attacking them and successfully dodging their attacks. Then Derek came running in, attacking one of the Berserkers and allowing Sarah to take care of the other. Derek suddenly gets thrown into the lockers and Sarah tries to stab the sword through the bones but the berserkers were able to deflect her hit and scrape her with the sharp bone on their hand, throwing her towards Scott, Kira and Malia.

"Sarah." Scott mutters in shock, rushing over to her side and placing pressure onto the wound.

"Scott, leave it. It's fine. It was just a scratch." Sarah says, pushing him back slightly as the berserkers begin to retreat. Derek slowly turns around to face them, showing that he's now back to normal but his eyes were glowing a luminous yellow. You could tell by the look on his face that he knew something was wrong.

"Sarah." Derek mutters, rushing to her side.

"I'm fine." She tells him, looking at him in concern as she slowly raises from the ground. Derek lifts up her shirt and finds a deep scratch on her side. He lets go of her shirt and looks her in the eyes, hers already being locked onto his and she pulls him into a hug. Derek's arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her in close as his head rests into her shoulder, feeling content in her arms and unaware of the 153 million being stolen from the Hale vault.

A/N: Vote and Comment! God! It's been a while. Sorry for not updating sooner, I've been overwhelmed with online learning at college and I've not really been motivated to write but I'm trying. I feel like I want to get season 4 done then I can conclude the book (Still debating on what other seasons I can fit Sarah into though I do have an idea). I will try to get this updated more but I can't make any promises. Thanks for reading!

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