Stockholm Syndrome |n.h

By StarCrossed13

131K 4K 890

Sure I've read the stories and seen the movies. I thought about the topic many times But I never thought it w... More



2K 63 11
By StarCrossed13

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Niall had asked at least twenty times in just in the time period that we were in the car.

"Yes." I answer for the twentieth time. "It's okay, I will be okay." I laugh at him as he pulls me onto his lap.

"Okay, no sexual activities in the car, thanks." Said Harry from the back seat. I give him my favorite finger while I lean down and kiss Niall to amuse the rest of the guys. I get a few giggles and a heartwarming smile from Blondie as I pull away.

When the pitch black car finally stops in front of a large building, that's when I regret the choice I had made.

There is a large crowd made up of teenage girls and it seems that their screams got louder when we pulled up.

"Niall." I nudge him. "I- I don't do well in crowds."

"Shit." He breaths and runs his hand through his hair.

"We got you." Liam smiles. "We won't let anyone hurt you. Boys, let's kind of form a circle around her, and we have the guards." I nod and smile at Liam. The door opens and Niall climbs out, helping me after his feet are placed firmly on the ground. The rest of the boys crowd around me, as promised.

With Niall to my side, his hand intertwined with mine, Zayn behind me, Liam at my other side, Louis in front, and Harry in front with Louis, we all headed for the door.

It seemed so far away. With all the commotion and noise, it was horrifying. I held Niall's hand with a hulk grip as we made our way inside. The walks seemed to take longer than it should have, with girls screaming questions that none of us cared to answer and the flashing of cameras everywhere I looked, my breathing had grew heavier and soon enough I was finding it hard to catch my breath.

I scream when I felt something grab my arm, pulling me towards the crowd. I scream for deal life, air doesn't fill my lungs and I feel like I'm drowning. Niall immediately took me in his arms and didn't let go. Then heard someone scream "ahh! I got a picture with her!!!" Well shit, if she wanted a picture she could have asked.

Finally, after what felt like hours we made it into the building where Niall let go of me and turned me around to face him. "Shit." He curses under his breath. "Evanna, breathe." He instructs.

"Do we need to call someone?" Harry asks worriedly from behind us.

"No, she is having a panic attack. Alex told me what to do." He says and takes my hand again. "One, two, three, four." He counts my strangled breaths as he does the exercise with me. "Again, Ev." I nod and count my breaths with him while everyone outside and inside is watching with awe. "This isn't helping I don't know what to do!" Niall panics. Niall, that's not helping.

He pulls out his phone and dials a number, making sure to do it quick with his shaky fingers. "Alex, Evanna is having a panic attack, I counted her breaths with her and it's not helping I don't know what to do now."

Harry and Liam rush to my aid and continue the exercises but nothing seems to be helping. I can't breath and I feel like I'm drowning and I feel like if someone doesn't reach their hand down into the water to pull me up, I'm gonna die.

"Hold her- how am I supposed to do that?!" I worriedly look away from Harry to look at my panicked boyfriend. I have to hold me breath. Alex did that to me before because the breathing wasn't working.

Niall hangs up the phone and walks over to me, kneeling down.

"K-kiss." I say between breaths. "M-me."

"Kiss you, Ev I don't think it's the time" he manages a smile and then Harry's eyes go wide.

"If you kiss her she will hold her breath!" He says as if it just popped up right in front of him. Niall realizes this too, and does just that. Everything was going in slow motion, it was anyway due to my lack of oxygen, as he stood up and pressed his lips harshly to mine. The screaming outside got ten times louder as the fans saw this action.

And then everything was normal. My heart rate went down (as much as it could because it always picks up when I kiss Niall) and I felt like I would be able to breath again. I melted into his arms and just let him hold me there, in fear that I might not be able to stay standing myself.

"Okay, she's good. Were late. Let's go." A security guard says and leads us out.

"Are you okay?" Niall asks.

I shake my head. "I don't wanna walk." I almost giggle.

"Here." He bends down in front of me. "Jump." I put my hand on his shoulders and jump onto his back and his arms go around my thighs as he straightens up. The screaming outside yet again intensifies and seems to go silent when we step into an elevator.

"Put me down." I whisper in Blondie's ear. He does as I say and slowly loosens his grip on my legs. Shit. This elevator is really, really crowded with eight people in it. "Niall, I have to get out of here."

"What?" Harry drops in.

"I need to get out of here." I repeat. "Claustrophobia doesn't do well in elevators, and there are right people in here." I breath.

"Okay, okay.. um." Niall struggles. Or you know, he could just press a button to get off at the next floor. "Close your eyes." He puts his hand over my face in attempt to do it for me, which I laughed at. "Picture yourself at home, alone on your room. Or, on a beach with no one else there but you me and the boys. We have five miles of space for the six of us." I can hear the smile in his voice that probably fades when the elevator dings and he takes his hand off of my eyes.

"That actually worked." I giggle and wake his hand as we walk into a tv studio. The setup is a lot like the Ellen show. Wait, oh my god, is this the Ellen show?! No, don't get excited we are in London. Right. I knew that.

I'm talking to myself.

I'm going crazy.

"I need help."

"What?" Zayn raises an eyebrow at me.


"You just said, never mind." He laughs and walks away to go introduce himself to the host of the show.

"It's never too late to change your mind." Niall puts a hand on my shoulder as we walk towards the set. "You don't have to."

"I swear to god Niall if you say that one more time I'm going to kick you where it hurts." I laugh. "I'm completely sure about this." We walk onto the carpet of the set and everyone else has taken their seat at sofa. Harry and Louis are sitting on stools behind the couch that holds Liam and Zayn, with a saved spot for Niall.

"Hello! My name is Marie and I'm your host tonight. I am so excited to have you guys on my show! So what's going to happen is I'm going to ask a few questions and then hopefully we can get Evanna into the interview." Marie smiles at us.

"Thank you." Blondie smiles back at her. "I know everyone in London knows about it, but could you not ask questions about Evs home coming and her time away from home? It's kind of a rough subject for her." He asks politely. I go along with his lie and stare into space while he talks about my 'time away'.

"Of course." Marie smiles back. "We are glad your home." She sympathetically smiles at me. I nod and turn to Niall, only for him to be ripped from me.

"And we're live in five, four, three, two." That reminds me of iCarly.

"Hello and welcome to Marie's talk show! How are you guys today?"

"Good." The boys say in unison.

"That's good. So what's this I hear about a fifth album?" She wastes no time to get into the juicy stuff.

"That's all rumors. We planned on splitting after the OTRA tour." Louis snickers. Harry snacks the back of his head.

"That's a lie, for one." Liam giggles. "We are doing a fifth album after the OTRA tour. That's all we are allowed to say."

"Oh, well I guess we just have to wait then." Marie smiles. I smile along with her from behind the camera as Niall makes faces at me. "What are you doing?" the question is directed at my clueless boyfriend.

"Huh?" He snaps his gaze over to Marie.

"What are you making faces at?"

"Oh," he blushes. "Sorry, my girlfriend is backstage." I laugh and turn red as I notice a camera turned towards me.

"Oh, well come on up!" Marie invites me over and I slowly walk up to Niall. Liam gets off of the sofa, allowing me to take his place and he sits on the floor in front of me. "It's Evanna, right?" I nod and lean into Niall a bit. This seemed a lot easier when we were only talking about it. "So, how did you guys meet? We are all dying to know."

"Haha," I fumble for words. "Do you know what, I'm going to let Blondie tell the story because I know he loves to tell everyone, don't you?" I sweetly say. He glares, rolls his eyes but a smile still plays on his perfect lips.

"We met at a music camp a while ago. It was the summer before I auditioned for x-factor. We had neighboring cabins and became friends automatically, I guess. I don't really know but we kind of lost contact over the years." He smiles at me and grabs my hand that is resting on my lap. "We were in London and we saw each other at a park close to Evannas school."

"Yeah, we are glad they did too because the last four years have been, Ev this, Ev that!" Harry mocks.

"Shut up." Niall seats the air behind him in search of Harry.

"How romantic! Evanna, I must ask, is he the romance type?"

"Definitely." I laugh. "We haven't really gone out much but you know, it's the small things he does like hold the car door open, and tell you you look beautiful in the morning." Blondie puts his left arm around my shoulder and holds my hand with his right.

"Now you guys are official, do you think you guys will get hate?" Marie asks, reading a card that was on her little counter.

"Yes." Niall answered. "Of course we will but we ignore it for the most part. The worst we can do is have Ev delete her twitter." He shrugs and looks at me.

"Perrie gets hate a lot. We can't really control it but half the time people are just jealous of you and the other half want attention." Zayn explains to Marie and whoever is watching the live feed.

"Alright, I believe that's all I have! Thank you for watching!" Marie dismisses and gets up from her chair, not even giving us one last look before she was out the door and probably to her dressing room. She was nice..

We all pile out of the studio after that and back into the black car we arrived in, with surprisingly no trouble because most of the fans left besides a few who we took pictures with.

The ride home was silent because the boys all fell asleep. Harry was next to me with his sleepy head on my shoulder, Niall laid across our laps with his head on my lap. I laced my fingers in his soft hair, he hummed in pleasure as I continued to run my fingers through the soft mess of blond. It was about an hours drive, and I don't know why the boys had all gone to sleep. The day wasn't that exciting, honestly.

Suddenly the car stopped and we were in front of my house. My dad's car was gone, I can only assume that he went to work. His leave of absence ended and he had to go back, he told me he would come home at night, though I don't think he is going to stand by on that one.

"Niall." I whispered. "Niall," shaking his shoulders lightly I try to wake him up. "we are here. You guys should come in and rest for a while."

Harry groans when he wakes, making Zayn stir followed by the rest.

"Yeah, okay." Blondie rubs his eyes and sits up on Harry's lap. He wraps his arms around his neck for a moment before sliding off and out of the car, holding the door open for me. I climb out and wait for the other boys.

"Alright, we can go watch a movie or something downstairs." I instruct as we walk up the sidewalk and in the house.

"Wait." Niall is suddenly wide awake as he stops on front of the five us is with his arms spread protectively. "Did you hear that?" I shake my head and everyone goes silent to listen for the sound that Niall heard.

We wait for a second but it does come. A door slams and footsteps walk down the hall upstairs and it's that moment when I hold onto Niall's hand for dear life.

Someone is in my house.

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