Little | Taekook

By BTSLover5902

13.6K 584 188

*EPILOUGE CHAPTER OUT* "No, I'm o-okay." "Oh...hi. Is it, Jungkook?" "Yeah, I-I'm not in big space often..."... More

• One •
• Three •
• Four •
• Five •
• Seven •
Twenty-six (Epilouge)


440 21 5
By BTSLover5902

"Nwo!" The little yelled in pure fear, not looking up at his caregiver. The hoodie Taehyung allowed him to keep for the day was luckily pulled over his knees, blocking his caregiver from looking between his legs. "Don't you miss me, Kookie? Daddy misses you." The elder pouted, and went up to the terrified younger. "N-no, K-Kookie want Tae Tae!" The little moved away from his caregiver, and hid Taehyung's phone behind him.

"Tae Tae isn't here anymore." His caregiver growled.

Jungkook screamed as he was picked up from the floor by his stomach, and hit his caregiver in the shoulder. "NWO! WET KOOKIE GO!" The little yelled, desperately trying to get away. "Don't hit daddy." The elder told him, body slamming the little onto Taehyung's bed.

Taehyung opened his eyes, and felt himself on the floor. He saw Jungkook trying to fight off his caregiver in little space with an extremely blurred vision. The room was spinning violently, and the colors were blurring into each other. His body felt as light as a feather, and his limps were way too tired to move. He didn't know what he could do.

He literally couldn't move.

"Nwo! T-Tae Tae said dat daddy can't touch Kwookie th-" "Tae Tae is a liar. Don't listen to him, Kookie. He only wants you just for himself." His caregiver cut him off. "B-but-" "Sh, I'll protect you, Kookie." He brushed the little's hair out of his face, and pulled the hoodie on him up past his ribs so almost his entire body was exposed.

Taehyung attempted to get up, supporting his weight on his hands. His arms shook with weakness, and he groaned as he collapsed back down to the floor.

"See how weak Tae Tae is? He's weak, you want someone who's strong to take care of you- like daddy." His caregiver told him, hearing Taehyung trying to get up.

"No, Kookie wikes Tae Tae." The little whimpered, jolting around when his caregiver grabbed him between the legs, not being touched there in over a month. "He's bad, Kookie. Don't-"


Jungkook's caregiver jumped towards the direction of the door, and saw 3 police officers flooding the room. The little started to cry more at the overwhelming feeling, and felt defenseless.

Taehyung almost passed out if he didn't see something go into Jungkook.

The police ran over to the man on top of Jungkook, and yanked him off harshly, pinning him to the wall with his face to it.

Taehyung was relieved it was just the man's fingers, but Jesus f*cking christ. The little's scream of pain returned Taehyung to Earth, and he once again tried to get up.

Paramedics were already there for Yoongi since they knew his leg was broken, and 2 of them ran into the room at the blood-curdling scream from Jungkook. They ran over to Taehyung, and sat him up against the wall. The little curled up into a ball and covered himself up with Taehyung's blanket, and cried heavily into the matress.

"Jungkook~" Taehyung whispered, trying to look around for the little. His shirt was now drenched with sweat, and he was panting for air- but he didn't care, he needed to see if Jungkook was okay.

"Sir he's fine, I need you to try and breathe, okay?" The paramedic told him, shining a light into his eyes to look for a response. Taehyung groaned, and pushed the light away from his face.

The police officers handcuffed Jungkook's caregiver for breaking and entering, and severe sexual harassment. They dragged him out of the room to head for the station, telling him whatever he said could and would be used against him in court.

The paramedics helped calm down Taehyung's fever within a few minutes, and his breathing was soon evened out. "I'm sorry Kookie, I'm so sorry." Taehyung apologized, turning his head over to the little, who was still curled up into himself.

He had stopped crying when he saw Taehyung getting better.

"I-is otae, Kwookie is otae." The little was surprised when the grown up Jungkook actually wanted to come out. He stayed in little space though, simply just sniffling against the soft blanket Taehyung had bought for him when they went to get ice cream.

Taehyung gently hit his head off of the wall, and the paramedics helped him stand up. They carried him over to where Jungkook was, and placed him down. Taehyung told them he'd be fine, but made sure to ask where Yoongi was.

"His leg was broken, so he was taken to the hospital to make sure it wasn't life-threatening." The woman paramedic told him, smiling encouragingly down at him. "Okay. Thank you." Taehyung nodded, feeling very awkward under the gaze of two people. The paramedics made sure Taehyung was alright before leaving a few minutes later, and Taehyung felt Jungkook cling to him.

"It's okay, Taehyung. I know you tried, I'm okay. He could've done worse if you didn't distract him for as long as you did. You don't think you helped, but you don't really know what he would've done if the police didn't come." A deeper voiced Jungkook told him, keeping a secure grip around the elders entire body. Taehyung was surprised to have grown up Jungkook at this very stressful moment, but breathed a breath of relief anyway.

"You taught me what is right in little space, and I don't know what to do to say thank you. You're doing so much for me, even if you are sick- and I don't care that you're sick right now, I'm going to cuddle you forever." Jungkook smiled at him, giggling a little. "Food poisoning isn't contagious anyway." Taehyung joked. "Unless you ate the same food as me- which you didn't." He added with a smile.

Jungkook smiled back, and rested his head on Taehyung's chest. "I know my caregiver just busted in, but now that you're here, I'm able to cuddle you, I feel safe." He admitted, playing with his fingers a bit. "I really do. I don't want to be anywhere else but here. I've never felt safe before, but I know I like it. And you make me feel safe, and I don't want to ever feel unsafe again." Jungkook told him, his chest feeling weird and light.

"I want to stay with you." He looked up to Taehyung, and instantly got lost in his dark brown eyes. "You can." Taehyung smiled at him, tiredly running his fingers through Jungkook's hair. "Thank you." Jungkook broke the eye-contact when he started blushing, and laid his head back down on his toned chest.

"But," The younger paused. "I-I know I'm probably pushing it a lot, but I was going to ask if-" Jungkook studdered quickly. "If you could be my new caregiver." He finished, saying it before he thought twice. If he thought twice, he'd never say it.

"I thought we already established this." Taehyung smiled in a joking way. Jungkook laughed, and he was pretty sure Taehyung could feel his heart going faster. "Well, I wanted to say it to confirm it." The younger of the two laughed.

"A-and I wanted to ask you one more thing." Taehyung heard the younger inhale sharply, and kept a steady rhythm in Jungkook's hair to calm him. "I-I was wondering if I- if," Jungkook turned his head towards Taehyung again, and Taehyung could see visual nervousness.

"If I could kiss you."

Taehyung was shocked at the younger's question, and his hand stopped playing with his hair.

Jungkook's never panicked so much in his life. Even when the first sexual experience happened with his caregivers- he was panicking, but not like this. If he had asthma, he'd need his inhaler right about now. His breathing was fast, but he tried not to show Taehyung.

"I- Jungkook-" Taehyung was lost for words, not knowing if he was sure about what he had said. "Are you sure-" "I'm really sure." Jungkook cut him off. He absolutely couldn't handle the suspense.

"I have food pois-" "You said it's not contagious, and I know it's not- if you don't want to kiss me, just tell me." Jungkook interrupted him, sighing to himself.

Taehyung sure could feel how fast Jungkook's heart was going.


Jungkook crawled up Taehyung's chest a bit, and closed his eyes as he connected their lips.

Both of them gasped slightly into the kiss at the electrifying shock that zapped the two, and Taehyung closed his eyes immediately.

He wasn't sure if this was for real, or if it was just a 'thank you' kiss, but damn Jungkook was an amazing kisser, and if happiness had a taste, it would be Jungkook's lips.

I'm sorry, I just couldn't wait until tomorrow-

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