Warriors chance.

By Bubbles4213

23.8K 856 644

"Your leaving?! But who's going to play tag with me?" "I'm sorry, I have to go..." "B-But-" "She has to go fu... More

Character interest. (Edited)
-Chapter One-
~Chapter two~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~The jacket.~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
A new book, kind of?
~Chapter 20~
Maybe Q&A soon?
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~

~Chapter 4~

1K 40 6
By Bubbles4213

Chapter 4: A robbery.

The human still never calmed down as he was still mumbling. It was actually kind of cute because he makes motion things with his hands.

"How can she be the Lion King's Daughter if she looks like a male in beast form? Maybe had a deficiency when she was born...no that can't be right. I mean she is the size of a semi truck, what am I saying Iida?! Make since!" He mumbled, walking back and forth.

"Uhmmm...are you okay?" You asked, slightly tilting your head.

He didn't answer, just kept mumbling.

'Ughh, what is it with humans mumbling? 'Deku' mumbled while writing with a stick now this human?'

Lifting in the air, you flew towards him as you hung upside down.

Touching his face, he stopped looking into your eyes.

"What are those things on your face? Is it a body part?" You asked, pointing to the square object on his nose.

Confused at first he thought for a moment but realised you were talking about his glasses.

Taking them off, your eyes widened.

"Why aren't you bleeding?!" you worryingly asked.

Chuckling, he put the part back on.

"These aren't a body part, they are glasses!" he explained as you tilted your head again.

"Glassssessss.....?" You repeated.

"They are a contraption to help me see better."

Your tail wagged while your wings fluttered. "That's so cool!"

"Yes, they are cool for people who can't see."

Walking closer, you began to sniff him.

He kind of freaked out a bit, due to the fact that you're actually smelling him.

But after a little bit, he began to calm down.

'He smells good.' you thought, taking a step back.

You then noticed a small gold thing on his wrist.

Tilting your head again, you grabbed his arm as you looked at the object.

"What other things do you have hear in the human world?"

"A-Are you talking about this?" He asked, lifting up his wrist to reveal the gold thing.

You nodded, as your wings fluttered with excitement.

"It's a watch, it can help people tell the exact time of day!" Your face glowed with impression, looking at the small device with awe.

You see the human hide it with his white shirt, making you more intrigued.

"We never have stuff like that in heaven." You blurted our, making him face you.

"What are the heavens like?" He asked.

"Heavens beautiful! full of life and beauty! You can walk on the clouds, eat all the fruit and meat in the world!"

"Sounds like a dream place."

Frowning, you looked down.

"Not when you live their you're whole life."

His breath hitched, as he looked at your frowning form.

He felt bad for you.

How could a mother and father never let their child see the world?

"You mean you were stuck there you're whole life?"

Nodding slowly, your lip began to quiver.

"M-My father is very protective over me and the pac...but since I turned sixteen, he let me go. Now sometimes I wish I could just go back up there-"

"I'm sorry." He spoke.

Immediately looking at him, your eyes widened.

"No! It's alright! You were curious."

Sighing, your tail moved around the ground.

"Just like I am....."

He smiled at you.

"Isn't everyone a little curious? Even us humans can be annoying with much questions." he explained, causing you to cheer up a little.

"Uhm, if you don't mind me asking, do you have a name or do I just call you human? Because I think that's a little weird." You laughed, scratching your neck.

"R-Right, my name Is Tenya Iida, nice to meet you!"

He held out his hand which caused you to be confused.

Tilting your head, he chuckled.

"You shake it, it's like a greeting us humans do."


You snorted slightly, feeling like a complete dumb dumb.

"In heaven we greet with head rubs and hugs, but I don't think you'll be comfortable with head rubs just yet."

He blushed this time, looking away.


Blushing more at the nickname, he faced you.

"Did I do something wrong?! Oh fish! I messed up..." You frowned, dropping your ears again.

"N-No! It's alright! I'm sorry no one ever game me a nickname before." he confessed scratching his neck.

Your smile grew, giving him a big hug.

"Well, I would love to be your friend Ikun! I was surly afraid that I would scare you off."

Both a blushing mess, Iida coughed.

"Well, (Y/n) you didn't scare me off, because I knew you were harmless, with the research I did."


Taking a deep sigh, he face palmed.

'Oh lord, this is going to be a long night.'

Iida explained every human fraze, object, and traditions to you. He decided to take you to his house, since his parents are away. He said something called a business trip?  Not knowing what it was, you saved the conversation. He told you that the hanging box things above the ground are stop lights, And the moving contraptions are cars. Everything seemed to change from the stories your father told you as a little cub. It was cool your learning more stuff the way Ikun explains it, making it simple. As you walked beside him, he pointed out every little detail. Humans find food in places called shops, instead of hunting the prey. It seems much easier than ripping a cow and deer from limb to limb. You also learned not to hug everyone you meet, which made you sad because you love hugs. He also told you about some people not being the nicest, I mean he's not wrong this world is not perfect. He started to get a little ahead, which made you notice the metal things on the back of his legs.

Eager to find out, you lightly tapped his shoulder.


"Yes (Y/N)?" He asked still looking ahead.

"What are the things on your legs?"

Stopping in his tracks, he faced you.

"These help my with my quirk!"

You tilted your head again like a confused baboon.

"What's a quirk?"

He sweat dropped.

"U-Uh, they're like special abilities you get when your born. Like mine these engines help me to run very, very fast."

"So like super speed?"

He nodded.

"Yes, exactly like that! Your very smart." He praised causing you to blush more.

"Well, y-your a good teacher I guess?'

'Great, now I sound like a buffoon.'

"My abilities consist of superspeed from my father."

"So you got your powers form your father?"

Shaking your head, you looked at windows with stuff inside.

Ikun said they were called stores?

"I was born naturally with my abilities. No one passed them down to me except elemental powers."

Putting a finger on his chin, he looked to the side.

"That's interesting."

We kept walking on the weird colored ground as he was holding some wierd looking things from his hands.

I think Ikun said they were plastic bags? Funny because they look like clear boogers.

Suddenly chuckling like a doof, you looked away in embarrassment.

'I may be sixteen, but I still act like a child.'

Taking a deep breath, you caught up with your friend.

"My father trained me every day ever since I was little. He made sure to teach me every precaution, pressure point, and ways of combat. Zeus, Ares , Demeter, and Poseidon gifted me with different elements when I was ten. Fire, Earth, Lighting, light, Water, Ice, I was born with the Air element. "

You grew sad at the thought of your father not being with you. Looking at the ground, your ears dropped letting out a little whimper.

Ikun put a hand on your shoulder. " I'm sorry, I know how hard it is to miss family, especially when they are gone. My family is always on business trips, rarely home. My brother is the only family I have left."

Looking at him with sad eyes, you touched his hand.

"I'm sorry too."

Both of you smiled at each other as other humans passed.

It was like something was growing between the both of you.

Having this comfort feeling in your chest like you trust him.

Maybe you can be good friends?

"Have you ever thought of being a hero (Y/n)?" He questioned, making you very confused.

"Herrrooo?" You worded out, sounding really dumb like lucy is when she does astronomy.

He forgot you aren't from here and not human.

"Well, I saw you save the two boys from that slime monster when All Might never showed up."

Taking a deep breath, you waved it off.

"Well, I'm no hero my instincts just kicked in, those humans didn't have it under control. The captured human was going to die." You explained, shrugging your shoulders.

"Well, you were very brave." He praised.

"I was just doing what you humans call winging it."

Ikun shook his head.

"Yes, it's called last minute thinking."

"My siblings are big last minute rascals. They wait to clean their dens 15 minutes my mom has to-"

You paused,Coming to a stop.

Looking beside,you noticed a small room. It was filled with cute Object you've never seen before.

Getting excited, your eyes sparkled.

Wagging your long tail, you tugged on Ikuns clothing.

He looked in your direction and chuckled slightly.

"That is a shop I told you about."

"Are we allowed to go in?" You asked, jumping up and down.

"It is open! I don't see why not? We should be able to make it to my house before dark-"

Before he could speak you grabbed his hand, pulling him into the store.

Opening the door, your eyes widened as you saw all kinds of cute stuff.

"Hello, welcome to nic nacs. Let me know if you need help." an elder human states with a smile.

As you and Ikun looked around, you saw many cat things, which you adore since Lions are technically related. Showing Ikun many nic nacs, he let you get a couple as you seem to be attacked to them.

As you were looking in the back, the door opened.

"Helle welcome to-"


"Listen fucker, I'm going to make this real simple. Give me the cash slowly, or I won't shoot you in the face."

The elder human gulped as his hands were in the air.

You scoffed as Ikun and you hid behind a table.

"what a Rat." you whispered to Ikun as he also felt anger inside.

"It's really reckless for someone to rob a small business like this at night." He whispered back, making you nod.

As the older human took out some money, another buff looking human came out from the back door.

"Hey dad what's up-"


The human squealed at the sight of his father being held against his will.

"Don't move kid, or I'll shoot your old man." The human smirked, making your stomach turn.

"We have to do something Ikun."

His eyes then widend.

"Are you crazy? If we do something that man os dead!" He whispered yelled, doing funny motion things again.

"If we don't do something, he's going to kill him anyway."

He paused for a moment.

"How do you know-"

"I can read his mind, he's planning to shoot him then rob everything in this store."

"Why didn't I know that?" he snapped quietly, giving me a scary glare.

"Ikun, there's a lot of stuff you don't know about me that should be discussed later." You finished, slowly getting up from your spot.

Activating the air element, you slightly lifted your feet so the floorboards wouldn't squeak.

Slowly flying towards him, Iida stayed covered, so he doesn't make a noise.

Smirking, you tapped the humans shoulder making him turn around quickly.

Pointing the gun towards you, caused the humans smirk to grow wider.

"What do we have hear? Your pretty cute for a shortie."

'Ewww, shut up rodent.'

The human stepped closer, not giving you space as Iida took the hostages outside to safety.

Smiling you grabbed the arm were the gun was held.

Twisting it as it cracked you flipped him onto the ground, causing him to grunt in pain.

He got up pretty quickly as he was trying to use his other hand to punch you.

"You bitch! I'll kill you!" he snapped, still throwing punches.

'These humans aren't very smart.' you thought.

Moving left and right, you didge each punch as your grabbed his fist with your hands.

(Like this!)

Letting out a deep, low growl causing him to shake in fear.

Sweat dripped from his forehead as your eyes glowed a bright white.

"I-It can't be!" he yelled in fear.

Smirking you spinned around and kicked him in the stomach causing him to crash out the window.

Luckily IKun was able to catch him as he tied his arms together.

Smiling to yourself, you walked over to the other humans.

The old one bowed thankfully as you just giggled.

"No need to be so formal, I just did what was right."

The giant human stepped forwards, then grabbed my hands.

"T-Thank you for saving my father! If you haven't been there, he would've been toast....and I would've not saved him in time."

Putting your hand on top of his, you smiled brightly causing his cheeks to slightly heat up.

"What's your name brave warrior?" You asked gently.

Growing confident, he smiled also which made your heart swell up.

"My name is Rikido sato! I wanna be a good hero someday!"

Iida smiled at the sight behind you as the human tried to escape. Having a good grip on him, Ikun just glared at him.

"Well sato-san! I believe you can achieve that goal, you were pretty brave not freaking out when the human had that device in his hands. If you put some effort and train every day you will become a hero!" you spoke, giving him even more confidence.

"T-Thank you! I'll remember your words..."

Smiling you gave him a hand shake as you waved him goodbye.

"Bye sato-san!"

Waving to you again, he watched you walk towards Ikun.

"I will never forget you!"

"And I'll never forget this!"

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