Star of the Cosmos

Galing kay Relatable_ruler

57.6K 1.6K 798

Captain Atom, a renowned member of Earth's Justice League has followed the example of some of his league mate... Higit pa

Claire Bowen Aka Stellar
Independence Day
Welcome to Happy Harbor
The Everything Fort
Alpha Male
Date? More Like Hangout
Manhunter Mayhem
Usual Suspects
Auld Acquaintances
Convergence Part I
Convergence Part II


2K 71 12
Galing kay Relatable_ruler


August 3, 13:06 EDT

"Beep Beep Beep."

The holographic air hockey table sounded, as Wally had scored the final goal on Kaldur.

Claire, Robin, and M'gann all stood around the table watching while in their super suits since today was their day for training with Black Canary.

Which Claire was extremely excited for.

Wally grinned as he took a bite out of the banana he was holding, chewing and smacking loudly and openly, allowing everyone a front-row seat to the banana being mashed in his mouth.

"Wally, close your mouth when you chew," Claire said with a disgusted face before rolling her eyes.

The ginger moved closer to her and chewed louder than before in response, causing Claire to look at him with a glare that could turn even the bravest men into stone.

Wally froze at the sight of her glare, slowly closing his mouth and chewing. Making Claire smile in satisfaction.

"Recognized. Superboy B-0-4." The automated computer announced, alerting everyone to the boy of steel's arrival.

Everyone turned to the clone, walking toward them. M'gann's face immediately perked up, and she smiled wide, her eyes squinting slightly.

"Hi, Superboy. How was Metropolis?" M'gann asked as he walked through the holographic table, ignoring her.

"Well, that was mean." Claire thought to herself as she crossed her arms.

"Ready for training, everyone?" A voice asked as everyone turned around. Only to find Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, and Captain Atom walking toward them.

"Black Canary!" Claire said in excitement. Before spotting her mentor walking beside her. "Captain Atom!" She yelled, running and hugging him.

"Woah, there, kid."

"What are you doing here?" She asked in surprise with a broad smile gracing her features, letting go of the hero.

"Well apparently as your mentor, I'm required to check up on you from time to time." He responded sarcastically.

Unbeknownst to the two, Superboy was glaring at them in jealousy.

"Stick around. Class is in session." Black Canary said, causing Superboy, who was walking away, to stop and turn around with his arms crossed over his chest.

Canary walked forward into a holographic type circle that lit up when she reached the center.

"I consider it an honor to be your teacher. I'll throw a lot at you, everything I've learned from my own mentors.. uh..." She groaned as she slipped her jacket off of her shoulders.

"And my own bruises."

"What happened?" M'gann asked in concern.

"The job," Canary replied, short and sweet.

"Now, combat is about controlling conflict, putting the battle on your terms. You should always be acting, never reacting. I'll need a sparring partner."

Claire raised her hand excitedly.

Walking forward to try and impress both Black Canary and her mentor. But before Black Canary could see her hand, Wally rushed in front of her with his hand raised.

"Right here. Yeah!" He shouted with his banana still in his right hand. He walked forward and ate the last bit of his banana.

"After this. Swish! I'll show you my moves." Wally flirted with Canary after he threw his banana peel into the garbage.

Claire groaned and facepalmed at his stupidity.

Canary smirked before rushing at Wally with a punch to his face. He blocked it but was not prepared for her to kick his feet from under him, tripping him and causing him to fall.

The computer beeped. "Kid Flash status: Fail."

Claire laughed loudly while pointing at Wally from her place beside Robin.

"Ohh. Hurts so good." The ginger groaned while laying on the ground to catch his breath before Canary gave him a hand and helped him up.

"Kinda reminds me of Cadmus." Claire thought as she stopped laughing and replaced it with a condescending smirk.

"Good block. But did anyone see what he did wrong?" Canary asked as Wally got on his feet.

Robin raised his hand.

"Ooh, ooh. He hit on teacher and got served?"

Claire snickered and nudged the Boy Wonder.

"Dude!" Wally said, pouting as usual.

Canary's gaze narrowed on Robin and Claire before speaking. "He allowed me to dictate the terms of-" She began but was interrupted.

"Oh, please. With my powers, the battle's always on my terms. I'm a living weapon, and this is a waste of my time." Superboy said in annoyance.

Canary's stone gaze rested on the clone.

"Prove it." She challenged with a smirk.

"Ooooh," Claire said, as Superboy walked in front of Canary with his arms crossed.

Both Superboy and Canary got into a fighting stance. Superboy threw the first punch, putting all of his weight into it. But Black Canary easily dodged his hit, grabs his arm, and uses his weight to throw him to the other side of the ring on his back.

"Superboy status: Fail."

Robin snickered quietly, while Claire just had a big smile on her face at the clone's misfortune.

Superboy rolled around and growled at Canary.

"You're angry. Good, but don't react. Channel that anger into-" She's interrupted by Superboy lunging at her.

Canary did a quick flip over his head and landed behind him.

Superboy tried to turn around and hit her, but she ducked and swiped his feet out from under him.

"Oof." Superboy breathed as his back hit the floor once again.

"Superboy status: Fail." The computer beeped for the second time.

Captain Atom, who was sitting off to the side, laughed with his hand covering his mouth, making Canary glare at him like he was a child.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"That's it; I'm done," Superboy growled out as he stood up from the ground.

"Training is mandatory," Canary responded with a glare. To which Superboy returned with a glare of his own.

It looked to Claire as if the pair were going to fight again, but for real, this time before Batman popped up on a holographic screen.

"Batman to the cave. Five hours ago, a new menace attacked Green Arrow and Black Canary. The attacker was capable of studying and duplicating the powers and abilities of its opponents." Batman said seriously.

"Arrow called in reinforcements, which nearly proved disastrous as our foe gained more and more power with each new combatant," Batman informed the team.

"It steals powers? Is it like a parasite copycat?" Claire asked.

"No. It was an android that could keep our powers indefinitely. It's probably more dangerous than parasite ever could be." Captain Atom responded.

"Woah. One android with the powers of the entire league?" Wally asked in awe.

"An Android? W-who made it, T.O. Morrow?" Robin asked. "Good guess, Robin. But Red Tornado doesn't think so." Batman responded to his protege.

"The technology bears the signature of Professor Ivo." Martian Manhunter informed ominously.

"Ivo? But Ivo's dead." Kaldur said in surprise.

"Umm, Ivo? Who the heck is Ivo?" Claire asked in confusion.

"Evil genius who's good at building evil robots." Wally clarified in a sped-up version of his history.

"Oh, not surprised," Claire responded.

"To make certain this threat is permanently neutralized, we're sending two trucks carrying the Android's parts to two separate STAR Lab facilities in Boston and New York for immediate evaluation," Batman said.

"Wait, but what if the trucks are just attacked on their way to the facilities?" Claire asked.

"Every precaution is being taken. We'll have four additional decoy trucks to create confusion in case Ivo or anyone else tries to recover the remains." Batman responded to her before continuing.

"You will split up into undercover teams to safeguard the two real trucks." The dark Knight finished.

"Yes! Road trip." Wally's fist-pumped the air.

"So now we take out your trash?" Superboy asked in annoyance, causing everyone to look over at him in confusion.

"You had something better to do?" Batman asked with a glare, making Superboy look somewhere else.

Wow, he's even moodier than usual.

Claire side-eyed him before Kaldur began speaking.

"Coordinates received. On our way."


Litchfield County

August 3, 20:08 EDT

The team sat on their respective motorcycles behind some bushes.

Batman gestured for the Transports to move.

"Time to head out, folks," Stellar declared with a cowboy accent before revving her motorcycle and splitting off with Robin and Superboy.

The group rode in awkward silence before Stellar spoke up.

"Ugh, this is a disaster. I so wish I could just fly." She groaned in annoyance before Robin sped up his motorcycle alongside her and Superboy.

"Hey, if dislike is the opposite of like, is disaster the opposite of aster?" Robin asked, making The blonde look at him in complete confusion.

"See, instead of things going wrong, they go right." The Boy Wonder explained.

"Robin, your weird English always confuses me. But in this case, it makes sense." Stellar replied with a laugh.

"Isn't that right, Superboy?" She asked.

The clone in question just glared ahead at the road.

"Uh, clearly, you're not feeling the aster. What's wrong?" Robin inquired at the same time Stellar glanced over at Superboy with a concerned gaze.

"Canary. I mean, what business does she have teaching combat skills to a guy with super strength?" Superboy grumbled.

"Well, I have super strength too, and I would still love to be taught how to fight. Canary is just doing her job and trying to help us at the same time..." Stellar answered before pausing.

"Besides, a lot of Superheroes have super strength and know how to fight; just look at Wonder Woman," She added, picking up where she left off.

"Yeah, and taking down stronger guys is part of the gig. Canary learned that the hard way. Same with Batman and well, me." Robin explained.

Stellar nodded at Robin in agreement. While Superboy just glared harder at the road before riding closer behind the truck.

"Super anger issues," The blonde reiterated to Robin before the two pick up speed as well to catch up with the clone.

"Robin, Superboy, Stellar. Our truck is under attack." Aqualad announced into the coms.

"Kinda figured," Robin replied as a swarm of flying green robot monkeys flew out of the cornfields and attached themselves to the truck.

"What in the actual-" Stellar began but was interrupted by Superboy.

"I. Hate. Monkeys."

"Robot monkeys! Ha! Totally Ivo's tweaked style." Robin affirmed with an excited laugh.

"Why are you so happy about this?" Stellar solicited with a slight smirk.

"Because I haven't taken out any evil engineering villains lately and wasn't feeling really turbed about it," Robin answered with a childlike grin and pressed a button on his motorcycle.

The back wheel of the vehicle transformed into a flying attack drone like something out of a movie.

"Woah, Robin, that's sick," Stellar declared in awe.

"I know, right. Just switch your rides to battle mode." Robin responded.

"No point," Superboy retorted, jumping off his bike and onto the transport.

Though either the clone didn't think or didn't care but his bike tipped over and skidded along the ground in front of Stellar and Robin.

"Hey!" The blonde shrieked before floating off her bike, which exploded mind you, before she could even turn it into a transformer—making her exceptionally peeved.

Robin hopped off his bike as well, grappling onto the transport truck with his drone following.

"Lucky bird." She thought with a jealous glare at the drone before deciding that she'd be taking one home, one way or the other.

She landed on the transport with a roll forward, sending twin energy blasts at two monkeys simultaneously with her right and left hands.

The robots broke apart before a large number of the monkeys on the truck converged on her.

"Ahh! What the heck!" She screeched as they latched onto her form, pulling and tugging on her motorcycle suit before she felt a particularly harsh tug to her hair.

"Ow! Not the hair!" She complained.

The girl squatted before she flew off the transport and into the sky, her right arm was out in front of her and her eyes squinted at the rush of air that flew into her nose.

The monkeys held on tightly but some inevitably fell off of her and crashed into the concrete street below.

In an effort to rid herself of the stragglers, Stellar hovered in the air and held her hands out to her sides, closing her eyes before spinning in a circle.

The monkeys laughed and wailed as her spinning created a small vortex, forcing them off of her and joining their brothers and sisters as heaps of metal on the street.

The heroine slowly stopped spinning with her hand on her head, beginning to feel the horrid after effect of spinning that fast.

"Hey, uh, Stellar! Little help here?" Robin shouted, holding tightly on the driver of the truck that swerved wildly along the road.

The blonde in question took a deep breath before flying over to the transport, "Give me your hands." She ordered grasping the two different hands that were held out for her before flying into the air, a safe distance away from the vehicle.

Stellar let out a breath of relief as the truck exploded only seconds after she had grabbed Robin and the StarLabs agent.

The blonde flew to the street slowly, making sure that she didn't accidentally give them whiplash from landing too quickly or too harshly.

After placing the two on the ground, Stellar looked around to survey the damage. The transport truck was destroyed in the middle of the road, fire and smoke spilled out of the vehicle combined with a multitude inactive robot monkeys along the street.

In addition to that, the android parts were either destroyed in the explosion or stolen by the remaining monkeys.

"Can this mission get any worse?" Stellar thought with a grimace, possibly forgetting that a superhero should never ever say or even think that phrase.

"Superboy!" Robin yelled, making the blonde turn around and find the clone jumping off into the distance after a group of the monkeys.

She sighed dejectedly, "And the answer is yes."

"Aqualad to team two. We've lost our cargo. Did you-" Aqualad began but was interrupted.

"It's gone. And so is Superboy." Robin informed.

"Aqualad to superboy. Radio your position. We'll help you." Aqualad asserted into the coms.

"I don't need help, don't want any!" Superboy growled before going quiet.

"Superboy?" Aqualad inquired.


"I think he ditched his com," Stellar replied to the rest of the group after tapping her communicator.

"Robin, we have to look for him. He could be in serious danger." The blonde proclaimed, turning around to face the Boy Wonder.

"Agreed, but we have to wait for Kaldur's orders." He conceded before walking over to one of the monkeys.

"Besides that, I have a theory. If professor Ivo is behind this, how did the monkeys know exactly which trucks to target?" Robin asked, plugging a wire into one of the monkeys and creating his holo computer.

After a minute of him typing, the computer pinged and a green virtual Robin face appeared.

"Ha! The parts have GPS. The monkeys can track the signal, which means I can track them with the one we captured."

The holo-computer transitioned into a map with a big red dot blinking on it.

"It looks like both sets of parts are converging on... Gotham City." Robin said, looking up at Stellar with a solemn expression.

"That far south? Miss Martian and I won't get there any time soon. I'm sending Kid ahead to meet you. Aqualad out."

Stellar rolled her eyes at the mention of KF before putting her game face on.

"Hey, Stellar, come here." Robin beckoned her over with a wave of his hand before taking a bag out of a compartment of his bike.

"What's this?" She queried before Robin opened the bag and revealed both of their suits.

"Awesome!" She exclaimed with a grin, snatching her suit out of the bag and flying into the cornfields.

After she changed, she flew back over to Robin, who had also changed.

"This mission so far is a disaster, heavy on the dis," Robin said, turning toward her. She only grinned at him before speaking.

"Don't worry. I'm sure we'll be feeling the aster soon enough."


Stella flew next to Robin, who was on his motorcycle, as they entered Gotham's city limits.

"Hmm, kinda expected it to be more gloomy. Guess you can't judge a book by its cover," The blonde said more to herself than Robin.

"You and me both, beautiful," Kid Flash commented as he ran up beside the two.

"So you changed too?" Robin asked, turning to the ginger speedster.

"You kidding? Huh. I feel naked in civvies." He responded while smirking at Stellar. Her face turned as red as a tomato under her mask.

"Eww, why naked?" She asked herself with a shudder at the thought.

"Robin eyes on the road. And are you even still tracking the parts?" Stellar asked him, attempting to change the subject.

Robin smirked at her knowingly before answering the question. "They were headed through Gotham City but the veered... Wait. They're at my school."

"If the parts are at your school, it's safe to say that the android is probably back together. Which means that we have to get there as soon as possible to help Superboy." Stellar stated with determination as she flew faster toward the school.


"Access Superman." Stellar heard a robotic voice say as she smashed through the roof and in front of the android that she had seen earlier fighting the league.

She quickly hopped up and punched it in the face. Its head only snapped to the side for a second before it slowly moved to stare at her.

"Uh, oh." She whispered before it punched her in the face like she had done to it moments ago. The only difference is that this time she slammed to the floor.

The robot immediately grabbed her ankle and threw her into the bleachers, which she smashed right through.

The android then turned around to beat Superboy to the ground. It raised both of its hands above its head and prepared to smash down on the clone before Kid Flash ran in and snatched him up.

"Yoink!" He said while running Superboy to the other side of the room with Robin.

The Boy Wonder threw a birdarang at the Android, who just stood still.

"Martian Manhunter." The android let out before turning intangible, causing the projectile to pass right through him and hit Stellar, who was flying up from behind the droid.

She grunted before flicking the weapon off of her suit with a glare. There was a small hole on the shoulder where the birdarang punctured through the material.

"Oh, come on! He still has their powers? So not fair!" Stellar exclaimed with annoyance as the Android turned around to face her.

"Access Red Tornado." The android announced while creating a red vortex beneath it, blowing all of the young heroes away.

Robin, Stellar, and Superboy slammed into bleachers while KF crashed into a wall.

"Access Captain Atom." The android declared before trying to attack the speedster with a golden beam of energy, similar to Stellar's but had more of a tinge of white.

Kid Flash ran off to the side as the area where the beam connected exploded. The explosion shocked Stellar back up from her spot on the bleachers.

"Access Black Canary." The android stated before shouting at the speedster with a sonic scream, making him fly back from the sound waves' force.

Stellar flew up behind him and caught him.

"C-3PO needs to chill." She announced as she placed him back onto the hardwood floor.

After placing the red head safely on the ground Stellar flew at the Android but was knocked back by a sonic scream.

"Access Superman." The Android caught Superboy's fist, then punched him into the bleachers.

"Martian Manhunter." Its arm grew and smashed down on the clone.

Kid Flash ran at the Android but was quickly wrapped in a bear hug.

"Superman." It announced and began squeezing him, making him cry out in pain.

"Martian Manhunter." An arrow flew in, and the robot turned intangible, dropping KF in the process.

Instead of getting back up he laid limp, going unconscious.

"No," Stellar growled quietly, standing up.

"Don't touch him!" She thundered before throwing both of her hands out in front of her, shooting a beam of energy at the Android.

"Access Captain Atom." It said before shooting its own beam to clash against hers. The force of the two powers colliding created a shockwave that slammed everyone but Stellar and the android away.

The android's beam soon began to overtake hers as she is pushed back slightly and dropped to one knee.

She began to breathe heavily, dropping down on her other knee and using her left arm to hold her up on the ground.

She was still sending blasts of energy from her right hand—the only thing saving her from the android's beam.

She glanced to her right and met Kid Flash lying limp on the ground.


As she turned back to the Android, her eyes closed and she slowly lowered her right hand, allowing the Android's beam to hit her.

The only sound Stellar heard was the beating of her own heart roaring in her ears before a golden aura enveloped her body.

Her eyes opened, and they began to glow under her mask as she slowly stood up from her knees.

With each passing moment, the glow around her burned brighter, the Android's beam still slammed into her as she stood at her full height.

Her hair floated along with pieces of the destroyed gym around her, any object that got too close to her turned to dust.

The sheer force of her power was enough to begin pushing the robot back. With a pulse of energy the Android skidded along the hardwood floor with a screech.

Stellar raised her right hand out and released a blast of pure energy so bright it could resemble the light of the sun.

Her beam cut directly through the Android's own and when she lowered her hand, the droid sat on its knees with a gaping hole in its chest.

Stellar walked forward, still glowing with pure and unchecked power.

"Acces- Access- Ste- Stell-" The android glitched as she neared.

With a stoic expression, she placed her hand onto the android's head, and it began to glow. Golden cracks started to form in its head before it exploded.

As the Android fell backward, headless, and with a hole in its body, Stellar turned around to find the team staring at her in fear.

"Claire?" She heard as she stepped toward the team, to her friends.

"Wally." She muttered before the glow enveloping her dissipated, and she fell forward.

The speedster ran and caught her before she could hit the ground.

The last thing she heard before she passed out was.

"I've got you, beautiful."


"Ugh, my head. Why does my head always have to hurt?" Claire asked herself as she opened her eyes to see the team around her.

As she looked around, she saw that she was inside the bio-ship medical wing.

"Mmm, guys. What am I doing here?" She groaned out as the heads of everyone in the room snapped toward her.

Wally was the first to run over.

"Claire, you're ok!" He exclaimed happily, hugging her.

"Umm?" She questioned as he stiffened and immediately unwrapped his arms from around her.

"Sorry." He said.

"Mkay, you're being weird." She stated before turning to everyone else. "What happened?" She asked.

"Claire, what's the last thing you remember?" Kaldur asked.

She placed her hand on her head and closed her eyes with a thought, "I-It's really all just a blur, I guess the last thing I remember is the Android grabbing Wally. Then it all just really fizzled out."

"Well, you passed out for about an hour," Superboy stated gruffly.

"Wait, so you don't remember what you did?" Robin interrogated.

"It was awesome! You just started glowing really bright and blasted a hole straight through the robot! Then you blew up its head!" Wally exclaimed, reciting the story with child-like enthusiasm.

Claire winced slightly before smiling.

"Wally, shhh. She's probably tired, and we should let her rest." M'gann ordered while looking at Claire with sympathy.

"We'll be back at the cave in an hour. You should feel better by then." The Martian informed with a smile before walking away to pilot the ship.

Everyone else walked out behind her, except for Wally, who sat down on the edge of her bed.

"Wally?" She asked.

"I just wanted to say that I'm happy you're okay... and thanks." He said.

Claire just stared at him.

"F-for saving me. Us! I-I meant for saving us." He stuttered, his face going red before he dashed out of the room.

Claire blinked a few times, confusedly before shrugging and resting her eyes.



August 4, 01:06 EDT

"The Amazo Android is in pieces again, safely being analyzed at two separate STAR Labs facilities. But Ivo escaped, and since he originated the tech, he's arguably more dangerous than the android." Aqualad said, standing with the team, in front of Batman, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, Red Tornado, and Captain Atom.

"Capturing the professor will be a league priority." Black Canary said.

"But we understand your mission encountered, other complications." Martian Manhunter stated while the rest of the team glanced over at Superboy. Who looked at the ground guiltily.

"Complications come with the job. Your ability to handle them has impressed the league." Batman said, stepping forward.

"The whole league?" Superboy asked, hopeful that he could have impressed Superman.

"Given time, yes," Batman responded.

"Kryptonian's have hard heads Superboy. You'll get through his eventually." Captain Atom said with a grin.

"Of course, there's no shame in asking for help. That's why the league exists because there are some problems even we can't handle individually." Batman began but was interrupted by Red Tornado.

"Though it would seem that you did not need our help, thanks to Stellar." The league and team members looked over at her, who smiled sheepishly.

Wally ran over and nudged her slightly with a huge smile.

"Great job kiddo, I'm proud of ya." Her mentor said, placing a hand on her shoulder. She nodded but her smile dropped a little. She still didn't know what exactly that was and it scared her.

"But even if we needed help, we'd never get the chance to ask. Look familiar?" Robin asked while pulling out an arrow from inside his suit.

"You were following us! Babysitting! You still don't trust us." Robin said, gesturing to the team and then to the arrow.

"We didn't follow you," Batman stated monotonously.

Green Arrow then took an arrow out of his quiver to compare the two arrowheads. The team noticing that they were two different shapes.

"And that's not your arrow, but that means-" Robin began but was interrupted by Wally.

"Speedy!" He exclaimed excitedly.

"He has our backs," Kaldur said with a small grin.

"Oh, great..." Claire said with a sarcastic edge, rolling her eyes.

As if that jerk would ever stoop so low as to help out the 'Junior Justice League.'

Wally ran over and snatched the arrow from Green Arrow, "Souvenir."

At this point, I'm just going to assume that these kids are colorblind. Like hello, that arrow is green! Speedy's arrows are red! They did the same thing with Twister and Tornado. I give up.

Claire crossed her arms over her chest and looked at the arrow.

The league is definitely hiding something. The question is, what?

Superboy walked up to Black Canary and cleared his throat. "I'm ready."

"Good, because I'm here." She responded with a smile.

The team not noticing that Captain Atom, Martian Manhunter, and Batman walked into a corner of the cave.

"We all saw the footage of that android and Stellar. It's clear that Amazo was not holding back." Batman said to Captain Atom.

"If she overpowered it so easily-" Captain Atom began.

"Then, she may be one of the most powerful beings on the planet." Martian Manhunter finished.

"Much more powerful than me." Captain Atom confessed while the three looked over at her flicking Wally on the back of the head for flirting with M'gann.


Whew, and that's done. Anyway, the league, team, and Claire herself are starting to find out just how powerful she actually is. I had a fantastic time writing out that Stellar vs. Amazo fight scene. It came out pretty well, if I do say so myself.

Comment, vote, and or share. (If you want as always.)

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