[✔] HELLEVATOR    ──    chanl...


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elevators aren't meant to lead to alternate dimensions. More



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        "WE'RE SORRY TO SAY that we're going to have to let you go," the old man's voice was low, almost emotionless, "while you did serve the company well, your services are no longer needed."

Chan's heart dropped from the center of his chest into his stomach, where it churned over in an uncomfortable circle.

"What do you mean, Mr. Park? It's not like I've done anything to-"

The man dropped his pen and sighed, "It's not about what you haven't done, Bang, it's about what you have done. You've worked well under my care but there is nothing we need you for anymore. Damn well half the world knows you're gay, you aren't attracting any people here."

His face warmed at the older man's words, and his eyes turned down towards the ground. So that's what it was about.

Chan initially got the job solely to pay his rent- which he had easily succeeded in doing. He paid half, and Changbin paid the other half: and this place was the best place that he could do it.

It took him nearly a year to realize just what they wanted from him, though. When he found out about it, he tried his best to keep himself calm about it, but the moment he confronted his boss (gosh, curse that man and all of his almighty glory) he was told that there wasn't much he could do about it.

He was simply being used as a publicity stunt for them. To bring in the girls, who would bring in the money.

"Sir, I don't believe it's my issue that we aren't getting any customers," Chan said through a disappointed sigh, "I think the issue is that your products are flimsy."

His (ex-)boss gave him a stern look, and straightened his back as he glared at him. "You're fired, Chan. If I need to say it in another language, then I will. Get out of my office and leave your name badge on the desk on the way out."

Behind shut eyelids, Chan rolled his eyes back and shook his head. Opening his eyes, he glared at his boss one final time, and lifted a hand to pull the name badge off of his shirt and slam it down on the man's desk.

He whirled around on his heels and walked out of the room, his tongue pinched between his teeth as he bit back the anger that was threatening to boil over like the macaroni water that he had on the stove the day before.

As soon as the light brown door closed behind him, leaving him out of sight of the older man, Chan raised his hand and folded his fingers over so that the only finger sticking up was his middle finger.

Frankly, he should have seen this day coming. Chan knew that, even though he was high performance employee, that the girls that once flocked around him and pestered him for his number would spread that the cute boy working at the malls off-brand-Aéropostale was gayer than the happiest man on earth.

Take that as you will.

It was either he was going to get fired, or he was going to put in his two-week notice. He was frustrated with the conditions that he was placed under- although, the work itself wasn't so bad -and further more, frustrated with the fact that his boss so much as figured that he was going to start some form of endeavors with his customers to get them to come crawling back to waste their money.

Hell, even Chan didn't buy anything from the store. He wasn't surprised if the girls simply didn't come back because the shirts were too flimsy and the jeans didn't make their asses look big enough.

And that was if they had asses to begin with.

With quick, hurried steps, Chan opened the door to the employee's only break room. One of the girls that was currently on break let her head perk up as Chan started to gather the few things he brought with him.

"Where are you going, Chan? Your shift's not-"

Chan stopped picking up his things and released a huff, turning towards her with a pointed look, "I got fired. Soooooo, goodbye, Sorn. I guess I'll see you later."

Without letting the blonde haired girl respond, Chan whirled on his heels once again and began to walk out of the room, swinging the door open gently before letting it loudly clatter closed behind him. He stopped, glancing around the store a single time, and then snorted.

There wasn't anything good about this store. Nothing that he would miss.

Chan released a low grumble, words inaudible as he walked towards the door that lead to the rest of the mall.

Once he was outside of the store, he took slow steps, his head dropping slightly as if he was taking some form of walk of shame by leaving before the store closed.

The mall was still bustling with life, teenage girls walking back and forth from stores with bags stuffed with clothes and other things they probably wouldn't need in two days. There were a couple of teenage boys hovering around said parties of girls, often making them laugh at something they said.

Chan just scoffed at it.

He wished he could be so oblivious to the world in the way that they were in that moment. Not knowing about what heartache was going to come to them, not knowing that the things they blow money on in high school wasn't going to matter to them later on.

The brunet rolled his teeth between his lips and released a tired huff, head shaking slightly as he continued on his way towards the front of the mall.

Chan barely lifted his eyes from the ground as he brushed past and weaved through the abundance of people walking to their own joy. He spared very little people a glance, only offering tiny, secluded smiles if they happened to meet his eyes.

Slowing to a stop, Chan raised his eyes momentarily to meet the eyes of a barista leaning against the counter of his little island coffee booth. Said boy offered him a smile, raising a hand to wave at him. Chan waved backs lowly.

It'd be rude not to order anything now, he told himself, sucking in a deep breath before taking a couple of paced steps closer to the shop.

The silver-haired boy perked up and smiled. It took all of Chan not to giggle at him. Instead, he settled on offering him a kind smile.

"I didn't think you'd actually stop."

The freckled boy's voice caused Chan to stop in his place, his head cocked to the side. It was strangely rich, but it was also deeper than his face depicted. Chan brushed it off seconds later, and continued forward with a tiny smile.

"Yeah, I'd feel bad if I didn't," he answered truthfully, clearing his throat before crossing his arms over the counter and leaning his weight forward, "Since I'm here now, though, what drink would you recommend for someone who doesn't drink sugared coffee on a regular basis?"

His comment pulled a giggle from the boy on the other side of the counter, and Chan felt himself smile at it. He was certainly cute.

The freckled boy- who's name tag, he observed, had a sloppy written 'Felix' written in something that resembled off-brand cursive -shrugged his shoulders, "If you're going to stick around for a little bit a Cortado might just be what you can have. Unless you'd like to have some extra kick of a black coffee, no sweetener, no sugar, no milk, nada."

Seeing the boy he had just met smile widely as he talked about the drinks made Chan's lips turn up again. He seemed excited about the beverages he had to offer.

"I guess I can hang around for a bit to try this Cortado you're talking about."

Felix's eyes lit up excitedly and he turned on his heel abruptly, snatching a tiny glass cup from the counter, "Oh, you're going to love it."

The brunet offered him a smile, his head tilted slightly as he watched his back. His back was flexing with each movement he made, his shirt shifting with it. The shirt's fabric appeared shiny under the light, the light orange swirls whirling and spiraling when he moved.

He had barely noticed that none of the machine's he was using weren't hissing or spitting water. All was silent aside from the small clattering of glass.

Eventually, the barista turned himself around and set down the glass cup half full of what Chan could only assume was coffee. He observed as he tilted a small pitcher-like object over and poured milk against the side of the cup, his bright smile still plastered on his lips.

"I hope this is up to your standards-?"

Chan raised his eyebrows slightly, chin lifted as he released a small noise, "Chan."

The silver-haired male nodded his head and nudged the cup forward, motioning towards it with his finger, "I hope that it's up to your standards."

With a nod of his head, he reached forward and grabbed the tiny cup in his hand, rotating it in his hand for a moment before he brought the cup to his lips.

He then set the small cup down, half empty, and nodded his head slightly. Chan puckered his lips slightly as he swallowed the drink, his head tilted upwards slightly, as if he were seriously contemplating a food review for Yelp. Seconds later, he offered a smile. "It tastes great."

Felix beamed, "That's great! I'm glad it isn't too bitter or... cold. Do you want anything else? I'll buy it for you."

Chan choked on the small amount of coffee he had just put in his mouth, setting the cup down with a fast shake of his head. "You don't have to buy me anything," he said through a cough, "If I'm ordering, I'm buying."

There was a single beat of silence, and Chan watched as Felix arched an eyebrow slightly, "Now why would you do that? I was the one that said I'd pay, so I'll pay for it. Touch your wallet and I'll beat you."

"That's harassment," Chan pointed out, bringing the cup back to his lips to finish off the rest of the coffee, "I'll pay you, Felix. I don't think I need anymore coffee, either. I wont be able to sleep tonight if I drink anymore."

Felix blew a heavy breath through his lips, creating a horse-like noise before waving his hand, "You guys and your inability to sleep while caffeinated. Pathetic little things, you are."

"What, and you can?" He retorted sassily, nudging the glass cup closer towards Felix before pushing himself off the counter, "I'm sorry I cannot sleep while caffeinated. Sadly, I was not given that ability. You're just very, very lucky."

Again, the other male giggled. "I guess so. Also... How did you know my name? It's not like I told you what it was."

Chan arched an eyebrow in amusement, his lips turned up into a tiny smile. "I have the power to name everyone I see. Your names are plastered over your heads like balloons."

He had then pointed a finger towards Felix's chest, at the name tag, before pulling his wallet from his pocket and clicking it open. While ignoring Felix's words to try and get him to not pay, Chan dropped down a ten dollar bill and offered him a smile.

"Keep the change."

While Felix was releasing high-pitched whines of disapproval, Chan began to walk away with a fond smile tugging at his lips. He had never met anyone like the Felix character he had just met. Hell, he rarely met anyone that was able to pay for stuff even though he didn't know them.

Other than the occasional girl. Though, he was sure that they were simply bluffing to try and get him to fall for them. Not that it worked.

Chan brushed a sigh through his nose, turning over his shoulder to see the boy pouting, arms crossed pettily. The action caused Chan to give a silent chuckle as he proceeded towards the front gate of the mall.

The day started off quite terribly- for sure, though what more could he expect out of a Monday, especially seeing as it was a work day.

It may have been the only day he had off from his classes, the only day he may have been able to use for relaxation had he not had work (which, he didn't anymore, bare in mind) or do anything else. He could say, though, that of all Monday's, this was among one of the better ones.

Not that he could believe that it was going to remain this way. Because, truly.

The day was far from over.

And no Monday, in the history of Monday's that Chan had been alive, were good for longer than ten minutes at a single time. And that was simply a fact, one that Chan was dead-set on proving.

Monday's weren't any good. And they certainly weren't good to him.

- x -

[ a/n ] yeye and were off

why do rattle snakes look so angry

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