Criminal Hero (Sero x reader)

By BakashiBaka

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Y/N L/N, a 16 year old with a bad criminal record. She was sent to a juvenile prison at the age of 13. Now ou... More

Information about Y/N and the story!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Oh sh!t, another A/N
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chatper 11
Not a chapter but read this fuckerz.
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chatper 16

Chapter 15

1K 31 33
By BakashiBaka

A/N:  sorry dudes/ dudettes, the lovely human i love called my father been on my ass about school, so updates are rough. Anyways, enjoy the flashback.

Y/N's POV:

Darkness... That's all i see. No light, no sun, nothing. I can't feel my body or anything. I'm... stuck...

I've gone through this before, when i lost my mother and older brother. They died by my hands, my fire, my quirk. Aii reader, time to a flashback!

*4 years ago, still Y/N's POV*




"GET UP YOU-". "that's enough father."

Who said that? Your older brother, Alpha. That wasn't his real name, but he always told us to call him that since it was his villian name and his quirk. He could shapeshift into a big wolf with black fur and (e/c) eyes. Yeah, he followed behind my parent's footsteps, but he always protected us from their cruel hits and words.

"Why must you protect such a lowly thing Alpha?" All For One (your father if you forgot) asked.

"Just because Dabi left his siblings for the villian life doesn't mean i will." Alpha said while helping me up.

"I HEARD THAT!" Dabi yelled down the hall.

"YOU WAS MEANT TOO DUMBASS!" Alpha yelled back. "Now, let's get you to the bathroom to get you cleaned up."

He lead me to the bathroom. He took out the rubbing alcohol and patted it against the scar dad has given me on my knee. It was a comfortable silence, until he asked.

"Question. Why don't you join the LOV permanently? You already steal for us and you could become our spy."

I sighed. "Your gang wants to murder All Might. Sorry, but no matter how bad i am, i'm not staining my hands. Plus, mom be pissed, like she was with you."

"Ha. Understandable." he smirked.

My mother. Never joined the LOV, but she had a damn powerful quirk! She called it "Toxic Fumes". The gas that her fire produced was actually poison. Anyone who inhaled the fires smoke will die almost immediately, if their were lucky. Also, there was no cure 😭

Society told her she was too dangerous to be around so everyone ignored her, except my father. An evil man and a broken women fell in love. Except for the fact that he only wanted her because of her powerful quirk.. to make powerful children... to destroy a specific powerful hero in Japan.

She realized this rather quickly, but she stayed with him. Treated her like shit and she stayed because "he was the first person who made me feel loved. I can't let him go." The only good thing she got outta him was us. She loves her children. All 3 of them, although she was pissed at Alpha for joining the villains, but after a while, she forgave him.

Alpha sudden question snapped me back to reality. "Speaking of mother, where is she?"

"Putting Nu-Nu to sleep. It is late." i answered, looking at the almost dark sky. Alpha quickly followed my gaze.

"Ahh. You're right, it is dark. Anyways, i cleaned your cut so you could take a shower and hit the hay. You have training tomorrow."

"..." you mumbled, loud enough for him to hear it.

"Cheer up (Y/N)! Me and Toga are training you tomorrow or have you forgotten that today is Sunday?" he laughed.

"Shit you're right bro." i realized.

"Go take a shower and go to bed. Ima go have a drink with Twice and Shiggy." he left.

"Night Alpha.".

After that i took a shower with my favorite scented soap which was my "signature scent." (a/n: mine scent is lavender. i love it)

After the shower, i quickly got in my bed with my (f/c) shirt with a matching color pair of underwear, with ofc, no bra or pants. I quickly got into bed and tried to go to bed. Keyword: tried.

I couldn't go to bed. My gut told me that something was going to happen. Something bad.

I always trusted my gut. My heart fucked me up emotionally and my head fucked me up mentally while the LOV, excluding my brother, fucked me up physically. (this is the motto i live by, except for the physical part. i'm annoying but my father loves me(; ) After about an hour later, i feel asleep, only to be waken up 4 hours later by something, or rather, someone's.

*Plz skip this if you are uncomfortable with reading about rape or torture*

It was 12am, midnight, the "witching hour". Some say all bad things happen at 12am and i never believe them til now.

I woke up to Dabi's hand over my mouth. With wide eyes, i saw Shiggy trying to put on some handcuffs on me. Toga was in the back recording with the flash on its highest level. I tried to use my quirk, but it wouldn't work. I felt tired all of the sudden too. I screamed as loud as i can, but Dabi out a gag in my mouth to keep me quiet. At this point, i was crying out of anger, but also fear. Afraid of what was going to happen.

"HAHAHA!!!. All for One said that you wasn't going through enough torture, so he gave us permission to do whatever." Toga giggled about.

And with that, they start undressing me. Cutting my clothes with knifes to get off easier. Once i was completely stripped. Shiggy and Dabi started taking off their clothes while Toga was explaining to me what was about to happen for some fucked up reason.

"You see Y/N" Toga started. "Those handcuffs are quirk deducted handcuffs. Basically saying, when you have them on, you're as useless as a person with no quirk. They cut out your quirk, making you extremely tired. Now, what's about to happen is that those two are going to rape you to try and see if you have an sudden "outburst" of power caused by trauma."

I was trying to get out, but i was dizzy. Struggling was hard with these handcuffs on. I was trying to scream for Alpha or Mom, but no one heard. Everyone was sleeping, but i had a feeling Dad was awake, waiting to see if he theory was proved correct.

"Now with that explaination. Let's get started."

When she finished talking, all i felt was pain. They was actually doing this to me. I kept screaming and screaming, waiting for someone to help me, but no one came.

After what seemed like weeks. They stopped and Toga caught it all on video too. Embarrassment, Anger, Exposed. I felt dead... and to add some more bullshit into this, someone walked through the door....

*the "scene is done, but the topic is still continuing*

*Idk who's POV, i guess it's the Narrators*

While that was happening, Anubis just happened to wake up. He went into Alpha's room and tried to shake him awake. About 2 minutes later, Alpha finally woke up.

"Anubis, why did you wake me up? Something wrong?" Alpha asked, a tired smile on his face.

"I hear Sis slightly screaming and you always said to come to you and Mama whenever that happens." Anubis explained.

*sigh* 'Y/N can't catch a break, can't she?' Alpha thought.

"Okay. Tanks for telling me. Now go back to sleep little one."

"Okay. Night Alpha and tell Y/N i'll give her a big hug in the morning." 

"Okay." Alpha said.

Alpha got up from bed and quickly, but tiredly put on some basketball shorts and a grey tank. When he got into Y/N's door, he heard laughter. *sigh*

He walked through the door with his eyes closed, once again, cuz he's tired.

"Look, leave Y/N the fuck alone. She's had enough shut for today-" Alpha's eyes widened, then quickly got a blanket and cover up Y/N's body.

His once (e/c) eyes went red and his fangs started to show. He spotted Dabi, Shiggy and Toga in the corner, he slowly turned his head towards them and said, well growled

"May god have mercy on you... cuz i won't"

A/N: AII THE END OF THE CHAPTER!! Ofc there's will be a part 2 of this flashback, but i've been working on the chapter for over a week and i'm tired. Thanks for the comments and everything cuz i do look at post you guys comment. An with that said

Author-chan out✌🏼😱

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