The story of tonight (Groffli...

By grofflins_sauce

10.9K 400 434

Just another Grofflin FanFiction (wholesome/a bit angst) More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 9

283 9 9
By grofflins_sauce

Groff's POV

After we finished our food, the waiter didn't come back. Instead it was another waiter. I guess someone was embarrassed, as he should be.

"Where's the other waiter? Not that I have a problem with you, but I'm curious" Lin asked

"Oh Gideon? He went home early. He looked like he had seen a ghost when he asked to leave. A little weird if you ask me" she said concerned for, who was our previous waiter, Gideon. She handed us the check and left. She already knew, as did I, what was about to happen.

"I'll pay" Lin said. I refuse to have him pay after all that jealousy he just went through.

"No I asked you out, which was a struggle to do, so I'm going to pay and that is final." I signed everything and wrote out the check. I put down the check and looked at Lin. "And that's that" was all I could say.

"You sneaky bastard" he said with a smirk on his face.

We went back to the theater and sat in our dressing room as usual. There was a knock at the door so I opened it. It was Pippa. "Oh hey Pip! What's up?"

"Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Oh yeah sure." I looked back at Lin with a 'I'll be back' look on my face. He nodded as I closed the door behind me. "So is there anything you want to know?"

She pulled me into the Schuyler sisters' dressing room and pushed me into a chair. "Tell us everything" she demanded as I acted scared.

And well I told them everything. There were a lot of glances through the door and lots of screaming which made my ears bleed massively.

When I was done I rushed back into the dressing room. I looked around the room for Lin until I found him on the couch. He was laying down just looking forward. "Well hello there" he muttered to me. He opened his arms signaling he wanted a hug which I happily gave him one. He sat up so I could sit on the couch as well. I leaned into his neck and I felt comfort. As long as he's here I'm comfortable. No matter where it is I'll always find comfort when I'm with him.

"We should be getting dressed right now, but instead we're doing this. How original" he said smiling to himself.

"Yeah you're right we should be. We have 20 minutes. We need to get up." I said getting up as I looked at the clock. The show started at 8pm and it was 7:40.

We got dressed and the show went on normally. No mistakes. It was perfect. I got back to our dressing room and got into my street clothes as did Lin. We went back home and just cuddled into each other on the couch. Yep, I love him. Definitely do. Haven't doubted it for a moment.

I was tired so I went to bed. "Aren't you going to join me?" I said yawning towards the end.

He had a worried look on his face and said "I'll be there after I finish working." Something is up with that man.

"What's wrong?" I had to ask because I didn't want for him to be worried.

"I have to look for an apartment. I mean Vanessa left Sebastian in the my custody. Not that I don't want to live with you. I just need a bigger space. Maybe even get more than two bedrooms. I'm not that rich, but I could get a penthouse and rent it until I pay it off."

I wasn't broken up about him moving, but a penthouse? That's way too expensive. "Lin are you crazy? A penthouse is way too expensive. If anything just buy a house! It's literally the same price. And plus you can live there all your life. Just get a house."

He was shocked of what I said, but accepted it. "I'll look for a house then. It'll be hard but I'll try." He took a long pause for a moment and looked up at me and said, "Groff I don't know if this is too soon but do you want to move in with me."

Of course I would love to be he hasn't even asked me out yet so I don't know what to say. "Look Lin I would love to move in with you, but I still don't know what we are. I love you so much but we haven't even asked to be each other's boyfriend." It was cruel but I'm glad I said it. "Good night." I went off to bed and fell asleep after a couple of hours of staring at the ceiling. Was I being mean? I don't know. Maybe a little bit of sass but I don't know.

Lin's POV

I was searching the internet looking for houses. Was looking for a five bedroom house. I know it seems like a lot but I'll have my own office and bedroom. I'm sure Sebby will absolutely love it! It's a big house and it even has a basement. And no it's not one of those creepy ones you see in horror movies. It looked like a big bedroom itself! It could possibly be used as a toy room but I'm not sure. Sebby will have to decide on that.

Every bedroom had its own bathroom which is just the dream. I always had to walk down the hall to go to the bathroom and now I don't have to step on legos while walking the dark. Forever grateful.

I scheduled a house tour for tomorrow morning since the show started at 2pm. I closed my computer and sighed to myself. I crawled into bed at around 1am. I was happy that I had actually succeeded at finding a house on my own! Usually I have to go ask for a help, but this time I did it on my own!

I smiled to myself thinking "this is going to be quite the day."

Hope you liked that chapter! All I'm doing is writing a whole bunch of chapters in one day for no absolute reason except for boredom

Questions comments concerns or suggestions?

1052 words♈️

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jegulus fanfic, full of heart ache love and affection:) sorry in advance if this ruins your mental health