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By Mana_Bear

14.7K 445 213

๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ญ๐˜ถ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ญ๐˜ข๐˜ค: ๐˜ด๐˜บ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฐ๐˜ญ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ง ๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฑ๐˜ฑ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ๐˜ด๐˜ด ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ต๐˜ณ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฒ๐˜ถ๐˜ช๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ต๐˜บ โ€ ๐—ฃ๐—Ÿ๐—˜๐—”๐—ฆ๐—˜... More

Here's the deal, fam
~Character Information~
Chapter One ~ The Entrance Exam
Chapter Two ~ The Sky After It Rained
Chapter Three ~ Lay off, Idiot
Chapter Four ~ To Clear My Mind
Chapter Five ~ No Doubt About That
Chapter Six ~ Cmon, Shoto! Think!
Chapter Seven ~ It Was Me
Chapter Eight ~ Candycane?
Chapter Nine ~ Like You Said
Chapter Ten ~ What I Enjoy About You
Chapter Eleven ~ You Better Not
Chapter Twelve ~ Midoriya's Secret
Chapter Thirteen ~ I'll Still Be There
Chapter Fourteen ~ Not Anymore
Chapter Sixteen ~ We're Here
Chapter Seventeen ~ Akiara!
Small Author's Note
Chapter Eighteen ~ I Wish I Could Take The Pain For You
Am I Obsessed--
Akiara Saki
Chapter Nineteen ~ Will Not Be Defeated
Chapter Twenty ~ Because I Was Looking
Chapter Twenty-One ~ He Said I Could Come
Chapter Twenty-Two ~ She Could Have Died
Chapter Twenty-Three ~ The Frost Winged Villain
Chapter Twenty-Four ~ It's Just A Competition
New Chapter Coming Soon Sorry
Chapter Twenty-Four ~ Even If You Asked Him To
~ Bonus Chapter ~
Chapter Twenty-Six ~ How Dare You
Chapter Twenty-Seven ~ But What If I Want You To Win?
Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ I'm Respecting Her Wishes!
!!Christmas Special!!
Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ Couldn't Possibly Be Good
Chapter Thirty ~ We Shouldn't Be On The Same Team
Chapter Thirty One ~ Teasing
Chapter Thirty-Two ~ My Sister is a Psycho
Chapter Thirty-Three ~ Thank You
Chapter Thirty-Four ~ What Did She Say?
Chapter Thirty-Five ~ I Know They're Your Favorite
Chapter Thirty-Six ~ What's Going On?
Why Do I Still Have Notifications Of People Reading This
Chapter Thirty-Seven ~ The "Stomach Bug"
Not An Update :D (is it ever??)

Chapter Fifteen ~ Just Get Rest

271 10 7
By Mana_Bear

Today's song:

Title: Party Rock Anthem
Artist: LMFAO

Akiara's POV

The next morning, I stood under the archway to UA, right next to Midoriya, while we were bombarded by reporters and camera-men.

One reporter, a lady with brown hair pulled into a ponytail, shoved a microphone in Midoriya's face. "Hey, you!" She called, "Can you tell us what it's like to work so closely with All Might?"

"Uh--uh..." Midoriya looked flustered from all the questions. "Oh uhm, sorry, I got to go to the um... nurse's office! Yeah!" He began to back away from the crowd.

I saw the same reporter go around and question Uraraka, Iida and... surprisingly Bakugou, who still looked angry, despite yesterday.

And then, she shoved the microphone into Aizawa's face. Not a good choice.

"Please sir, can you get All Might for us? Also you look like a mess, what's your deal?" The lady asked him.

In his usual monotone voice, Aizawa answered, "All Might's not on campus today." Then he waved away the reporters. "Get out of here, you disturbed my students already.

All of us followed Mr Aizawa as the reporters chattered and shouted more questions from behind us. And that's when I heard a loud alarm. I turned around, startled, to see metal rising from the ground and blocking the entrance to school grounds.

Soon enough it was time for class. I was seated in my seat, with Todoroki looking bored in his behind me. I turned my attention to the front of the classroom and listened to Mr Aizawa.

"Decent work on yesterday's combat training, you guys." He complimented us. "I saw the video feeds and went over each of your team's results. Bakugou." All heads turned towards the explosive boy in question, and his lips turned down in an irritated frown. "You're talented. So don't sulk like a child about your loss, okay?"

Bakugou looked outside the window. "Yeah, whatever." I stared at the back of his head in concern.

"And Midoriya." Aizawa said. "I see the only way you won your match was by messing up your arm again. Work harder. And don't give me the excuse you don't have control over your quirk.That line's already getting old. You can't keep breaking your body while training here."

I frowned again, this time staring at the back of Midoriya's head as he stared down at the desk in dread.

"But your quirk will be really useful if you can get a handle on it, so show a little urgency, huh?"

Midioriya looked up. "Right!" He said, way more confident than before.

"Let's get down to business." Aizawa said. "Our first task will decide your future."

The whole class seemed to sweatdrop at his words. My wings, which were usually turned up high in the air, slumped against my back.

"You all need to pick a class representative."

All of us relaxed, and I let out an exasperated sigh.

Kirishima jumped up and thrusted his hands in the air. "Pick me, guys! I wanna be class rep!"

Then Kaminari spoke up. "I'll take it!"

And beside him, Jiro. "Yeah, you're gonna need me."

"Someone with style would be best--"

Aoyama was cut off by Ashido. "Oh, I'm TOTALLY the right pick!"

Almost the whole class was jumping from their seats. I brought my wings around my face to shield myself from the noise. I definitely wouldn't be a good pick for the job. I get scared too easily, and I'm never careful in serious situations.

"SILENCE, EVERYONE, PLEASE." Iida shouted over the noise. Everyone shut up and turned their attention to him. "The class representative's duty is to lead others. That's not something just anyone can do. You must first have the trust of everyone in the classroom. Therefore, the most logical way to fulfil this position is democratically. We will hold an election to choose our leader." He threw his hand up in the air, his fingers so tight together it looked like they were permanently glued.

"It's pretty obvious you want us to vote for you." I commented, coming out of my feathered protection, and the whole class agreed.

"Is this really the best idea?" Kaminari asked.

Asui nodded, pressing her finger to her cheek. "We've only known each other for a few days. How do we know who we can trust?"

"Besides," Kirishima added, "Everyone will just vote for themselves."

Iida's hand dropped. "Most people will! But that means whoever does receive multiple votes would truly be the most suitable person for the job." He turned to Aizawa, who had just zipped himself up into his yellow sleeping bag. "It's the best way, right sir?"

Aizawa shrugged. "Do what you want, just decide before my nap's over." And with that he fell to the side, onto the ground with a loud thud.

I flinched and turned to Todoroki with a confused expression. "What the crap is happening?" I whisper-yelled to him. He replied with a shrug.

Only a few minutes later, the election results were in. I didn't get any votes, and Todoroki got one. Which may or may not have been me. At the top of the list... was Midoriya.

"How did I get three votes?!" The boy in question exclaimed from his seat.

Bakugou stood up. "OKAY, YOU IDIOTS. WHO VOTED FOR HIM?!"

"What? Did you honestly think anyone was gonna vote for you?" Sero commented.

Bakugou started yelling about what he just said, but I glanced over at Iida. He looked so irritated. "Zero votes..." He mumbled. "I feared this might happen, but I can't argue with a system I chose."

Momo frowned at him. "So you voted for someone else, huh?"

Next to Todoroki, Sato spoke up. "You knew it was best to vote for yourself, right? What were you trying to prove here Iida?"

I saw Todoroki close his eyes, as if he was annoyed by the idiocy around him. I giggled at him, and his eyes opened, giving me a small smile.

Midoriya walked up to the front of the room, and was visibly shaking in his shoes when Aizawa said, "Alright, the class representative is Midoriya. And our deputy is Yaoyorozo." She came in second place, and I could see she was disappointed.

"Really?" Midoriya questioned, still shaking. "It's.. it's not a mistake?"

"Ughhh." Momo complained. "How'd this happen?"

"This might not be so bad." Asui commented.

Kirishima smiled. "Yeah, I can get behind Midoriya I guess."

I smiled up at the scared boy standing in front of all his classmates, and gave him a reassuring thumbs up. He saw me, and nervously smiled. I winked at him, mouthing the words, 'you got this.'

Todoroki and I were sitting next to each other on the same side of a table at lunch time, when something crazy happened. A loud bell began ringing in the speakers overhead.

"What is that?!" I asked, a hint of fear in my voice.

Then, a female started to speak over the ringing. "Warning. Level 3 security breach. All students please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion."

"S-Security breach?" I breathed, getting more scared by the second. Todoroki put a hand on my shoulder when students began jumping from their tables and screaming their lungs off. "Todo... what's happening? What's a level 3 security breach?" I asked him, facing him with frightened eyes.

He pulled me out of our seats and towards the rest of the students. "I think it's when someone manages to get onto the school campus."

My eyes widened with fear. "S-So like... a villain or something?!"

Todoroki frowned and put an arm around my shoulders, keeping me with him. "It's gonna be fine, Akiara. We'll be fine." I wrapped one of my arms around his torso, to make sure we wouldn't get ripped apart. It was a little hard to run in this position, but we made it work. We entered the hallway, where hundreds of kids were pushing past others to get out of the building faster.

"It's absolute chaos!" I exclaimed, my hand gripping tighter to Todoroki's uniform blazer.

"Sure is." He agreed.

The screams and yells from the students around me filled my ears, making my head throb from a sudden headache. Someone rammed into me, causing me to fly forwards out of Todoroki's grasp. I landed on the ground, and another kid's foot rammed into my head as they ran. I yelped in pain from the impact, and hands wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me up off the ground.

"Akiara! Are you alright?" Todoroki asked me, raising his voice so I could hear him over the rest of the students.

I shook my head gingerly as I brought a hand up to rest my forehead on my palm. "Ow.." I mumbled, "Someone flipping kicked me in the head."

Todoroki's eyes filled with worry. "Okay, try to stay close to me, I won't let you fall again." I nodded against his chest as we pulled in for something close to an embrace. I balled up his shirt in my fists as I closed my eyes tightly, trusting him to lead me through the chaos.

Suddenly, I felt a shadow come over us and I opened my eyes, looking up towards the ceiling. It was Iida! He was floating through the air, using his quirk to propel himself forwards in a spiral motion. He was slammed into the wall above the doorway, and yelled to everyone, "LISTEN UP! EVERYTHING IS OKAY!"

Every student in the hallway gasped and stopped moving. I buried my face further into Todoroki, but I saw his own eyes widen at the sight of our fellow classmate.


Everyone around us let out sighs of relief, and turned to their friends around them.

I retreated from Todoroki, but we didn't stop holding on to each other. I looked up at him and said, "This is why Iida should have been class rep."

He nodded, looking into my eyes with concern. "Are you alright?" He asked me again, and this time we did separate.

I held onto my head again. "Not sure. My head is all dizzy..."

Then we heard the police sirens outside, and everyone let out praises.

We were back in class now. My headache hasn't subsided yet. If anything, it had only grown into a migraine, and it was chewing at my consciousness. But I still paid attention to the front of the class nonetheless.

"It's time class rep, let's begin." Momo said to Midoriya, who was looking even more nervous than before.

"Um.. Okay so-- we need to figure out who the other class officers will be." Midoriya started, and looked down at the ground in front of him. "But first, there's something that I want to say." Momo turned to him. "I've thought a lot about this.. And I think that Tenya Iida should be our class rep!" Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Iida straighten in his seat, his eyes widening. Midoriya explained. "He was able to get everyone's attention and get us in line." He looked up at the blue-haired boy with a smile. "So I believe that he should be the one to lead our class from now on."

"Yeah, you know what?" Kirishima said from his seat, "If Midoriya vouches for him I'm good." Kirishima turned to Kaminari. "Plus he was a big help. He totally manned up and took charge, right?"

"Yeah! Go Iida!" I cheered, raising a fist in the air. Everyone laughed at me, but we were all interrupted by a certain sleepyhead.

"This is all a waste of time." Mr Aizawa said. "I don't care who the rep is, just hurry up." He laid back down in his sleeping bag and dozed off in an instant.

Iida stood up. "If Midoriya is nominating me for this job," He raised his hand again. "Then I humbly accept! I pledge to carry out the duties of class rep to the best of my abilities!"

Kirishima grinned. "Sounds good, Emergency Exit."

"Emergency Exit Iida." Kaminari agreed. "Don't let us down, man."

In the front of the classroom Momo mumbled, "But I got two more votes than him!"

Todoroki tapped my shoulder and I pivoted in my seat to face him. "Still have a headache?"

I nodded reluctantly. "Actually, it's worse." He frowned.

"Just rest tonight, alright?"

I smiled back at him. "Alright."













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