Unfinished Business |2| ✓

By vanilladrips

170K 4.8K 1.1K

In order to have a full understanding of this book I suggest you read the first part to this book 'Treasure' ... More

Unfinished Business: Book 2
The Beginning
The Museum
The Boss
The Girlfriend
The Channel
The Assistant
The Jealousy
The Skirt
The Doctor
The Surprise
The Boyfriend
The Client
The Mall
The Attention
The Phone Call
The Questions
The Hotel
The Robe
The Venue
The Hall
The Reveal
The Fight
The Arguments
The Assumption
The Rain
The letter
The Cheater
The Guilt
The Gala
The Patio
The Understatement
The Liar
The Sources
The Aftermath
The Desk
The Flowers
The Wedding
The Return
The Jacuzzi
The Skull
The Epilogue
Goodbye ✔︎

The Reservation

3.9K 86 15
By vanilladrips

8k😩 I love y'all, thank you

So...I've done this before on this book. rphendren527 and I collaborated on our books again.
Her book, Splintered Arrow, and Unfinished Business are colliding worlds. This chapter you'll be meeting Lyle (Noah) and Malcolm.

Please head over to her story. It's one of my favorites and I'm sure you'll love it as much as I do. Please check out chapter 24 of Splintered Arrow to read more of Siya and Kol!

Enjoy the chapter:)

"God, this is getting so stressful. Why would she do this? Hiring paparazzi to follow me? What will everyone at work think when they see this?" I rambled off. Kolson sighed and snatched the phone out of my grasp. "I didn't exactly get to tell you how I found you..." Kolson rubbed the nape of his neck, clearly holding back with what he had to say.

Please don't ruin this.

Last night was amazing.

Don't make me regret it.

"I got hold of someone from Sage's team. Or a friend of someone from her team, a filthy manipulative asshole if you ask me. He told me you made a reservation at the club and in return, I make an opportunity for the paparazzi to get pictures of us being...close. I swear this wasn't me though, I was supposed to call him and tell him where to be to get the pictures but I never did. The idiot even blew up my phone because I didn't hold up my part of the deal. I swear this wasn't me," he rambled off, his fingers raking through his hair in frustration and nervousness.

That...that was pretty convincing. I believed him, probably because I didn't want us to fuck up again. Plus, I had a feeling Sage had something to do with this. I flopped back down on the bed and threw the blanket over my eyes. "I just need a break," I groaned. Kolson yanked the blanket off me and with one swift move, I was thrown over his shoulder, almost level with his ass. "What are you doing!?" I screamed.

"We're going out tonight whether you like it or not. Let's just stay off our phones and ignore the people for the rest of the day," he placed me down on the washroom marble countertop. I rolled my eyes and yanked my toothbrush out of the holder. "Declan," I reminded him. "He's going to the movies tonight with your parents remember?" Kolson refreshed my memory from the phone call last night when we couldn't stop touching each other. I pouted. I miss him. When Delcan gets back I'm hiding him from humanity and keeping him to myself.

"I can't believe this is real," I mumbled softly while he put toothpaste on our toothbrushes. He nods his head, already knowing what I was thinking. We brush our teeth together and once we were finished rinsing off, he held me again and walked back to the bed. "We need to speak with Sage soon. And I wanna see Declan also. And I want to spend more time with you," he rambled off, placing me on the edge of the bed. "Well Declan and I aren't going anywhere," I softly assured him.

"I'm scared, Treasure," he mumbled. Butterflies tortured my stomach at the sound of that name. "Just shut up," I grabbed his shoulder and yanked him towards me, crashing our lips for the first time this morning. "Bad move," he groaned and pressed our bodies together for relief before kissing me harder, easily taking control of the kiss.

"How hard can it be to track down someone in LA, Adrian? Those people are easy to find," I snapped, slightly getting angry that we barely got any information on this man besides from his name. Who knows if it's even his real name.

Romando Elowen.

Malcolm ran his hand up and down my arm, automatically calming me down. "I can find people related to him...he's part of a known modeling agency," Kai suggested. "Yes! Perfect. Do that," I immediately said. Adrian grinned at him and they went to work on the computer. "You okay?" Malcolm whispered. "Yeah, just prepare yourself for a flight, this man has to pay for doing this to Kai," I stated. I guess he already knew we were going to get this guy soon.

"I told you I'm fine," Kai huffed. "He still has to pay," Adrian added on the conversation and Kai remained silent. He knows we're right. "Found her! Qatsiyah Kane, his photographer. Prefers to go by Siya. There's a lot of public articles about her. She also works at Shaw Creations and apparently, she has a YouTube channel or something. We already have her location at two places. An apartment and the other says she's been at a other building. I'm not sure what it is," Kai reported willingly.

That was fast. "Find her for tomorrow night," I tell Kai and he continued typing away on his computer. Adrian stood behind him, observing everything and pointing out other things. It's decided, we're finding the girl and getting our information. By tomorrow night, he should be dead.

"Pack your bags boys, we're going to Los Angeles."

"You look pretty," Kolson complimented with a wide smile on his face. No surprise there, I know I look good.

Kolson wore his usual black shirt and pants with a suit jacket over it, yet he never fails to look deviously hot. "You look cute," I winked and walked out of the room, leaving his jaw dropped. As I grabbed my coat, preparing for the cold wind, he marched outside, and suddenly, my back is against the wall and he was all I can see.

He looks angry.

"Cute? I look cute to you?" His jaw clenched, his hand wrapped around the base of my neck. "You're ruining my outfit," I ignored him. "I'll definitely be ruining much more than your outfit tonight, Treasure," his hand squeezed my neck, nothing too dangerous, just a deadly turn on. Kolson pulled away and walked out of the penthouse with his black coat and car keys gripped in his hand tightly.

He was already waiting for me in front of the entrance. I slid into the car and shut the door behind me. "You okay, Kol? You look kinda angry?" I playfully said, placing my hand on his thigh. Kolson swats my hand away and instead, he interlocks our fingers and placed our hands on my thigh. "What restaurant are we going to? I'm hungry," I whined with the hope of getting some sort of reaction out of him. "I'm hungry too but not for food," he muttered below his breath and held my hand tighter. This....this is nice.

That got me quiet until minutes later we arrived at the restaurant. It's a shocker I've never been here since it's one of the most known ones. "How did you get a reservation for this place? You either have to be in a gang or something," I mumbled. Kolson quickly got out of the car and ran across the front in order to open my door for me. "Money makes things happen. You should know this by now," he tells me obviously. I place my hand in his and step out of the car.

The girl behind the tall desk kept her eyes on Kolson from the second we entered the restaurant. She didn't even acknowledge his hand around my waist. She's so cliche. "Starvi," Kolson stated the name under the reservation. "Definitely Starving for you," she mumbled softly. My nails dug into my palms over how hard I was clenching my fist. "Right this way," she plastered a fake smile across her face and showed us to our outdoor private table surrounded by twinkling fairy lights.

I much rather this than sitting indoor with the other tables. "Thank you," Kolson politely says and I try my best not to glare at her. When she was gone, I finally relaxed and sat opposite Kolson and I. There were two chairs empty next to us but that didn't bother me. "You're so obvious sometimes," Kolson looked at me amused. I know very well what he's talking about. "Shut up," I huffed and grabbed the menu angrily.

"Don't be like that, baby," he reaches for my hand. My lips parted to say something when the door open. They're already here to take our orders? Instead of waiters in uniform, two strangers walked to our table. They scream intimidating. The girl was dressed in a red short dress that wrapped around her body tightly. The man in a full black tuxedo.

"Qatsiyah Kane, Kolson Starvi," the girl spoke firstly.

Who the fuck are they?


"What do you mean you haven't fucked yet?" Kai stared at me jaw dropped. How is this such a big deal? "We have, five years ago. And then I got a kid. Simple math," I corrected him. His eyes widened slightly, still not processing my words. "What! Five whole years!? If you asked me a year ago or something I'd say he's hot but right now I cannot because I'm a locked man. That's just bogus. It's part of the relationship to fuck your boss," he bluntly said.

"It's been tempting..." I mumbled to myself. "Not the point! I'm done talking about this," I changed the topic. Kai laughed and grabbed the remote from me. The door unlocked from the other side of the house and we looked at each other. They're back. It literally used entertainment from Kai and the television so I don't go into a panic and worry overdrive. "We're back!" Adrian shout followed by more footsteps into the house. Kai jumped off the sofa and ran in his direction.

I follow him and once my eyes were on Kolson, I didn't take my eyes off him. "Told you I'd be safe," he whispered as I pulled him into a tight hug. These guys are legitimate gang members, I didn't lose hope that they would keep him safe. We pulled away eventually but I kept our hands interlocked. My mistake was squeezing his hand gently because he winced in pain. I brought his hand up even though he tried for me not to see it. His knuckles were slightly red.

"Somebody is in trouble," Lyle sang. "What did you do," I frowned and kissed his knuckles, I couldn't help myself. "I punched your old manager, it doesn't matter. They'll be fine by tomorrow. Can we go now?" Kolson brushed off and pulled his hand away. This isn't over, I need to know what happened tonight but I'm not going to pester him in front of our new friends. "Anyway, thank you guys for the information and for tagging along. I'm not sure when we'll meet again but it's been an awesome night," Lyle changed the topic.

"Certainly, thank you guys for getting a lot of people justice. I'm sure I'm not the only one he bothered and for your reasons, I'm sure it was wrong also," I replied. Using his good hand, Kolson interlocks our fingers again. "Thanks for the free food," he bluntly said, referring to the dinner that we didn't have to pay for. "Anytime. Just give us a call when you're stopping by there again," Adrian says with his hands around Kai.

"Until next time!" Kolson dismissed as we walked out.


Ie! I loved this. You guys are going to have to read Splintered Arrow, Chapter 24- The Reservation, to know what happened at the dinner and about their mission that Kolson joined in on:)

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