Elements - cash fan fiction -

Galing kay crystellethemage

65.4K 2.4K 1.2K

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks me as we sit on the wooden deck, high on the hill, looking over t... Higit pa

How I Long For You
Hand in Hand
Crazy Beautiful
In A Little While
Run Run Runaway Run
California Love
You Got Me Like...
Not Scared of the Elements
I've Got This Feeling...
In The Land of Milk and Honey
Heart of the Matter
Light My Candle
No Day But Today
Make You Feel My Love
Take These Stars From My Crown
We're Nothing More Than Dreamers
So You Can Feel What I Feel
Lost Without You- Epilogue

The Simplest Truth, I Love You

2.9K 94 80
Galing kay crystellethemage

Jack and Jack have moved to LA and slowly but surely the family is getting back together again. I love having them all in the same city, we constantly spend time together. Matt and Carter are moving soon as well, they decided to share the house with the Jacks. There's no way any of us would be comfortable if we lived together, it would be constant misery.

Cam and I are visiting the Jacks, we told them about our relationship soon after they moved and they were genuinely supportive. We are being careful with who we tell things to because we really don't need it getting out to the public. Both of us are nowhere near ready for that.

Cam is going to begin filming his movie tomorrow and he'll be gone for most of the day, I'm happy for him but at the same time I know I'll miss him so much. I still have online school to do and I'll keep busy filming my weekly videos so I'm hoping it won't be too bad.

I'm lying on the couch with my feet on Cameron's lap, he's rubbing them gently as we laugh and converse with our friends. The doorbell rings and Jack J. stands up and opens the door, Carter and Matt enter and I can feel Cameron tense when he notices Carter. I greet them with a smile on my face but Cameron only greets Matt. The Jacks notice the tension and have confused looks on their faces.

I sit up and scoot close to Cameron to make room for Matt who sits next to me.

"Sup, bro?" He asks as he looks at Cameron and I. Cameron pulls my close to his body and his arm goes around my waist where he begins to stroke it gently. This is usual behavior for him but I know he wants to make a point to Carter. Carter sits across from us and he doesn't hide the glare he gives Cameron. I just feel so awkward and I don't' know what to do so I just ignore the entire situation and talk to Matt.

Cameron has his phone out and he's texting as I talk to our friends, I look at his screen and see that he's texting his best friend Chris. I still haven't told Cameron anything about the jealousy I have towards his friendship with Chris, it's completely illogical. Cameron and I are in a relationship. But I still can't help feeling jealous, I've watched their vines and videos together, I see the way they look at each other. The video that Cameron filmed before Chris left to Peru makes me burn because he's so emotional and he's been crying. I wonder if I could ever illicit such a reaction from Cameron. I know I'm being stupid, I know this but it doesn't stop me from feeling that way.

I suggle closer to Cameron and I lay my head on his shoulder, his attention turns to me and I feel happy when he presses a soft kiss on the top of my head.

"You okay baby?" He asks me softly, and I nod as I smile up at him.

"I'm fine," I tell him and I know I'm lying a bit but I'm not ready to confess my feelings. He slips his hand under my shirt and runs his fingertips up and down my side making me shiver from the tingles. God, I love the way he makes me feel. He turns his attention back to his phone and I glance at Matt, who's looking at us with a small smile on his face.

"What?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"You guys are cute," he replies quietly and he seems kind of sad but I don't want to press the issue.

"Is it alright if a friend comes over?" Carter asks abruptly and Jack G. nods at him.

"Yeah it's cool," he says and I frown. If someone is coming over that means I can't cuddle with Cameron, I wonder if Carter did that on purpose and the look on his face lets me know that he did. He's smiling smugly at Cameron and Cameron rolls his eyes at him. He tilts my head up and presses a soft kiss on my lips, I don't stop him because I love his kisses and I'm pissed at Carter for messing up our night.

He pulls away and rests his phone on his lap so that he can caress my cheek gently. I lay my head back down on his shoulder and he goes back to his phone.

"I'm posting our video today," I tell Matt, I've been tweeting that I'm posting it soon, raising the anticipation and making my hashtag trend worldwide. I pull out my phone to send a few more tweets, I already uploaded the video and all I have to do is make it public for the fans.

"I saw our Ask Mash hashtag trending, you could seriously make anything trend on twitter, Nash. Your effect on social media is crazy." Matt replies and I smile proudly. I work hard to maintain an active presence on my social media accounts, I make sure to tweet my fans everyday and notice their posts about it. It makes them post more in hopes that I will notice them and that's exactly what I want.

The door bell rings and I reluctantly pull away from Cameron, Jack J. opens the door to reveal a young girl with long brown hair.

"Maggie!" Carter stands and smiles at her, he stands and takes her hand leading her inside and pulling her down on the couch with him.

"Guys, this is Maggie, she's visiting the LA area for a few days before she goes back home." Carter tells us and I can see Cameron roll his eyes and he goes back to his phone.

Everyone but Cameron says hi to her, and she frowns when Cameron doesn't even acknowledge her existence. Carter whispers something in her ear and she nods at what he's saying. He's probably talking shit about Cameron.

The conversation is strained now with Maggie's presence, we don't know her at all and so we don't feel comfortable talking about the things we usually talk about. We don't trust her because she might leak stuff to the public. I vaguely remember her name from twitter, I recall that she was tweeting Cameron and trying to get with him. I decide that she's probably using Carter to boost her own social media followers and I don't really feel bad for him, they can use each other for all I care as long as they don't interfere with my relationship.

It starts getting late so Cameron and I head home, he drives us to the apartment complex and we're pretty quiet on the ride home. I'm thinking about Cameron not being around because he'll be on set, I imagine those days tend to be long. I'll miss him so much.

"You're quiet, babe. What's up?" Cameron asks me as we enter our apartment. I flop onto the couch and lay my head back with my eyes closed. I feel Cameron sit down next to me and he pulls me onto his lap.

"Talk to me baby, you're worrying me." He says softly and he presses gentle kisses on my jaw and my neck, he slides his hands up my shirt and rubs my skin gently. I keep my eyes closed as I take in the loving caresses, I love it when he's tender with me just as much as I love it when he's rough.

"I'm just... going to miss you, Cammy." I reply quietly, Cameron kisses his way up to my lips and captures my lips in a slow, fluid kiss. His mouth moves over mine and our lips making smacking noises as we moan softly each others lips.

"I'm going to miss you too, baby." He tells me and presses our lips together again. This time he slides his tongue into my mouth; he controls the kiss as he tangles his tongue with mine. His hands rub my back and send tingles throughout my entire body.

He stands and carries me up to his bedroom, he's so strong. We make love, he's gentle and tender with me and our lips are attached almost the entire time. We whisper sweet nothings and declarations of love as we make love to each other. It's the closest I've ever felt to him, I feel so loved and it's amazing.

We fall asleep in his bed, naked and in a tight embrace.

Cameron's alarm wakes us both up it's 400am and I groan into Cameron's neck.

"Don't leave me," I murmur softly even though I know he has to.

"The day will fly by baby and I'll be back before you know it," he tells me and presses a soft kiss on my forehead before he extracts himself from my arms to go to the shower.

I pick up my phone and decide to creep on my fans, I favorite and retweet the tweets that catch my eye. My fans always go crazy when I come online, I really love the attention. But I love Cameron's attention the most and I'm scared that he'll get so engrossed in filming the movie that he'll ignore and neglect me.

When Cameron comes back out of the shower he rubs himself dry and seeing his naked, muscular body makes me ache with desire for him. Even though we just had sex last night I always want him.

"You look so good, babe. I'm so fucking lucky to be able to call you mine," I tell him as I stare at him without any shame.

He smirks as he pulls on his briefs and gets dressed. "I'm all yours, Nash."

He comes to the bed and bends down, he gives me a deep kiss before pulling away.

"I'll text you and stuff whenever I can, okay?" He tells me and I pout at him while I nod.

"I'll miss you," I say softly.

"I'll miss you too. But I'll see you tonight," he says and then he turns and leaves.

I stay in his bed with my face buried in his pillow; I don't know what I'm being so dramatic about this it's not like he's leaving the country or anything. He's just 30 minutes away on set, I know I can visit him but I don't want to interrupt him or be a nuisance.

I get a text from Hayes letting me know that he's landed and my father is picking him up and dropping him off at my apartment. Hayes doesn't know about my relationship with Cameron and I'm going to tell him today before we film the cotton ball challenge with Carter.

I get out of bed and shower, I throw some of Cameron's clothes on because I'm too lazy to go to my room and get my own. I head downstairs and make myself a sandwich to eat. I'm almost done when my father and Hayes enter the apartment. I stand and hug him tightly, he may annoy me sometimes but I really do miss him.

My dad doesn't stay long because he has a few things to do with the management company so Hayes and I head to my bedroom to play some games on the xbox. I'm trying to think of the best way to tells Hayes about Cameron but nothing good comes to mind.

"What's up?" Hayes asks, taking his attention away from the screen for a bit. "You're usually shit talking me when we play but you're quiet today."

Hayes has always been a perceptive person.

"Cameron and I are dating like... he's my boyfriend." I tell him and his eyes widen as his mouth opens in shock.

"Are...what? Is this real life?" He asks and I can't help but laugh a bit.

"Yes, this is real life. No, it's not a joke. Cameron and I are together," I say to him and he stares at me for a while.

"Wow, I never knew you even like boys?" He says, almost to himself.

"I don't really? It's weird, I'm only attracted to Cameron," I explain and then I wonder if that's too much information.

"Well as long as you're happy then I'm happy for you," Hayes says and I smile at him. I knew he wouldn't have a problem with it, Hayes is pretty laid back.

"Thanks Hayes," I reply softly and we continue to play the game.

A few hours later the doorbell rings and we go downstairs because we know it's probably Carter. I open the door and Carter enters, he's followed by Maggie who looks bored and uninterested. She seems like a huge bitch and I still don't like her. I want to ask Carter why he brought her here but I won't give him the pleasure of knowing that I have a problem with his little girlfriend or whatever she is.

We go out to the balcony and we set up for the video. Maggie stays on her phone the entire time and doesn't talk to Hayes and I at all, and to be honest I like it that way. We film the video quickly because it was pretty simple and once we're done we go back inside and hang out in the living room.

I scroll through my twitter feed and my mentions are blowing up, I mean they're usually pretty active but they're retweet and tagging me in some tweet that Maggie posted. I click on it and see that she posted a picture of us when we were filming with some stupid title that goes something like 'watching these guys film! #youjelly #imsolucky'. I can feel my rage boil that she's using me to boost her followers. Now people will think I'm friends with that bitch when I'm not, I don't even follow her on twitter.

I legitimately hate this girl and I want nothing to do with her. If Carter wants to let her use him then that's fine but no way in hell am I letting her use me. Fuck that noise.

When Cameron gets home from filming we're still sitting in the living room and Hayes is talking to Carter. They're still really good friends so I don't really have an excuse to make Carter leave. Maggie was picked up by her parents thankfully because they were going back to wherever it is that they're from. I don't care enough to ask.

He freezes when he sees Carter sitting down on the couch and his fists clench automatically. I'm excited to see him after him being gone all day. I stand up and walk up to him, I wrap my arms tightly around his waist and pull him in for a kiss. He rests his hands on my lower back as we kiss, I can feel the tension leave his body as he relaxes into our kiss. He nibbles at my bottom lip making me moan softly.

"Ew, can you guys not?" Hayes asks as we pull away from each other. We're still close together and I smile happily because my baby is home.

"You don't have to watch," I tell him and I pull Cameron to the couch. He sits down and I sit on his lap so that I can cuddle close to him. I know I'm being clingy as fuck but I don't give a damn. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my jaw softly.

"Wow I've never seen you guys so happy like this," Hayes comments. "You guys are kind of sickening though."

"Hayes you act like you don't do the same thing when you have a girlfriend, you fucking hypocrite," I reply and Cameron holds me a little tighter.

Carter is quiet, his face is red and he looks angry. "I'm going to get back to the house, Matt and I have some things to do."

"I'll come with you, these two clearly need to spend some alone time," Hayes says unaware of Carter's anger at Cameron and I.

"We'll see you later, Hayes. Let me know if you want a ride, text me or whatever." I tell him him and he nods at me. They leave after saying their goodbyes and I reposition myself so that I'm straddling Cameron.

"Mmm, finally alone..." he murmurs and his hands slide down to my ass and he squeezes it hard making me moan a bit. I lean in and kiss him passionately, my mouth moves over his roughly and it's an intense kiss. He's nipping, sucking and licking at my lips and I do the same as we get more heated. I grind myself on his lap, I can feel his erection underneath his pants. I don't want any foreplay I just want him to fuck me, I'm desperate for his touch.

I pull away and he stares at me, his eyes are dark with lust.

"So fucking beautiful," he mutters as his hands go up to my head and he pushes me in for another intense kiss. I continue grinding my erection against his and I really feel like I could cum just from this, that's how worked up Cameron has me. I pull away again to pull down his pants and mine, I somehow manage to suceed without falling off his lap. When I situate myself back on his lap his hard cock is resting between my asscheeks I can feel his precum lubricating the area.

He sticks two fingers in my mouth and I suck on them as I grind on his hard cock, I can feel mine rubbing against his lower abdomen, smearing my precum all over him and it feels so fucking good. I get his fingers wet with my saliva and his hand goes in between my ass to my hole where he shoves them in.

"God, Cam," I gasp and my head falls onto his shoulder as he fingers to fuck me with his fingers. He uses his precum as lubricant as he enters a 3rd finger inside of me, he scissors them inside of me, stretching me for his cock. "I'm ready, baby. Fuck me."

I don't have to tell him twice, he pulls his fingers out and grasps his cock and guides it to my hold where he slowly enters me. It's not like last night where everything was slow, this time we're rough with each other. Craving each other and wanting to feel the burn as we fuck.

He begins to pound inside of me with out any hesitance. His cock immediately slams into my prostate making me moan loudly into his neck. I lick, bite the area I'm at and suck on it.

"You feel so fucking good, Nash." He mutters as he tightens his hands on my ass as he guides my body down to meet his thrusts. He slaps my ass making me scream; he's fucking me so well. I'm not going to last long at this pace, I lift my head and mash my lips against Cameron's in an opened mouth, sloppy, lust-filled kiss.

I'm moaning into his mouth incoherently as he thrusts harder into my hold, he squeezes my ass as he slams me down and it hits me suddenly, I had no time to warn Cameron. My head falls to his shoulder as my cock spurts out cum on his stomach and my hole clenches around his cock.

"God that feels so amazing," I moan as I continue to ride my high, Cameron keeps slamming into me and every time he does it sends a million tingles of pleasure through my body making my body weak. I feel him cum inside me and I lift my head again and press my lips against his, I suck on his bottom lip and then slide my tongue inside his mouth. We move together and continue to kiss as his thrusts slow down.

We sit there for a while, trying to catch our breaths and cool down. We're sweaty and probably need to shower. He presses a soft kiss on my swollen lips and his hands rub my lower back, he's still inside of me.

"I'm the fucking lucky one, baby." He comments and he presses another kiss on my lips.

"I don't think so, I'm the lucky one here. You're fucking amazing." I tell him firmly but give him a soft smile.

We finally head upstairs to his room and shower together. We get dressed for bed and immediately get under the covers. He pulls me close and I rest my head on his chest and fall into a restful sleep.

Cameron becomes a lot busier as the weeks pass by, his hours are long, he wakes up really early and doesn't get back to the apartment until really late. He's usually exhausted and the most that we do is kiss for a bit before he falls asleep. Hayes only stays for a few days before he has to return to North Carolina to go to school.

I can't deny that I'm lonely, I'm avoiding Carter and because he lives with the rest of my friends I don't really see them either. I know that it won't be like this forever but I miss my boyfriend. I miss his touch, I miss us having sex. I don't want to act like a sullen teenager but I kind of am. I try to hide my frustration from Cameron; he has a lot on his plate as the lead of the movie. There's a lot of pressure for him to do well and he's stressed out.

It's Saturday morning and Cameron has already left. I decide that I'm going to visit him and I'm going to bring a bowl of his favorite fruit, I want to give him a massage and maybe do more if we have the time. I'm not sure how long his breaks are. I cut and prepare his fruit salad and then I head out to the set.

When I arrive, the security stops me but let me pass when I tell them who I am. This is the firs time I've actually been on his movie set. I wander around looking for his trailer, knowing that it has to be somewhere close. They aren't filming and Cameron isn't sitting in the tables set up for lunch so I figure he must be in his trailer.

I finally spot it a few minutes later and my pace quickens as I approach it. I contemplate knocking but I don't because he's my boyfriend and why should I have to knock. I open the door and step inside with a smile on my face.

"Babe I brought you-" I stop mid-sentence as my mind freezes in shock. The bowl of fruit drops from my hands as I watch his co-star Lia scramble off his lap. I literally can't compute what the fuck I just witnessed. They had been kissing, they had been kissing and she was on his lap, straddling him. Exactly like I had straddled him the last time we actually were together which was weeks ago. Is this why he doesn't want to have sex with me? Why he always claims that he's exhausted? Because he's fucking his co-star?

My hands tremble as I clench them into a fist. There's a tornado of emotions inside me, hate for that stupid blonde whore, hurt, betrayal, anger, and disbelief.

"What the actual fuck, Cameron?" I growl, my mind is racing.

Lia looks just as shocked as I do and Cameron looks scared.

"Nash, please let me explain. I promise you it's not what you think!" Cameron says and he stands up to approach me.

I feel panic rising and threatening to explode out of me. Tears are welling in my eyes and I don't want to let them see me cry. I can't let them see me cry so I turn on my heel and I leave as I hear Cameron yell my name. I break out into a full run and I reach the car, I can see Cameron chasing after me and he's getting close as I enter the car and quickly turn it on. I peel out of the parking lot and start to drive, the tears fall blinding me as I floor the gas, trying to escape the pain.

I'm crossing a busy intersection and I wipe the tears from my eyes but they continue to fall. My heart is broken it's irreparable. I don't think I can ever recover from this, my heart broken by my soulmate. The pain I feel is unreal.

I don't have a chance to react when I am t-boned as a car that ignored their red light slams into me.

Everything is black.


A/N- I feel like I've neglected this book a bit as I concentrated on my other ones. So super long chapter! Let me know what you think!

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