Saints of Los Angeles (A Mötl...

By AeroLover21

5.3K 203 170

Motley crue are going to rehab. In June of 1988 things are changing but are they for the worse or better? Af... More

Cast as of 1988
Mötley Crüe are going to rehab
one month later
Loud, Rude & aggressive
Stormy Joy Rose?
Sweet child of ours
Time skip with Drama.
Heaven & Hell
The phone call
It's A Boy
Primal Scream/ 1991
The Flower
What could have been
Don't give up!
Don't give up part 2
Vince Neil (A Month Later)
Making Up/The Mötley Interview
Two Tours & A Surprise
1994/ Happy Birthday.
Rodney & Lisa
Terms,Conditions & Family secrets
The Interview, The Appointment & The Discovery
Athena Leah Bass
One Month Later
1995/ Poison
Trouble at the studio
Just Another Pyscho
Löve Hürts
Party Like Tomorrow Is The End Of The World
Home Sweet Home???
Pray for me (2000)

You want what? - Doc

134 7 3
By AeroLover21

I went back to Heaven and Hell changing Vince to happy. Everythings good with Beth and he finally has time with his oldest kids. I think it's about time Vince gets a small break and I'm happy you all do too.

So Beth will be the mother of Stephanie and Skylar.

In Nikki news- Brandi said yes!

(April 1st 1990)

"You want what?" Doc asked shocked,  sitting behind his desk. "You heard him, he wants to have our most successful tour canceled-Just so he can get married." Vince snapped. He wasn't happy with the idea of stopping what has become mötley's most highly paying, sold out tour to date.

Nikki sighed, sitting next to the singer. "I didn't say stop the tour all together alright Vince,  I just want to push it back a little so Brandi and I can have our beach wedding like she wants- She's always dreamt of a wedding on a beach."

Tommy was grinning wide. "I think we should do it guys, I mean the fans would understand my terror twin wanting to bag his girl before the tour starts back!" Tommy rambled on, wrapping his arm around his band brother.

"Nikki, do you understand what your doing?" Mick asked softly shoving Tommy's fralling arms from his face. "Personal space drummer boy." Nikki sighed.  "Hey Mick, I understand that marriage is a big life changing step- But I love Brandi and she said yes. Therfore she loves me- She's amazing with my daughter and I know we can make it." Mick sighed. "But she's the daughter of someone we all know- Someone you know very well in fact." Nikki rolled his eyes.

"Who?" Tommy asked confused. "Brandi Brandt is the daughter of Brie Howard." Mick continued, not paying Nikki's death glare any mind. Vince broke out in a fit of laughter as Tommy still sat confused. "Dude. T-Bone, that back up singer we had for awhile, The one Nikki was fucking for like two tours- Is the mother of his soon to be wife!" Doc shook his head watching Vince explain everything. Nikki's hands were shaking as the lead singer contuied his loud laughter.

"Thanks a lot Mick, why'd you have to go and tell them that!?!" Nikki yelled, standing and storming out of the office. "Yay old man, that wasn't yours to tell." The tone Tommy used sounded like a mix between proud and disapointed.

Mick sighed. "I shared because I feel like the kid is making a big mistake. Rebel even agress with me, she just dosn't want to piss him off since they're relationship is going well." Vince smirked.

The singer elbowed the guitaist in the gut, making Mick grunt in pain. "Well you seem to have no issues in pissing Sixx off." Mick groaned. "I honestly don't think Nikki should stay this girl, even if she wasn't the daughter of a woman he has already messed around with in the past- I still don't think the marrage would make it- I'm just looking out for future Nikki." Mick snapped, standing slowly.

Tommy frowned, looking up at Mick now that the man was standing. "Yea well right now Nikki was really happy, ya know before you went and made him mad." Doc shook his head. "Tommy's right." Tommy smiled.
"for once in his life." Vince joked.
Tommy grinned. "Good one dude." He fist bumbed the chuckling singer. "He's talking about you Tommy." Mick grumbled, but Tommy didn't
answer or even look at Mick.

"Look guys,  Nikki's happy. I mean Vince, you used to bang twins." Tommy said softly. "At the same time I might add." The blond man said with a smirk, crossing his arms. Mick rolled his eyes at his band mates. "You are all messed up in the head." He muttered walking to the door.

"That might be true Mick, but for once in his life Nikki is truly happy and he's clean." Doc said in a some what father like tone. Mick stopped in the door way. "Tell Nikki he's got until the twenty- sixth, but everyone will have to be packed and ready to hit the road the next morning."  Tommy jumped up pumping his fist. "As Nikki's best man I should be the one to tell him the news."  Vince said standing slowly with a smirk. Tommy crossed his lanky arms. "Dude, obviously I'm the best man, because I am the Sixxters terror twin and best friend." Tommy was standing tall. "Arn't you boys forgetting someone?" Vince and Tommy both looked to Doc. "Well rebel really can't be a best man cause she's not a man, but a chick." Tommy said in a strong tone. "And Nikki wouldn't want his little brother over one of us because he didn't know his brother for most of his life, and his own father skipped out on him for his new family." Vince added with a look. "So obviously the best chioce is me!" Vice snapped with a smug smile. Tommy scoffed and started with all the resons Nikki would pick him over Vince for the title of best man. Doc rolled his eyes. "How about another option for him?" Both bickering me shut up and looked to the maniger.

"Who?" Both asked. Doc hit his forehead. "What about the guitarist in your man?" Doc asked. 
"Mick?" Tommy asked at the same time as Vince. "The old man?" Both asked shocked. "Doc, Nikki is pissed at Mick, so why would he asked him over one of us or even his little brother?" Vince asked. "Yea. Mick made Nikki so upset he'd ask Rebel before he ever asked Mick." Tommy added.

Mick had already walked off by this point. When he got to the parking lot he found Nikki leaning on his car with his arms crossed. Mick walked to his own car that was parked next to the bassists black sport car. "Doc says you got time before we leave." Mick muttered unlocking his doors. "Your coming to the wedding right old man?" Mick sighed. "Look Mick, your the closed thing to a father that I-I've ever had. Your more than just a band brother, your with my baby cousin. I didn't like the idea of the two of you together at first, but now I'm happy you to got married and that your there for her. You have great kids and your an amazing husband to Rebel. What I'm getting at here is I know you don't want to do it- I know you don't think I'm making the right choice, but I love Brandi and for once in my life I can see myself as a husband. I want my daughter to have a mother - Vanity won't get help and she dosn't want a relationship with her own daughter- Brandi wants to be a mother to Joanna and she want's to be my wife... So just please Mick."

Nikki took a breath and looked anywhere but the man he was talking to.

Mick sighed looking down. He knew this was a big mistake, but Nikki was so happy with this girl.

BUT he had been with her mother, Mick couldn't understand any of it.

"What do you say old man?" Nikki asked, this time he looked Mick in the eyes. Mick sighed and decided to give an answer.


I hope you liked this chapter.

1,236 words. Thanks for reading guys.

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