The Truth Untold / BTS / V...

By tamzen7991

3.5K 199 8

Sun Hee is excited to become a trainee for BigHit and she vows to work hard to get the chance to become an Id... More

twenty-seventh (18+)


70 5 0
By tamzen7991

"Appa?" I say meekly as he answers.

"Sun Hee, I'm glad to hear from you. How is it going?" he says with a light happy voice. I struggle to match his happy demeanor.

"Good Appa, I just wanted to let you know that I am not living in the dorms anymore." I try to stifle a sniffle as I wipe away another tear.

"I know, I know. It's OK, as long as you practice hard and work hard," he says. I am confused. 

"You know?" I ask wondering how much he knows.

"Yes, Kim Taehyung ssi called us to let us know that you would be his houseguest, and that your studies would continue the same." I shake my head not comprehending his words. How could he have no follow up questions for me, what does he know? 

"And you are OK with this?" I ask, hardly believing it.

"Yes. He has been very kind, and he will look after you well.  You can learn a lot from him as long as you work hard to deserve this opportunity you have been given." He seems to be really focused on me just working hard.  Talking to him doesn't reassure me. I feel like he's hiding something from me as well.

"Why didn't you tell me that you he came to meet with you Appa?"

"It's not your concern right now, your concern is to do the best you can to prove yourself, to succeed, and then you can control your own future," he says very coldly. When my father gets this tone, there is no further conversation. It's just decided. 

"Thank you Appa, I will work hard. Please give my love to Eomma," I say as I hang up the phone. I shake my head. Everyone else seems to know more about what's going on with my life than I do. I feel like Taehyung gives me pieces of information as needed, holding back until he has to tell me more, and everyone else I meet seems to already have the information. This is my life and I know the least about what's going on.

I slump back into the chair, feeling so frustrated and unsure how to move forward. I'm happy to not have to live in the dorms with those girls, and I am really grateful for the opportunity to be a trainee and to work with such talented and dedicated teachers. Being with Taehyung is like a dream come true, who wouldn't be eternally grateful?! But something inside doesn't feel right yet. Something is bothering me, and it won't go away.  I don't know how to resolve it, or stuff it down and ignore it. I sigh, taking a long moment to think.  

I feel pain in my lip, and I touch it, finding a spot of blood on my finger. I had almost forgotten I was punched for the first time in my life today. I step up to a mirror nearby and take a look at my reflection. I definitely have a fat lip, and a little bruise on my jaw but it doesn't look too bad.  I take a tissue and dab at the blood on my lip.  I hear the door behind me open and I see the reflection of Taehyung entering the room, looking around and then our eyes meet through the mirror. He rushes toward me as I turn to face him.

"Bae I'm so sorry I let you come here alone!" he says shaking his head and running his thumb gently over my lip as he inspects it. He's obviously been told what happened already. "You won't have to come back here," he says and he pulls me in to embrace him. 

He kisses the top of my head as he holds me close to his body. It feels safe and warm in his arms, and I wish I could stay there, feeling this way forever. But I open my eyes and I see the Manager standing in the doorway watching us. She flits her eyes away as I look up at her.  Taehyung turns around.

"Thank you for your help. We'll be leaving now," he says to her, picking up my small bag with the remainder of my things inside.

He takes me by the hand and leads me out into the hallway toward the front door.  I follow after him and I look over to see a group of girls watching us. I recognize Kwan in the group and I immediately drop Taehyungs hand, shoving my hand into my pocket as I walk behind him to the entrance. She makes a sort of scoff and turns back to her friends. 

He opens the car door for me and I get in, watching him place my bag in the back seat before coming around to the driver's side.  He turns to me before he starts the car.

"From now on Sunny, I want you to stay at the apartment, or go out with me. OK?" he says, not really asking for my opinion.

"You mean I'm grounded?" I say in a sort of smirk. He shoots a wounded look at me.

"Don't be childish. I want to protect you, I promised to protect you."

"Promised who, my Father?" I ask annoyed.

"Yes, your Father, and Big Hit. And you. I promised I could look after you and keep you in training."

"So are you like my adopted Father now or something?" I don't know where this attitude comes from in me, but when I get pushed to a certain point, I don't always behave wisely.

"We're going to talk about this when we get home," he says starting the car and pulling away from the campus.

So, you are like my Father. I say to myself as I turn to look out the window at the passing streets.

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