Kadic Academy Kids

By furnacewithwings

6.4K 385 1

Tovah Pressman is the new girl at Kadic Academy. What will happen when she comes to school to her cousin Jere... More

New girl
Remember what?
The Journal
It's only a fracture
Truth or Dare
A Normal Day
Kiss and camp
The Great Outdoors
Double date
Fainting Spell
Love sick
Long Weekend
A Fine mess
The Lock In
And They Were Roommates
Sleep over!
Odd's undersea costume
Aelitas diving costume
Blast to the past
Dance Fever part 1
Tovah costume and regular outfit
Dance Fever part 2
Fall Break
Another Romeo And Juliet


64 7 0
By furnacewithwings

Tovah Pressman Kadic Academy Ninth grade student

I sat down next to Sissi in class, it had been a week since I had gotten my memory back and I felt completely fine but I was just so annoyed, Jeremy had basically shunned me from the group. Everyone had decided that it was best that I not go back to lyoko, I didn't think they should be able to make that decision for me. I looked up as the teacher scribbled math equations across the chalkboard. It was like three and a half days of my life hadn't happened but everyone was still babying me like my memory was still foggy. Sissi leaned over and whispered to me, "you okay?" She asked. I nodded and looked at Jeremy and Aelita, "yes, I'm good," the bell rang and I stood up grabbing my bag, I had been hanging out with Sissi for the past week since my other friends had decided to give me the brush off. We walked to the cafeteria and set our things down by our feet and Herb and Nicholas looked at me like a piece of meat, "you guys are staring," I pointed out. "Sorry, they're a couple of dorks," she spat looking at them with an evil eye. They went to get their trays and she looked at me as I looked back at Odd and Ulrich walking in, "not that I don't like you hanging around with me, but why aren't you with your group?" She asked looking over at them as well. "It's weird, they seem to not want me to be with them anymore," I shrugged.

Odd Della Robbia Kadic Academy ninth grade student

After classes were over I wandered through the campus hoping to find T, but was discouraged that I hadn't bumped into her, it reminded me of when I had been walking through the hall and had literally bumped right into her and she had revealed to me that she had known about Lyoko after her first day. Eventually, after wandering I bumped into her again and she looked at me with a glint of shock in her eye, "Odd," she said looking over her shoulder as if to check for someone to come tell her she can't talk to me. She shoved her hands deep in her jean pockets, the weather was changing and her shorts had turned to jeans at the blink of an eye, it reminded me how soon Christmas would sneak upon us and we'd all leave each other for a month. It was all happening so fast. Nothing was the same as the days went by, we all ate, we all went to classes, talked, but what was different was that you didn't do any of that with us. When you stood in front of me waiting to see if I'd speak I thought back to when Jeremy told us he didn't want to risk you on any more missions, I didn't know what to think but I knew that I couldn't let you get hurt anymore...why couldn't I say this out loud when you were right in front of me?

"Hey," I smiled. "Where are you off to?" I asked as Tovah looked up at me with a confused look on her face, "you okay?" She asked, "I asked if you were going to the movie night," she raised an eyebrow. "You kinda spaced out," she shrugged. "I'm going to meet Adam," she pointed over my shoulder, "he's waiting over there so I guess I should get going," she nodded politely.
I watched her walk away and Jeremy came from behind and put his hand firmly on my shoulder, "it's for the best," he reminded. "We should just let her go and do her own thing," he looked at me as he started forward, "come on, we need to get good seats for the movie," he smiled.
I slowly walked to the gym and saw Aelita waiting outside, "hey," she smiled. "Do you wanna sit together?" She asked as she saw me. "Yeah, are you not sitting with Einstein?" I asked. "No, I was gonna sit with T, but you know," she shrugged. We walked in and took a seat in the middle, the lights went dark and we stared at the screen as a mind dulling flick played across the screen, but all I could watch was Adam putting the moves on Tovah. It was so annoying. "This movie so isn't scary," I whispered to Aelita who nodded, "we see scarier stuff than this every day," I laughed. As the movie droned on I heard the sound of the gym door rattling, I figured from the bass, but then it flung open and some creature stood in the door growling on its hind legs.
"Great," I groaned.

Ulrich Stern Kadic Academy Ninth grade student

I tapped my fingers against my arm as I sat between Yumi and Jeremy, they were currently in quite the domestic about kicking Tovah out. None of us were happy about it, but I guess I kinda sorta understood, but I mean she had saved us all at one point, Jeremy was just feeling guilty about letting her get hurt.
"Will you tell Jeremy to pass the popcorn?" Yumi asked me without looking at Jeremy, Yumi was very strong-willed and very opposed to kicking T to the curb. Jeremy looked at Yumi with pursed lips and he pulled the popcorn snuggly in his lap, "tell Yumi she can't have any popcorn," he replied. "You guys can tell each other," I said as I sunk into my seat, "I should have sat with Aelita and Odd," I groaned. They both shut up for a while as the movie started but I saw something that made my stomach drop, Adam put his arm around Tovah.

Tovah Pressman Kadic Academy Ninth grade student

An unknown alien or something like that burst into the gym and I groaned as everyone stood up and ran in terror, then reminded myself, "not my problem anymore," I saw Jeremy, Aelita, Yumi, Odd and Ulrich get up and ready to fight, then I got up and started to walk away, but I felt a nagging feeling in my chest that I needed to stay and I needed to help, but before I could do that Sissi came and grabbed my wrist and pulled me away. "What were you just doing standing there?" She asked out of breath, "that thing could have eaten you!" She exclaimed as we all stood in a circle, us as in Sissi, Nicholas, Herb, and I. I looked around and put my hands on my hips, "where did Adam go?" I asked. "He ran off like a baby," Herb stated. "But yeah we should go, that thing could come back," he exclaimed. I looked over my shoulder as I heard a crashing in the gym, "I'm sorry guys, I have to go," I looked back at them and then ran back into the gym. When I entered I saw Jeremy being thrown around like a rag doll, I contemplated letting him be thrown around a little more, but instead, I picked up whatever was around which ended up being a chair, and hit it on its scaly slimy side, it dropped Jeremy from its clutches and then suddenly Odd was thrown to the ground too. "Come on," I commanded as I helped the two up, "let's go no time to think," I pushed the gym door open and slammed it closed behind me and slid a broom handle in the door to lock the monster in, but just as we took a breath it started slamming up against the door. "Alright, let's go," I said as we ran towards the factory, I looked at the boys behind me as they barely kept up. "Come on, unless you wanna hang out with an alien-monster thing," I shouted.
We got down the grate and swung down the ropes and were in the factory, "everyone else is virtualized, let's go down," Odd said motioning for me to follow him down. I nodded turning on my heel to follow him but then heard Jeremy say, "wait, Tovah, why don't you just stay up here?" He shrugged as he pulled up Odd's virtualization program. "Are you kidding?" I asked. "Did you just see what I did?" I shook my head in shock. "I just saved you from an alien monster and you don't want me to go stop XANA over your ego," I crossed my arms defensively and then turned away, "virtualize me," I climbed the ladder and got into the scanner. I was determined that this had to be my best mission ever, if not they'd all still see me as a frail weak girl.
We virtualized and I took a deep breath before running down the path and meeting where everyone else was, they all looked shocked, yet pleasantly surprised to see me. "How's it going?" I smiled. "Let's go," I pointed down the path, "that tower isn't going to deactivate itself," I winked. Odd got onto the overboard and Aelita hopped on the back, I got on the back of the overbike with Ulrich and we powered down the path. I held tight to his waist with one hand with another hand on my blaster just in case, "where there's smoke, there's fire," Odd pointed out as a herd of crabs guarded a turn. Yumi hurled her fan towards one only for it to return to her hand empty hand. I activated my anti-gravity and stood on the back of Ulrich's bike and took aim for the target on their shell, "a little closer," I coaxed. "Are you sure?" He asked. I didn't reply but he got closer and I shot the crab and then I backflipped off skid on my knees directly under the crab and hit through the shell.
"Bullseye," I smiled standing up. I was aiming for perfection and was getting just that, how could they not want me back after this display?
We faced another crab, two hornets, and then finally made it to the tower.
"Your tower," I smiled. I looked back at everyone as we got devirtualized and ended up back in our scanners, I wondered what would happen now?

Aelita stones Kadic Academy Ninth grade student

"I haven't talked to her at all today," I shrugged as we walked back to the movies. "She slipped out this morning as she had somewhere to be," I said as we all sat together this time at the movie night. "But personally," I started. "I think we should let her back in, I mean she saved us from that alien," I pointed out, "who knows what would have happened if we hadn't have had her there," I shrugged. "Yeah, for real," Yumi nodded sincerely, "plus it's not as fun when there are only two girls in the group," she smiled. "I agree," Ulrich nodded as he scanned the crowd for something. "Yeah, she saved me from two crabs yesterday, or today just again," Odd pointed out. "So," he looked at Jeremy. "I guess the I's have it," he shrugged. "Where is she?" He asked. "Probably with Sissi," Yumi said.
Tovah came over practically a minute later and sat down as if nothing had changed. "Did I miss anything?" She asked. "I just had to take care of something," she smiled to herself. I wondered what she had been talking about, what could she had been taking care of?

Adam Anderson Kadic Academy Ninth grade student

"Hey, Adam," Tovah came up to me before the movie, we had been spending more time together in the past week, she was a super cool girl and I was starting to really like her. Not to toot my own horn but I was somewhat of a "popular" guy around kadic, not that popularity is anything but a concept, but I thought with one of the cutest girls at kadic on my arm that I could up my status. She came up to me before the movie night and she said she wanted to talk, "What's up?" I asked. "So, you're great," she started, "but, I'm just not sure I want anything serious right now," she put her hand on my shoulder, "but we can still be friends, right?" She smiled. "Plus the art show is coming up and we can hang out a bunch during that, you know?" She smiled that bright smile of hers and then did her signature wink and walked away. I had to think that Odd Della Robbia was behind this. What else could it have been?

Yumi Ishiyama Kadic Academy Tenth grade student

As we walked back from the movie Tovah was pretty quiet staring up at the night sky and Odd as usual stared at her hopelessly. "Hey Tovah," I stopped her and pulled my bag around to my side. "I got this back for you," I put her journal in her hand and smiled. "Wow, how did you get it back?" She asked holding it tightly in her hands. "Well," I thought back to chasing Stacy through the woods and tackling her and how she had given me a black eye, I shrugged. "Just asked," I smiled and put my arm around her shoulders. "Glad to have you back, well the Tov who remembers us," I laughed. "Yeah me too," she smiled.

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