Red Butterfly

Por darknessinsideofus

267K 10.1K 4.2K

"The Namikaze clan huh?", Itachi took a step closer, his eyes calm, but fixated. I took a step further back a... Más

Chapter 1, A Long Gone Spark
Chapter 2, The Flaws of Life
Chapter 4, The Real Deal
Chapter 5, Drowned Hopes
Chapter 6, No Remorse
Chapter 7, Hanabi's Order: Retrieve & Leave
Chapter 8, Shisui of The Body Flicker
Chapter 9, Mangeykō Sharingan
Chapter 10, All-Nighter
Chapter 11, Resurrected Hopes
Chapter 12, One That Appears Once
Chapter 13, Uchiha District
Chapter 14, Why The Flowers Never Bloom
Chapter 15, Longing For Power
Chapter 16, Not Bargained For
Chapter 17, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 1
Chapter 18, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 2
Chapter 19, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 3
Chapter 20, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 4
Chapter 21, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 5
Chapter 22, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 6
Chapter 23, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 7
Chapter 24, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 8
Chapter 25, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Part 9
Chapter 26, Chronicles of The Third Great Ninja War: Final Part
Chapter 27, Untitled
Chapter 28, It Will Change You
Chapter 29, Perplexed Emotions
Chapter 30, The SharinGANG
Chapter 31, Discoveries In Depth
Chapter 32, He's Lying
Chapter 33, Thank You, For Everything
Chapter 34, Dark Ambition
Chapter 35, Till My Blood Starts To Rain
Chapter 36, Upcoming Plans
Chapter 37, Ghost of The Uchiha
Chapter 38, Eye of The Namikaze
Chapter 39, Shouldering The Weight
Chapter 40, It's Been A While...
Chapter 41, The Good Goodbye
Chapter 42, Departure From Home
Chapter 43, Silently Falling
Chapter 44, The Precious Hybrid
Chapter 45, Blow To My Life
Chapter 46, The Epiphany of Death
Chapter 47, Who Was Ichiko Uchiha?
Chapter 48, Along The Blurry Lines
Chapter 49, Bite Back Your Tongue
Chapter 50, There's A Different Way To Die
Chapter 51, S-rank Mission!
Chapter 52, Sparks of Disappointment
Chapter 53, In Vain
Chapter 54, Final Decision
Chapter 55, First Step To Recovery
Chapter 56, Memories That Consume
Chapter 57, Skipping Heartbeats
Chapter 58, Past My Reach
Chapter 59, Blinding Fireworks
Chapter 60, If Only...
Chapter 61, The Red Butterfly Technique
Chapter 62, Heart To Hurt
Chapter 63, Desperate Prayers
Chapter 64, Secrets Exchanged
Chapter 65, Inclined To
Chapter 66, Deciphered Cuts
Chapter 67, Taking The Leap
Chapter 68, That Very Revery
Chapter 69, The Truth
Chapter 70, Tenchi Bridge
Chapter 71, The Good, The Bad & The Uchiha
Chapter 72, Vengeance Is Mine
Chapter 73, Fire And Wind
Chapter 74, In The Name of Vengeance
Chapter 75, Once And For All
Chapter 76, Ichiko Uchiha and The Token of Affection
Chapter 77, What The Bastard Deserves
Chapter 78, The Village's New Bachelor
Chapter 79, My Tainted Heart
Chapter 80, Tumbling Under The Weight
Chapter 81, Vivid Nightmare
Chapter 82, Calamity Afflicts
Chapter 83, Hanabi's Dilemma
Chapter 84, Hanabi's Resolve
Chapter 85, The Weight of Guilt
Chapter 86, Hopeful Words
Chapter 87, Pill of Memories
Chapter 88, Final Four
Chapter 89, Final Leap
Chapter 90, Spinning In The Void
Chapter 91, Loathe of Disappointment
Chapter 92, There'll Be Plenty of Time For That
Chapter 93, Like Children
Chapter 94, Pinky Promise
Chapter 95, Speed Race
Chapter 96, A Favor From The Distant Past
Chapter 97, Complimentary
Chapter 98, All About Speed
Chapter 99, Curt And Conspicuous
Chapter 100, Have You Forgotten The Crimson Clouds?
Chapter 101, Stigma?
Chapter 102, All That Time Couldn't Heal
Chapter 103, The Sensory Beast
Chapter 104, Grand Glare
Chapter 105, Spiralling Void
Chapter 106, Risk It
Chapter 107, With Grace of Fire and Lightning
Chapter 108, Upon A Crescent Moon
Chapter 109, Epilogue: Itachi's Token of Gratitude

Chapter 3, The Drained Spirit

7.4K 226 66
Por darknessinsideofus

Itachi's P.O.V

I exit the hospital, having left Hanabi with Kakashi senpai and the Ninja Medics. I'm late for dinner again and I know I'll get interrogated by Father when I get home. The Uchiha district was still nowhere in sight and I wasn't trying to make an effort to get back home anyway. Since I know that the moment I cross the threshold, Sasuke will be waiting there with his puppy dog eyes.

"You promised me you'll help me train!", he'll squeal.

"Itachi how was your mission?", father will inquire and go about lecturing me about the clan. I'll have to sit back and fill him in on intel and he'll tell me what to do, then go back the next day to Lord Third's office to repeat each and every word father had said. There, at the Hokage's office, I'll have to endure Danzo's insults at the Uchiha once again, while I remain obedient and silent. I'll make a mental note to go visit Hanabi first thing in the morning. Since I don't particularly know what she thinks, or who she thinks I met up with. Judging from her spirit that I heard of, I know this girl will have questions and one way or another I'll have to provide answers. I couldn't bring myself to tell Madara it was her. I admit I was taken aback by the sight of her.

She could be a threat given the time and place but is there anything I can really do about it? The only thing I agree with Lord Danzo is that someone like Hanabi Namikaze isn't fit for the Anbu Black Ops. Someone like Hanabi Namikaze shouldn't suppress her spirit for the sake of anyone. If anything, it's the spirit of the likes of her that could change clans like the Hyuga and the Uchiha one day.

She's so unlike me, we contrast each other so much and maybe I envy her spirit.

How can someone be so full of life?

I brood again, realizing that Sasuke has the same spirit. Maybe someday Sasuke can change the Uchiha. It's not impossible really, but first born children are always the experiment. So here I am, well aware of the fact that father wants to suppress Sasuke's lively spirit for the sake of the Uchiha and currently there's nothing I can do about it. Sometimes I wish I didn't have such limited options.

I can't but wonder: Which side am I truly on? There's the Uchiha from one corner, the village from the other corner, and Madara Uchiha. I'm a double agent and I couldn't have been even more confused. What if father's way of doing things is wrong? But what if I regret betraying my clan? The dilemma is real and it's slowly eating away my sanity.

How much longer of this do I have to take?

The wisps of wind twirl in the air, manipulating the way strands of my hair dance around under the moonlight. I look up at the full moon and make sure as to mark tonight as a night to be remembered.


The Uchiha district was silent tonight, only the police force was in for late night work. I saluted everyone that waved at me, and thanked anyone who complimented me. One thing that doesn't sit right with me is the way the Uchiha treats Sasuke. They expect him to follow in my footsteps, which I pray day and night that he doesn't. He's too precious to be torn in such a dilemma. But soon in a few years he'll learn of the way that the Uchiha handles things. Which will ultimately result in him suppressing his dreams and spirit.

I arrived home as usual, Sasuke was waiting at the entrance. As I approached him I realized that he'd fallen asleep. I scoop him up which was a little bit of a task since he's gaining weight and height. I smile as I picked him inside and lay him in his room. I covered him with his blanket and headed out, slowly sliding the door shut.

As expected, father was waiting for my arrival. He sits still before me, his presence barely detectable.
"You're finally home", he says, as his eyes take in my appearance. That's when I notice that my ponytail had come undone, leaving the locks of my dark hair cascading on my shoulders.

"What's this miserable fit?", he inquired, I could tell by the tone of his voice that he wasn't pleased at all. Father is pretty strict, therefore he'd rather have everything done his way. I tried to answer back in an almost equal tone of voice.

"The side effects of today's mission", I reply in a monotone. He inspects my appearance some more before telling me, "You look miserable, Itachi. Get cleaned and go to bed. You'll fill me in on everything after breakfast".

"Right", I nod and head off to my room, dreading this heavy weight that builds upon my heart.

I thanked mother for the breakfast she'd prepared after I finished eating.

"You promised you'd help me train...", Sasuke pouts and crosses his arms over his chest. I faintly smile and poke him in the forehead, "Sorry Sasuke, next time", he didn't seem convinced.

I then go to privately speak with father, filling him in on all the intel I'd gathered. When he's satisfied, he signals for me to go about my day. As I go about my day I can't decide whether it's my eyelids that are heavy with exhaustion, or my shoulders that are collapsing from carrying this burden around.

I arrive at my first stop which is the Leaf's hospital. I enter the building and ask about Hanabi when I spot a random nurse. I thank her and try to find Hanabi's room from the directions I've been given. I'm pretty sure that I was still a good distance away, contemplating which room to enter when I heard a familiar babble. Kakashi and Hanabi's voices were filling the hallways of the hospital. It seemed like they were having a scuffle.

"Hanabi calm down! What's the rush anyway?", I hear Kakashi reason with Hanabi.

"You don't understand!", she insists.

When I'm in front of the door I knock a few times, having earned their attention. Hanabi's eyes fly to meet with mine, muttering, "Uchiha boy..."

"It's Itachi", I correct her, "Itachi Uchiha".

"Itachi...", they echo together and I stare between them. Hanabi had a few bandages and an IV injection. "What's the babble about, Hanabi?", I ask in confusion.

"Right!", she says and goes on to elaborate, "yesterday, I lost something valuable!".

Kakashi and I look at her, urging her to continue, "What was it?", Kakashi asks, shoving his hands in his pockets.

Hanabi lowers her head and shamefully admits, "Minato Sensei's kunai...", her voice was more like a scarce whisper.

"A kunai?", I inquire, feeling confused about the fuss she's making about a kunai.

"Seems like you two met just recently", Kakashi directs his voice at me."It's not just any kunai", Kakashi, his hand snaking to his tool bag and he whips out an odd looking kunai with three sharp blades. The blade in the middle being the largest.

"That's an odd looking kunai..", I remark as I keep starting at it.

"That's because it's used for marking a specific location in order to perform the teleportation technique, genius", Hanabi chirps in, having disrupted the silence in the hallways once again.

So that odd looking kunai is what she used to teleport near the clearing.

"Yes indeed", Kakashi replies flatly and quickly puts his kunai away to say, "I got it from Minato Sensei when I became a Jonin".

"Anyways Hanabi, don't fret I'll go look for it once I'm off duty. So lay in bed and rest, and keep out of trouble", Kakashi stresses on the bit and immediately heads for the door saying, "See you later, Itachi".

Once Kakashi has left I turn back to Hanabi, who was hugging her knees, curled in a ball. It was awkward not knowing how to get the conversation going. The losing of that kunai seemed to take a physical as well as mental toll on her body. Her food was still by the nightstand, untouched.

"Hanabi, I can see that this kunai means so much to you..", I start off, treading closer. She gives a simple nod.

"A souvenir", she whispers softly.

I almost flinch when her head snaps in my direction, her blue eyes finding mine, making me feel nervous.
"Itachi", she starts off, her brows creasing. It was weird hearing my name coming out of her mouth.

"Who were you meeting up with yesterday?", she inquired almost hesitantly, holding an intense gaze as she awaits for my response. I feel a surge of fear on the rise inside of me and my tongue twists, unable to form an excuse.

"Look Itachi, I don't wanna seem like a nosy pest, but it appeared that you were meeting up with that masked man in secret. Who is he anyway?", she blurted all of a sudden and I hoped that no one heard her elevated voice.

Madara Uchiha

I attempt to seem unfazed as much as possible as I work up a logical explanation. There's no escape from someone like Hanabi Namikaze, you either tell her the truth or risk her finding it on her own, in her own ways. And once again I feel like my options are limited again and I should either do something about it or risk arousing curiosity and suspicion. I look back into her eyes, feeling uneasiness. What's this nerve wracking feeling?

The drained spirit that sits in bed intrigues me beyond comprehension. I break off eye contact with her and turn around, facing away. "Itachi?", she whispers quietly, I can already imagine the confused expression being plastered on her face. I slowly tread towards the door, taking the door handle I close the creaking door shut. Moments before I could turn around to face her again, I bit down hard on my lip.

When I finally have the courage to answer her, I look her dead in the eyes. She tensed up, sensing the alteration in my tone of voice. The room went gloom all of sudden as I held my breath for what was to come next.

"Let's make a deal", I declare, flashing her my stable Sharingan.

A/N:- Heyya! So I understand that this chapter might not be the most interesting, but bear with it (just like Itachi does). Leaf your thoughts and feedback down below in the comments! Have a nice day!


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