Protecting You (Katsuki Bakug...

By vote4kiba

4.6M 172K 372K

*Currently Editing* Ranked #2 in Fanfics out of 1 Million KATSUKI BAKUGO x READER "I may not be a hero yet, b... More

Content Warnings - Please Read
Chapter 1- Welcome to UA
Chapter 2- Becoming Friends
Chapter 3- Investigations
Chapter 4- Quirk
Chapter 5- I Am Here
Chapter 6- Everything
Chapter 7- Angel
Chapter 8- To Save You
Chapter 9- Competitors
Chapter 10- I Promise
Chapter 11- Our Interests
Chapter 12- Betrayal
Chapter 13- Seeing Red
Chapter 14- Flames
Chapter 15- Hero Train
Chapter 16- The Beginning Journey
Chapter 17- Home Sweet Home
Chapter 18- I'm There
Chapter 19- Fear of the Unknown
Chapter 20- Domesticated
Chapter 21- Be Mine
Chapter 22- The Fourth
Chapter 23- Saving Strangers
Chapter 24- A Dream Realized
Chapter 25- Katsuki's Promise
Chapter 26- Answers
Chapter 27- Reassurance
Chapter 28- Lost and Found
Chapter 29- Designing Heroism
Chapter 30- Rebirth
Chapter 31- Unexpected Meeting
Chapter 32- Finals
Chapter 33- Mother
Chapter 34- Summer
Chapter 35- Apology
Chapter 36- Camping
Chapter 37- Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 38- Cost of Survival
Chapter 39- Don't Come
Chapter 40- Futures
Chapter 41- Chi
Chapter 42- Ready, Set, Go
Chapter 43- All for One and One for All
Chapter 44- Protecting You
Chapter 45- Trying Again
Chapter 46- United
Chapter 47- Silent Pleas
Chapter 48- Rapunzel
Chapter 49- Family Dinner
Chapter 50- Burning Secrets
Chapter 51- Dorms
Chapter 52- Closed Doors
Chapter 53- Fighting Failure
Chapter 54- One in a Million
Chapter 55- Fuel to the Fire
Chapter 56- Reflection
Chapter 57- Phoenix
Chapter 58- Testing the Waters
Chapter 59- Blood Baths
Chapter 60- Blindsided
Chapter 61- The First Day
Chapter 62- Pandora's Box
Chapter 63- The Yin Within
Chapter 64- The Zombie Hero
Chapter 65- Kiss of Fate
Chapter 66- Ground Zero
Chapter 67- Breaking Down and Out
Chapter 68- Lights Out
Chapter 69- The Melodies of Life
Chapter 70- Swan Dive
Chapter 71- Finding Faith
Chapter 72- Lantern in the Dark
Chapter 73- Vacation Plans
Chapter 74- Plucking Daisies
Chapter 75- Eclipse
Chapter 76- Drunken Love
Chapter 78- All This Time
Chapter 79- Lemillion to One
Chapter 80- Hero for Hire
Chapter 81- Full Circle
Chapter 82- Villain Complex
Chapter 83- Flying High
Chapter 84- Follow Me
Chapter 85- Touching the Heavens
Chapter 86- Venom Vixen
Chapter 87- Fighting You
Chapter 88- Bloody Truths
Chapter 89- Just Be You
Chapter 90- Holiday Spree
Chapter 91- Memories
Chapter 92- Coming Home
Chapter 93- Stage 5: Acceptance
Chapter 94- Ghost of the Mountain
Chapter 95- Happy Birthday
Chapter 96- Death Day

Chapter 77- One and Only

22.4K 778 1.5K
By vote4kiba

Hawks woke up with a mild headache but was thirsty as all hell. He went to reach for his water on the nightstand only to realize nothing was there. He turned to face the other side, and that's when his bleary gold eyes locked onto your scantily clad figure as you were submerged into a deep sleep. Hawks' cheeks flushed bright red when he saw he was shirtless and his pants lacked a belt...and your dress was haphazardly draped over your body. Panic rose in his chest for a moment as he tried to remember everything that happened the night before, but he was coming up blank.

"Well, good morning to you," Endeavor said in the room's doorway with one of his gold embellished coffee cups in hand and deep purple bags under his cyan eyes. He was wearing a robe as if he just finished showering, and the stern look of disproval on his face made Hawks worry even further.

"I didn't-...tell me I didn't-.."

"You were being your idiotic self, but no, you didn't do anything. I made sure of that since you refused to leave the room." Hawks scratched the back of his golden hair in embarrassment, him reaching over to place the comforter back over your body. You snuggled into the warmth with a look of satisfaction on your soft features, and Hawks felt like an asshole.

"I always gotta push the boundaries don't I? And poor (y/n) trusts me with her life," Hawks muttered under his breath as his fingers gently caressed some of the scars that peaked through the worn-off makeup on your exposed shoulders. "She pretended to be something she wasn't just to stand on that stage with us...she probably didn't even realize it."

Endeavor glared at Hawks, just letting the rank two hero's guilt set in. Hawks was an experienced, older hero that should have been protecting you from the wild side of the hero world but instead he exposed you even further to pesky rumors and the hypocrisy of heroes that enforce the law but don't follow it themselves. Hawks should have known better, but he let his excitement get the best of him and he forgot you were only seventeen.

"She's young, Hawks. I'm not saying that you shouldn't be close to her, especially since she's one of the few people in our lives we can trust...but you need to respect her more than you have been. She's not some girl off the street you can toy with. In some ways, she's more of an adult than either of us but in others, she's still a child. She doesn't know better yet when it comes to the socialite world," Endeavor lectured Hawks. Hawks meanwhile was quiet as the guilt ate him up inside. He didn't want to ever be a person you lost trust in...he wanted to be the person you could go to for anything because he knew you would do the same for him. You were the one person in the world that cared about him as a person.

"I'm glad you're looking out for her...and I should be doing it better. I let my feelings get the best of me. It's fucking weird, usually I'm not like that but...after doing this shit alone for years, it's nice to finally have a companion I can do this kinda stuff with. But that she's in the rankings, you and I have a lot of work we gotta do to hide her past."

"I know."

"And the shit about her quirk too." Hawks watched the look of confusion contort on Endeavor's face as he glanced over at your sleeping form. "Didn't she tell you what happened when she stepped in between Bakugo and Dabi?"

"No, what are you talking about?" Enji questioned with furrowed red brows. Hawks suddenly felt ten times worse.

"Endeavor...she's quirkless now. That Doctor asshole stole her fucking quirk. Don't you think it's odd how she has to be driven everywhere now? How not once during her time at home that she didn't ghost or teleport to see her boyfriend? You're telling me you didn't notice? It was kind of obvious." Endeavor's mouth gaped open over Hawks' words. You didn't tell either of them about what happened and it was beginning to be apparent that you did it for a reason.

"I can't believe-...are you sure?" Endeavor gasped in shock. Hawks nodded solemnly.

"I guarantee she didn't say anything because she was worried she couldn't be a hero anymore...or that we'd be disappointed in her. You should talk to her. She looks up to you more than she lets on you know. Stretch those Papa Endeavor muscles for a change, eh?" Enji Todoroki felt his heartache for you. It was his fault you were captured in the first place...that he didn't check his phone...that he wasn't there when you needed him most. He was responsible for you being taken and losing your quirk, and that failure would haunt him each day. Like Touya, Enji's eyes were cast away when the two of you needed him most...and as a result, Touya transformed into the villain the world fears today and you became a hollow shell of who you used to be. 

Enji swore he would never make the same mistake twice, and with you, he had a chance to do change...and despite your quirk being the initial reason for his admiration of you, now it was your friendship and heart that made you someone he cared for.

"I'll do my best," Enji whispered.


You were so groggy when Endeavor drove you back to UA...and all you felt was the sourness in your gut from your hangover and the fact all you wanted was a massive pizza to yourself. Guilt eroded in your chest over thinking about Katsuki and the argument you two was nauseating...or maybe that was the liquor.

"You alright?" Enji asked you with a firm grip on his steering wheel as you propped your elbow up against the window and gazed outside. The day was raining and bleak with the only distinguishing colors being various forms of gray.

"Yeah just...I wish Katsuki was at the party...I feel like I left him out of this whole thing...I know that was out of my control but still..." Endeavor was quiet as you stared out of the window in a hoodie and sweatpants, for once looking your age. Your eyes were puffy and tired...and you could barely remember anything that happened last night. 

All you knew was that you and Hawks were snoring on opposite sides of the bed with drool drizzling out of the sides of your mouths. The two of you had to share mattresses before on missions but there was something so amusing about both being hungover to hell and back. He was gone by the time you woke up though, and Endeavor, despite his sleep deprivation, was the one who supplied breakfast and made sure you had changes of clothes. If your head wasn't aching and your body feeling like you were moving in slow motion, you probably would have laughed.

You knew even when in a weakened state that Hawks wouldn't take advantage of you, but felt guilty about partying without Katsuki and you wanted to see him.

"Do you need painkillers or anything before I drop you off?" Endeavor asked as he prepared to turn on the main road that led directly to UA. You shook your head with dismissive eyes.

"No, but thank you though. I'm just ready for a long nap to be honest." Enji couldn't argue with that since he barely got any sleep. He was making sure you were safe since you weren't in the position to protect yourself...and he was a little annoyed at Hawks for being a bad influence on you.

"I'll be honest you (y/n)...I'm a bit disappointed with Hawks. You're underage and naive about the hero world and even though he didn't physically harm you in any way, he should have been looking out for you instead of getting you drunk around a bunch of pros. I think he forgets that you're only seventeen. You have seen the worst of the villains but heroes aren't as pure as everyone makes it seem. They are just the ones that get paid to be in the spotlight," Endeavor lectured with furrowed red brows.

"You sound like you think he might have had a point then? That I shouldn't trust that heroes have good intentions?" You asked the mature man, the latter moving his head back and forth as if he was debating.

"It depends. Heroes are just people at the end of the day and people are always disappointing. I think Hawks is a great hero. You're an amazing fighter. This doesn't mean I dislike him but when it comes to it, both of you are prime examples that heroes aren't always what they seem. I just want you to take this as a learning moment that sure, you can trust me to keep an eye on you, but even the best heroes might have alternative intentions."

You silently listened to Endeavor...and that guilt in your chest felt ten times heavier.

"I didn't even give Katsuki a chance to explain himself...I just yelled back at him. He has a hard time saying his feelings and I just hung up on him...I'm a terrible person..." You sighed lowly with regret seeping through your heart. 

"He'll forgive you. If there's one thing I've learned with my wife is that she wasn't willing to speak or see me until my actions matched my words. Use your actions for the better and your words will be given proper meaning." You turned to look at Endeavor as he pulled into the parking lot, the latter wearing nothing but a cotton t-shirt and sweatpants of his own. 

"Since when did you become such a nice therapist, Enji?" You had the hint of a smile ghost your lips.

"Since we started going. Speaking of which, are you still good for our next appointment?" 

"Mhm...but we should really use that time to talk about Touya...I don't think Fuyumi or Natsuo know do they?" Endeavor was quiet as he parked the car, his cyan eyes locked on a faraway thought lingering in the back of his mind.

"Yeah...I know...I just...Natsuo despises me and Fuyumi is always out with her girlfriend...I feel so disconnected from all of them and now they're old enough that they can simply walk away. Did you know Fuyumi didn't even tell me she was dating? She told Rei and Natsuo but not me and I live with her. I don't know whether to be upset with her or blame myself or what I should do. It seems like every turn I make is the wrong one and I always end up at the same destination. At this point, I'll never get Touya back...I'll never even get the chance to apologize..." Endeavor's voice was calm, yet you could clearly hear the heartbreak in his voice. You thought of Touya's deep-seated hatred of Enji but you had a feeling he still loved his mother...and that was a key component of ever getting him to relinquish being a villain.

"I don't know if Touya will ever come back from this...but I think maybe it's time to let Rei decide if she's ready to come home. I think if she's at home and provides Fuyumi and Natsuo someone to talk to if they are too nervous to chat with you, then maybe it'll open the opportunities." Now it was Enji's turn to be quiet and thoughtful...but he had to admit you had a point. Rei was always the center point of the family...and maybe if she learned to forgive Endeavor for his faults, then perhaps his children could too.

"I'll keep that in mind. Oh and (y/n)...before you go...I just want you to know that you can come to me about anything that is bothering you. I...I want to be more open and more if something is the matter, then you can talk to me okay?" You weren't sure what brought on this gentle side of Endeavor...but the fear you felt inside about him discovering you were quirkless dwindled just a bit lower.

"Enji...I..." You thought about telling him but the look in his eyes made it obvious that he already knew. "Thank you...for giving me a chance," you whispered with a small smile. Enji returned the expression, slowly reaching over to pat you on the shoulder as you prepared to leave.

"Of course. Stay safe at school (y/n) and good luck with Bakugo." 


Sundays were usually homework days so most students were either in their rooms or the computer labs to finish their work. You knew exactly where Katsuki would be and walked straight towards his room. You hesitated before knocking on the door, a lump catching in your throat from the nerves.

What do I even say?

"Are you going to knock or what?! Quit standing at my door!" Katsuki called out, not knowing who was standing on the other side. You decided to simply open the door instead of knocking, seeing him benching weights in his room. His scarlet eyes went wide seeing you and he nearly dropped the weights, quickly readjusting and positioning them back on the rack above his bench press.

"Extra? You're home already? I thought you were going to be out all day today too?" He asked you with sweat dripping down his shirtless tanned body, his muscles emphasized by his work out. He took his towel and wiped himself off, the scent of caramel emanating through the room. 

"Yeah, I...I wasn't feeling too hot and I wanted to see you..." You were fidgeting with your hands again, Katsuki immediately noticing how nervous you were.

"You still mad at me?" He asked while taking the lifter's tape off his knuckles, his eyes connecting with yours.

"No...I feel bad. I feel like I didn't give you much of a chance to talk." Katsuki sighed at your response, standing up so he could come towards you. Without a moment to lose, his strong arms wrapped themselves around you and even though he was still a bit sweaty, his embrace made every weight in your chest vanish. 

"You know how to piss me off Extra. Like really piss me off. But that's just because I care about you and I love you. And about what you said about me using you..." His voice was soft and low and you could tell out of everything, that upset him the most.

"Katsuki...I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry...but I just thought that you were being competitive and I just..."

"No, you had a point. I got carried away in the moment and I don't regret it at all. I was thinking about it and maybe I was being competitive and wanted to just know that you were mine. But...that isn't the way to do it. I don't know I're beautiful and fun to be around and of course a ton of guys are gonna look your way. I know it's going to happen but I can't help that it just fucking pisses me off." Katsuki was quiet and you listened to his heartbeat and pressed your cheek against his chest. As comfortable as Hawks was to relax with, there really was no one quite like Katsuki. His arms brought a sense of solace and security that was unmistakable and you knew first hand that you could be at your most vulnerable point and he would be the number one person you would want by your side. Katsuki leaned his face down to kiss your forehead, and you closed your eyes just feeling the warmth of his lips against your skin.

"I love you (y/n). I did that with you because I love you."

"I know...I love you too and I..." You thought about how worried Katsuki must have been about Endeavor was right that you really were naive. Even though you were an amazing mercenary, socially you lacked plenty of skills and there were aspects of society you would never quite understand. "I just don't understand who I can trust and can't trust. You say I can't trust Hawks or Touya...which I guess Touya makes sense...but Hawks has had so many opportunities that he could have...well, I don't know. I just feel like I'm backed in a corner here...Endeavor was telling me how I can't trust heroes no matter how popular they are and it makes me wonder what I got myself into. It's kinda scary...I know you're looking out for me. I just feel super confused." 

Katsuki felt relief that Endeavor talked to you about the hero world. You were far too trusting to survive in a socially cut-throat industry. When everyone is clearly your enemy, it is so easy to make choices about who to be around or who to trust. But when people pretend to be your friends...that's when it gets hard. 

" have me and I have you. I think that's a pretty good start. I'm not trying to be a dick...but I just have a hunch sometimes and I just want you to at least listen to when I'm worried. I know you'd want me to listen to you." Katsuki had a point and if you were in his shoes, you'd want him to at least sit through your concerns. It was more about mutual respect.

"I can't promise that I'll always agree with what you say but I do promise to listen to what you have to say. I don't mean to dismiss you," You sighed with closed eyes, his arms tightening around you.

"That's all I ask for. I know I can be fucking jealous sometimes. I know I fuck up a lot. I just hate whatever this fucking chest pain is when I see you with people that wouldn't treat you like Deku or Spikes or shit, I'd even fucking take Trolldoll. At least I know I could put them in a room with you and they would keep their hands to themselves. I see Hawks on the news trying to be all touchy and shit with you and it makes me wanna blow his ass up sky fucking high." You were quiet just listening to Katsuki vent and complain, him stroking your hair and leaning his cheek against your head. "Did you have fun at least with your other boyfriend?" Katsuki questioned sarcastically.

"Oh shut up, you know you're my one and only. Going out and about like that only really made me miss you more, to be honest." Katsuki couldn't hide his smile when you said the latter part of your sentence.

"So even partying with bird boy made you miss me, huh?" He tried to rub it in just a bit more. You nodded into his chest, your eyes feeling more tired as the conversation progressed. As you spoke with Katsuki, memories of the previous night started flowing through your mind including a jealous Hawks and a gushing Mirko.

"Yep. Although doing shots with Endeavor, Hawks, and Mirko was pretty fun. Mirko is pretty fun to talk to. Once she started getting drunker, all she did was talk about her girlfriend and I was telling her about you. Hawks was puffing his cheeks since he wasn't the center of attention for once. It was pretty funny actually. It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for this damn headache today..." You groaned as you shut your eyes tighter within Katsuki's embrace. A part of him felt a bit vindicated by what he said to you a few days prior...and the other part of him felt a bit of relief. Even when Hawks was alone with you and could have easily taken advantage of you, the most he did was flirt. Katsuki didn't trust him at all, but he was relieved to know he wasn't being crazy for being concerned about it. Sometimes he couldn't tell the difference between his jealously and his concern...but when it came to Dabi...Katsuki knew he had to put his foot down. If you didn't know how to lay down those boundaries, he was going to make them crystal fucking clear.

"Good, let that asshole cry about it. Next time, I'm definitely coming with you. Endeavor won't stop me from making sure the media and the heroes all know who you're really with...and if you aren't sure about it, then maybe I gotta convince you..." Katsuki kissed your neck, his grip getting a bit tighter. You sighed at the feeling of his soft lips against your skin...but truthfully you felt like you were going to collapse into a coma.

"I'm me...just, can we take a nap first at least? I'm gonna pass out, dude." Katsuki chuckled at your sleepy expression as you desperately tried to stay awake. He pulled you towards his bed to help you snuggle right in under his covers...and you felt completely at home. The sheets were soft, the blanket warm, the pillows were at ease within Katsuki's presence as he exuded a safe environment like no other. "Just...finish your workout...I'll just take a...quick nap..." You yawned as your eyes fluttered closed, Katsuki admiring your sleeping form. He went to start his workout again when your phone buzzed on the floor.

"It must have fallen out of her pocket..." Katsuki murmured to himself. He went to pick it up and saw Hawks' name pop up on the screen. He tried to fight his curiosity but it got the best of him and so he opened up the message.

"Sorry to bother you with work after our night out, but I had to leave early since I got a call from Whiz Kid. His analysis of The Doctor's work is complete...and you're going to want to see this. Call me ASAP."

Katsuki clicked the phone off and placed it on the charger on his nightstand.

"Whatever Hawks wants can wait until she's slept in. He better fucking know that I'm coming too."



Bruh I had so much anxiety about making y/n and Bakugo fight that I just couldn't keep the angst for too long made me feel so bad. 

Anyway, thoughts?

What do you think is gonna happen when Bakugo sees Hawks?

What do you think Whiz Kid found out?

Are we excited to see more mercenary work?

Anyway, happy WEDNESDAY everyone! Whoop I actually uploaded on a Wednesday. This is crazy.

Love you guys.

Hope you're all doing okay <3

Thank you sososo much to leogreen002 for this cute fanart!!! Please leave them some nice words below<3 

Have a great week everyone.


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