
Od Sugar_And_Spice125

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Cast List and Welcome!
№1|Enter: Medusa Demgorgean
№2|Welcome to the WhiteClad Pack
№5|Eyes Of Prophecy
№7|Tell Me The Truth, Vanessa!
№9|It's Always A Price With You Isn't It?
№11|Some Things Science Can't Explain
№12|The Full Moon Festival (Part 1)
№13|The Full Moon Festival (Part 2)
№14|The Full Moon Festival (Part 3)
№16|It's Okay To Get Saved
№17|The Night Before Court
№18|His Medusa
№19|Werewolf Court
№20|Patient Zero
№24|Here To Stay
№26|Care For A Doughnut?
№30|Lastachka Part 2
№31|No New Friends, Just New Lovers
№32|Tick... Tick... Tock...
№34|Stupid Dragons
№35|Lets Make A Plan!
№36|The 7 Mile Escape From Candyland
№37|Loved You Since The Beginning
№38|What Did You Do?!
№39|Aura Imprints
№40|How Much I Love You
№41|I'm Nothing Like You
№42|Don't Eat The Orange Chicken
№43|Costume Time!
№44|It's Been So Long
№46|The Price Of Knowledge
№47|My Most Precious Thing
№48|I'll Be Back
№49|The Camp Part 1: Help Me Understand
№50|The Camp Part 2: Poppet
№51|The Camp Part 3: Cake Walk
№52|You're Mine. I'm Yours
№53|Change Of Plans
№55|Scars On The Heart
№56|Wings Were Made To Fly
№57|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 1)
№58|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 2)
№59|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 3)
№60|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 4)
№61|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 5)
№62|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 6)
№63|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 7)
№64|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 8)
№65|Tick... Tock... Boom!

№21|International Phone Calls

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Od Sugar_And_Spice125

№21|International Phone Calls
◆ ━━━━❪✪❫━━━━ ◆

“You’re telling me that thing,” Medusa pointed to the rampaging wolf in the box, “is Kirkland?”

“Yes.” Dr. Lycia nodded.

“No!” Barron shook his head violently. “That’s impossible. He hobbled off into the woods months ago! There’s no way!”

“Alpha, with all due respect, did you ever see Kirkland die?”


“Then how do you know this isn’t Kirkland?” Dr. Lycia gave him a questionable look.

“Fine…” Barron raked his fingers through his hair, glaring at Kirkland. “I thought I was done with your ass, but you just had to come back for more, didn’t you?”

Kirkland barked at him. Barron slammed his fist on the box. ”Don't fucking bark at me, you little bitch! Do you know how many wolves have been infected because of you?! 4,500! 4,500 wolves have been infected and have had to be isolated for months from their mates, children, friends, family... all because of you!”

“I should’ve killed you when I had the chance!” Barron snarled, Kirkland snarled back, Barron punched the box, “let me in there Dr. Lycia! I’m ending this once and for all!”

Medusa rested her arm on Barron, “Barron, if you go in there you’ll get infected too.”

Knowing he couldn’t handle being isolated from Medusa and his friends, he backed off. He glared at Kirkland, “I’ll finish you off, Kirkland, you’re not hurting my pack again!”


Later that day, Barron leaned back in his desk chair, “he started the virus… he attacked the pack… he brought witches to the pack… is that damn wolf determined to end my pack?!” he slammed his hands on his desk.

“One would think.” Medusa muttered, walking over to Barron. “Maybe we should tell the other alphas, maybe we can learn something from Patient Zero over here.”

“You want me to hold a summit? For that virus spreader?” Barron hissed, gritting his teeth.

“No, I want us to host a summit to provide information - and hopefully a vaccine - about the Fury Wolves.” Medusa hugged him from behind, rested her chin on his shoulder.

“I don't know Medusa, the last time we held a summit it didn’t end pretty…” Barron mutteredi, Medusa tilted her head.

“What was it about?” she questioned.

“A debate on a very stupid issues my brother brought up.” Barron sighed, shaking his head, “the issue divided the wolves and we haven’t spoken sense.”

“Well then wouldn’t now be the perfect time to unite them once again?” Medusa said, Barron nodded.

“Why are you always right?” he sighed, picking up his phone to begin dialing numbers.

“Because I always am.” she kissed his cheek, “I’ll be downstairs helping Dr. Lycia with her test on Kirkland.”

Barron growled, clenching his fist. Medusa rolled her eyes, “he’s in a box, hun, he can’t hurt me. Even if he did, I could take him.”

“I know you can.” He smiled up at her. “I just don’t want you to get infected.”

“There’s a box surrounding him, Barron.” She reminded him before blowing him a kiss, “I’ll see you later, my love.”

With that, Medusa walked out of the room. Barron sighed, dialing the first number.

Somewhere in Mainland China, the phone began to ring. Golden medium tanned callused hands wrapped around the phone, “hello?” a manly voice replied, his lips curling around a piece of sushi.

“Yes is this,” Barron looked at the caller list, “Ambrocio Zhao? Alpha of the Zhao pack?”

“Speaking,” his voice grew serious, “is something the matter.”

“It’s come to my attention that you’ve been having trouble with the recent Fury Virus-”

“You know my Luna got infected by that.” Ambrocio clenched his cup of sake, “I haven’t seen her in two months. Do you know what it’s like to have to watch your Luna writhe in pain and not be able to do anything about it? Do you?”

“No sir, I barely found my mate this year-”

“So you don't know what it’s like to watch the person you love throw herself against a box cause he mind can’t comprehend any other emotion other than rage? Do you know what it’s like to have you and your mate be divided by a thick box of plexiglass? Do you?”

“I don't, sir…”

“Then why are you calling me, Whiteclad?” Ambrocio growled, the cup began to crack.

“Sir, I’m calling a summit to inform all the wolf packs of the information we have on the virus.”

“What information do you North American wolves have that us Asian wolves don’t?” Ambrocio scoffed.

“We have Patient Zero.”

“As in-”

“Yes, the first carrier of the Fury Virus.”

Ambrocio snarled deeply, the cup in his hands shattering, “you have the person who started this?”

“That’s correct, alpha.” 

“The Zhao pack will be there.” Ambrocio said before hanging up. He slammed his fist on the table “this darn North American wolves! Of course one of them would start this… they always do stupid stuff like this.”

His anger began to reside when his daughter peaked her head into the room, “is everything alright, bàba? (dad)”

She had beautiful medium golden skin and pale midnight blue eyes. Her jet midnight blue, almost black, hair was pinned up into a ponytail as the rest flowed freely down her back.

“Yes, Dechen, I’m fine,” he sighed, leaning back in his chair, “just some alpha stuff, don’t worry about it.”

“Well if mom isn’t here to worry about you then who will, dad?” Dechen chuckled, fully entering the room to sit beside her father. “Who called?”

“Barron. That North American alpha, apparently he has patient zero of the Fury Virus and he wants to hold a summit to discuss his finding and hopefully find a vaccine.” Abrocio explained, his eyes focusing on the picture of him and his wife Tenshi.

“I miss mom too…” Dechen muttered, sighing softly, “I know she’s still in there, I just can't stand seeing mom the way she is now…”

“Hopefully this North American wolf found something important.” he stroked the picture frame with his thumb. “The quicker we get you mother back the better.”

Barron trailed his finger down the call list to find the next number, “Endar Romanov.”

Where have I heard that last name before? He questioned to himself as he dialed the number.

Meanwhile in the snowy towns of Moscow, Endar Romanov, alpha of the Romanov pack bursted through the doors of his compound. His loud laughter filled the air as him and his fellow pack wolves returned from yet another successful hunt.

“You practically jumped that manchurian sika deer, Alpha!” his second in command, Valentin Volkov, said as Endar placed the deer down on the bar steep. Valentin had black eyes and slick back black hair.

“Katya! Look what I caught!” Endar called out. A beautiful middle-aged woman with yellow alabaster toned skin, green eyes, pale golden hair walked out from the back of the bar.

She glared at Endar, “you идиот (idiot)!” she gripped his ear, pulling him down to her eye level, “how many times have I told you not to put those bloody animals on my marble countertops!”

Endar chuckled nervously, moving the dead deer off the marble bar countertop, leaving a blood stain. She pointed at the stain, her glare hardening on Endar. She passed him the rag.

Accepting the rag from Katya, he sighed and began to clean the countertop. He could hear the snickers from his friends behind him.

“You’re so whipped, Endar.” Valentin chuckled, Endar rolled his eyes.

“Ha, ha,” he laughed sarcastically, he quickly wiped down the counter and walked over to the other wolves.

“Endar!” Katya roared, stopping the alpha in his tracks.

He sighed and turned around to see Katya pointing to the small drops of blood still left on the counter top. Endar groaned and turned around to face her, “can’t you do it, Katya?”

Katya was fuming, “I cook, I clean, I run this base when your out of town, I manage the money and the funding the compound gets, I make sure we don’t get invaded by fleshies,” she pushed on his chest, “the least you can do is clean the blood off the countertop!”

Endar gulped, Katya was scary when she was mad. He took the towel and began cleaning again until all the blood was off the countertop.

Katya smiled and kissed his cheek, “thank you.” Endar and Katya sat down at the lunch tables in the mess hall.

Before Endar could begin eating his deer, his phone rang. He looked down at the caller ID to see it wasn’t from the Moscow area code.

“Hello?” he asked, holding the hole to his ear.

“Is this Endar Romanov?” Barron asked.

“Speaking.” Endar’s voice grew weary. 

“My name is Barron Whiteclad-”

“What the fuck do you want?” Endar cursed, “last time I checked, the Whiteclad’s and Romanov’s are not on speaking terms.”

“I’m aware of my brothers actions in the past but he’s no longer Alpha-”

“Wait a minute, are you Ulysses’ scrawny little pup that always got beat up by his sister?” Endar asked, laughing slightly.

Barron sighed, shaking his head, “yes that’s me…”

“Oh! I remember you! I’m glad you finally took over your brother’s spot.” Endar chomped down on the deer.

“I am too,” he smiled softly, “but I’m calling you because I heard your pack, as well as many others, are struggling with the Fury Virus.”

“Yeah, we had to quarantine almost a quarter of our pack members.” He sighed deeply, hating to see his fellow wolves succumb to the power of the virus. “Yesterday I found out a little pup - barely 17 - got the virus… I knew the parents too… I can’t imagine what it’s like to watch their son’s body be filled up with anger to the point they almost explode.”

“I know… but I’m holding a summit to inform all the world wolves of our finding and hopefully find a cure.”

“What finding do you have?” Endar questioned.

“We have Patient Zero.” Barron replied, jumping up slightly when he heard loud growling from the other side of the phone.

“I’m sorry about that, Endar can’t come to the phone right now.” Katya chuckled nervously.

“Is something wrong?” Barron asked.

“No, he just got so angry and excited to destroy the person who started the virus his wolf came sprouting out.” Katya laughed, stroking the silver wolf’s fur in order to calm down the alpha. “We’ll be there, Barron.” she said before hanging up.

“You know, it’s a good thing this virus happened.” Katya said, the silver wolf looked up at her with a curious look.

“Now we have a reason to go see her in North America.” Katya winked, watching as the alpha began to wag his tail in excitement.

Back at the Whiteclad pack, Lawrence walked through the door to see Barron dialing yet another number, “who are you calling this time?” he asked, leaning over the desk.

“Umm… Barmala Banik.” Barron read slowly, making sure to sound out every syllable, “I hope I’m saying that right.” he muttered as he began to dial the number.

In Delhi, India, honey glow toned hands wrapped out the phone and held it to their ear, “hello?” a femine voice answered.

“Hello is this Barmala Banik?” Barron asked, hoping he pronounced it right.

“No,” she sighed softly, “her and her mate got infected by the Fury Virus. I’m her beta, Chaaya Adabi, I’ll be running the pack until she gets better. Is something the matter?”

“For starters, I’ll sorry you alpha got infected, I’ll keep her in my prayers.” Barron frowned slightly.

“We don’t need some North American wolf praying for our Alpha, we do enough praying for her as it is.” Chaaya growled.

“Okay…” Barron muttered, Lawrence tilted his head. “Apparently the Banik’s pack alpha got the virus.”

“Then who are you talking to?” Lawrence questioned.

“Chaaya Adabi.”

Lawrence’s eyes widened, “as in… Ayame and Alistair’s parents?”

“I believe so,” he noticed his beta’s shocked reaction, “what’s wrong Lawrence? Does she not know your dating Ayame?”

“Ayame?” Chaaya's voice brought Barron’s attention back to the phone call.

“How much did you hear?” Barron asked.

“All I heard was my daughter’s name, are you that Whiteclad pack that took my son and daughter away from me?” Chaaya growled deeply.

“N-No… they came on their own accord. The reason why I’m calling you is because we’re holding a summit to share our finding on patient zero of the Fury Virus-”

“We’ll be there.” Chaaya slammed the phone down on the desk, hanging up on Barron before he could finish.

“When they get here, you’re fucked.” Barron said, chuckling slightly.

“This is not funny, Alpha! They’re gonna have my bloody head when they arrive! Alpha, I’m done for!” Lawrence began to pace back and forth.

“Lawrence, chill, you and Ayame were destined to be together. Not even her parents can break that up.” Barron assured him, he cocked his head towards the minibar, “be a dear and make me a drink.”

Lawrence rolled his eyes and began pouring two glasses of brandy, “who’s the next to call?”

Barron looked at the list, he inhaled sharply, “oh no…”

“What?” Lawrence passed him the glass, looking down at the name, “so what? It’s just the Reyes Pack, aren’t we on good terms with that pack?”

“Um… not exactly,” Barron chuckled nervously.

“What did you do?” Lawrence glared at him.

“About a year ago, me, Vanessa, and Alpha's son, Salvador, went out for a drink. Ya know how sometimes when people are drunk they’re rude?”

Lawrence nodded, encouraging him to continue.

“Well he said that Vanessa would never get a mate if she kept up that tough girl attitude. He said women belong in the kitchen. So… I broke his legs.”

Lawrence’s eyes widened, “Barron!”

“What! I couldn’t let him say that about my sister! I apologized to him later and even paid for his surgery but the Alpha couple forgave me…” Barron pressed his lips together and sighed softly.

“You still have to call them.” Lawrence said, sipping his drink.

“I know… I know…” Barron groaned as he dialed the number.

Meanwhile, in Aguascalientes, Mexico, a sleek black wolf stalked towards the rabbit, ducking beneath the tick grass feild behind the Reyes Compound.

He was about to pounce on the rabbit, until… “Alfonzo!” his mate, Camila, called out from the balcony of their compound.

Alfonzo sighed, watching as the rabbit scurried away, he looked up at Camila. “Yes, hermosa (gorgeous)?”

Camila leaned over the balcony, “mmm, say it again~ I love it when you call me that.”

“Hermosa~” Alfonzo purred, standing under the balcony, looking up Camilia.

“You two are so weird.” their son, Salvador, rolled his eyes.

“You’ll understand when you get a mate, Salvador.” Camila smirked, her eyes never leaving Alfonzo.

“Yeah, I doubt it.” Salvador scoffed.

“Don’t be like that, sometimes you meet your mate in the most unexpected of places. Take me and your father for example, we met in a jail cell!”

“Here we go again…” Salvador groaned, knowing where this was going.

“He was in for being in a fleshie town.” Camilia began.

“And she was in for robbing a bank.” Alfonzo continued.

“Your Tio Hector, your father’s Beta, bursted him out but your dad couldn’t leave me behind.” Camilia sighed in delight.

“And the rest is history.” the two wolves said simultaneously.

“I know, I hear the story every holiday…” Salvador chuckled, watching as his father raced up to the balcony and into his mother’s arms.

He smiled at his parents, he wanted the love they shared. Someone to gaze lovingly at. Someone to protect. Someone to cuddle up with at the fireplace. Someone to care for. Someone to hunt for. Someone who’ll be there through the good and bad. Someone who’ll wake up in his arms every morning.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when his father’s phone began to ring. He looked at the caller ID to see it was a number from the USA.

Alfonzo shifted back into his human form and answered, “hello?”

“I know we haven’t talked in a while, Alpha Alofonzo but-”

“You’re the man that broke my son’s legs.” Alfonzo growled.

Salvador snatched the phone, “Barron! What’s hanging!” Salvador laughed, smiling at his old friend’s voice.

“Sal! How’s everything in Mexico?” Barron leaned back in his chair.

“Amazing! How’s that Luna of yours?” Salvador chuckled.

Barron watched as Medusa played with the wolf pups outside, “utterly wonderful.”

“I’m glad,” Salvador sighed softly, “keep her close. You could be like me and still be unmated.”

Barron smirked, “I think I have the perfect person for you.” 

“I’m sure you do.” Salvador rolled his eyes jokingly. “I assume this wasn’t just a ‘how you doing’ call?”

“No, it wasn’t.” Barron raked his fingers through his hair. “We’re holding a summit to inform you of the findings we have from Patient Zero.”

“I can assure you the Reyes Pack will be there-” he was cut off by his father’s growl.

Camilia glared at him, “stop that. He broke his legs a year ago, move on.”

Alfonzo mumbled something under his breath and ultimately nodded, “your tio and tia got the virus, if Barron found something to help them then you have the Reyes Pack full support.”

With that, Salvador hung up. Barron took a swig of his drink and looked down at the list, “Australian wolves…” he inhaled sharply, “this should be fun…”

“What’s wrong?” Lawrence gave him a questionable look.

“It’s not me I’m worried about, it’s Montego. Montego is a Greek Wolf and I’m worried when the Australian wolves show up they’re gonna cause trouble.” Barron explained.

“Has he always had trouble with Australian Wolves?” Lawrence asked, Barron nodded.

“According to Montego, his original pack had problems with Australian Wolves in the past and the rest… well it wasn’t pretty.” Barron muttered as he dialed the phone number.

Meanwhile, in Acacia Forest of Australia, the Campbell Pack Alpha was hubbled over his desk, looking at the monitors of the quarantined wolves.

The alpha raked his fingers through his honey orange hair, rubbing his tired emerald green orbs. “I’m sorry… I wish I would help but I just don’t know what to do to help you all…” he traced his fingers over the tablet.

He felt warm arms wrap around him from behind, “if you keep staring at that screen your eyes will bleed, Oliver.” his mate, Giselle, stated, whispering it lovingly into his ear.

“Come to bed, Olly.” Giselle kissed along his neck. “You spend so much time looking at that monitor that I barely see you anymore… the bed is so cold when you’re not there with me…”

He looked up at his mate, he had to remind himself that when fairies were mated to werewolves their body gets so adapted to the wolf’s body heat it can’t handle going cold turkey for so long.

He kissed her hands, a sudden burst of heat flowing through her body, “I’ll be there in a minute.”

“You said that last night and you never came to bed…” she muttered, she lifted her head as Oliver’s younger sister, Piper Campbell, walked past.

“Pipey can you keep an eye on the monitors while me and your brother sleep?” Giselle asked, Piper nodded.

“Come on big bro, go get some sleep. You both need it, she needs your heat and you know you sleep better when she’s in your arms.” Piper chuckled, walking over to his desk.

“Fine… I guess I’ll go to sleep.” he yawned as Giselle led him towards their bedroom. She gracefully fell onto the bed, pulling the Alpha down with her.

“Good night, alpha.” she snuggled up close to his chest, enjoying the heat that radiated off her alpha.

“Good night, my fairy.” Oliver smiled softly, finally drifting off to sleep.

Piper sat in her brother’s chair, leaning back and taking in the beautiful night sky from the skylight. So many mated wolves… she sighed, looking back down at the desk. And yet I’m not one of them…

She was snapped out of her thoughts when the phone rang. She answered the phone, holding it up to her ear. “G'day! How can I help you?” Piper replied sweetly, letting her Australian accent be known.

“Hello? Is this Oliver Campbell?” Barron asked.

“Noa, I’m his younger sister Piper Campbell.” she introduced herself.

“Oh! If you want, I can call back-”

“Look, it’s 3am here, might as well say what you have to say and be done with it.” Piper groaned, yawning slightly.

“I forgot about the time zone difference.” Barron chuckled nervously. “Anyways, as you know the world is struggling with the Fury Virus.” Barron began to explain.

“Yeah, we had to quarantine almost half the wolves in our pack.” Piper sighed, her eyes shifting towards the monitor. She frowned as she watched her fellow pack mates bang up against their boxes in anger.

“I’m calling to invite you to a summit we’re holding to explain our findings on Patient Zero.” Barron explained.

“We normally don’t do business with North American wolves, but I’ll let it slide just this once.” Piper smiled softly, hopefully this summit would allow them to find a cure.

“I’m glad we can put our differences behind us.” Barron nodded in approval.

“Oh don’t get me wrong, we still hate you for what happened with Julius long ago. If you were to somehow find a cure with this Patient Zero of yours, we’ll forget about what happened with Julius.” Piper wagered, propping her feet up on the desk.

Barron laughed, sighing softly, “I can assure you, I’m not like my brother. You can trust North American wolves”

“I’ll believe it when I see it.” with that final statement, she hung up.

She placed her phone down on the desk, “trust North American wolves? Pshaw!” she scoffed. Her eyes glanced towards the picture on the nearby cabinet of her younger self wrapping her arms around that of the neck of a young boy with scruffy auburn colored hair and brown eyes, “the only North American wolf I trust they took away from me…”

Back at the Whiteclad Compound, Barron glanced at the monitor showing Kirkland pancing in his box. “It sickens me that he’s still alive…” Barron growled, “I should’ve killed him when I had the chance.”

“He’s not a member of our pack, he’s a Willson wolf, which is what troubles me…” Lawrence stirred his glass in his hands.

Barron looked up at him, “what do you mean?”

“Why come here, to our pack, when he’s part of the Willson Pack? For that matter, why come back at all? He’s a rogue now! I don’t even think Declan would welcome him back.” Lawrence explained, sitting in the chair in front of Barron’s desk.

“I don't know - and frankly I don’t care - as long as he does not infect our pack we’ll be fine.” Barron looked down at the last number to call. “Oladayo Idowu.” he pronounced slowly.

He looked up at Lawrence, “please tell me I’m saying that right. All these names are so confusing…”

“You're saying it right, I’m old friends with that Alpha. I think he just goes by Dayo though.” Lawrence said, sipping his drink.

Barron shrugged and dialed the number.

Meanwhile, in Yorubaland, in Southwestern Nigeria. The morning sunrise coated the lush forest that the Idowu Pack resides in. The alpha stretched his mahoney toned arms up and outwards, groaning slightly as he raked his fingers through his dark black hair.

He looked outside his window to see that the sun was barely rising. Knowing it would be hard to get back to sleep, Dayo walked into the bathroom and began his morning routine.

Before he could brush his teeth, a knock came from the other side of the door. He slugged his way towards the door, dragging his feet on the carpet as he walked. Groggily, Dayo opened the door to reveal his cousin, Eniola, impatiently tapping her foot.

“What is your problem?” Dayo rubbed his chestnut brown eyes.

“You are my problem.” Eniola brushed his shoulder as she walked into the room. “You never changed your phone number when you got your new phone! Some stupid North American wolf named Barron has been blowing up my phone for the past 15 minutes! Not to mention I have to deal with the growling coming from Naade when he heard a male voice on the phone!”

“North American wolf?” Dayo muttered, walking over to his bed.

“Yes,” Eniola sat in his lounge chair, throwing it to him from across the room, “now hurry up and talk to whoever this is so I can get back to my Naade.” Eniola pouted, curling up under the throw blanket.

Dayo rolled his eyes as he caught the phone, “I don’t know how Naade puts up with you, Eni, you’re pretty needy.”

Eniola stuck out her tongue at him, “just finish the damn call!”

Dayo held the phone up to his ear, “hello?”

“Hello, is this,” Barron traced his finger over the name on the paper, “Oladayo Idowu?” he said slowly, hoping to pronounce the Alpha’s name correctly.

“You said it right,” Dayo chuckled, “you can just call me Dayo.”

“Dayo it is.” Barron smiled. “I’m calling because I’m hosting a summit to inform fellow wolf packs of the findings we have found from Patient Zero of the Fury Virus and I wanted to invite you.”
Dayo groaned, holding his head in his hands. He spent all day yesterday visiting the families of those affected by the Fury Virus, trying to offer them some sort of hope and relief. “Yeah, I’m aware.” Dayo frowned. “We lost many members to this virus…”

“I’m sorry to hear that Dayo… I’m sure you and your mate-”

“I don’t have a Luna.” Dayo interrupted.

“Oh, I just assumed-”

“That I have a Luna? Well I don’t - yet - but I’m hoping to find her very soon.” Dayo chuckled, “I heard you, Barron Whiteclad, have a Luna of your own.”

Right at that moment, Medusa walked in with a bright smile on her face. She held a sabel toned wolf pup in her arms, “hey do you know if we have any more bandaids?”

Barron pointed to the cabinet next to him. Medusa nodded and sat down the wolf put down on Barron’s desk. The wolf sifted out of it’s form to reveal a little boy with scruffy red hair.

He kicked his legs back and forth, waiting patiently for Medusa to return with the bandages. He played with Barron’s little trinkets on his desk, he tried to reach for the glass of scotch but Barron shook his head, moving it away from him.

Lawrence walked over with a glass of orange juice, ruffling the young pup’s hair. Medusa soon returned with the band aids with little dinosaurs on it and a bottle of spray on rubbing alcohol.

“So what is she like?” Dayo asked, Barron chuckled softly.

“How do I begin to describe someone like her.” Barron sighed in delightly, watching as Medusa smiled up at him.

She shaked up the bottle of rubbing alcohol. The little boy whimpered, Medusa stroked his cheek, “it’ll only hurt for a second.”

She could see the fear still adamant in the young wolf’s eyes. She held his hand, “I need you to be a brave pup, can you do that for me?” He nodded, closing his eyes shut.

“Good. I’m going to spray it on three. Okay?” she angeled the spray towards the open wound on the pup’s knees. “One… two… three!” on the last count, she sprayed it on the wound.

The boy hissed in pain, squeezing Medusa’s hand. Once the wound was disinfected, she placed a dinosaur band aid on it. She kissed the pup’s head, causing him to open his eyes, “you were really brave.”

“Th-Thank you, Luna.” he smiled widely, hugging Medusa tightly.

“You’re welcome,” she picked him up, “now let’s get you back to your parents.”

Barron felt his heart swoon as Medusa left the room with the boy in her arms. He leaned back in his chair and held the phone back up to his ear, “There’s too many words to describe Medusa but if I had to boil it down to just one…” He looked up at the skylight, “amazing. She’s utterly amazing.”


WOW THATS A LOT OF NEW CHARACTERS!! I didn't overwhelm y'all did I?

Also! There's a lot of new ethnicity/races in this arc and if anyone gets offended or I write something the wrong way please. PLEASE. Tell me. The last thing I wanna do is offended anyone.

Anyways! What did you think of chapter? Excited for the next one? I bet!

See u Monday!!

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Lets just say that Im a Werecat, and Im about to make Werewolf history! ...
1M 25.9K 36
[EDITING] ----------------------------- Nicole Summers thought she was living the ordinary high school life. In her senior year, she...