The Devil's Speakeasy

By goldenscares666

141K 8K 1.8K

There's a place where all sorts of demons and humans go called The Devil's Speakeasy, a bar where the humans... More

01 | Life of the Party
02 | Designated Driver
03 | Lucky Odds
04 | Incredible Performance
05 | Dress to Impress
06 | Splash of Red
07 | The Devil's Waitress
08 | Threatening Warnings
09 | Phase Two
10 | Encouraging Girl Talk
11 | The Devil's Spice
12 | Unexpected Sight
13 | Creamy Delights
14 | Winged Little Spy
15 | True Friends
16 | Four Letter Word
17 | Pitch Black
18 | Lovesickness
19 | Waddling Duckies
20 | High Flyers
21 | Surprise Serenade
22 | Creatures in Hiding
23 | Sense of Doubt
24 | On the Rocks
25 | Drunken Bastard
26 | Chipped Horns
28 | A Little on the Bubbly Side
29 | Bravery Comes from the Heart
30 | The Devil's Darlin'
31 | Epilogue: Pop the Champagne

27 | Prince Charming

1.5K 106 4
By goldenscares666

•Y/N: Your Name
•E/C: Eye Color

Author's POV:


Y/N's body jolted awake to the sound of a sharp snap, the familiar greasy sizzle of bacon as it squealed over the stove's fire and permeated the air with its enticing, dense smell. Loui flips the pieces over with a spatula, ensuring both sides would be perfectly crisp without being overdone, saying some words over the popping noises that were indistinguishable to her ears due to the soft tone of his voice. It was the recognizable giggle of a woman, however, that got her eyes to open. The E/C optics stared out blankly ahead, a bit hazy before noticing that, rather than being on the floor, Y/N had been laid out on the couch and cocooned in a blanket with a couch pillow under her head.

Groaning at the dull ache in her back and limbs, she sat up with a hand on her head, finding that it hurt quite a bit. All of last night's excitement caught up to her body in seconds, and immediately, she wished to collapse back onto the couch and pop a pain pill to ease the discomfort. Turning her head with a slight hiss through her teeth as she lightly massaged the back of her neck, Y/N looked over into the kitchen, where she could see a certain demon cooking at the oven with his back to her, chatting it up with her best friend, who sat at the table, smiling. She was relieved to see Sam acting okay. The blonde didn't show any outward signs of pain and looked to be acting like her usual, cheery self.

A few moments pass before a pair of green eyes turned her way, and that smile brightened significantly. Her chair screeched across the floor before she got out of it to race towards her brave friend who had stood up for her in the face of danger and pulled her into a bone-crushing hug, which would've been more appreciated had Y/N not been covered in bruises. Still, she didn't complain and wore a smile herself as she embraced her back. Sam's sprint quickly caught Loui's attention, and he watched the two with a grin of his own.

"Holy fuck, Y/N, you're okay! Thank God! That was so scary! You were so brave for sticking up for me. I'm so sorry you got battered up too." Y/N was hardly shocked when her friend started shaking and crying on her shoulder, but it made her smile shrink as she held the woman tighter. It made her heart break to see her friend like this. Glancing over at Loui, she watched as the demon brought a finger to his lips before returning to the food he was making for breakfast.

She heaved a sigh, realizing that he likely made up a story as not to draw suspicion to his kind. It was understandable; she just wished she didn't have to lie about it. Last thing she wanted was for Sam to get mixed up with this demon business. It was better this way, and knowing that, she realized how Loui must've felt about telling her the truth about him and The Speakeasy. Abruptly, Samantha pulled herself out of Y/N's arms with a fire in her eyes.

"That fucking psycho! I hope some asshole shanks him!" Y/N felt tempted to let out a laugh, though she sincerely felt the same. She does hope that bastard got what was coming to him. Loui said he was beaten pretty badly, which she was inclined to believe. It was a shame he wasn't left dead or locked behind bars for what he did, but hopefully, he was able to knock some kind of sense into him. She wasn't sure how justice was served in the demon world, but she prayed he'd never hurt another person like that again.

"I'm just glad that we're okay."

"Yeah. It was so terrifying, I thought we were going to die or worse." Her voice croaked as her eyes filled up with tears. Rolling her eyes up and sniffling, she delicately wipes them away and takes a deep breath to calm herself as she smiled back at Y/N. "You didn't have to stay all night for me, but I'm glad you did. I'm grateful to have someone here. It was so messed up; I feel like I was hallucinating for half of it. Maybe my mind just shut off at some point from the fear." Her lips pulled into a slight frown as she touched her left temple and slouched a bit.

"What are friends for?" Y/N comforts with a somewhat forced smile before her gaze shifted back over to Loui. "I doubt either of us would've gotten out of there if it weren't for him, though," she muttered, seemingly to herself, but Samantha figured she was speaking to her. The blonde, nudges her friend's shoulder before bending to whisper in her ear, not that it did any good in terms of secrecy. Loui heard her quite well with those sharp ears of his.

"You sure got a catch, Y/N. I don't know what you guys fought over, but I think he's a perfect fit for you. Prince Charming indeed." She chuckles giddily, causing Y/N to shake her head at her, not knowing that a blush had invaded her cheeks. Meanwhile, Loui wore a faint smile as he looked back at the two and called to them.

"Food's ready, ladies."

"Coming!" Without warning, Y/N is pulled from the couch before getting dragged and seated at the table. As soon as they're both in their chairs, a plate is set in front of each of them. The meal was made with simple ingredients: a toasted cut of baguette topped with a bed of spinach and a fried egg. The bacon he made laid to the side of it. Thanking the man, Y/N picks up the bread and takes a bite, and to her pleasant surprise, her tastebuds caught the faint flavor of a pesto spread that was hidden underneath the greens. Loui always had a means of making even the simplest dishes delightful. Without realizing it, a smile had touched her lips, a detail the demon was happy to have noticed as he sat down with his own meal. "Oh, wow! This is delicious! Y/N told me you were good at cooking, but you really made everything perfect."

"You're too kind." Eyes of ruby red drift back to Y/N as a cheeky smirk appears on Loui's lips. "So, you've talked about me~" Her lips formed a pout, earning a laugh from her best friend.

"Oh, yeah, you two were definitely made for each other."

"Sam!" Y/N's face flushed as Loui smiled warmly at the waitress. How a woman so bold can be so shy, he'd never know. Her moods were always a wonder to read. It was one of the many things he adored about her. Meeting his gaze, the woman was quick to look back down at the table, holding back a sigh. She still felt a bit uncertain, but after last night, perhaps she can find it in her heart to be more at ease with the situation. Loui protected her, and not only that, but her friend as well. He has shown he still cares. He is trying. Wanting to change the subject, Y/N turns towards Sam. "Anyways, how are you feeling? You're not too hurt are you?"

"I'm sore as heck, but hey, at least I'm breathing. I took some medicine earlier, when I woke up, so that definitely helped. If you need any, I can go grab it. Looks like you've got some scrapes yourself." Y/N forced a chuckle, certainly more aware of her pain now than she was before, especially in her head.

"That'd be great thanks. I'll take it after I eat." She nods and continues the conversation.

"Personally, I think the worst part of all of it was this crazy dream I had when I was knocked out, or shit, maybe I was just hallucinating from the fear of it all? That freakazoid had some funky features, all stretchy and just— Ugh!" Shaking her head with a shudder, Samantha made a disturbed face. As real as it had felt to her, she refused to believe that any of that had really happened. Monsters aren't real, after all; at least, that's what she believes. Loui confirming earlier that she had been unconscious since he arrived helped her come to that conclusion as well, completely unaware that he had persuaded her purposely into thinking so. "Thank god you guys were able to hold him off until the cops came, though, huh? I'm glad he got caught. A piece of shit like that belongs behind bars, or better yet, in a grave."

"Couldn't agree more," Loui chimes in confidently, while Y/N felt guilty for lying. She wished that man could have been captured, but unfortunately he was still on the streets.

"Yeah." She nearly jumped when she felt a socked foot tapping against her leg and looked over at the man across from her who gave her a reassuring look that helped her relax. The rest of breakfast went smoothly as they spoke about different things, mainly about what they planned to do today after they part ways. When her plate was finished, Y/N took the offered pain medicine and changed back into the clothes she had on yesterday when she first arrived at Samantha's apartment before leaving with Loui beside her. Her friend assured her that she would be alright and would be staying home for the rest of the day, enjoying her favorite Korean dramas. She would phone her later, she said. The human and demon took the elevator down to the lobby, and while confined inside the space, Loui looked her over.

"Are you sure you're okay? Your injuries weren't nothin', you know. I saw when he pushed you into that wall."

"Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks for asking. I'll probably just lay down for a while once I get home."

"Well, would you like me to drive you? I just don't feel right letting you drive when you're looking so..." Sighing deeply, Y/N looked to the side as the elevator doors opened. They both pass the threshold, their footsteps unintentionally synced.

"I guess I wouldn't mind. I am feeling a bit weak. I don't think it's anything super serious, though."

"If you're sure. I'm glad you're at least somewhat okay." She nods, and outside, they walk up to her car before he opens the passenger side door for her. Once they're both seated and settled in, she hands the keys off to him, and they take to the road in silence with not even a radio to fill the awkwardness. Loui parks close to her building before stepping out and coming around to open her door again as she unbuckled her seatbelt before offering his hand.

'Gentlemanly, as always.' She thought to herself with a faint smile as she accepted his help.

"Would you like me to walk you inside too?"

"If you wouldn't mind." Slightly, her hand gripped his back a bit harder, though it trembled some with uncertainty. It was strange. She still felt a little uncomfortable, but she did not want him to go, not yet anyways. Smiling, Loui eagerly continues to hold onto her on their way up to her floor. He savored every second, though it was spent in tense silence until, eventually, they reached the door.

"Well, this is your stop," he says lightly, reluctantly slipping out of her hand. "I'm sure you don't want me in your place, so I'll just be headed home. It was good seeing you again, regardless of the circumstance." As he turned to go, Y/N reacted fast, grabbing his hand yet again. The demon paused and looked back at her in surprise as she squeezed him firmly with tears in her eyes. None spilled, but it was enough to turn the whites a shade pink.

"Loui?" His name came out a breath from her lips, sending a chill through his spine as he gave her his full, undivided attention. He nearly choked giving a hum, his eyes expressing hopefulness as she tried to figure out her next move. Next he knew, a set of arms had circled around his form and pulled him close as her chin rested upon his shoulder.

"Thank you so much for saving my friend. I know you had to for me, but you weren't contractually obligated for her. You had the option to let her get stolen away by that creep, but instead, you..." She grips his shirt as he graciously hugged her back.

"I saved her for you. I did all of it for you." He nuzzles against her hair, taking in that sweet and delicious scent of her soul. He could hear her heart pounding for him and feel how her body wished to melt against his. "Even without contract, I'd come to your rescue, Y/N. The fine print was only a formality. What I do for you is out of my heart. In the business or not, I will watch over you to make sure you're safe. I was terrified yesterday that you could've gotten severely hurt, and I couldn't bear the thought of anything bad happening to you. I couldn't even stand to think what sort of expression you'd wear had you lost your friend as well. I hate seeing you in pain. You don't have to love me if you don't want to, but that won't stop me from feeling this way. I am prepared to dedicate everything to you if you'll allow me. I love you, doll face. Call my name, and I will run to you at the drop of a hat, I swear to you."

Her heart melted as she pushed more against his body, a few tears slipping out and wetting the skin of his neck, not that he minded. His hand traveled up her back to cup her head, and when she flinched the moment he skimmed the bruise there, he was sure to hold her delicately. "I love you," he whispers sincerely. Y/N drew a deep breath and composed herself, wiping her eyes on his shoulder slightly.

"I'll come back to work tomorrow," she mutters before loosening her hold. Though he hesitated to let go, he did, grateful he got to hold her as long as he had. It was a step forward. At least there was no longer any fear or doubt in her gaze when she looked at him. This was great news.

"I look forward to seeing you, then, doll."

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