Betting With The Boys! Comple...

By faithraven09

90.9K 4.2K 589

Blurb: Carly Penton was seen as the school genius, with her grades there was no room for argument. So how is... More

Chapter one:
Chapter two:
Chapter three:
Chapter four:
Chapter five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Seven:
Chapter Eight:
Chapter Nine:
Chapter Ten:
Chapter Eleven:
Chapter Twelve:
Chapter Thirteen:
Chapter Fourteen:
Chapter Fifteen:
Chapter Sixteen:
Chapter Seventeen:
Chapter Nineteen:
Chapter Twenty: The Big Match
Chapter Twenty One: Party Mania Part 2
Chapter Twenty Two:
Chapter Twenty Three:
Chapter Twenty Four:
Author's Note:

Chapter Eighteen:

2.3K 136 20
By faithraven09

--Day Twenty Four--

Get down!  Get dirty!  Get low!  Get frisky! –

“Liam you are so close to death I can almost smell your blood pooling onto the floor as I hack into your stomach with a blunt knife,” Carly hissed into her phone. 

“Carly,” Jasper sighed, not at all fazed by his friends desire to kill, “Are you coming to the Library?”

“Yes,” Carly said as she opened the Library doors, looking down at her shoe laces slapping the floor, “Why?”

“Look up,” Was his answer.  

Carly frowned and followed his command, only to see her three friends sitting at a table with Joshua and Benny.  They were all turned towards her and she watched in slight fascination as they raised their hands in sync to wiggle their fingers in a greeting.  Carly merely wriggled her fingers back, her phone still pressed to her ear, “What’s going on?”  She asked.

“Just get here we’ll explain it,” Jasper answered, “And if I were you I’d put my phone away because Mrs Conroy is making her way back into the room in three, two, one-”

Carly immediately hung up the phone and stuffed it in her jeans; she smiled sweetly at the Librarian before manoeuvring around other people to get to the table. 

As soon as she sat down the five boys picked up the books that they had no doubt randomly picked off of the bookshelf – Joshua was reading the dictionary after all – and leaned their heads closer conspiratorially. 

Carly rolled her eyes and sighed before following in their childish antics, “Okay what’s up?”  She asked after a silence in which they spent their time just staring at one another. 

“Have you heard of the trinity weekend?”  Joshua whispered, which earned him a withering look from Carly.

“No,” Carly answered, flicking her book to a random page and leaning her cheek on her fist.

“It’s the Holy weekend,” Benny said.

“The mother of all weekends,” Joshua supplied.

“It’s the kickass weekend,” They both said simultaneously. 

There was a pause in which they stared at her expectantly; however, all they received was a blank stare, “So?”  She asked. 

“So?”  Joshua mimicked, “So?  It’s only the weekend where all hell breaks loose.  It’s probably going to be the most exciting time of your entire high school experience.”

“Will you just tell me what’s happening on this so called Holy trinity weekend?”  Carly asked, exasperated and impatient with the conversation. 

“Okay, this is how it’s supposed to go down,” Benny explained, “Friday night, the night before the big game, there’s going to be a party over at Adam’s house.  We do this every time we manage to get to the big game.  It’s a just-in-case we lose the big match sort of thing.”

“Now Saturday as you know is going to be the last Soccer match,” Joshua continued on the explanation, “This is possibly going to be the best day of your life or the worst.”

“Now Sunday is going to be a day that will depend on how the match turns out,” Benny cut in, “If we win we have another party, again at Adam’s place, but if we lose there’s not going to be a party.”

“Now, seen as though you’re part of the soccer team you are therefore obligated to take part in all three days,” Joshua grinned, slapping a hand on her shoulder.

Carly thought on the information she had just received, mulling over the idea, “Am I allowed to bring people with me?”  She asked.

“You can bring as much people with you as you want,” Benny answered, “The more the merrier!”

Carly turned her eyes towards her three friends, “If I’m going down then the three of you are coming down with me,” She whispered. 

Callum and Liam nodded understandingly; however, Jasper grimaced at the thought of hanging out with his classmates outside of school.  He already felt that he spent too much time with them and he dreaded the time in which he’d have to spend an entire weekend with them.  It should be called Hell’s weekend...

“Dude it’ll be fine,” Callum muttered into his ear while the others discussed the events, “It’s just for a weekend, besides we need eyes on Carly at this party.  We don’t want some pervert dragging her to a secluded spot during it.”

Jasper nodded, “Got it,” He murmured back.

“Okay, well if that’s it then I’m just going to go hand some books in and talk to the Coach on our next practise session,” Carly said as she stood up from  her seat.  The others either nodded or voiced their consent and Carly walked away, the five boys still discussing the events to come.


“We’ll be practising for an extra hour after school, so make sure you tell parents and all,” The Coach said flicking through some papers on a clip board, “Tell the others if they don’t already know.”

Carly mock saluted, “Roger that Coach,” She said and turned on her heel to leave his office. 

It was only when she was turning the corner of the corridor did she bump into someone.  She immediately started apologising until she realised who she bumped into.

“Elliot!”  She shrieked jumping away from him. 

Elliot cringed at the loud voice, “Yeah?”

“Oh sorry, you surprised me,” She said, scratching the back of her head sheepishly. 

“No worries,” Elliot said waving it off, “Where are you heading?”

“Oh I was just going to head back to the library,” She answered, “Joshua and Benny filled me in on the Holy trinity weekend by the way.”

“Oh!”  Elliot exclaimed, grinning at the thought of the weekend to come, “Yeah, that’s going to be crazy.  The last one the school had was four years ago so you can imagine the amount of people that are going to be clambering at a chance to get into the parties.”

“Yeah,” Carly mused before turning teasing eyes towards Elliot, “So are you going to have some special girl cheering for you in the crowds?”

It was a dangerous subject for her to touch on, mainly because she knew that she was going to get heart broken.  But she wanted to know, she had liked Elliot for almost four years now and it was time for her to face the facts that he didn’t like her back.  She had been thinking on Sally’s words and she realized that she didn’t want to live the rest of her life thinking what if.  But it didn’t mean that she wasn’t going to use Carl’s appearance in order to get a better idea on who he liked rather than blurting her confession out as Carly. 

Elliot blushed profusely at the implication of the words and averted his eyes.  So he does like someone...Carly thought, her heart going slightly numb.  She shook it off and instead placed a taunting smile on her face, “Oh ho!”  She laughed, even though it seemed to pain her body from doing so, “Who’s the lucky girl?”

If it was possible Elliot blushed even more, allowing it to scorch a path over his fine cheekbones, down his neck and to disappear under his buttoned shirt.  However, Elliot still managed to send a doubtful look towards Carl, which Carly managed to recognise him as being hesitant in telling her...what with her apparent ‘gay crush’ she had.  “Don’t worry,” She said, patting his shoulder reassuringly, “Like I said it’s not a bad crush, in fact I don’t think I have it anymore.  What with finding out that you’re actually a pervert when you walked in on me changing.”

Elliot snapped his head up in alarm immediately trying to splutter out his excuse but stopped when Carl burst out laughing, “I’m only kidding man!”  She chuckled.

“I don’t understand why you’re laughing at me.  You were wearing a bra!”  He shouted, pointing at her non-existent breast area. 

Carly gave a last chuckle and swiped at her eyes, “Gay,” She sang pointing at herself.

“That shouldn’t be an excuse,” Elliot grumbled.

“Dude just tell me who the girl is,” Carly laughed shoving him.

“I’m not going to tell you but I will tell you that she is beautiful,” Elliot said, not aware of the pain he was causing to the other person.

“Yeah?”  Carly whispered, “What’s she like?”

“Erm,” Elliot chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, “I’ve never actually had a proper conversation with her.”

“How come?”  She questioned frowning slightly.  Is she a popular...?

Elliot sighed, “Well every time I try to talk to her someone either stops me or she finds some way to disappear.  I don’t think she likes me because every time I call her name out she seems to turn and run the other way.  I can’t really blame her after what happened that day...”

Here he stopped and Carly leaned forward slightly to catch his next words, “After what day?”  She asked, growing impatient with his silence. 

“Well it was an accident on her part but it must have been incredibly embarrassing for her,” He started and chuckled as he thought on that disaster in the canteen.

“What?  What is it? What did she do?”  Carly persisted.

“She managed to drop her carton of milk and spill it all over my lap,” He laughed.

Everything went still.  Carly froze up at his words and stayed stock still in her open mouthed and wide eyed state.  Carly wasn’t expecting this, never had she been expecting this.  Maybe he’s talking about someone else; she thought to herself, I mean someone else might have dropped milk in his lap.  I can’t be the only clumsy idiot in this school.

“Oh shit I’ve got to run,” Elliot rushed, “I promised the Coach that I would go over some of the soccer strategies with him before break.  See you later Carl.”

Carly didn’t hear a word he said and watched his retreating back in assort of daze.  Milk, lap, me, how?  These jumbled thoughts were the only words that seemed to run in her mind.  She slowly curled up into a ball and then laid on the ground of the corridor, not caring that it was dirty or that a student might potentially see her.

What is air?    

Bryan Fletcher stopped at Carl’s feet, you have got to be kidding me...

He sent a withering glare at the small male curled up into a foetus position, seeming to give a shit that a student was watching him right now.  Bryan let out an exasperated sigh before bending down and lifting Carl’s arm over his shoulder.  I can’t just leave him in the corridor for the students to trample on, he thought grudgingly as he carried him like a bride to the canteen.  He didn’t really want to question why Carl was in the state that he was.  Nor did he want to ask why girls were squealing at the sight of him carrying Carl like a princess.

It was second lesson so Bryan assumed that Carl was having a free lesson, otherwise he wouldn’t be out of lesson at this time.  It was close to break so he might as well leave him in the seat he saw him and his three friends sit during it. 

“Okay, here you go buddy,” Bryan sighed placing Carl on a seat. 

He frowned in concern as he waved a hand in front of his glazed eyes.  He didn’t really want to leave Carl here by himself when he was in this state but he had no choice.  He slowly retreated from him before turning and basically running from the canteen. 

At least I didn’t see something life scarring today, he thought with a cheerful grin.   

Down the hall from where he was walking Callum was teasing Jasper about being delicate.  It was unknown how this argument had started but Jasper was determined to prove that he was anything but a wimp. 

“I mean come on dude you can’t even turn the T.V on by yourself-” Callum started.

He was cut off by the feel of hands grasping onto his collar and pushing him backwards into the lockers.  A yelp left his lips as his feet lifted from the ground, the lockers digging uncomfortably into his back. 

“You were saying?”  Jasper asked a smug smile on his lips as he effortlessly lifted Callum from his feet.

“Asshole,” Callum grumbled.

Bryan Fletcher stopped a couple of steps from them, from his view point it looked as if the two of them were getting some action.  He stared at both of them blankly before a small sigh escaped his lips and he tilted his head back to look at the ceiling.  Why have the God’s forsaken me?  Why do I even exist on this planet?  Why is it that I am the only one who sees these things?

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