Chapter Twenty: The Big Match

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--Day Twenty Seven--

This is probably going to be where it ends for me...Carly thought to herself as she looked up at the large frame of Mark Gilligan’s body. 

While Carly had been pulling up her socks she had been called from across the hall by Mark.  Now Mark was a very muscular and tall guy, in fact, he was probably the biggest person in the school – teachers included.  Carly has never had the opportunity to talk to Mark so she didn’t really know what sort of person he is.  Also the fact that he was Georgina’s boyfriend was a scary fact, seen as though she had gotten on talking terms with the girl. 

“I need to talk to you,” His deep voice literally shook the floor.

“Ok,” Carly squeaked, as she craned her head up to meet his eyes.

“It’s about Georgina,” He continued.

“Ok,” Carly’s voice rose higher.

“Thanks man,” He said with a grin as he stuck his hand out for a shake. 

Carly stared at him incredulously, I’m so he thanking me for letting him talk about Georgina or something else?

“Huh?”  Was Carly’s intellectual response.

 “I’ve been meaning to thank you before but I never could catch you alone.  I just wanted to say thanks for that time you stuck up for my girlfriend when that asshole Gordon harassed her.  I owe you one,” He said, clapping his hand on her shoulder and sending her reeling forward, “I mean it, anything you need help in I’ll help you out with.  Just give me the call.”

Carly chuckled nervously as she rubbed her shoulder, “Yeah, ok,” She wheezed, giving a small pat on his arm. 

“See you then,” Mark said, as he turned and walked towards the entrance of the sports hall, “Good luck with the match.”  Carly waved to his retreating back warily before hesitantly turning and entering the boys changing room, per Coach’s orders.

“Right boys we’ve got a big game here tonight,” Coach said as he walked in the space the boys had left in the middle of the room, “We’re in our last game.  I don’t know about you but I want to go out there and kick some major ass!”

The boys cheered while Carly stared bluntly at the Coach, seriously?  This gets their heads into the game?

“We have come all this way and we are not going to let some punk team take away our glory.  Are we?”  The Coach boomed.

“No!”  The boys shouted. 

“Then get out there and prove to me that you can win this game!”  Coach shouted as he pointed to the door.  Another cheer burst from their mouths as they all ran out of the changing rooms and into the hallway. 

“Prisms,” The Coach called before she could leave the room.

“Yes Coach?” Carly answered as she stood in front of him. 

“I know that everyone thinks that just because you’re a short ass with no muscle that you can’t contribute fully to this game,” Coach started.

Carly blinked, “Ok?”

“But I know different, I know what you’re capable of,” He said with a small pat on her shoulder, “Now it’s time for you to show them what I and everyone else on the team can see.  Are you ready for some ass whooping?”

Carly grinned, “Hell yes,” She said, determination set in her eyes.


“Look there she is she’s getting on the pitch now,” Samantha said as she pointed towards the small goalie keeper. 

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