A Mermaids Tail

By Labsareawsome

28.1K 855 57

When Niall suggested to his lovers Louis, Liam, and Zayn that the four of them should travel back to a spot h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Inside the House
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 2

2.4K 74 8
By Labsareawsome

Liams POV

 The gorgeous creature sat on his rock for a moment before smacking his tail around excitedly in the water as he bounces up and down on the rock with a huge smile on his face. "Niall!" he squeals making grabby hands at my boyfriend. Niall walks over to the rock to be crushed into a large warm hug by the merman. "Look at you! All grown up and strong" Harry says admiring his features taking in every nook and cranny of his body. "Look at me? LOOK AT YOU! You've become so much taller Jeez if you were a human you would be towering over me. Your tail has grown so nicely, and the color WOW! You still look as gorgeous as the day I left all those years ago." Niall says brushing a chocolate curl out of his face (lucky bastard). "And who are you three?" he asks tilting his head to the side with the lovely smile never leaving his face, "Im Liam, that Louis and he's Zayn were Nialls boyfriends." I tell the boy. His eyes widen in shock then extreme joy takes over his whole expression. "Thats perfect! makes my job a bit easier." he mumbles the last bit causing the four of us to look at him confused. 

 "I'm sure Niall has told you the legend?" he asks as we nod he continues, "Well there is a part to that legend that is left out in the translations of things." he says fidgeting with his finger. "And the is?" Louis asks looking as confused as the rest of us, the boy didn't respond just kept his attention on his fingers. "Harry?" Niall says trying to gain his attention and surprisingly succeeding. He looks up form his hands with a rosie blush stained on his cheeks, looking quite embarrassed we wait for him to become comfortable to tell us. "Well the part of the legend is that they're love was so special and amazing that they wanted their children to experience a love like theirs for themselves. So they prayed to the goddess for endless nights until one faithful night their prayers were answered. On the back of their children neck had names written on it, confused by the goddesses gift they watched as to how it would unfold. As the children grew up they found lovers each lover sharing their name with the name on the back of the childrens neck. With the relation that their prayer were answered they explained to the children that they have found their soulmate like how they found each other. As the population grew so did the gift never left the merpeople. Some have one while others have twenty and some unlucky soles were born with none. I was blessed thankfully born with four names written on my neck, Nialls name being one of them. When I met him I knew he was one of my soulmates theres a feeling thats shared that only mated people understand. Its like a longing to always want to be with them and a feeling of never wanting to take ones eyes off each other. I felt the same way when I met you..." he says his cheeks fully red as our chins hit the sand. "So what your saying is that all five of us are solvates destined to be with one another?" Zayn asks wrapping his head around the new information were being told by a thing that shouldn't exist. "Not exactly..." he trails of not wanting to finish his statement. "What does that mean?" Louis asks concerned that we weren't destined to be with each other. "Well first I need to know your last name." he says "Zayn Malik" "Louis Tomlinson" 'Liam Payne' we supply. He takes a shaky breathe and confirms our names even lifting up his gorgeous curls to show our names on his neck.

 "Okay, anything else Haz?" Niall asks looking at each of our names that are cursively written, brushing his fingers over the font Harry nods. "Well... now that you know you have two options. You four can except me and we will love each other like the soulmates we are. Or you four could reject me, your names will be erased from the back of my neck and a couple other things will happen to me but you four will be fine so long as you don't reject each other. I understand if you wish to reject me but just please make it quick." he says pulling his tail out of the water and clutching onto it as if his life depended on it. Shaking with fear of rejection as tears form in his stunning green eyes we knew what our answer was going to be. "We would love to be your soulmates Harry." Zayn says approaching the nervous boy "You would?" he questioned meekly. "Of course Haz." Louis says "Your absolutely perfect we would be idiots if we rejected you." Niall says pulling our mate into a hug as he starts to shed happy tears. 'Now Harry, will you except us as your soulmates?' I ask, he smiles and nods his head vigorously as he say yes on loop. We take our new ever and surround him in a hug as he leans his head on Louis shoulder we just sit there for a moment and embrace the newly found happiness. "So... how do we make it official?" Zayn ask, Harry grins and says "Like this." before he grabbed Zayn and kissed him so softly and gently while Zayn just melted in his hands. Repeating the same thing to Niall and Louis he turns to me puckering up his lushes red lips as our lips collide sharing the best kiss I've ever had. His lips were warm and soft as the fireworks went off when our lips touch sending a wave of electricity through my system. When we pull apart my lips feel cold at the loss of his touch but I stay with my eyes closed basking in the lingering feeling in my lips. "Now we're one step closer to becoming official mates." he says, 'whats the final step?' I ask already having a feeling I know the answer as he blushes and looks down at his tail. "We mate." he says looking at the ripples in the water he making. "Well shall we make ourselves official?" Louis asks, Harry looks around at all of us as we just smirk and nod "Okay... Just give me a moment." he says in a flirty way as he hops of the rock and heads onto the land. We watch as his once beautiful forest green tail turn into a pair of stunning legs. After getting up on his feet and taking a couple practice steps he looks at us with a grin. "Are you ready?" we nod with Zayn picking him up we race back to the cabin.

 That was the first of many amazing nights.

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Harry mpreg is coming soon just an FYI.

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