Her (Harry Potter x Reader)

By acciobambi

4.9M 146K 642K

Two burning hearts that dared to break Remeber, nobody said that it would last forever. Harry Potter, the boy... More

Authors Note
Welcome to Hogwarts
Hi Im y/n l/n
Tea Leaves and Girl Talk
The Kiss
Do I?
Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff
He was their friend
Christmas at The Burrow
The Marauders Map and its lies
The Truth Comes Out
Turning Back the Clock
Daddy Dearest
Qudditch World Cup
The Triwizard Tournament
Game on
A Day of Love
Champion Selection
A Face in the Fire
Harry and Ron
Ferret Boy
First Task
What Could've Been
Finding Dates
Yule Ball
An Underlying Message
Second Task
Barty Crouch Jr.
Third Task
He's Back
About Bloody Time
The Order
Harry's Hearing
A Rocky Start
By Blood
The Deadly Pink Takeover
Dumbledore's Army
Christmas at Grimmauld Place
Reading The Clouds
Into The Ministry We Go
The Department of Mysteries
It's Time
Price to Pay
A Bittersweet Reunion
Draco and Mummy
Here We Go Again
Tom Marvalo Riddle
Qudditch Tryouts
Dinner Parties and Eye-Shagging
A Miniute Alone
Unbreakable Vows
Calm Before The Storm
The End of The Burrow
A Poisonous Celebration
Liquid Luck
New Wands and Horcruxes
7 Potters
Before it's too Late
Nightmare Releif
Chaos at the Ministry
Game Night
Dark Magic and it's Effects
No Turning Back
Firewhiskey in France
Godric's Hollow
Ron's Return
Xenophelius Lovegood
Escaping Malfoy Manor
Questions and Unwanted Answers
The Wonders of Polyjuice Potion
Back to Hogwarts
The Ghost of Ravenclaw Tower
The Room of Requirment
The Boy Who Lived
It All Ends

The Fat Lady

81.3K 2.4K 7.5K
By acciobambi

"A future Lilly and James?"

y/ns pov

"Now remeber, these visits to Hogsmede are a privellage. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way, that privellage shall not be extended again." Mcgonagall lectured.

I stood with Hermione and Ron waiting to see if Harry could get his permission slip signed by Mcgonagall, those awful muggles he lives with refused to sign it.

"No permisson form signed, no visiting Hogsmede. Thats the rule Potter." Mcgonagalls voice tore me out of my thoughts. 

"But Professor," Harry pleaded "I thought if maybe you signed it, I could go."

"Only a parent or guardian can sign, and since I am neither It would be inappropriate." she gave him a look of sympathy. "Im sorry Potter, thats my final word."

Harry turned to us and sighed "You all go ahead I'll be fine"

"Are you sure?" I asked. 

He nodded "Yeah, have fun" he said as he walked back to the castle. We watched him walk back in before catching up with the group.

harry pov

I was upset I couldnt go to Hogsmede but the peace and quiet was nice. I walked out on the bridge connecting the forbidden forest to the back of the castle. I leaned my arms on the window and let myself get lost in my thoughts.

"You really shouldn't be out here alone" a voice said

I turned to see Professor Lupin. "Those dementors are nasty creatures and something tells me you dont exactly know how to defend yourself against them." I shook my head no.

"Dementors are tricky, they feed off of our worst memories, our pain becomes there power." he explained

"When the dementor attacked me on the train, I heard a woman, screaming. I think it mightve been my mother from the night she was murdered." 

He leaned his arms on the window next to me and looked out at the black lake.

"You know Harry, the very first time I saw you I recognized you immediately, not by your scar, but by your eyes." I looked towards him. "Their your mother, Lilly's."

My eyes widened. "You knew my mother?" I asked.

He chuckled "Yes. Your mother was the only one there for me at a time when no one else was. Not only was she a brilliant witch, but she was uncommonly kind. She had a knack for seeing the beauty in others."

Hearing him talk about my mother like that brought a smile to my face. When adults talk to me about my parents, they only ever tell me that they were good people, never any discriptions.

"Your father James on the other hand," he continued "He had a certain talent for trouble. A talent rumor has it, he has passed on to you." 

He looked at me with a reassuring smile. "Youre more like them then you know, Harry. In time you'll come to see just how much"


y/n pov

Hogsmede was absoloutly wonderful. Ron and I admired the newest broomsticks while Hermione went on about how dangerous they are, we got candy from Honeydukes, and finished the trip with butterbeer at the 3 Broomsticks. I only wished Harry had been able to come with us.

Especially now because Ron never knows when to shut up.

"Honeydukes sweet shop is brilliant, but nothing beats Zonko's joke shop." He described. "We never did get to go to the shreiking shack though, you heard that its the most-"

"The most haunted building in Britan, yeah I heard." Harry finished sounding rather annoyed.

I hit Ron in the arm lightly signalling for him to shut up. We walked a few more steps before we got held up by a crowd. 

"Whats going on?" Harry asked

"Probably just Neville's forgotton the password again." Ron answered

"Hey!" Neville exclaimed from behind us

"Oh youre right there" 

"Let me through, let me through please" said Percy Weasly as he pushed through the students to get to the front. "Excuse me, Im head boy!"

Percy went silent for a miniute in shock. I crained my neck to see what could possibly have everyone so intrigued. 

"No one is to enter this dormitory, until it has been fully searched." he said while standing in front of the portrait.

Ginny ran down to us "The Fat Lady shes gone!" 

Students started parting to the side so everyone could see and Ginny was right. There was 3 large rips in the painting and no fat lady. 

"Serves her right, she was a terrible singer." Ron remarked

"Its not funny Ron!" Hermione lectured. Other painting started to cry out and move into other paintings to see what was going on and chatter filled the hall. 

"Keep calm everyone! Ravenclaws back to your common room!" Percy continued to lecture.

"Everyone move! Move!" Dumbledore and Filch said as they came up the stairs. They stopped in shock at the sight in front of them.

Dumbledore reached his hand out and ran his fingers across where the fat lady used to sit. 

"Filch round up the ghosts, tell them to search every painting in the castle to find the Fat Lady." He ordered.

I gulped, Ive never seen Dumbledore like this before and that worried me. Harry must have noticed my concern because he put his hand on my shoulder in comfort and gave me a soft smile.

"Theres no need for that Professor." Filch pointed up to a painting a couple stair cases away and sure enough there was the Fat Lady wailing about.

Students started to run up to the portrait, pushing and shoving each other to get there first. Filch, Percy, and Dumbledore pushed through the crowd once more. 

"Dear Lady, who did this to you?" Dumbledore asked. The Fat Lady let out a sob before saying "Eyes like the Devils hes got! and a soul dark as his name" she shuddered.

"its him headmaster, Hes here somewhere in the castle! Sirius Black!" 

The name sent shivers up my spine. 

"Secure the castle Filch, The rest of you to the Great Hall!" Dumbledore ordered

harry pov

As we hurried to the Great Hall, the guilty feeling came over me again. Sirius Black is only here because he wants me. Now everyone else is running scared because I've put them in danger once again.

"Alright everyone find a cot and lay down, try to stay with your house!" Percy instructed. The Great Hall had been filled with rows of cots, pillows, and blankets. 

Hermione, Ron, y/n and I found a spot close to a wall. 

I sat down on my cot with Ron on my left and y/n on my right. She was looking around nervously and fidgeting with her fingers. 

I did this to her, shes only feeling scared right now because of me.  

"Lay down, no talking, go to sleep!" Percy continued to instruct.

I slipped inside my blanket and turned to face y/n. As if she knew I had done that she turned to face me too. 

"Im scared" she whispered

"Me too."

"Do you think they are going to find him?" 

I sighed I wasnt really sure of anything right now.

"If hes still in the school they will." I assured.

A loud thud filled the room as Filch entered the great hall. y/n looked even more freaked because of the sudden noise and I put my hand on hers. 

"Its gonna be ok" 

She lightly smiled at me and before I could say anything else she closed her eyes and was asleep. Only she would genuinley fall asleep like that.

I could hear the soft sound of her breathing as I realized my hand was still on hers.  

Footsteps started coming nearer and I shut my eyes pretending to be asleep. "All the floors are cleared, including the chamber and towers." I heard Snape's monotone voice say.

"Thank you, very good." Dumbledore responded. "I didnt expect him to linger." 

"Remarkable feat, dont you think? Sneaking in and out of the castle undetected." he questioned.

"I have a few theories as to how hes done it." Dumbledore answered stopping right in front of y/n and I. 

"You do remeber at the begenning of the term, when I expressed my concerns about Professor Lupin-" Snape didnt get to finish because Dumbledore quickly cut him off.

"Not a single professor in this castle would help Sirius Black enter it. Im quite convinced the castle is safe but please go recheck to make sure." 

Snape walked off in a huff and another set a footsteps walked up to Dumbledore. 

I felt their eyes on me and I had to resist not opening my eyes. "A future Lilly and James?" I heard Mcgonagalls voice ask.

Dumbledore chuckled "I have noticed he and Ms. l/n getting close these past few months, lets hope so but with a less unfortunate ending.

I felt blush rising to my cheeks and hoped they didnt notice. "Should Potter be warned?" Mcgonagall asked a moment later.

"Perhaps but for now lets let him sleep." 


(1528 words - Published November 6, 2020)

I really enjoyed writing this chapter and I hope you all enjoy reading it!

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