
By LazyLucario

195 6 0

Violet's been living in loneliness for the past three years being stuck with a broken heart with her daughter... More

Note(plz read)
Friends Forever
Can do
Road Trip
The Surprise
Back on the Road
Painful Reunion
Mother, Daughter Talk
Leaving so Soon?
Smoke and Sunrise
Down Comes a Raven
We're Just Friends
See you Soon
She Likes Girls
Hanging Out
Under the Stars
Staying Behind
Peculiar Scar
Real Relationship
Clem and Moo
Family Reunion
The Hootenanny
A Coyote's Wail
Cobra's Venom and a Wild Lynx
Sneaking Out
On the Trail
Most Wanted
For a Price
Not Without my Son
The Plan
Framed Memories
Don't Eat the Dinner
The Test
I Still Love You
No One's Leaving
Your Place isn't Here
Truth and Confessions
Old Demons
With you
The Date
Back from Hell
Eres mi Deseo

Runs in the Family

7 0 0
By LazyLucario

"Look alive, you guys," Ashley called out from the back of the carriage, "it may be dark but we're almost there."

Storm rolled her eyes and scoffed, "'Bout time, I was getting sick and tired of looking at horse ass tonight."

The five of them had been riding for a couple of hours to Miguel's, it usually take long to travel there on transportation but since Ashley wanted to choose a Clydesdale as their horse for transportation it made traveling a bit slower than usual.

The army were already at the mansion surrounding the back just like what Ashley had told them. Now they waited impatiently for him and their signal to attack.

As they voyaged Storm stared off into the dark forest looking at a few walkers passing by them. Sophie couldn't help but lean beside her in comfort rubbing her hand softly. Storm became less tense with her presence beside her, not making all her worries go away, but calmed her bringing peace to her chaotic mind.

"It's going to be alright,"Sophie whispered resting her chin on Storm's shoulder, "they're going to be alright, I know they are."

Storm chuckled dryly, "You're so sure."

"You just have to be," she wrapped her arms around Storm's waist and sighed heavily, "it's what Minnie always told me . . ."

"Really?" she hummed, "funny, I always thought you were the brave one."

Sophie frowned, "She was . . . before we were taken. , I thought she would see that the fucked things they done to us was wrong, but the Delta broken her up so badly that they blinded her morals. As for me, I thought I no choice but to stay strong for not only her, but for myself. I saw right through their sick way of life, Minnie did too, but she became too wounded to call them on their bullshit," she squeezed her eyes as tears threatened to spill, "it's what eventually killed her and our brother."

Storm gently stroked her long fiery hair, "I'm sorry, after all the shit she's been through I still can't blame her for what she did too you."

Just like I can't blame Matias for the way he turned out.

"I bet she never got to see them again," Sophie sniffled with Storm not knowing who she was taking about but chose to leave it alone for now.

Izzy just looked at the two with a soft smile while holding a sleeping Coyote in her arms. She was aware of them getting closer and closer everyday, she saw that Sophie was pretty sure on her feelings for Storm, but she didn't know if Storm herself was sure about the way she felt for the redhead.

This made her worry for Sophie's heart as she was known to be too hopeful.

"For most of my life I dedicated to taking care of him the best I could, showing him right from wrong, not to kill in vain, how to properly love someone," Storm glared and sighed, "some shitty job I did."

"I believe you did a great job," Sophie smiled reassuring her, "sure he may have his little anger moments and went off on his daily sprees, but you seen the changes in him ever since Violet came in his life, I see them too. She made him bring out that soft and cuddly side you taught him to be. Without you and having to be all alone in that group you guys were taken to I think he would've been down the same path Minnie was in."

"He was close," she smiled back at Sophie, "but not close enough," Storm put her other hand over Sophie's, "I appreciate you, Sophia."

"Just you being here makes me appreciate you more."

As Izzy was about to smile on how cute the two were they all instantly turned to Ashley calling them.

"This our stop," he announced then chuckled, "told you we were almost here."

They all looked at the large mansion with its bright lights shining from all around making it look like a building from New York City. They were far enough for people to not notice them but the atmosphere felt like a cold front in spring.

Izzy shook Coyote a bit to wake her telling her they have arrived. When she heard they saw that she looked nauseous with her expression growing at the sight of the mansion. Izzy also looked the same with Storm confused on why but Sophie and Coyote looked at her as they understood why she looked the way she did.

"You probably won't even see him," Coyote whispered with Izzy just nodded hesitantly.

When Ashley hoped off the horse he grabbed the map from the saddle bag opening it up presenting it to the four.

"Let's get the show on the road," he chirped presenting the map.

Once he did he got inside the cart with them starting to go over their positions for their mission.

Nicóle and Lynx were following Miguel and Dixon as they guarded Victoria, Cobra, and Marisol. Marisol held Victoria tightly as she was still crying having no knowledge about the results, it made Marisol and the others nervous as well since Miguel hasn't spoken nor even looked at Victoria when they started following him.

Dixon walked closely beside Miguel as he looked like he was about to pass out at any moment clenching at his chest and almost stumbling as he walked.

They ended up stopping to a room that Victoria and Marisol didn't recognize with Nicóle pulling out a big roll of keys using one old them to unlock the door and open it up for them. Miguel turned too Dixon with the same sick expression holding to the door handle but he became to look more serious.

"Go find that damn girl and put throw her in there with Matéo until I get there; go!" he ordered Dixon as he wasted no time to do so.

He turned to Marisol scowling at her intently, "Get in," he barked.

"I don't trust you being alone with him and her," she hissed backed.

"Get the fuck in there!!" he roared pulling out a gun aiming to her head.

While Nicóle, Lynx, and Victoria backed away Marisol didn't even flinch at the sight of the gun. She remained firmly where she stood narrowing her eyes at the man.

"Deserve to know too," she spat, "he's my so—a part of my community as well!"

The gun was still shakily pointed at her with Miguel being minutes away from pulling the trigger.

"Por favor, Marisol!" Victoria cried grabbed her hands, "do what he what he says for now!"

Marisol's face softened at the sight of Victoria's distraught face not wanting her to be more stressed than she already was.

"You wanna see your kids again, don't you Mary?" Miguel snickered as he had her, "wouldn't want your little girl losing her mother at a young age," he winced a bit at the last part as no one noticed.

Victoria frowned touching her cheek, "I'll be fine, just please stay alive for your niños."

Marisol sighed glaring back at Miguel, "Fine, but if one of you aren't alive when I get out, I'll kill him myself."

"I like to see you try," he chuckled in amusement.

She hugged Victoria tightly then slowly walked in looking back looking back her in Cobra's arms now. She had the most anxious look that the two had ever seen on their leader's face.

As she stiffly walked in Miguel impatiently shoved her in then slammed it shut locking the door from the outside. Of course, Marisol yelled and spat clawing at the door like a feral cat as Miguel just rolled his eyes walking away from the room.

"Come on, I don't have time for this bullshit," he huffed as the others continued to follow him.

Victoria's breaths heightened when Miguel led them to she recognized to be his room due to it being the only bedroom with large wooden doubled doors.

He looked up at Nicóle and Lynx and sighed as the two looked at each other puzzled.

"Take him away somewhere," Miguel pointed at Cobra snatching Victoria away from him, "this is between me your mamá."

"No fucking way!!" he exclaimed angrily, "I won't let touch her again!"

As he was about to lunge at Miguel he was quickly stopped by his two siblings blocking his way pinning their guns at him.

Cobra's hatred for the two began to burn more and more feeling as if he was about to burst into flames. He saw that they have gotten to the point where they even didn't defend their mother knowing how violent their father was.

And with him finally seeing those test results what he was about to do to her was unpredictable.

When Miguel tossed Victoria in the room all Cobra could do was cry and scream out for his mother. Miguel looked back at Cobra furrowing his brows then his turned into a scowl as he walked into the room slamming it behind him.

Cobra stared blankly at the door for a few minutes before his eyes slowly rested on Lynx with his look turning into a murderous glare. When he saw they've lowered their guns Cobra took the opportunity to lunge at his brother tackling to ground as he began punching and clawing at him as hard as he could.

"You fucking asshole!" he roared trying to claw at his eyes, "how could you?! How could you let this happen to your family?!!"

Lynx didn't fight back but only holding up his arms in defense in front of his face trying not to get some of Cobra's blows.

"Cobra, detente por favor!!" Nicóle pleaded throwing her gun adside to try to pull Cobra off of Lynx.

She failed to do so when Cobra pushed her away then hardly plummeted to the floor. Her eyes went round shrinking at the same expression Cobra gave Lynx he was giving her.

"And you," he hissed lowly, "you became his and Miguel's fucking lapdog to the point where you became a traitor!"

Her lip trembled, "Cobra, I—"

"Shut. up! Our brother might be on death row and none you don't give a damn," he turned back to Lynx, "you make me sick, you treated him like shit his whole life and now you're gonna let him die; our baby brother!! Out of your hatred!!!"

Just before Cobra pull out his knife to kill him Lynx spoke up.

"I don't hate him!" he blurted making Cobra raise a brow, "I never hated him."

Cobra narrowed his eyes, "Then what is it, Lynx? Hurting him behind my back, calling him the enano of the family, and letting your girlfriend try to take advantage of him and not believing him isn't hating him?"

He turned his face away sighing heavily, "I done him wrong, I understand that, it didn't take me until he was taken to realize I was a piece of shit to him," he squeezed his eyes shut, "I was young and stupid, it's a common excuse, I know but part of it's true. Believe it or not I was so excited when mamá told us she was pregnant with him, but then I found out that it wasn't likely that Miguel could be the father.

"I hated her for it and when Matéo was born I tried to hate him too," Lynx frowned, "back then I always blamed him for being the reason our family was so broken, but after hearing about the affair with Sabrina and the pain he inflicted on us, I understood why our mom did what she did.

"I was so wrapped up in the fire that I even ignored his cries about Olivia trying to touch him. Now I'm actually glad mamá beat her to a pulp for what she did and getting locked up on the same day.

"It took me a while to realize that Matéo or any of us in that matter can't choose the families we're born into; one of the saddest things about life."

Cobra slowly got from on top of him processing all the words Lynx had said. He never knew Lynx was even capable of admitting his mistakes, especially all the things that he's done tho Moo.

He saw that his brother had finally grew up and swallowed his pride.

It didn't stop Cobra's dislike for his siblings for joining their father's group and letting him take their mother but it did bring a bit of closure for to Lynx's and Moo's relationship.

"I told you we're gonna help you, Cobra," Nicóle's soft voice interupted, "and that's what we're going to do."

Cobra furrowed his brows, "How?"

Lynx turned to look him straight in Cobra's eyes, "We're gonna help break you guys out of this shit hole."

"You fucking lied to me!" Violet growled struggling against Dixon's grip on her arm, "get the fuck off of me!"

Dixon sighed looking back her in regret, "Look, look, I'm sorry, I didn't know he wanted you there too, okay? I thought it was just going to be dinner and that's it."

"Where is he?" she demanded harshly, "he wasn't at the medical house; what did you fucking do with him?!"

"I'm taking you to him right now, I promise you he's safe."

The two had been walking down a long hallway on the first floor where the people coming for medical help stayed. There were plenty of free rooms down that way since Miguel found the sickness weak and useless, making leave or kills them if none don't recover so they contribute to the group.

"You should've stayed put at that gathering, you could've gotten killed."

"Well excuse me that I want to protect Moo from being executed!" she spat.

Dixon just sighed continuing down the hall.

When they stopped at a door that was labled "115" Violet snatched snatched her away from his grip shooting him a menacing glare.

"This is it," Dixon announced pulling a row of keys putting one through, "he's probably a bit pissed but I think he'll calm down when he sees you."

Violet rolled her eyes, "No shit."

When Dixon opened the door he gasped becoming frozen at the sight of the room. Violet was confused for a moment before she over his shoulder as she was horrifed on what she was seeing.

The wallpaper was scratched and torn from all over along with a few holes, there was smashed vases on the floor, the bed covers and sheets had been ripped off the bed and the mattress was torn with the stuffing scattered every where, broken chairs were places where they looked to be tossed from place to place, and there was broken glass from where the window was.

Dixon backed away when he saw Moo standing in the middle of the room just staring at him with flaming eyes and forcing harsh breaths through tightly clenched teeth. His nostrils flared impulsively as he slowly walked to Dixon as if he was on thin ice.

"You have exactly five seconds why you fucking locked me in here," he snarled balling his hands into fists.

"Someone came to see you," Dixon blurted trying to stay professional but failed miserably.

"That doesn't—!!!" he paused when Dixon quickly put Violet in front him hoping it'll take his mind off the situation.

And it worked.

His eyes became round when seeing her and his breaths became ragged nearing towards her. Her expression was the same when she began to walk to walk towards as well.

When they closely stood in front of each other they stared unblinkedly at one another before Moo pulled the blonde into his arms holding on to her for dear life. She hugged him back burying her head in his chest letting out a long sigh.

"Please forgive me," he mewed softy.

"I already did, dummy," she giggled looking at him.

He wasted no time placing kisses on her lips leading to a longer kiss they held for a few seconds.

Dixon couldn't help but look at the two with a half smirk following with it falling quickly.

"I'm gonna help you guys," he spoke quietly in case anyone was listening.

They both turned to him, "What?"

"I talked with Nicóle and Lynx about the plan to get you guys out but our main focus is to get you out before anything else goes down," he pointed at Moo.

Moo blinked when hearing that Lynx was helping them or wanted anything to do with him.

Is he talking about another Lynx?

Dixon frowned hanging his head down in guilt, "I'm done, I'm done with all of this shit. I thought Miguel was better than this, that's why I been his deputy for so long. But I can't stand by let him kill a kid any longer."

"After you help us, what about you?" Violet asked, "you're his second in command for a reason."

"I'll stay, but this time I'll make sure to call the shots," he glared, "I can't let nobody suffer—"

Dixon quickly shut his mouth when the door slam wide open hesitantly turning around finding Miguel covered in blood and brain matter from his head and torso.

Dixon stared at him blankly trying not to show any sign of mental breakdown remembering the last place the man was.

No . . . Dixon gasped in head, he didn't . . .

"Dixon, you're excused," he said as Dixon sprinted out the room without hesitation.

He closed the door then turned to look at Violet and Moo. His demeanor was surprising calm and collected, and, unlike Moo, he showed no coldness to the teen whatsoever.

Miguel then grabbed the only chair that wasn't broken gently sitting down placing his eyes on the two.

While Violet looked like a frightened deer Moo gave him the same look he gave to Dixon when he walked in the room.

Miguel clicked his tongue looking around the room, "I see you threw quite a fit in here."

"Yeah, it's going to look like you in a minute," Moo threatened with Violet whipped her head to him.

"Don't say that shit!" she hissed quietly to him.

"And you're still mouthin' off to me even when I just got done reading your results."

Moo blinked his confidence completely falling, "W-w-what?"

Miguel hummed with a frown, "I have to admit they were . . . interesting, so to speak," then he scowled, "I should've known all along, I was an idiot to believe what she said."

The two saw that his eyes were red with fury, Moo was became speechless too scared on what the results were while Violet feared for his life.

They both backed away into terror when Miguel pulled out a hand gun from his pocket aiming towards him.

"You, sit," he ordered firmly pointing the gun at Violet.

She looked back at Moo in great concern as he just nudged her to the torn up bed.

"There's nothing we can do right now," he whispered.

She hesitantly sat on the bed with her eyes glued on Miguel and Moo now face to face.

Miguel smirked now pointing the gun at Moo, "Don't worry about this little thing," he lisped, "it won't go off if you decide to do what I say."

"What are gonna do with me? Kill me? Because if you are just do it already."

"Shut up, Moo!" Violet exclaimed almost hopping off the bed.

"Now why would I do that after looking at the results?" he asked curiously."

Moo blinked but stayed quiet.

"I know this might be of the blue, but . . . have you ever been . . . bitten?"

"No fucking way!" he answered harshly trying to play dumb, "if I was I would be dead, duhh?"

Miguel narrowed his eyes, "Don't act stupid, boy, I saw it . . ."

His eyes went round at that with Violet also having the same look. Though he felt angry when he found out Miguel had looked at him while unconscious having no say in, but he was more terrified about what they might do to him finding out his secret. He backed away shaking his head trying really hard to come with some lies on what kind of bite it was.

"N-n-no i-it's not, i-it's a-a-a do—"

"No, it's not!!" Miguel roared in frustration, "you know why?"

Before can try to come up with more lies he saw Miguel roll down his sleeve showing his bare tattooed bicep with a large white patch on it. Moo was confused on what he was showing but his jaw instantly hung low when Miguel ripped it off.

A bite . . . it was an actual walker bite just like Moo's.

Miguel's bite looked bigger, deeper, and older since it was scabbing up in various places. He winced and started to scratch it roughly but trying not to cut any of the scabs then looked back up at Moo with a glare.

"You see? We're just alike, you and I," he chuckled rasply.

"I-I don't understand," Moo stuttered being lost for words.

Miguel cleared his throat looking straight into Moo's lost eyes with his glossy ones. His slight wrinkled lips trembled as he started to open his mouth.

"Matéo . . . you're my son."

Moo felt as if all the wind in his lungs had escaped him. All the rumors, all the taunts, all the heartache he suffered in that town for so long because of the assumptions made on his possible father. All the things his mother and Cobra said that Miguel couldn't possibly be his father; he believed all of it.

But he couldn't believe this, he wouldn't.

"You're such a fucking liar!" he cried out stepping towards him, "my father is dead!"

"Then go see for yourself!" Miguel stood up in front of him with both their fiery eyes staring at each other, "you're one of mine, your mother's the fucking liar."

"I'll never be yours!!"

They kept staring at each other for a moment before starting chuckling sitting back down. Moo found nothing funny about the whole ordeal and it urged him more to put his hands around Miguel's throat taking his pathetic life.

"My, my, what show we put on," he grinned, "I didn't finish on how this is worth your while."

"I don't wanna hear anymore," he turned away moving towards Violet, "me and the others are leaving and I'm going to pretend none of this shit didn't happen."

"You see, that's where you're wrong," his face hardened, "they're leaving, you two are staying."

Violet's face went white while Moo gritted his teeth in annoyance.

"Like hell we are," he took Violet's hand helping her off the bed then began to head for the door.

They didn't far Miguel picked back up his gun aiming it at the two. Of course, this made them stopped backing away with Miguel becoming impatient that they weren't hearing him out.

"Sit, both of you," he hissed lowly as Violet immediately did what he said and Moo taking his time to sit, "you two are gonna help me."

"H-how . . . ?" Violet asked hesitantly almost not wanting to hear it.

"You see since Matéo still owes me and finally found someone with brains," Moo rolled his eyes, "you're gonna help me with my cure of corpse infection."

Violet looked up at Moo while he scoffed, "Pfft, you're a damn joke, there's no cure."

"That's where you're wrong, see here, I've been trying to come up with a cure for quite some time now. I learned making medicines mostly from Tori but every one I made ended in shit," his lips slowly curled up, "except for one.

"One of my men got bit and I was already working on the antidote for it. I knew it wasn't ready and I hated to have to put another one of my good fighters . . . until I had it.

"I took a risk by cutting the top of my arm and extracted some of the blood putting it into the medicine. About six hours later he was already pale and cold, I just knew he was going to die. When I was in his room alone making sure no one was with him and that's when I tested out the medicine on him by dappling some on the bite.

"As always I thought this was going to be a complete failure . . . until the next morning. When it was time for training he was the first one to get up, his face had color again, he was no longer ice cold, nor even coughing up one drop of blood. I was wondering if I was still in bed dreaming, but no, he tapped on my shoulder and spoke to me as if nothing happened.

"I became anew on my discovery, my DNA was the gateway of lifting us from this plague. No more suffering will ever come to us ever again and we won't ever have to worry about losing anyone we hold dearly."

Violet found all of this unbelievable, he actually found the cure for walker bites, he found before Moo did; his dream. Now she started to think of the many lives the antidote could've saved at the school, Clem wouldn't have had lost her leg.

She could've brought back Minerva.

Though it seemed too good to be true, she believed every word he said was the one with bite, not her.

She saw Moo look down assuming he felt ashamed for not thinking his DNA was the key to his antidote; he just felt foolish. She squeezed his hand in reassurance but it still didn't stop him feeling like a failure.

But the only thing that puzzled her was why could he possibly need her.

She turned to him, "If you and Moo have the same invincibility how did I come into the picture? I highly doubt that I'm immune too."

He clicked his tongue, "I know that, sweetheart, but the reason is that me and Victoria gotten too old to have any children, and Sabrina has the mind of an ass to worry about them," he grimaced at her name.

"What does . . . children have to do with this?"

"It's Matéo's and my DNA that we need, I realized if I kill him for his blood I might end up running out one day. I need unlimited amounts, something to always have in stock when I run out."

Violet's stomach started to turn not knowing where this was heading.

"I need his children from you."

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