
By LazyLucario

195 6 0

Violet's been living in loneliness for the past three years being stuck with a broken heart with her daughter... More

Note(plz read)
Friends Forever
Can do
Road Trip
The Surprise
Back on the Road
Painful Reunion
Mother, Daughter Talk
Leaving so Soon?
Smoke and Sunrise
Down Comes a Raven
We're Just Friends
See you Soon
She Likes Girls
Hanging Out
Under the Stars
Staying Behind
Peculiar Scar
Real Relationship
Clem and Moo
Family Reunion
The Hootenanny
A Coyote's Wail
Cobra's Venom and a Wild Lynx
Sneaking Out
On the Trail
Most Wanted
For a Price
Not Without my Son
The Plan
Framed Memories
Don't Eat the Dinner
Runs in the Family
I Still Love You
No One's Leaving
Your Place isn't Here
Truth and Confessions
Old Demons
With you
The Date
Back from Hell
Eres mi Deseo

The Test

3 0 0
By LazyLucario

"I won't let you fucking touch him!" she blurted angrily but her words wavered when she saw that his eyes fell on her.

He raised a brow, "What's this? Matéo's favorite mistress speaking to me?"

Her eyes remained on the man but could feel everyone else's eyes burn into her at the statement.

"A fighter, I bet he likes that," he chuckled to himself, "why you're everything he ever wanted, in fact, he even threatened to kill me if anything bad happened to you; you must be some special cookie, my dear."

She blushed at that but she never stopped glaring at the man.

"He doesn't need this shit in the first place," she spat, "he tells me you assholes keep harassing him, and the only reason he even killed one of your people is that one of your people tried to rape my fucking sister!"

Marisol blinked never hearing the actual reasoning on why killed the man, now she felt like such a fool. Even the man seemed to raise a brow at this as if he also never heard the reasoning for Moo's actions.

Then looked down quietly thinking to himself about the assault.

"Hmm," he hummed tapping on the table with his finger, "I might have to rethink something," he murmured to himself."

"How dare you?!" Marisol slammed her arm on the table making the man jump getting his attention, "not only are you sending spies in my town, but they're assaulting my people now? And you had one trying to hurt my kid?!"

"I didn't—!" before he could say anything else he blinked at the part where she said get her kid was going to get hurt and that this blonde is her sister. He started looking at Violet and Marisol side by side before jumping to conclusions but when he did he looked truly surprised from what he observed.

"You didn't tell me you had another daughter, Mary," he cried ecstatically, "I think this one stand out from the others but I see where she got her good looks from; you do learn something new everyday, don't you."

"Err . . . shut up," she growled lowly, "it's none your god damned business anyways."

"We'll see about that," his narrowed at Violet losing almost all her confidence to lash out on him again.

"Just fucking leave," Cobra stepped in not wanting to hear nothing else from him, "and hurt a single hair on his damn head . . ."

"He'll be fine," he sighed apathically getting up from the table, "and hurry your asses up so we can get this shit over with," as he walked to the doorway he stood there with half his face casted into the darkness his lips curled up into a sinister smile, "I'll be looking forward to tonight . . ."

When he walked out the room Violet crossed her arms feeling goosebumps spreading all over her at the chilling grin towards her.

Cobra sighed, "At least we know now the food isn't rigged."

"Sí, Violet, make sure to eat plenty so you can get your strength," Victoria insisted handing her the spoon for the  potatoes.

She shakily grabbed it but remained still. Marisol noticed instantly pulling her into her arms rubbing her back in comfort.

"It's alright, flower," she consoled her softly kissing her forehead, "I won't let that piece of shit even go near you."

Though her mother's words calmed her a little it still didn't relieve the fear the man had put on her. She did know why what being Marisol's daughter had to do with anything, but whatever it was she didn't want anything to do with.

Either way, she hoped this could all end already so she can finally be with Moo happily and never have to see that man again.

Moo spent most of his time buried in the pillows sobbing heavily to himself. The nurses came to check on him every now and then but all he would do was bark at them to leave him alone. He felt like such an idiot, just wanting to punch himself repeatedly for what he did to her.

Why did I keep pushing her? he kept asking himself repeatedly in his head, why, why, WHY?!

He knew he needed to stop his outbursts but just didn't know how to. He's been having them for as long as he could remember, people always said he needed medication, but Victoria would say otherwise not wanting the shit in his system because, from what she says, "drugs like those are like a cane to help you stand to the point you'll have to rely on it, and once you do you'll need that cane for rest of your life and, without it, you'll never walk the same again."

He heathed her words for a long time until he started smoking; the last thing his mother ever wanted him to do, herself used to be hooked and been through hell when she quitted.

He was going to stop, only for Violet and Blossom not matter how much pain it takes for him to stop.

He was going to change a lot of things for her; he just loved her too much, and he loved and hated it at the same time. He promised himself that he wouldn't fall in love again after Delaney died and Valeria broke his heart, but Violet just seemed to break barriers as his heart swelled up at every second when he was with her. He thought of her all the time, wanting to be by her side every step of the way.

But he had to do better, he just had to.

Moo squeezed the pillow in annoyance as he heard curtains being opened thinking it was another nurse again to check on him.

"For the last fucking time I told you to go away!" he roared.

But he didn't hear the footsteps leave, they only remained still as Moo could feel their presence lingering in the room with them.

He started to get frustrated.

"Are you deaf? I told you to—"

When he sat up he looked up blinked at the towering figure standing at the side of his bed. At first, he thought it was Cobra or Miguel again, but no, it was a face that he never thought he would see again. Even though the two haven't seen each other for quite some time his face would still sometimes haunt him at night.

His expression was more soft and concerned rather than angry and hostile as usual every time he saw Moo. He just found it a bit strange.

"You alright?" Lynx asked, his deep ragged voice almost sounding like Miguel's.

Moo just nodded as kept staring at his older brother. He saw that age was starting to catch up with him seeing some deep lines around his mouth and his face becoming a little thinner. He also noticed that his favorite piercing looked to be ripped off also.

Maybe it was torn off while he was fighting, Moo thought curiously.

Lynx cocked his head, "I see you're done eating, how was it?"

"It was good, I guess," Moo shrugged.

Lynx began to sit on the freeway space on the side of the bed. Moo's heart raced a little knowing how Lynx was when two were younger, he was the only person he avoided when they stayed in their mother's house together, he still had scars that never healed.

"I see you're doing better from when you first came here," Lynx said looking away from him.

"I mean, I've been through a hell of a lot worse."

Lynx chuckled at that, "It's because you're a tough kid."


Moo thought he seemed . . . unusual. He surprised that Lynx even came to see him in the first place.

Did he hit his head or something?

"Um," Lynx fidgeted his hands not knowing what else to say, "I just . . . um . . . came to check on you, see if you were still breathing."

"Well, I'm breathing," Moo spoke with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. But to his dismay Lynx didn't retaliate.

"Right," Lynx sighed getting up walking to the curtains his back towards him, "I guess I'll see you around then."

"If," Moo mumbled but loud enough for Lynx to hear.

He stood there a moment as if feet were frozen then slowly walked out of Moo's section with nothing left to say.

Moo didn't know what was that about, he knew that Lynx was here but just didn't know he would want to see him again. He didn't seem cold like he was towards him, nor mock him in any way, though his speech and choice of seemed come out awkward and talking to Moo like it was his first time.

Either way, Moo felt like he just met a complete stranger.

Miguel was getting dressed for the gathering having to put on a clean shirt, pants, nice leather black boots, and putting the nicest coat he had.

He had heard the results were ready and tucked sealed in an envelope for him to open during the announcement. He couldn't wait to put his hands on it as was just itching to tear off the seal. He also nervous too his heart beating faster every minute on what the results were going to be.

Moo just had to be his son, he just had to.

He already had two of his children go against him, he couldn't let another one go. Miguel knew Moo was young and naïve unlike Cobra and Lynx, Pablo was becoming useless not having the same qualities and sense his half brothers had. But Miguel had to choose the right kind of words when talking to him, he may have been gullible like his mother, but he wasn't stupid either.

He tried not to think about Moo not being his, he didn't even show him Hugo's photo as a kid because he was too afraid of him finding similarities just like with his photo. He did admit that Moo did favor the man quite a bit and ended up being the most attractive out of all his siblings.

If the results did result in that, he didn't what he'll do to him now that he knew the truth behind Moo's actions. He understood now why he had to kill Will, but he still wanted to do something heinous for letting Hugo's blood roam the earth, or else he isn't repaid for what Victoria did to him.

He sighed straightening his coat in the mirror watching Sabrina as she sat on the edge of his bed staring at him with furrowed brows.

"Why put yourself through this, my love?" she asked softly but was burning on the inside.

"I have to find out the truth, I just have to," he tried to reason with a hint of frustration in his tone.

Sabrina rolled her eyes, "I thought we were just going to get rid of him, not turning this into 'I'm your daddy' shit, besides, you should be glad you have most of your children here now."

"It's a necessity for me," he spoke briskly, "I could have another son! And just think, a boy like that, think of all the battles we'll win and the niños he may have."

"Niños? What niños?"

He turned to her, "I've taken one of his prized possessions, Bri, just know it from what Dixon told me. He loves that girl and when he stays she stays as well and I'll even let them stay together having as many niños as they want."

Sabrina scoffed, "Please, they'll never agree to that, he already wants to kill you for keeping him here, just let her go and get rid of him already."

Miguel glared at her, "I say I'm doing this; my choice. So shut the fuck up before I do it."

As much as Sabrina wanted to argue back she did what he said crossing her arms in frustration turning away from him.

When Miguel continued getting ready he saw Lynx from the corner of his eye standing in the open doorway. Miguel smiled facing him as Lynx just gave his father a light half-grin.

"My Lynx," Miguel chirped patting his shoulder, "what led you here?"

Lynx shrugged, "Ya know, just being bored."

"Are you sure?" he wrapped an arm around Lynx's shoulders as he led him by the window that showed the bright crescent moon, "it looks like somethin's bothering you."

"I mean it's nothing much, it's a small thing I wanted to talk to you about."

He raised a brow, "What is it then?"

Lynx looked down fiddling the rings on his fingers, "It's Matéo."

"What about him?"

"I know the thing's in a little bit and . . . I just wanted to ask if the results aren't . . . what you wanted what are we going to do with him?"

Miguel blinked not having a valid answer, he honestly didn't what he was going to do with the boy if he wasn't his. Torturing him to death along with Victoria seemed to still linger in the picture, but, at the same time, he wanted to give him a more merciful punishment.

"I don't know, Lynx," he admitted pinching the bridge of his nose, "I'm still trying to figure it out."

"We don't have to kill him," Lynx said hesitantly, "make good out of him, there are a million things he's useful for, why to get rid of such a great tool?"

Miguel thought about it shuffling his feet while Lynx turned to Sabrina hearing her snort at the request. He narrowed his eyes at her as she turned away with a jealous glint in her eyes.

Miguel did agree that he would still be useful, son or not, but if his little girlfriend was going to be here Miguel considered castration if they were sharing a room so no more of Hugo's bloodline stretch any further.

He hummed, "I guess I'll keep it in mind."

"Just think about it," Lynx still tried to reason, "there's enough dead people in this goddamned world already, having more help around here doesn't sound so bad."

Miguel shrugged, "I think I can pull some strings, but when I see the results and say otherwise then we can talk more about your idea. Is that fine?"

Lynx nodded with a smirk, "Sure."

"Now help your sister and Dixon gather everyone on the lawn outside and have somebody to get Matéo," he ordered leading him out the room, "I still need to get ready and it looks like you do too."

"I'll get right on it," he replied walking out looking back at him, "thanks, papá for hearing me out."

Miguel smiled, "Anytime."

As night fell the soldiers had collected all of the members of the group moving them outside on large stoned patio in front of the mansion. Most began to sit in chairs as they waited while others made conversation.

"You know what's this about?" one asked.

"Dunno, apparently it's an event from what I heard from the others."

"Couldn't be an execution we're even in that area."

"Whatever it is it needs to fucking hurry up."

The soldiers had put the members in the back area to make room for who Miguel wanted to be up front which some people thought was weird since they thought Miguel rarely had favorites.

Dixon and Lynx rounded the last of their people with all they had to do was get their captives.

"Who's going to get them?" Dixon asked.

"Nicóle told me she would do it," he told him, "I didn't want to go over there anyway."

Dixon raised a brow, "How come?"

Lynx turned  away and shrugged, "Just didn't want to."

As much as Dixon wanted to push him on for a clear reason he preferred not to; he wasn't ready to lose his life yet.

"What about Matéo?"

"What about him?" Lynx asked in confusion.

Dixon scratched his chin, "You know, how do you feel about this whole . . . thing?"

He stayed quiet for a moment then Dixon saw his hands were a bit shaky, his face had become green and he had crossed his arms as if he was cold.

"Can we not talk about that," he murmured, "just go see if can manage getting up so can come with the others."

Dixon just sighed not wanting to push him further into the subject seeing that just even mentioning it seemed to make him ill for some reason.

Nicóle had told him some of the stories of what he did their younger brother, but Lynx would never talk about it, even by asking he would roar at them telling them to fuck off and die.

He just wanted to forget everything that he has even done anything to Moo.

"Can't you hear? Go get him!" he growled at Dixon out of frustration.

He quickly walked away not usually taking orders from Lynx since he was second in command, but was the soldiers' commander and chief, and the fact that Dixon was very intimidated by him, he had no choice but to make an exception.

By the time everyone was done eating they waited for what was next to come. Violet has felt like she was about to explode, she didn't when the last time she's ever eaten as much as she did and would more if she could.

Marisol looked at Violet the whole time while she ate, her and Victoria ate small quantities of the dinner as they were still cautious.

"How do you feel?" Victoria asked timidly.

"Like a fatass," Violet then burped loudly making Marisol cringe, "I even feel like getting up."

Victoria looked over to Cobra who hasn't eaten one single thing. He just buried his head in his crossed arms waiting for everyone to get done.

"Mijo, you should at least eat something," Victoria started to see what was left for him to eat.

"I can't eat with my hermano's life on the line," Cobra told her harsher than intended.

I don't know how I could've are myself, Violet thought looking down.

Victoria sighed, "I know this is wrong and you're upset about it, believe me, I am too, but starving yourself isn't the answer."

"I don't see how you're okay with all this shit happening to you," he ignored her, "your youngest son fate depends on who his father is and might possibly be killed because he isn't Miguel's blood out pity jealousy and you're telling I should just not worry about it and have a bite to eat?"

"I didn't mean it like that!" she cried, "I just—"

"Just what? Wanting me to submit to a hard reality that we can easily change? We can't just sit around and give up so quickly and just let the results kill him; it's not his fault in the first place."

"You're right is," Victoria sniffled as  tears flooded in her eyes, "it's mine, it always has been."

Cobra's face softened, "Mamá, you didn't know, you're heart just fell in the wrong place."

She wiped away some of her tears, "I know, I was no better than him, we could've worked out but I chose to follow the same path he did and I regret every single moment of it."

"I know what you mean, but just standing by feeling sorry for yourself letting Matéo be a victim to all of this."

"If only I would've stayed faithful, none of this would've happened," she murmured softly.

"Cobra's right, Tori," Marisol spoke up getting her attention, "We just have to keep him as safely as we can as soon as help gets here."

Victoria just nodded grabbing a napkin and wiped away the tears that were threatening to fall.

Violet had never seen this vulnerable side to Victoria, it was the whole reason she looked up to her as her second mom because of how strong she was. She never thought Victoria would blame herself and thinking she was a complete failure.

Just like me . . .

She didn't want her to feel this way, she meant what she said by protecting Moo with her life. She was going to do it for Victoria, Cobra, and herself; he was not going to let him die on her watch, especially after what happened between her and Moo.

I have to tell him soon.

As Marisol was about to talk to Victoria some more they all turned to the doorway seeing Nicóle walk in staring at everyone with that same serious expression that covered her soft demeanor.

"Get up," she ordered firmly, "it's time."

They all unwillingly did what she said getting up from the table as Victoria's face became more somber and Cobra giving his sister a cold glare.

Marisol wrapped her arm around Violet's shoulders holding her close by her side feeling her daughter's rising goosebumps.

"It's alright, it's alright," she kept whispering in Violet's ear as they followed behind.

But Violet's stomach kept turning every second as she thought otherwise.

All of this became too overwhelming as Violet saw that Nicóle had led them outside to a large gathering of people on the patio. She saw many of them wore ragged clothes, malnourished, and smelt as if they were already dead. It was in complete contrast to Charlottesville people, only there are a lot less here but, yet, they stay in this big mansion with plenty of resources and these people looked to just came out of the dirt.

As she kept looking they gave a mixed amount of expressions consisting of sadness, curiosity, and most of all, hatred.

Marisol held Violet tighter glaring back at the disgusting residents, "Pay no attention to these shit smelling bastards," she hissed as they kept passing by.

Nicóle had made the four stop being in front of the crowd getting the best view of the balcony where two soldiers stood. They were greeted by Lynx who acted like Cobra and Victoria weren't there as Victoria rested her desperate eyes on him the whole time.

He violently pulled Nicóle aside away from them looking at her as if he coming down with a terrible sickness. His face was becoming very sickly and she feel his hand heavily vibrate on her arm.

"I can't do this, Nikki," he blurted, "I can't be here, I can't, I can't, I fucking can't."

She furrowed her brows, "Calm down, what if the results aren't what they seem?"

"But does that make it any better?"

"It's not, but it that chance could lead to him keeping his life."

He huffed turning away, "It shouldn't have to be this way. Fuck everything."

She sighed and frowned, "You're right, it's not fair, but at this point the only thing we can do is cross our fingers."

Lynx just stormed away going back to where their prisoners were not liking his sister's response. She knew how he was feeling but couldn't find the right words to say it.

She just wished she wasn't a screw up.

Her face started to brighten a little when she Dixon walking towards her but her smile faded when she noticed he didn't have Moo.

"Dixon, where's my brother?" she asked frantically hoping he wasn't were she think he is.

He frowned in guilt, "Miguel had me lock him in a room when this damn circus is over," he rubbed his arm nervously, "and . . . Matéo is not happy about it . . . "

"I bet."

"But he's fine . . . for now," Dixon winder as Nicóle put her hands over her face.

"Whatever, and where the hell is Miguel?"

As Dixon was about to answer her question they jumped and the crowd went completely silent when they heard Miguel's loud ragged voice loom over the atmosphere.

"My people, you all are wondering why you all are out here tonight," he said but the crowd just stayed quiet waiting for him to answer, "our soldier and one of my best spies has been murdered by the hands of young man from Charlottesville."

His eyes leered down at Marisol as the crowd jeered and spat harsh curses at her. She only glared daggers at the man while he just gave her a sly smile in return.

Miguel put his hand up to make the rowdy crowd calm down as they started to do so so they can hear what else he had to say.

"Yes, yes I know this would call for an execution . . ."

As the crowd all roared and cheered in agreement Violet's heart sanked into her stomach and all wind escaped from her lungs. Victoria felt the same with her nearly fainting only Cobra to catch her. Violet had felt so powerless to do anything but only watch helplessly as Moo was being killed.

I have to get him the fuck out of here, she thought quickly, I have to and FAST!

Without thinking Violet jerked away from her mother's grasp and ran as fast as she could through the crowd violently pushing people out of her way going to the medical house. As Marisol cried desperately for her daughter to come back some of soldiers looked up at Miguel for a signal to go after her or even shoot her down, but he just shook his head turning his attention back to his people.

"   . . . but there isn't," people started to look at each other with in confusion as Miguel held up his hand to let himself explain, "as you know I have three sons, two of them who are my proudest achievements, my eldest, commander and chief, and my second eldest, old deputy of Charlottesville."

When Cobra and Lynx looked at each other Cobra stared at his older brother with burning eyes while Lynx couldn't help but frown sadly quickly looking away from Cobra's gaze.

"And I might have another achievement as well," he announced excitedly holding up an envelope, "my ex wife held him away from me all his life, she even used her last name instead of the possible father's," he gestured his hand to Victoria.

Victoria shrunk down as she could feel everyone's eyes glued on to her.

"Hugo Chavez," he grimaced at the name, "and myself are the only possibilities for this child's father and I want you all to witness this reveal with me.

"This envelope determines if we get a new member of our family or as slow and painful execution for the murder of Will and the same goes for my wife for being the heartless whore that she is."

The crowd all cheered loudly as Miguel held up the envelope again smiling out to them.

"Now, for the moment of truth."

Everyone soon became completely quiet as Miguel begin to tear the crease hesitantly bit by bit as if he was nervous as well.

Nicóle and Lynx looked at each other with both the color of their faces being drained completely with only Lynx turning around to vomit on the ground. Victoria started to sob heavily in Cobra's trembling arms, he turned tho Marisol who also seemed really anxious as she was biting her lip never once taking her eyes off that envelope.

Even though Moo wasn't hers she secretly still loved him dearly never blaming him for his most of his faults.

None of them were ready to lose him.

Marisol's heart almost leaped out of her chest when Miguel got the envelope open pulling out a couple of folded documents. He pursued to unfold them both looking through the first paper, he shook head with Marisol assuming that it was just information about the test, but her heart soon raced again when he got to the second document.

Victoria's sobs was the only sound that broke the quiet atmosphere as they got louder when Miguel began going through the test results.

Everyone stared intensely at him when his face had become white, showing no signs if breaths taken whatsoever, and his hand trembling so much that he dropped the papersv with his men beside him having to pick them up for him.

He slowly turned to Victoria with teary eyes as she looked at him with the same expression. Marisol and the others became impatient on what the papers said but also chose not to know at the same time.

After a good minute he finally cleared his throat and spoke.

"Everyone is dismissed . . ." his voice cracking his eyes still remaining on Victoria.

As people yelled out begging for the results they had to be forced to leave by the soldiers.

Miguel then pointed at Marisol, Victoria, and their children narrowing his eyes into murderous slits at Victoria.

"You're all coming with me."

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