
By LazyLucario

190 6 0

Violet's been living in loneliness for the past three years being stuck with a broken heart with her daughter... More

Note(plz read)
Friends Forever
Can do
Road Trip
The Surprise
Back on the Road
Painful Reunion
Mother, Daughter Talk
Leaving so Soon?
Smoke and Sunrise
Down Comes a Raven
We're Just Friends
See you Soon
She Likes Girls
Hanging Out
Under the Stars
Staying Behind
Peculiar Scar
Real Relationship
Clem and Moo
Family Reunion
The Hootenanny
A Coyote's Wail
Cobra's Venom and a Wild Lynx
Sneaking Out
On the Trail
Most Wanted
For a Price
Not Without my Son
The Plan
Don't Eat the Dinner
The Test
Runs in the Family
I Still Love You
No One's Leaving
Your Place isn't Here
Truth and Confessions
Old Demons
With you
The Date
Back from Hell
Eres mi Deseo

Framed Memories

6 1 0
By LazyLucario

She felt so nauseous and dizzy still, her eyes still remained closed not wanting to wake up. Violet didn't know what happened from that day on, she just wanted to keep assuming that it was all a lucid dream.

"Wake the fuck up," the same ragged voice from the other night hissed in frustration.

The same voice that haunted her all through these few years . . .

She kept squeezing her eyes shut ignoring the voice not wanting to believe this was real. But it didn't last long when she felt someone crawl on top of her and, without warning, felt a hard blow on the side of her face with the person's backhand.

"You're still a mule-headed bitch, aren't you?" he sneered coldly, "get up, you fucking slut!"

When her eyes fluttered open it took a little minute to regain her vision from the hit, but when she did, she wished still remained unconscious.

His face was more clearer now due to her vision healing some, but it didn't make it any better from seeing him; it made it worse.

His dark chestnut nut hair had grown to his shoulders and developing a bit of matching facial hair. His face was thinner, probably due to hunger, showing a sharper jawline than before. He glared down at her under his thick dark lashes, his cloudy gray eyes surrounded by dark puffy circles.

His lips slowly curled up into a malicious grin not taking his eyes off of her for one second. Violet was paralyzed with fear, her mind wanting to run but her limbs remained frozen.

"Did you miss me, babydoll?" he rasped quietly gently stroking her hair, "I missed you so much."

"D-D-Damien . . .?" saying his name even brought chills to her bones, "I-I t-thought you—"

"Died?" he growled lowly, "I almost did, because of you!"

"It wasn't my fault!!" she cried defensively forgetting how violent the boy was, "you beat me unconscious, then you . . ." tears began to flow down her cheeks, ". . . you hurt me . . ."

He narrowed his eyes, "You weren't hurt, I was hurt and forced my hand."

He began rubbing between her inner thighs licking his lips hungrily at the sight. Violet's breaths became more and rapid as if she was minutes away from a heart attack.

He smiled again, "Don't worry, I'm forgiving," he pulled down her shorts showing her gray panties, "because you can make it up to me."

Just as he leaned down for a kiss Violet felt her arms move again pushing him off of her without hesitation. She clumsily got out of the bed pulling her shorts up at the same time. When tried to open the door it was instantly slammed shut by Damien looking down at her with a murderous cold glare. As Violet backed away she was stopped by him grabbing her by the neck and throwing her violently to the ground.

He slowly walked up to her, his nostrils flared and tears starting to form in his eyes.

"You stupid bitch," he hissed with seething venom in his tone, "how could you, after all we had!!"

"We had nothing!" she exclaimed in anger and sorrow, "we were just friends, but you ruined that. It was your fault."

"No, no, no it's not!!" he got back on top of her grabbing her by the throat, "I was the leader of a group, I helped you guys out with the trade," he shut his eyes tightly trying to hold back tears, "we had a daughter together and that still didn't mean shit to you."

She frowned not wanting to say Blossom was a mistake in her life but was the best thing that's ever happened to her. Her getting pregnant wasn't the problem, no, it was the fact that he took advantage of her when she was in her weakest state.

Besides, when she was pregnant he even threatened her that he would kill her and her unborn infant if she didn't lie about the baby's father by saying someone else raped her.

But Louis was soon to catch up with her lie; Violet had never seen the dread head so angry before to the point where it scared her.

Violet's face turned red in anger for him to even claim Blossom as his daughter. He didn't deserve her, nor even wanting her alive.

She gritted her teeth, "She's my daughter, not yours, asshole."

"Deny it or not, I don't care because I know she is, but I want to know why you would pick him over me," he snarled, "am I not good enough for you?"

"I never wanted you!" she retorted as she was tired of him not getting the message, "I want you out of my life for good! I don't see why Clem or Lou didn't kill you while they had a fucking chance."

She saw that her toxic words stung him so badly to the point he smacked her a few more times with them all being harder than the last time. The metal taste of her own blood lingered with a little running down the corners of her mouth. Her vision started to blur from the hard blow feeling a lot of dizziness.

He started to frown in regret before shaking his head getting angry at her again and ready to do what he was longing to do for a while.

He pulled off her tank top revealing her bare breasts and began massaging with his large hands.

"You have aged well since I last saw you," he purred kissing roughly on her neck.

She just prayed that Moo would burst into the room and save her from Damien, but she didn't know where he was, nor did she.

I belong to Moo . . . she kept repeating in her head, only him, not you.

He pulled down her shorts again along with her panties, then he pulled down his own jeans and boxers with his erection rubbing against her opening.

"Please, don't do this to me . . ." she managed to speak too weak to fight back from the hits, " . . . not again, please . . ."

He turned away not even wanting to look at her, "I'm sorry."

Right before he was about to push it in the door swung open with a man glaring down at Damien angrily. Violet saw that he had dark caramel skin with short raven hair along with matching facial hair with a noticeable large scar across his cheek. He looked pretty young but looked older than her at the same time.

"Damien, get off of her," he ordered furiously.

He turned to scowl at him back but proceeded to pull up his pants in the process, "Go the fuck away, Dixon, this is my business."

"I see you're forgetting the ranks and rules here already," he sneered, "you get away from her right now or I'll tell Miguel what you were about to do."

He seemed to wince at the name his skin turning paler than before. He turned back to Violet who was nearly unconscious then back to Dixon glaring at him back but soon realized who was holding the shotgun.

"Fine," he growled purposely bumping into his shoulder as he walked out slamming the door behind him.

Dixon sighed turning to Violet but tried not to look at her while she laid naked on the floor.

"Hey, are you alright?" he asked in concern his tone soft and caring, "he didn't . . . put anything inside you . . . right?"

Violet sniffled searching for her shirt, "He was about to just as soon as you stopped him."

"I'm sorry," he looked down in shame, "I'm sorry about all of this."

She didn't know what he meant by that but chose to ignore it as she put back on her clothes, "Where the hell am I by the way?"

"Home of the Broken Backbone," he said shamefully.

She widened her eyes knowing that this was the place where she and Moo's mother and Cobra were being held captive here. But her spirits died as soon as she learned that she couldn't rescue all three of them by herself.

Now I'm stuck in the same damn boat.

He turned to her when she was done getting dressed giving her a half-grin before frowning with guilt.

"This is wrong, all of this is wrong," he sighed again, "you guys shouldn't be here, and neither does Matéo."

Her eyes shot wide open at the name with happiness and worried that she wish that he was here with her and that he was trapped alongside the four.

She quickly grabbed his shoulders her wide eyes filled with desperation and worry.

"Where?! Where the fuck is he?!!" she shook him roughly almost losing his balance.

"I'm pretty sure he's in the medical house," Dixon looked up thoughtfully then sadly shook his head, "he was in pretty rough shape when he was brought here."

Now Violet was more concerned.

"Take me to him!" she blurted out harsher than intended, "I need to see him!"

Dixon pursed his lips, "I'm not even sure if we're allowed in there right now."

"Please, please, let me him," she begged her eyes becoming glossy, "I need to see if he's okay."

He looked hesitant, not sure on what Miguel would feel about his 'bait' seeing Moo right now. He said he wanted to talk to him alone, but he did also say make the girl as comfortable as possible for Moo to cooperate better.

Dixon furrowed his brows knowing this was wrong to begin with, Miguel knew Violet was the key for the boy to talk a maybe keep her if Moo decides to stay here.

They won't stay here for long, neither of them will . . .

He looked back up at her and nodded, "Alright, but we have to make quick, or if Miguel's in there we have to check in with him first."

She sighed heavily in relief then planted a smile, "Thank you, thank you so much."

Victoria spent most of her morning pacing around in Miguel's room worrying about Miguel's attack on the town. She knew he would get impatient eventually, it was only a matter of time.

What she was confused about was a girl they mentioned the other day that he was apparently 'attached' to and she would be used to make him cooperate.

What girl were they talking about? she wondered curiously, there's a million of them and I don't think he's very fond of those . . . things anyway.

Her stomach churned at the thought of it being Violet, thinking about the possibilities.

She couldn't have gone back with Matéo . . . could she?

Either way, she wanted to help her get out along with the others. She just hoped Moo didn't end up getting trapped like the others.

She stopped pacing her attention turning to Miguel's dresser, there were many old framed pictures standing from place to place. She never really paid any attention to them since she's been trapped there, but she was curious to look back on some of his memories.

She looked at some on the left with them being some from his childhood, she was surprised to see some with his father since he hated him so much.

I guess he learned what he truly was when he was a teen.

Another one showed of him with his brothers and his only sister, Astrid. Astrid suffered many mental disorders, but Victoria remembered her as being really, really sweet. Miguel loved her to death along with their brother, Alejandro, and their mother, Sasha.

Victoria frowned sadly thinking about their fate. She never met Sasha, but Miguel told many stories about her and could really tell that he was hurt by her death. As for Alejandro and Astrid, she loved those two as if they were her own siblings. Astrid was the youngest and the only girl in the family, she thought differently from everyone else having the mindset of a child. Alejandro was nothing like Miguel's other two brothers, he was a very optimistic, charming person never hating anyone. Miguel cared about his younger siblings a lot but mainly focused on those two rather than his other brothers.

But until those days came about their deaths, Miguel was not only devastated but furious about what his father had done to them in front of him.

It was one of the reasons why Miguel despised Sergio in the first place.

She looked to the other side staring thoughtfully at of one them with her and Miguel when they were still together and Lynx, Cobra, and Nicóle hugging them tightly all wearing big smiles on their faces. She picked it up rubbing her thumb on Miguel seeing him have the biggest smile than everyone else in the photo.

Where did you go . . .? she wondered sadly putting the picture back. She was surprised he even kept that picture.

There were a few more others that just had the two when they were happily married. She raised a brow at the dresser not having one picture of him and Sabrina, nor a picture of just her and their children.

But I thought Sabrina was the 'jewel in your life' Victoria thought sarcastically rolling her eyes as she was still bitter about Miguel leaving her for Sabrina.

Victoria chose to ignore it for it being so long ago decided to lay back in the bed waiting for something to change.

Everything was happening so fast.

Moo had forgotten about the whole attack when he fell unconscious. The nurses had said he was lucky to be alive because of so much blood being lost. His chest had been cast to help the ribs heal, thankfully they weren't broken just badly bruised leaving big dark purplish blotches above the abdomen. His back was also bruised, but there wasn't any major damage. The bullet went right through the left side of his upper chest with not arteries being cut or damaged being neatly patched up to stop the blood loss.

A nurse tended to Moo's injuries feeling his pulse from time to time. Right now, it was just a little shallow, but not as shallow as it was when he first arrived there. She felt his head being a bit hot so she ended up putting a cool rag over it to help the heatness wear down. She touched his cheek sighing that he was so young and had to suffer something like that.

She jumped at the door of the medical house being slammed hearing heavy footsteps nearing closer. She felt heart about to burst out of her ribcage at the sight of Miguel's towering figure from across Moo's bed from where she stood. Her skin began crawling with goosebumps as he gave her the coldest glare she's ever seen, she could tell he was angry.

And angry was the last thing anyone wanted him to be.

"Why the hell he still unconscious?" he asked his tone ice-cold, "you told me he would be awake by now."

She backed away a little even though Miguel was across the bed, "I-I-I did and he'll—"

"You told me he would be alright!" he roared making her flinch, "did you fucking lie to me?!"

"No!! I swear, sir, he's doing better than yesterday," she tried to reassure him, "I promise he'll be awake today."

He narrowed his eyes, "He better or I swear I'll—!!!"

Before he could threaten her they were both interrupted by Moo's groaning his eyes trying to open. Miguel turned all of his attention to the teen while the nurse sighed greatly in relief. He looked up at the nurse his expression soft but still cold.

"Get out," he hissed as she obliged quickly without question.

He touched his cheek rubbing around it gently with his thumb. He saw Moo's eyes fluttered open squinting as the light above him glared brightly. He looked around the room soon realizing that he wasn't in his own bed or apartment.

"Where the hell am I . . ." he groaned to himself.

He finally turned to the figure beside him and moments later when his vision became a little clearer his face became red with anger and hate at the sight of seeing Miguel's smiling face.

Moo narrowed his eyes, "You . . . what the fuck have done with Violet?!" he demanded harshly.

"Is that the girl's name?" Miguel thought out loud curiously, "quite a sight, I don't see how Damien even got with someone as pretty as her."

He blinked not knowing about this Damien with Violet never mentioning him.

"Answer my fucking question!" he ignored the statement only wanting Violet back, "I swear if you fucking touched her I will snap your damn neck in two!"

Miguel only chuckled, "So violent, so brave when speaking to me. Ya know I find it amusing how you're barkin' at me when I should be barkin' at you for slicing off my hitman's head."

Moo almost shut his mouth forgetting that the man said he was from the Broken Backbone. But he couldn't care any less if he murdered his whole army, he just wanted his family, Mary, and especially Violet back.

"But I'm forgiving and Will was becoming dead weight to me anyway," he continued, "he doesn't matter as much as you matter to me."

"What are you getting at, asshole?" he growled.

Miguel's face started to then serious, "You're eighteen, correct?"

"Why does that—"

"Are you eighteen, boy?" he interrupted impatiently.

Moo went ahead and answered hoping this will get him closer to Violet, "Yes."

Miguel stepped closer his face close to his with their noses almost touching, "do you know who your father is . . . ?"

He raised a brow at the question but chose to answer it, "Um . . . I think mamá told me it was someone named Hugo."

He winced as if the name stabbed him, "What all do you know about him?"

He hesitated barely knowing anything about his late father, "Well, he died before I was even born, but mamá told me that he was a surgeon like her, she told me he was kind but . . . he didn't like children and . . ." he looked down, ". . . and I found out he wanted me aborted."

"I see," Miguel nodded remembering Victoria being indecisive about it because of her being so madly in love with him at the time.

"Why do you care? It's not like you can fix my fucked up life," he mumbled.

He sighed, "You're right, I can't . . . but I can make turn upside down."


As Moo tried to ask what he meant by that Miguel pulled out a few photos from his back pocket shuffling them as if they were a deck of cards. Moo eyed them curiously wondering why he would even show him pictures at a time like this.

"Now, do you know this man?" he pulled out one photo of a man holding some kind of degree.

Moo saw that he was a pretty sight to see with his perfect-shaped jawline and chiseled features, his sharp cheekbones, sparkling emerald green eyes, and his pearly white smile. His skin was a light shade of tan having dark brown long hair in a ponytail with matching facial hair. He wore a doctor's coat in the picture holding what Moo assumed to be a doctorate degree.

He cocked his head, "No, I don't recognize him."

"This is Hugo," he said in malice, "or who think is your . . . 'father'."


He gently touched the picture with his index finger outlining Hugo's figure never seeing him before not even in a photo. From Moo's perspective, Hugo looked like a nice, charming person, he bet was a womanizer back then.

Moo jumped at the loud creak when Miguel sat on the side of the bed looking down to his feet.

"He wanted nothing to do with you," Miguel hissed lowly, "he even tried to set up an appointment for your mother so she can have you aborted," he sighed shutting his eyes, "I couldn't have him kill a gift of life, especially if it wasn't his, so I had to . . . take care of him."

He furrowed his brows not knowing where this was heading, "What . . . did you do . . .?"

His expression turned murderous, "I killed him."

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