Broken Grace

By KattraKnit

97.2K 2.9K 6K

A new version of Healing What Has Been Broken by @harrish6 This is a Forced God of Destruction story. What if... More

Broken Grace
Broken Grace Prologue
Broken Grace chapter one
Broken Grace chapter two
Broken Grace chapter three
Broken Grace chapter four
Broken Grace chapter five
Broken Grace chapter six
Broken Grace chapter seven
Broken Grace chapter Eight
Broken Grace chapter nine
Broken Grace chapter ten
Broken Grace chapter eleven
Broken Grace chapter twelve
Broken Grace chapter thirteen
Broken Grace chapter fourteen
Broken Grace chapter fifteen.
Broken Grace chapter sixteen
Broken Grace chapter eighteen
Broken Grace chapter nineteen
Broken Grace chapter twenty
Broken Grace chapter twenty-one
Broken Grace chapter twenty-two
Broken Grace chapter twenty-three
Broken Grace chapter twenty-four
Broken Grace chapter twenty-five
Broken Grace epilogue

Broken Grace chapter seventeen

3.2K 102 353
By KattraKnit

-Stable verse Multi-Void With Error-

Seeing Error laying there, blankly staring at the sky, was not something Ink wanted to see. Mostly because of the red, broken rib laying not too far away from the dark skeleton. 'Oh God! What do I do?! WHATDOIDOOHMYGOD-' Ink's SOUL sped up, his face flushing, gibberish coming out of his mouth.

Not paying any mind to Ink's panic attack, Death and Echo rushed up to then others.

"What happened?" Death questioned as he floated by Honey and Blue. Echo knelt by Daze, who had a very worried look on his face. The two babybones fretted over error, who was still just gazing up to the sky, not really paying them any attention anymore.

"One of his ribs just broke-er....fell off." Daze told the Grim Reaper, having to talk a bit louder to be heard over Blue's swearing and Ink's panicking. "I used my magic to get a read on his wounds...." Daze bit his lip, glancing down at Error. "I can't heal him, the damage is too much for my experience."

"We'll talk to Error about taking him to Life, but for now let's get him back to the house." Death then turned and nodded to Echo, signaling him to pick Error up. Echo gave a nod, and reached down to pick Error up, hands going to his side's to lift him.

Error felt hands coming closer to him, to where his ribs are. Lazily looking over, his soul froze. 'G!' G was going for his ribs again! All Error could see was G ripping and breaking off all his ribs, laughing once they reattached just because it meant he could break them off again. G giving him that blasted smirk, laughing at his pain when he cried out for mercy. 'No, no, no, NO! Not again!'

Echo stilled when multicolor hands suddenly gripped him in a tight manner. Everyone in the clearing stocked all at once, when Error growled out like a wounded predator. "YOU wONt bE bREakInG oFF mY RiBS tODaY G!" The grip got tighter, Error started to glitch harder. "NoT AgAIn!"

Echo could barely hear Daze's crying, Ink's horrified gasp, Blue's heated cursing, Honey's dark mumbles, or even feel Death's silent but very mad stare. No, all he could see is Error's dark, but so fragile glare. Hear the slight hysterical begging behind the words, the 'Please, no more! Mercy!'. But what he noticed most is the dazed look in his eyelights, not really seeing him, Echo, but this so-called G.

That would make G his counterpart from a logical standpoint. A skeleton monster that looked like Echo, broke off Error's ribs. 'Why would someone do that?!' Echo quickly forced his arms and hands to go limp, not wanting Error to see him as a threat. All Echo could see was himself reaching over and breaking off a screaming, crying Error's ribs. Laughing and loving every minute of it. 'What kind of monster is my counterpart?!'

All in all, it made Echo want to break off one of G's ribs, just to show him how it felt. 'Maybe in the end we're not that different after all, but at least I wouldn't hate another for doing their job.'

Blinking once the hand went limp, Error noticed G was wearing a white sweater. 'G doesn't wear anything under his jacket....' Finally taking a glance around, Error saw Death and Daze looking down at him, to the other side he saw Null and Void right by his head where he was laying down. "oH....YoUR nOT G...."

"No....I'm Echo." Echo plastered on a brittle smile, trying not to show his anger. "Do you remember where you're at?"

"YoUR hiS COuntERpaRT...." Error frowned, looking at the slight differences to calm his SOUL. "YeAH, i'M In tHE stABlE mULtiVEReSE."

"That's good!" Echo nodded as the grip on him loosened. His smile grew more tight at thinking he looked like someone who had hurt this skeleton, looking like the other enough to send Error into a flashback.

"We're going to have to be more careful." Death muttered to Ink, who finally stopped panicking and now stood by Daze. "Flashbacks can happen at any time when you have something to remind you. And we are all reminders to Error."

"We really need to give him to a healer though!" Daze muttered softly, eyes not leaving Error.

"We'll think of something, for right now let's just get him back to the house." Death answered, knowing now was not the time to panic. He would rather wait until the healer told them everything, then he can panic and break a table like Maple did.

Blue growled when Honey picked him up, refusing to put him down. Echo backed up when Error let go of him, standing up and looking at the others not knowing what to do. "So....Who's Carrying him?" Echo asked, knowing he can't be the one to do it.

"oH FoR thE LOvE oF-!" Error huffed, reaching over to grab his Fallen rib. Then he stood up without any problems, scowling at Ink when he made a move to help him up or pick him up, either one really but in the end Error wanted neither. "I HAvE bEEn TeLLing YOu iT's FInE-!"



Everyone looked to the ground blankly, where a rib lay just at Error's feet. Eyelights bulged out and widened to massive degrees, Error just looks like this happened everyday.

"HUh, aNoTHeR ONe?" Error just said before picking it up as well. He gave it a once-over before giving a slight smile. "aT lEasT IT's a CLeAN bReak, eaSieR TO cOMe bAcK ON."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'HUH, ANOTHER ONE'?!" Blue hysterically asked. To Error it looked like he could start foaming at the mouth at any moment. Blue held up two fingers, shaking them violently in Error's direction, Honey now having to fight to keep Blue in his arms - though Honey did have a look on his face, most likely thinking about joining Blue in his hysterics. "TWO RIBS! TWO!"

"OHMYGODWHY!?WHATDOIDONOW?!" Ink screamed at himself, not knowing what to do in this situation. He never had a skeleton monster right in front of him while their ribs fell off, he never thought this could even happen! This is something that he never had to prepare for, or even think about! "WENEEDAMEDIC!"

Daze started to cry harder, but kept calm even as his mind was screaming at everything. His brother was Misery, and he holds all dreams. He has seen some things that he never wanted to, but he knew how to keep calm under pressure - mostly. His body was shaking like a leaf as he tried to calm his breathing and SOUL. 'Okay Daze, you got this! Just move your legs and start walking Error to the house!' Twitching, Daze found he couldn't move his legs. They were numb. 'Okay, first order of business, get body back under control!'

"Shit." Echo muttered to himself, hands covering his sockets, leaning his head back as he tried to think. But all he could feel is guilt. While he may not be this 'G' that Error mentioned, he was his counterpart and it felt like his fault even if it wasn't. Seeing that rib just break off and fall, tumbling out from under Error's jacket, was horrifying. His mind whispered that this was his fault, but his SOUL knew the answer. He has so many questions, and only one other can answer them. 'G, if I ever see you,' hands tightened their hold and sockets closed tighter. 'You have a lot to answer for.' "Shit!"

All Death could do was stare at Error. Now, don't get him wrong. He was horrified like the others that Error was just falling apart, but that wasn't the thing that really made him worry. It was the way Error just shrugged like it was nothing, that he didn't even care that he was falling apart at the seams. It was the way he was so calm about it and had no cares that really made Death give a horrified gasp. Sure, Error had no fear of death - which Death secretly enjoyed, as that meant Error did not fear him. - but to have no worry about your health or body is another matter altogether. Now all he could do is watch to see if any other bones would fall, and try and think of a way for Error to agree to go to Life's place to get healed up.

'I'm surrounded by insane monsters.' Error sighed, picked up the bag and put it on before turning to the pathway. Glancing to the side, he stopped mid-step at the worried looks he was getting from Null and Void. 'Right, I'm a mother now....What do I do in this situation?' Glancing to the ribs in his hands, he was struck with a horrible idea. 'What if they think it is fine if their ribs fall off?!'

Null and Void flinched back in shock when their Mama suddenly knelt down in front of them, pointing his rib at them and with a stern look. They straightened at that look, knowing that he wanted them to pay close attention to him. "Mama?" Null asked worried, glancing from his face the rib, then back to his face.

"i'M NOt a NOrmAL MoNStER, i WoRk DIFFeREntLy. My BOdY woRKS DIFFeREntLy." Error paused, thinking about how to go with this before shrugging. He's been winging it this long, why stop now? "iF YOu'Re HURT yOUr RiBs fALL, bReak OfF, SOmEoNE TRies ANyTHing, In daNGEr, oR iN PAiN, SAd, anYTHIng - YoU cOME tO mE RIGHT aWaY, oR cAll FOR mE. Do nOT fREak oUT aBOUt THiS i WiLL bE fINE AS i AlWaYS hAvE bEEn." Error pointedly did not look behind him at the freaking out monsters, his kids were better than them. "Do YOU unDERsTAND?"

"Yes Mama...." Null and Void nodded, but then Null bit his lip. "But what if you're not there or too far away to hear us or get to?"

Without pausing to think, Error formed some strings in his hands. Quickly, but firmly, tying it around each of their little wrist, and securely putting some around their ankles so they were hidden by their socks, they looked at it and nodded. "WiTH thESe On, I wILL alWaYS bE aBLE TO fIND yoU. I cAN mAKe POrtALS, I wILL FiND yoU." What was left unsaid was that if he finds them hurt on the other side, even if a single tear falls from either of their sockets, someone was going to get dusted and/or wish they had been dusted.

Error is possessive of what is his because he has so little that he could hold and keep without fear of Fate or Inky taking it from him. Usually that is the SOULS, puppets, dolls and knitting. Never something alive and dependent on him. While Error still thinks he is going to fail at this parent thing, they are his children. Protection from harm is one of the only things he can offer without fail, it is one of the only things he can promise he wouldn't crash and burn at.

"T'ank Mama~" Void cooed, making Error blink. Before he could tell Void good job - because two words in one day must be a good thing right? A mother should praise him for that....right? - Void leaned over and kissed his cheek sloppily. Null giggled, doing the same. "Thank you Mama~"

"yOUr.....WelCoME." Standing, he gestured for them to follow him. "We'RE GOiNg bAcK tO THe ManSIoN."

Without pause, both children latched onto Error's legs. Giggling when they were lifted in the air with each step Error took. Null blinked, glancing back to where the other adults were, only the one dressed in a black robe - Death, Null remembered - noticed they were moving. He nodded, and turned back to the others, motioning something and talking to them. Null turned back, looking up to Error. "Mama, what about the others?"

His Mama snorted, not even glancing back. "ThEY'LL bE FInE."

'If Mama says it's fine, then it must be.' Null gave a little shiek of delight when Error made a larger - an over exaggerated - step, making the wind blow past them. Error chuckled before taking longer strides, giggles coming forth as the kids hugged tightly onto his legs.

-Back In The Kitchen-

"Do ya think they're fine?" Skull questioned from his seat, a glass of water in front of him. He had asked for something stronger, but Orbit had pointed out that they should probably stay sober for this kind of situation. Skull eventually agreed, he just hoped it didn't involve clearing someone's dust off the grass.

"No they will not, they will panic and not know what to do then he will come back on his own." Nightmare sipped his coffee.

"I'm sure everything is fine." Orbit told them all, hiding his worry. He was making snacks on autopilot, trying to get rid of the stress. He made the kids stay in the living room, afraid about what they would see when Error does come through the door. "We would have heard something by now if anything happened."

"This is hella wack!" Fresh growled out, slumping in his seat, rubbing his face tired. "Why the heck is all this bomb diggity happen'?! We should just go and-!"

"We are staying here." Misery cut in before Hannibal and Murder could agree with Fresh's plan of going out and finding them. He knew what would just add to the chaos that must be going on out in the clearing. "Soon they will come in, and then...."

"Then what?" Red scowled, feeling antsy about all that is going on. "What are we going to do?! All I can see us doing is getting Error to a doc, and he doesn't trust any of us!"

"It isn't a matter of getting him to agree, I can do that, it is getting him to go. I don't know the healers here and he doesn't trust you." Nightmare finished his coffee.

Hearts frowned, thinking about it for a moment, thinking aloud. "Then how about someone he can trust, or at least someone who won't hurt him?"

Hop blinked, before leaning forward as the others stilled. "What do you mean Hearts?"

"I mean, we ask Error who has never hurt him." Hearts gave a bitter smile. "We know our counterparts failed, but another might have never done anything to him. Hopefully it is someone from our AU's." Then he shrugged. "If there isn't one that hasn't hurt him, then we ask the one he trusts the most or the one that hurt him the least."

"And would he just answer?" Hannibal asked, scratching at his skull. "Would he even go with them? He knows this isn't his Multiverse."

"But looking like one he trusts could make it easier." Murder pointed out from his spot by Hannibal. "Let's just hope that it isn't someone from my AU."

Nightmare chuckled darkly.

"There's no one left in your AU." Maple grumbled, slumped over the table tapping it.

"I know. That's the point." Murder chuckled, as if finding it hilarious that he killed off every monster in his AU.

"Dust have you taken your..." Nightmare turns to face them and stopped... "Right you not Dust you sound like him when he forgets his meds." For a moment he looked so lost then he shook his head and looked down at his coffee.

".....Anyway," Misery cleared his throat, cutting through the awkward silence. "All we can do is ask, then go with Hearts plan."

"What if we get the-" Hop cut off when Error just opened the door and walked through like nothing was wrong, the two kids giggling on each leg.

It took a few moments to possess what they were seeing, before everyone shot up with wide sockets.

"So....Error, are you okay?" Red asked, looking him up and down. Error didn't look hurt. 'I swear if this was a false alarm-!?'

Everyone choked when Error reached into his pocket, and pulled out two red ribs for everyone to see. "YeAh, JuST tWo rIBs FinALLy FeLL OfF. StiLl don'T sEE WhAT thE fUSs IS abOUt." Error shrugged and put the ribs back into his pockets, walking out of the kitchen. "It'S JUsT tWo RibS, ThEY'LL gO BaCK EvENtUalLY."

Nightmare followed after Error like his shadow, making Misery wonder at him counterparts steadfast love for Error an if either broken monsters knew what it was like not to hurt.

Red mouthed to Maple in shock. 'Just two ribs?!' What happens to Error for him to just shrug that off?! Red could feel another panic attack coming.

Hearts could feel his SOUL weeping, just thinking about all the pain Error must be in - even if he doesn't show it. Then that brought Hearts even more pain, because Error must have gone through a lot of pain to be able to hide it so well.

Maple was in shock, he thought it was just one rib! He told them it was just one! And by the look Fresh was giving him over his shades, they were not happy about this shock when they were they were told it was just one. Maple was quick to shake his head and hands, denying that he knew about the other rib. "It was just the one when I left!!"

"So that means it fell off after." Misery muttered, getting up and going to follow Error. "I think it is time to put Hearts plan into action."

Hop swiftly stood. "I'll short cut to get the others. Knowing Ink, he forgot he can teleport in his worry." Hop gave them a nod before walking out to the yard, not liking to teleport inside the building. All that ran through his mind were those two bloody, dusty ribs. 'What's going to fall off next if we don't get him any help?'

"Well, let's go before the kids ask to see his ribs." Murder laughed while Hannibal snickered at that picture. Orbit choked, hurriedly turning off the stove as the others rushed into the living room. Fresh snorted when he heard Orbit trip and yelp as he rushed with the others. 'I better only be two ribs.'

But Fresh knew it was going to be way worse then that, Error's SOUL had shown that to them if nothing else.

-In The Living Room-

Error blink when the group rushed in, then a little flashed, and those in the clearing were there with Hop not too far behind. 'Either this is going to be bad, or just painful.'

All the adults were dumbfounded. Why? Because of what they just walked into.

Error was lounging on the couch, one arm draped around Nightmare who was snuggled close to him. The other hand held out, fingers moving gracefully as his strings made a large teddy bear move. The large teddy bear, about the size of Hearts, was one thay kept in the toy corner for when the little Papyruses is came over. Null and Void were sitting by the arm of the couch, looking around the bear at the other Time Kids, who were playing as knights.

"Don't worry Princess Null and Princess Void, we'll save you!" TK puffed out his chest, raising his plastic sword. The rest followed suit, all with a war cry. Orange and Gaz were setting not too far away, deciding to watch rather than play. Tick was mostly interested in the fighting, Cherry was having fun playing where he wasn't the one getting hit like in his AU, Cloud was sitting with Orange and Gaz, and Peace was watching the bear move in awe.

Void giggles, bouncing in his seat and throwing kisses. Null on the other hand, watch the bear in awe. "Go Mr. Bear!"

Orange chuckled at TK's saddened face. "Null-er, sorry." Orange snorted. "Princess Null, you are not supposed to cheer for the bear who is keeping you hostage."

"But Mama is making Mr. Bear move." Null frowned in confusion. "So that means Mama is Mr. Bear!" Null pouted, giving them all a slight glare. "I don't want to be saved from Mama!"

"Mama!" Void cheered, hands lifting up to the ceiling in excitement. "Mama! Mama!"

TK just looked heartbroken, before determination grew inside him. 'I'll win and prove to Null that Mr. Bear is nothing!'

"That's not how pretending works." Gaz laughed, but shrugged from where he was sitting. "Oh well, at least they're having fun."

Cloud snickered softly at the defeated looking TK. "Poor TK, he looks so heartbroken that Null isn't cheering for him to win."

"...It looks like he's taking it a bit too seriously now though." Orange muttered with a sweat drop, worried watching how TK, raised his sword, fighting the big plush bear like a monster possessed.

"It'll be fine." Gaz waved him off. Cloud paled, pointing to something before agreeing. "Yeah I'm more worried about what Tick will do. He just threw away his toy and has his yo-yo out!"

"Heh!" Tick chuckled, swinging his Yo-Yo at the bear. But no matter how heavy his yo-yo is, Error's strings are stronger and the bear is plush. The bear bats at Tick suddenly, making his eyes go wide as he fell. "....This isn't the end Mr. Bear." Tick growled out as he slowly set up.

Peace just pokes the bear, watching it move about. Stars in his eyes as he watches the bear over his colorful glasses. "So COOL~"

Nightmare snuggled into Error's side talking softly. "I am sorry I got upset with you. You have been through a lot and Fox knows I have added to it at times. It just scares me when you get like that I don't want to lose you to."

Error just tucked him closer. "i Kn0w nIgHT. WhY yOU stILl cAreR ThOUgH ¡s A mYSterY."

All the adults could do was watch shocked. Not because of anything that is going on, no. It's how Error set all this up within a few minutes, if that.

In fact, Orbit opened his mouth to ask just that, but Hearts cleared his throat, making him remember the more important things to ask. He still kept glancing to where the bear was fighting the kids, and was impressed. Error even seemed to not be paying what he was doing any mind, that spoke of talent and practice.

"Error." Misery called-out, deciding it was now or never.

Error lazily lifted his head up, blinking at the others. "iF thIS iS AboUT mY RibS-"

"We were just wondering something is all." Misery cut him off before anyone could be set off, namely a still twitching Blue who did not look happy. "May we ask you a question or two?"

Raising a brow, Error eventually nodded in agreement. 'What angle are they going for now?' Leaning back, and still making the bear move so the kids were distracted, he waited for the questions.

"We know our....counterparts have hurt you in some way." Misery paused, trying to rein in his anger while Error tensed, wondering just where in the hell they were going with this.

Hannibal decided to cut in and ask, seeing Misery pause. Giving Error a bloodthirsty grin - just thinking of all the things he wanted to ask his counterpart and do to the other counterparts just made him want to grab his axe and never let go - he scratched his skull. "Has anyone not hurt you?"

Error blinked, tilting his head in confusion. "WhAT dO YOu MEAn BY THaT?"

"Has anyone not hurt you as in. Never broken your bones or cracked your SOUL?" Murder smirked, playing with his knife. His list was already big, might as well see if anyone shouldn't be on the list. "Is there anyone you trust?"

'Has someone never hurt me before...?' Stopping to think about it, Error had no idea he was mumbling aloud, fingers never stopped as the bear continued to move around for the children. "ClAsSIC bRoKE mY aRM......EdGe KiCKEd IN mY femER....OuTEr? NO, hE tOLD tHE oTHErs EvERyTHiNG hE kNEw....WOUlDn'T tRusT HIm....DaNCe....BroKE mY FeET...." Error trying to scratch his skull, only to have Nightmare intercept his hand and hold it against his ribs so Error couldn't scratch or claw at himself. Error didn't seem to notice said counterparts to those he mentioned wincing or growling. Then it hit him. Error pulled Nightmare closer. "CoBaLt NevER hURT mE, no MAtTER hOW MUCh i HURT hIm!"

Honey leaned forward, surprise and interest showing on his face. "Cobalt? As in my Bro's counterpart?" Honey knew his brother was the best and so cool, but not this cool!

Error grimaced, looking at Honey like he was going to strangle him at any moment. It was clear that Honey's counterpart was not a friend. "WhEn I wAs....l0sT tO mAdNEss." A more delicate way of putting, 'I lost my mind and sanity for a bit more like centuries really.' The other seemed to grasp it by the grim faces they had on. "i hAd neARlY DEstROyed UnderSwap - ThE oRiGinAL oNE." Error went on, not noticing the looks as they were reminded of what Nightmare told them about copies. Ink and Skull glanced at one another. Just how crowded was Error's Multiverse?

"i HaD...." Error shook his head, he didn't want to explain that he had kidnapped Cobalt. Even if it was done out of Madness and loneliness, he did not want to admit he had sunk that low. "i HuRt CoBaLt AnD sTrEtcH. StReTCh nEvEr foRGaVE mE, riGHtFuLLy, BuT CoBaLt DiD, aND nEvEr OnCE RaISeD a HAnD TO mE oR eVEn sAId a HArSh WoRd, tHouGh iT coST hIM."

"Cobalt ended up locked in his AU like a wayward child grounded for not sharing their parents' beliefs. I broke him out after Dust checked out who he was and came home so smitten he kept walking into doors. Error adopted him as a younger brother and gave him firewall control of his AU so they couldn't do that again. Cobalt used his freedom to finish his education. Then got a job as Captain of my royal guard. An basically told the rest of the Multiverse to go fuck themselves. I was so proud until Dust annoyed everyone for a week straight showing off his engagement ring." Nightmare chuckled watching their socks widen.

Misery gave Honey a nod, making Honey's eyes gleam. He understood what was being asked of him, so he silently slid out of the room. Misery turned back to Error, making up a question on the spot so Error didn't become suspicious. "So has Nightmare ever done anything?"

Error chuckled, and for a moment Misery thought it wouldn't be too bad, then Error answered the question. "nIgHT hAs POisOnED ME so mANy TImEs! HA, OnE tImE hE EVeN sLiPpED mE a SLEEpINg poTIOn, anD i WokE Up iN aN AU fILLeD WiTH pOiSon. EvERyONE WoRE gAsmASkS As nOT tO bREaTH iT IN." Error smiled like he was thinking of a nice memory. "I BReAThed So MUcH, I wAS pUkiNG foR dAYS! YOU shOULd hAVe SeEn INkY's fACe WhEn i hAD tO FIGhT hIm aN hOUr lAtER."

"He did what?!" Red choked out, not understanding why Error was smiling about all this. Misery was not looking any better, Daze having to help keep him standing. Hop was glad he had set down already in the love seat, he knew he would have fallen from his legs going numb with shock at all this. Fresh was worried about what his counterpart did, or does from the way Error looked at him when they first met, like a snake getting ready to strike at any moment. Orbitz was just happy the kids were distracted and not paying them any attention, they did not need to hear this. Echo was taking deep breaths, if his counterpart broke off ribs and Error freaks are out, then why didn't he react to Nightmare the same way he did to him. Echo wasn't sure if he wanted to know the answer. Blue was rubbing his head, knowing that everything Error said was fucked up, but Error wasn't going to believe him. What has that 'Multiverse done to you?'

Ink didn't want to know how Inky reacted to Error in this little story, it most likely ended badly for Error no matter what. Hannibal was just staring at Error, not knowing if he should add Nightmare to the list or not with the way Error was smiling. Murder felt about the same, but seeing them snuggled together on the couch knows Error is not mentioning something about Nightmare that they should know before acting. Daze was shaking, not wanting to know how far his brother had fallen in Error's Multiverse, how far Daze himself had fallen. Skull's hands were twitching, grin twitching, as he listened to Error. Not even in the mafia have they done what Nightmare had done. Maple could guess that's the only way Error survived all this was because of being unable to die and being able to take more. But that didn't fill him with good feelings knowing that.

"hE POisOnED mE." Error shrugged, not seeing the big deal. It had been happening for years after all. Error actually got slightly worried when he wasn't poisoned by Nightmare after a while. It was almost like a greeting after a while. Then Nightmare stated that it wasn't useful anymore. Though on occasion he will do it but not as much as he used to. "nIgHTmaER DoEs THAt SomEtiMEs." Error gave a big smirk, actually looking fond and proud at the same time, but the words coming out made it disturbing to all of them. "I'M noW imMunE TO moST pOiSOnS beCause OF NIgHTMarE."

"How many times has he poisoned you?!" Red tried not to yell, he really did. So it came out choked, making Red look more in pain than he already is.

"i loSt coUNt afTER THREE hUnDreD AnD sIxTY fOUR." Error told them all nonchalantly. "He StOPPed aFTEr I wAS imMunE unTiL hE fOunD nEW oNeS."

"....." Misery blankly looked at Error, Daze patting his cheek trying to get a reaction. The others weren't in better shape.

Error just looked at them, one hand still controlling the bear, the other resting over Nightmare's SOUL. The kids laugher and cheering filled the background. "WhAT? YoU aSKeD!"

Nightmare gives a soft chuckle. "They were not prepared for the answer. They have likely never been poisoned and do not understand the value of immunity. They just wanted to know how to get you to a healer because it hurts seeing you fall apart. I think we should go along with it. Three reasons I want Null and Void to see a healer, we don't know if there are any lasting effects of whatever that Gaster did, we don't want to wait so long they have the chance to get phobic about healers. I think the best way to show them healers are safe is for you to set an example, and having something to do will help them calm down. "

Error looked down at Nightmare then raised his hand and lightly stroked his cheek. "OkaY bUt YoU fIRSt i KnOw yOU'rE hUrtINg."

-With Honey-

"So, can ya do this for us bro?" Honey pleaded with his brother with his eyes through the portal, he saw no other options and this was as good a plan as any. Hop made sure to tell them before they ported back, and it seemed like one that wouldn't fail them.

"Of course I will help you brother!" Blueberry gave a bright grin, but sadness and questions burning in his eyes. "....Is this Error really that badly hurt Papy?"

Taking a deep breath, and remembering how Error looked and acted, all Honey could do was nod. Seeing Blueberry's sad face, Honey couldn't help but add something to cheer him up. "But your counterpart never hurt him bro, you're so cool!"

Blueberry brightened, stepping through the portal as his starry eye lights seemed to dance. A determined grin on his face. "Mweh! But of course! I am the Sansational Sans after all!"

"So cool."

-With Error-

Everyone had eventually went, and sat down somewhere, but left Error, Nightmare, and the kids on the couch. They did not want to crowd them after everything that had been said. Error was still playing with the kids, making Mr. Bear belly flop on Peace much to all the children's amusement. Misery still couldn't get over the fact Nightmare his counterpart poisoned Error, and that Error was okay with it. In fact, Misery and Daze could feel the deep affection and tenderness for Nightmare from Error, which boggled their minds. 'Is it because he has had worse done to him by others?' Misery narrowed his eyes in thought from his seat that he shared with his brother near the fireplace. 'They likely have never been poisoned and do not understand the value of immunity? Has Nightmare been poisoned before? I know you're hurting? How bad was Nightmare hurt? He didn't show it any more than Error. What was the big picture here?'

"Sorry it took so long." Honey lazily smirked as he slouched in. "Error I want ya to meet someone."

Error just looked up, only to choke when another skeleton walked in. "ThErE iS No WaY..."

It was a Swap, but Error knew right away that this wasn't his Cobalt, there was a huge difference between the two.

He had on a gray t-shirt lined with blue, no shoulder pads on it or sewn on as a battle body. A long light blue scarf and Blue pants with grey boots. Nothing too off or too much different there. No it was something more glaringly obvious.

Cobalt's counterpart was tall.

Cobalt was only to Error's kneecaps, shorter than any other Sans that is full grown. The one in front of him stopped at Error's eye sockets, taller than quite a few Sanses. His face was more mature, less childish looking. He still had starry eye lights, but even they were not as big, Cobalt's almost took over his sockets with them. It was a shock to the system to see someone so short be so tall, even if Error knew this wasn't Cobalt it still was a shock.

"Hello mysterious Multiverse Travelers!" The tall Swap grinned brightly, starry eye lights dancing. He practically ran over apparently height didn't change the speed or strength of a Swap, in fact to Error it seemed this one was faster. - and held out his hand suddenly. Error flinched, losing his concentration. The strings around the teddy bear faded, making the kids laughing and gasp as the bear fell over on top of some of them. Null and Void quickly turned to see why their Mama stopped, only to blink surprised that a new skeleton was in front of their Mama. They were quick to crawl over to Error's side, looking the new skeleton up and down.

Error just looked at the hand, before glancing up at the smile directed to him. 'Just like Cobalt....yet not.' Slowly Error grip the other's hand. He wouldn't treat this one the same way he did with Cobalt when they first met. The grin grew brighter, the others let out the breath they were holding.

But some looked a bit annoyed and frustrated when an Error didn't even shy away from Blueberry's hand. Echo especially felt a bit cheated he didn't want Error to flinch away from his hand like he did back in the clearing.

"I'm the Sansational Sans! But I'm also called Blueberry for less confusion!" Blueberry's grin fell to a concern frowned. Looking over the other skeletons, he could tell they were very much hurt without even needing to know what his brother told him. But Blueberry also noticed how lost they looked all together they looked like they needed immediate attention and fast.

"i'M ErRoR, ThIS iS nIgHTmaER...." Error glanced down at the kids at his side, before looking back up at Blueberry. "thEsE ARe oUr sONs, NuLL anD vOID."

Blueberry had to smile at the way the two babybones puffed out their chest, pride written all over their faces at being Error's children. "What adorable children you have!" They just gave him a face that said, 'Of course they're adorable, what else would they be?' 'What great parents.' Blueberry thought to himself, getting a feel for Error and Nightmare. But Blueberry knew he would have time for that later, he had to get them to help and fast. "You look hurt, do you need assistance?"

Error frowned, glancing to the pocket that held his two ribs. "i'M FInE, iT wAs juSt tHE tWo riBs." Error mumbled to himself, he still didn't see the big deal. It was just him getting hurt after all, no one else.

"Error!" Nightmare's voice cut off any protests. "You agreed."

Blueberry had to hold back the frown working its way up. The other was falling apart, yet did not want help. If the other me was so kind to you does that mean he got you help? By Queen Toriel, Blueberry hoped that was true. Seeing that the other still didn't care, he knew he had to play dirty. Turning to the kids at Error's side Blueberry pouted. "You want your parents to get healed up too don't you?"

'You fucker, you really are just like Cobalt!" Error's socket twitched, seeing the manipulation a mile away. He would have to teach his kids about that later on. Cobalt was way better at hiding manipulation. Error could admit that he was oblivious at times - and some things are blurry from the days of madness, for all he knew Cobalt was once this clumsy too. 'Great, now I'm confusing myself! It's been so long that I don't even remember if Cobalt was like this or not.' Error grown as the two kids turn to look up at him with pouts ready.

Void tugged at his jacket, a pitiful frown on his face. "Mama?"

Null wasn't too far behind his little brother. Leaning into his mama, he looked up at him in worry. "Mama, I know you said it's normal for you...." Null chewed on his lower lip before going on. "But I'm scared." Error jolted, looking down at them in shock. "I don't like it that you're hurt!"

'Shit.' Sighing, Error turns to glare up at Blueberry. "FiNE, bUt nIgHT StiLl HaS To gO FirST...." The 'You manipulative fuckers!' was left unsaid.

Blueberry's face lit up, and before Error could even blink, he was held bridal style in Blueberry's arms. "WhAT aRE YoU-!?" Error glitched, at being held.

All the others shot up, opening their mouths to tell Blueberry to put the glitching skeleton down, but stop when Blueberry laughed loudly creating a portal.

"Come on children, we are going to the best healers there is for your Father!" Nightmare stood and scooped up Null and Void. "Mother, I get to be the dad Null said so." Nightmare smirked quickly going to the portal. "The Sensational Blueberry does nothing in halves!" Error choked as Blueberry ran with him in his arms through the portal. "Have no fear Error!"

"ThIS doESN't HELp mE anY!" Error nearly screamed out before they were through the portal. Nightmares dark chuckles mixed with Null and Void's giggles, finding the situation hilarious before quickly following after, through the portal.

Everyone looked at the portal, dumbfounded at what just happened.

"Did...did your brother just kidnap Error?" Skull asked Honey blankly, pointing to the portal.

"No!" Honey denied in a hurry. "My bro would never do that."

"I have seen kidnappings, hell I have kidnapped someone before." Skull told the taller skeleton. "That looked like one to me."

"Blueberry is not one to mess with that's for sure." Maple muttered, thinking of his own brother. "He and Rasp really go all out and do not hesitate when they want something."

"I better hurry after them." Death came out from the corner he was sitting in. "Have to fill in Life before she takes this all the wrong way." Death floated to the portal briefly looking at everyone.

Ink waved him off, still looking shaken from all that has happened. "We're going to go and talk with our brothers, tell them everything that's going on. We'll catch up with you later."

Murder shrugged, before smirking. "I'll go with you, but you should warn Life first." He raised his knife. "Don't want to start a fight with her, I don't think she likes me any."

Death snorted. 'Life doesn't really like me.' Death and Life worked together and trusted one another, but were not really friends. Their magic and lives were too different to understand one another. While they get along, there was always something in the background making them not get too close. Death and Life can never touch one another, can never really be friends. Death was fine with that, he had his friends and she had hers. 'And with Error and maybe Nightmare, if I'm right...' Death floated through the portal. 'Then I have someone I could actually poke and wouldn't die from that.'

-With Life-

Life was tending to her garden, hidden away from the other gods. Only Death and the others like him could find her, so she was not expecting a portal to open by her porch only a few feet away from her.

Shooting up and preparing for the worst, Life flinched back in surprise when Blueberry shot through with a darker glitching skeleton in his arms. Multicolored eye lights blinked at her making her jolt even more when a skeleton with moonlight bones carrying two babybones followed after them.

"Hello Lady Life!" Blueberry tilted his head down at the taller one in his hold. "I have brought you someone in dire need of healing!"

"it is noT DiRE-! aND I sAiD onLy iF nIgHT gOEs FirST." The dark one tried to say, before a cracking noise sounded out. Frowning, the glitchy one shifted in the hold, and a red rib came tumbling out of the jacket.

Blueberry paled, making a wounded noise at the site. Life couldn't hold back her horrified gasp, hands going to her mouth.

"AnOtHER ONe? oH WELl, aT leASt my FinGERs anD fEEt aRE sTiLL oN." The dark skeleton just shrugged, stretching down and picking up the rib, shoving it in a pocket. Life could hear the rattling of other bones in the pocket, and that sickened her. This skeleton was falling apart right in front of her. He looked up at her, eye lights making her freeze. There was so much pain, so much sadness in them, but refusal to show it. "yOU dON't KNoW hoW haRD iT IS tO wAIt fOR THEm To cOME bAcK. KniTTinG Is haRD WiTHoUt aLL yOUr FinGERs."

Life felt frozen, feeling the pain and Death's magic on the other. By all counts he should be dead, but wasn't and even then.... 'The magic and touch of Death.... feel off.' Life realized, frowning her brow. It did not feel like Grim's or Death's touch, but also so much like Death's. It was a weird feeling of right and wrong. 'But if Death did hurt this poor monster so badly,' A fire blazed into Life's eyes. 'I will show him what happens when life has no Mercy.'

Just then Death walked through the portal, it closed behind him. He looked at Error's annoyed face and the kids awed worried ones as they looked around the garden - glancing to Error every second, Nightmare's resigned concern, Blueberry's stricken face, and Life's burning one.

Death, gulped then glanced around. "What?"

Life strode forward, eyes burning all the more when Error's and Nightmare's scars became more visible as she came closer.

"Death, you better explain. Now."

Death flinched back, before nodding. Okay but first, Death gestured to Error and Nightmare. Life meet Error, forced God of destruction to another Multiverse formed by Fate, and touched by Destiny, and Nightmare prince of Negativity and Guardian of nightmares, they fell here through the VOID."

Life's eyes widened. "What?!"

"Why don't we go sit down, this could take a while. Blueberry, why don't you take Error and Nightmare inside and talk for a minute, get to know one another?"

"What fun! Come on everyone!"

Nightmare chuckled following Blueberry. "Fox it is like watching Cobalt manage that mangled cat Killer brought home."

"CaN YoU pUT mE doWN NOW?!"

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