Anonymous Dark Britain (A Wat...


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8 months after the events in Chicago, Anon and the others leave to London fora trip only for it to get cut of... Lebih Banyak

Welcome to London (Ft Bagley the DedSec A.I.)
2. Party
3. Aftermath
4. Recruiting
5. Welcome to DedSec
6. Islington
7. Chase
8. Disruption
9. Additions
What the phones look like
10. Camden's defiance
11. Crystal Gems
12. Surprise guests
13. Heroes and hackers
Theme for this book
14. Training & Reuniting
15. Reporting For Duty
16. Digging up the past
Other hackers in this book and what they look like
17. Digging up the past part 2
18. Double Trouble...
19. Recruiting Eddie
Does anyone want to add their OCs
20. Anarchists
21. Lost in the process
22. Clan Kelley's New Export
23. Faqueed
For those who want to know what Eddie Green looks like
24. More surprise guests
25. Bloody Mary Kelley
26. Liberating Westminster
27. Big surprise
28. Wild, wild friends
29. Derek Monroe
A/N 1K READS!!!!
30. 1-B
31. Re-encounters
Last call to add your OCs into this book!
OC for a fan of my book!
32. Battle of Camden
33. Gap In The Armour
34. Inside Albion
35. Liberating Tower Hamlets & Protest of Trafalgar Square
36. Sly & Cheeky
New series joining the resistance coming soon!
37. Initiate Sequence & 404 Not Found
38. Red & Blue
Red & Blue's appearance
39. Coming Home
40. Hot time
41. Zoisite
42. Into The Void
43. Stealing Schemes
44. In The Belly Of The Beast
45. Strange Visitors in London
46. Bakusquad & Crashing The Auction
47. Tea & biscuits
48. Market closing
49. Falling From Grace
50. Quite the rescue
51. The Whistleblower
52. Recruiting Sandhya Nair
53. Espionage 101
54. Eddie Green's day
55. Family
56. Honey trap
57. Hunting Zero-Day
58. Smoking Gun
59. Kill Box
60. Run
61. Malik dossier
62. Barbarians at the gate
63. Night together
This guy looks like Anon in Watch Dogs Legion
64. ???
65. Day off
66. Clan Kelley's Jewels
67. Arts Of Vandalism
68. Fight Violence With Violence
69. Green
70. Euphoria
71. Clan Kelley's Knuckle Sandwich
72. Eddie's reward
73. Angels & Demons
74. Fall On My Enemies
75. The jerk in the red
76. Control
Coming soon when this book is finished
77. Chocolates
78. Faith
80. Fists & Booze
81. Recruit Emmett Kehoe & Joe Papadopoulos
82. Punks & Pigs
83. Jessica's Rescue
84. Simon's Old Friend
85. DJs & Officers
86. The Fox
87. Kirishima's Suspicions
88. Jessica's Task
89. Fear
90. Truths
91. Payback Part I
92. Payback Part II
93. Lucia
94. Interrogation
95. Grey Onyx
96. Legends
On November...
97. Liberating The City Of London
98. Liberating Nine Elms
99. Liberating Lambeth
1 year
100. Another Task for Declan
I made a mistake, thankfully I fixed it.
101. Memories
102. Liberating Islington & Hackney
103. Liberating Southwark
104. Assassins
105. Declan's Good Night
106. Unite & Conquer
107. Restoking The Fire
108. Nigel's Close Shave
109. Defanging The Flock
110. #Justice4Claire
111. London's Protectors
112. Face Of The Enemy
113. Hard Reset
114. Finding Bagley & Epilogue
A rewrite is coming...

1. Wolfe

513 3 0

Location: London, England

Date: 29/10/2020

Time: 2:35

(Watch Dogs Legion takes place in 2028. But for this it's 2020)

(Here is a scene from the game featuring the characters from the game, so if you do not want to see any spoilers, turn away!)

(This takes place 5 months after Ashfall)

The night sky rises over London as drones soar through the air watching the view which lies below them and they fly around as a boat in the river drives up to the House of Parliament. Then a man in a fancy suit steps out buttoning his blazer. His name, is Dalton Wolfe, a former MI-5 spy, now a DedSec recruit. He then speaks to the head of DedSec LDN (London DedSec) named Sabine Brandt through an earpiece. Sabine is currently at the DedSec hideout.

Dalton: "What's our status?"

Sabine: "Perimeter security's down. But plenty of your flying friends about."

Dalton sees a heavily armed drone and he hides behind a wall.

Dalton: "F*cking hell..."

The drone's light moves past his feet and moves on patrolling, Dalton sighs in relief only for Sabine to remind him.

Sabine: "Dalton no time to waste."

Dalton: "Yes ma'am."

He then enters a secret passage below the building which leads to some tunnels.

Dalton: "I'm in."

Then, he speaks to the DedSec AI, Bagley.

Dalton: "Any idea what we're up against Bagley?"

Bagley: "If you hadn't rushed off, I might. Ever consider leaving these security threats to the authorities?"

Sabine: "That's rich Bagley. And Government would soon arrest us for trying to help than do something useful."

Dalton: "We'll have to sort this one on our own."

Sabine: "Carefully Dalton."

Dalton: "Bagley, are you detecting a little worry in Sabine's voice?"

Bagley: "Brilliant. Asking the computer about feelings. This explains so much."

Sabine: "Shut it you 2 and get to work."

Dalton scoffs and chuckles. He also smirks too.

Dalton: "There she is."

Then he gets to it. Down the tunnel he sees a person, definitely not an employee or security guard, he's all dressed in black, he's walking around a room. Dalton sneaks up and knocks them out with some smooth punches.

Dalton: "That hurt you more than it hurt me."

He uses his new hacking skills to unlock a door and walk through it and walks down a small hallway.

Sabine: "Do us a favour and keep it quiet, Dalton."

Dalton: "If they don't shoot me, I won't shoot them. How's that?"

He enters a boiler room and he gets down the platform onto another platform and he sees another person dressed in black and with a balaclava on his head in another room. He then gets down and knocks them out for good before proceeding. He crouches down to lower the sounds of his footsteps, then he notices lots of DedSec graffiti down there, most likely was placed down there by the men in black.

Dalton: "They've got lots of DedSec gear down here. And why do you suppose that is?"

Sabine: "What? How did they get their hands on it?"

Dalton: "I don't know. But someone wants to make it look like DedSec was here."

Sabine: "Shit. You need to proceed with extreme caution, Dalton."

He walks up the stairs and unlocks a door with his hacking skills on his phone and walks down another hallway.

Dalton: "Who are these men in black anyway?"

Bagley: "Nothing identifying. I suspect that's by design."

He continues to walk down the tunnel and he enters a room which is the underground part of the Houses of Parliament. There, he sees large canister's of bombs tied to pillars supporting the building. There are also 2 men in black in the room. But, they are knocked out quickly by Dalton.

Dalton: "Oh f*ck me... The entire place is rigged to blow!"

Sabine: "J*sus... Those canisters. Bagley, is that-

(I had to censor Jesus because in Christianity it's a sin to say the Lord's name in vein)

Bagley: "RDX Nitrogen. Enough to level parliament."

Sabine: "Can you locate a detonator, Bagley?"

Bagley: "Not exactly, but there's a device streaming a f*ck load of encrypted data from the floor above you."

He walks into another tunnel and he then speaks to Sabine again.

Dalton: "They've staged DedSec propaganda all around the bombs. These pr*cks are gonna blow up parliament and hang it on us!"

Sabine: "Not if you get to that detonator first."

He resumes moving through he tunnel and kicks open a door and climbs a ladder in the room which takes him inside the House of Parliament. He enters a room and sees a briefcase sitting on a table.

Dalton: "Right in the House of Commons. Whoever these men in black are, they've got brass bollocks to set up in the centre of government."

He walks towards the briefcase which is revealed to be the Detonator itself disguised as a briefcase.

Dalton: "I found the detonator. And it's definitely live. Bagley, I'm going to need some help with this."

Bagley: "Yes you are, but sadly I'm locked out."

Sabine: "F*ck! We don't have a chance without Bagley."

Dalton: "Wait, I might know a work-around. We trained in annual overrides at MI-5."

Sabine chuckles and she smiles.

Sabine: "You're full of surprises."

Dalton manages to do so and he grants Bagley access to the detonator.

dalton: "Alright Bagley, do your thing."

Bagley: "I'm in... and the bombs have just armed themselves. Well, that may complicate matters."

Dalton: "F*ck's sake! Can you defuse them or not?"

Bagley: "Of course I can. But I might also trip another failsafe and vaporise you. So, fair warning."

Sabine looks to the back of the room and the alarm in the room is going off.

Sabine: "Expect this to draw some attention your way, Dalton."

The other DedSec members in the room are starting to look concerned too as the alarm goes off.

Dalton: "Oh, I'm counting on it."

One of the DedSec operatives checks the cameras and outside the base there are men in black rushing towards the back door.

DedSec operative: "Company at our back door."

Sabine: "Shit. Dalton, we've got some heat here at HQ."

Back in parliament, Dalton is still at the detonator with Bagley who's patched in.

Dalton: "How long's this gonna take Bagley?"

Bagley: "Depends how often you interrupt me with questions. Back at the HQ, Sabine hands every operative in the room, masks.

Sabine: "Alright everyone! Faces on, guns out. It's about to get real."

She is handed her mask and pistol. Back in Parliament, Dalton sees the door in front of him open and he gets down to cover.

Dalton: "F*ck."

Then, men in black enter the room armed with guns and Dalton puts on a black gas mask. He then looks over to see them.

Dalton: "They're on me. I'll try and hold them off."

He grabs out his own pistol and he shoots down some of the men in black and they return fire. Dalton is sure to take cover.

Dalton: "Bagley, update?!"

Bagley: "Let's just say I'm both impressed and annoyed by how sophisticated this anti-tamper security is. Still working!"

Dalton: "Bagley! Tell me you're close!"

He shoots more men down with headshots.

Bagley: "I'm through security. Now wading through the terabytes of decoy code looking for the detonation sequence."

He kills the remaining men in the room with headshots and shots to the chest. 3 more enter the room only to be shot in the chest multiple times by Dalton. He then lowers his gun and checks on Bagley.

Bagley: "Problem, Dalton! I need your physical appendages, now."

Dalton takes his mask off and checks on the detonator.

Dalton: "What's wrong?"

Bagley: "There are three slots on the left. One of them is the receiver. You need to pull the controller wire."

Dalton looks in surprise.

Dalton: "Are you f*cking kidding me?!"

Bagley: "No, I'm f*cking not. Pull the wire!"

Dalton looks at the wires and the connector and his hands tremble lightly. He grips onto it.

Dalton: "If this gets me blown up..."

He closes his eyes and he pulls it and nothing happens. And then the detonator screen turns blue.

Bagley: "Bombs defused. See, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

Dalton: "Bagley, you b*stard. You nearly gave me a bloody heart attack then... hehe."

Then the screen shows a map of London and locations. Dalton then looks in shock and confusion.

Dalton: "Woah, woah... Wh-what the f*ck am I looking at?"

Bagley: "It appears Parliament is not the only target. More bombs are going live as we speak."

back at HQ everyone is preparing themselves. Sabine then looks at her larger TV screen behind her.

Sabine: "On screen, Bagley."

Then he shows her the map on the screen, surprising everyone.

Dalton: "F*cking hell we need to get the word out! Those sites need to be evacuated!"

Sabine: "They're spread out all over London. There isn't any time."

DedSec operative: "But my sister's at the TOAN conference--We have to do something!"

Bagley: "I picked up a transmitter on the roof that's sending out a signal to the other bomb sites. If you can reach it-

Dalton: "I can shut it all down."

Then the door in the HQ is blown down and men in black enter the room heavily armed. A DedSec operative fights back only to get shot and die. Sabine takes cover and a gunfight ensues. Back in Parliament, Dalton grabs his mask and heads towards the door the men in black he fought came from.

Dalton: "Sabine!"

Sabine: "F*ck! Dalton, we're breached! Go! The roof!"

Dalton puts his mask on and rushes quickly towards the roof.

Dalton: "Sabine?! What's going on?!"

Sabine: "We're being raided! It's a bloodbath! Protocol is to wipe everything, including Bagley."

Dalton: "I need him for the transmitter!"

Sabine: "I know, but ig they get him they get everything! Names, ops, locations..."

Dalton: "Ok, I'll do it the old-fashioned way, Wipe him."

Bagley: "Yes, wipe me."

Dalton: "Do it Sabine, and get the hell out of there!"

Sabine: "F*ck."

She wipes away everything back at HQ.

Sabine: "Ok, Bagley's down. You're on your own. Dalton, if this goes-

Dalton: "It won't. I'll see you at the rally point. I promise."

Sabine: "Good luck."

Dalton hacks into another room and hacks into a pad which will grant him access to a door which will take him to the roof of Parliament. However more men in black rush into the room and open fire. He takes cover and grabs out his MP5 and returns fire. He shoots them down and he proceeds to rush towards the roof. He heads climbs a ladder which takes him to the top and he takes his mask off.

Dalton: "Where are you?"

He sees a briefcase and it's another detonator. He opens it and looks at it and there is a timer ticking at 45 seconds.

Dalton: "Ok, ok, ok...

He types into it in order to shut it down. And he succeeds and the countdown is aborted.

Dalton: "Bingo."

Then the laptop starts changing screens to reveal a mysterious figure called Zero-Day. He tries aborting only for the pic to speak.

Zero-Day: "Well done, Dalton Wolfe. I'm impressed."

Dalton: "What?"

Then he turns around and grabs his pistol and aims at a drone which starts to project a hologram of Zero-Day. Then 2 armed drones fly up.

(This is a pic from the game of Dalton and Zero-Day)

Dalton: "What the f*ck are you?"

Zero-Day: "Oh... you still think you're here to save London. I'm afraid that's not going to happen. You're here to help us with some important work."

Dalton: "Important work? Killing thousands of--


One of the drones shoot his right arm and he yells in pain and holds it.

Dalton: "AGH!"

Zero-Day: "Exactly. To save the world. You do know Londoners have died before? Hmm? The plague. The Great Fire. The blitz. Not much fun. But destruction is always the cure. And it begins today. Zero-Day."


Not far from them, a bomb went off and some car alarms are heard. Dalton looks in horror as it happens.

Dalton: "Oh no... no, no, no..."


Another one goes off not far from them near the London eye. And a third explosion occurs nearby.

Zero-Day: "It's time for a hard reset."

The 2 armed drones then prepare themselves and Dalton looks in terror.

Dalton: "Oh my g*d..."





Dalton is dead. After multiple bullet shots as the sites where the explosion occurs burn.

To be continued...

Welcome to Anonymous Dark Britain... A Watch Dogs Legion, SU and MHA crossover...

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