GLOWING ~ Julie and the Phant...

By k_storytime

165K 3.3K 3.6K

"You're glowing! How is this possible?" This is how I think season 2 of Julie and the Phantoms should go. The... More

~ Chapter 1 ~
~ Chapter 2 ~
~ Author notes ~
~ Chapter 3 ~
~ Chapter 4 ~
~ Chapter 5 ~
~ Chapter 6 ~
~ Chapter 7 ~
~ Author Notes ~
~ Chapter 8 ~
~ Chapter 9 ~
~ Chapter 10 ~
~ Chapter 11 ~
~ Chapter 12 ~
~ Chapter 14 ~
~ Chapter 15 ~
~ Chapter 16 ~
~ Chapter 17 ~
~ Chapter 18 ~
~ New story Idea?? ~
~ Chapter 19 ~
~ Chapter 20 ~
~ Chapter 21 ~
~ Chapter 22 ~
~ Chapter 23 ~
~ Chapter 24 ~
~ Authors note ~
~ Chapter 25 ~
~ Epilogue ~
~ Collided/ Author's Note ~
Hey :)

~ Chapter 13 ~

4.6K 98 32
By k_storytime

Flynn's POV ~

text messages between her and Julie

J - Flynn, 911

F - What, whats wrong

J - I think its time for you too meet Alex and Reggie. We need your help!!

F - Ok, but why not Luke? Is this why you have been acting weird lately?

J - I will explain later just come for dinner tonight.

F - wait Jules!!

F - Julie!!!

F - I'll be there.

Off messages

She has been acting so weird lately, she always has an excuse to not hang out. Then she starts dating Nick! Last time I checked she was really crushing on Luke, like hard. Why would she not want me to meet him, did he do something that bad.

Carlos's POV ~ 

Ughh, why is this stupid computer always on a rock website!! I bet it's one of Julies ghost bandmates. She hasn't talked to me about it yet, but I know they are real

(Julie runs in his bedroom)

Julie: Carlos! I need to talk to you.

Carlos: Just come on in. What do we need to talk about. Are you finally admitting to a ghost band?

Julie: Yes, I have a ghost band. And you are going to meet 2/3 of them tonight. 

Carlos: Ok, but why only 2/3 of them? Whats wrong Julie?

Julie: I don't have time, I'll say later, Just be down for dinner. Ok?

Carlos: Ok.

(Julie leaves just as fast as she came in)

That was weird, like really weird.

Ray's POV ~


That is all I can think about, she has been acting so weird lately. She hasn't been playing music and she got this random boyfriend all of the sudden. I'm worried. She walks around like somethings out to get her. And I'm pretty sure when she thinks she's alone she cries. I can tell this is different from when her mother died, then she shut down, but this is like a whole different person.

Julie: Hey, dad can we talk? 

Ray: Of course, about what?

Julie: It's about the band.

Ray: Is there something wrong?

Julie: Actually, yes. One of my bandmates, he's in trouble and I need your help.

Ray: What's wrong, what can I do?

Julie: It will be easier if I show you, but it has to be later. I invited 2 of them to dinner and Flynn, I can explain then.

Ray: Your band finally came down to see you, where did you say they were from?

Julie: Dad, I will explain at dinner. Just please try not to freak out. Or worry about me, I know I have been a little off lately but I'm ready to talk.

Ray: Ok sweetie, I'll have dinner done around 6 bring them then. I trust you Julie.

Julie: Thank you.

(They hug)

(Julie Leaves)

I guess I will find out tonight what has been bothering her.

Julie's POV ~

(In the studio)

Julie: Ok, I talked to Flynn. She was confused but agreed. Carlos I could tell was excited and suspicious, and Dad he was worried but was understanding. He will have food out at 6.

Alex: Ok, so we have it set up, but what do we do when we get there? What do we say?

Reggie: We have to explain the ghost thing, right?

Julie: Yea, and the Caleb thing and Luke thing.

Alex: Are we sure this is a good idea.

Julie: Maybe not, but it has to be done. For Luke.

Reggie and Alex: For Luke.

(Luke walks in)

Luke: Whats for me?

Alex: Nothing.

Luke: Right, my best friends took your side. (Looks at Julie)

Julie: (Looks down)...

Luke: Well, I guess I should leave then.

Reggie: You could stay and I don't know, CARE!

Luke: I told you, I'm done with getting hurt by the people closes to me. (Looks at Julie again but with more of a hurt expression)

(Luke starts to walk out)

Julie: Luke! W-

(He flashes out at the sound of her voice)

Julie: -ait. He won't even talk to me.

Alex: He will, we will figure this out.

(Julie nods in agreement)

Julie: I'm going to go, I'll be here early so we can talk before. Ok?

Reggie: Yea, ok.

(Julie leaves)

I don't know how much longer I can take this. I see him like that, no emotions, no love because of me. You have too, to keep them safe. That isn't going to work much longer you know that. Yea, I do.

Alex's POV ~

Reggie: I feel so bad for her, she shouldn't have to think this is all her fault.

Alex: I know, but we will fix this. I think your little stunt you did yesterday with Luke worked, did you see the way he looked at her the second time?

Reggie: Yea, he didn't look numb anymore, just hurt.

Alex: But that's a good sign, even if it's a sad one. He's feeling, we just got to get him to want to.

Reggie: I still think as much as we try he won't break all the way through.

Alex: We got to try, Julie won't let herself do it. Even if she needs to. 

Reggie: Lets just focus on stopping Caleb, then she can get him back.

(5:45, Julie goes to meet the guys)

Julie: Ok guys, are yall ready?

Alex: As ready as we will ever be.

Willie: I'm here, and I can help.


(Alex pulls him into a tight hug)

Alex: Thank you for coming.

Willie: For you, always.

Alex: J-

(Julie is wide eyed)

Willie: Wait, can you see me?

Julie: Um, yeah. I didn't think I was going to be able to.

Alex: Well this is good, but I have to know the plan. How are we doing this?

Julie: So I thought about it and obviously yall can't eat, so dinner doesn't make since. But I can bring them out here before we sit down for dinner. It is just one more confusing thing that we will have to go through tonight.

Reggie: Ok, that sounds good.

Willie: So are yall just going to play so they can see you?

Alex: Yeah, if we play a soft melody, we will be visible and can talk.

Julie: Ok, I'm going to go get them, Flynn just got here. 

(Julie leaves)

Reggie: This is about to get real.

Alex: Hey Reg could you give us a second?

Reggie: Yep, just me always in the way of love.

Alex: (Rolls eyes) Willie, I'm glad you came. I kinda needed the support.

Willie: Of course, I will always be here for you. I know it's hard to see Luke all no emotions, but you will get through this.

Alex: Willie, I-

Willie: I know.

(They kiss)

Alex: We do this together.

Willie: We do it all together.

Reggie: Yall are just too cute, I want something like that.


Julie: Ok dad, this might sound weird.

It's time.


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