Forbidden Fruit

By LoveBlossomx

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Bloods Vs. Crips East Side Vs. West Side The Montagues Vs. The Capulets. You've probably heard of these infam... More

Author's Note/ Disclaimer
CAPITOLO UNO- Traitors Price
CAPITOLO DUE- The Giovannis
CAPITOLO TRE- The Anderson Brothers
CAPITOLO QUATTRO- Trouble in Paradise
CAPITOLO SEI- Twisted Tales
CAPITOLO SETTE- Desires of the Heart
CAPITOLO OTTO- Gabriel's Gift
CAPITOLO DEICI- Special Delivery
❤️Christmas Special- Q&A w/the Crew❤️
CAPITOLO SESSANTANOVE- Trials and Tribulations


915 64 539
By LoveBlossomx

"Stay with me, don't fall asleep too soon. The angels can wait for a moment." -Ironik

Queens, New York📍
8:30 am
April 13th '19

Gasping for air, Cataleya and Rheah abruptly awoke from their slumbers, drenched by the freezing ice cold water that had just hit their faces.

"Get the fuck up."

At the sound of the rough demand, the girls' furious eyes dart around the bedroom to find a stern-faced Michael, standing by the foot of their beds with an empty bucket in his hand and two guards standing close behind him.

"Michael?!" Rheah screeches. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Are you crazy?!" Cataleya glares at him with incredulous disgust as she shivers against the dampness setting into her clothing.

Ignoring both of their rhetorical questions, Michael places the buckets down on the floor before picking up a pair of black duffel bags.

"Y'all have 10 minutes to get dressed." He orders, throwing the duffel bags onto their beds. "Derrick and Theo will un-cuff y'all once I leave the room but I'll be back when the time is up."

The girls briefly glance over to the guards before their eyes meet Michael's again.

"Are they staying in the room while we change?" Cataleya raises an eyebrow.

Michael scrunches up his face as if she had asked a stupid question. "Of course not, they'll wait outside. But they have orders to shoot first, ask questions later so don't even think about doing anything stupid."

With that warning, Michael turns on his heels and begins to head for the exit. While Rheah stares at Michael as if he'd grown two heads, Cataleya's face set into a deep frown. Though just as Michael opens the door to leave, he stops and looks back at the girls.

"But," He says in a thoughtful tone, "If you still want to play with your life and try to escape out the window, by all means do so. I'm sure that 7 story fall to the concrete floor will treat you much nicer than we will."

Both Rheah and Cataleya blink in shock at Michael's words and behaviour. But before they could even address it, Michael leaves the room.

The girls send each other questioning looks before naturally their gazes turn towards the guards in the room only to find them already watching them with blank stares.

"So..." Cataleya purses her lips, "Y'all gon' stand there staring at us all day like statues or uncuff us so we can get dressed? Y'all heard the man say 10 minutes right?"

While Theo raises his eyebrow at Cataleya, Derrick scoffs but neither of them move to uncuff them.

Rheah throws Cataleya a look telling her to be quiet before turning back to the guards, plastering a fake smile on her face. "Excuse my sister, she didn't mean for that to come out so rude, but could you two please uncuff us so we could start getting ready?"

"Please." Cataleya adds for dramatic effect.

The two men look at each other before looking back towards the girls. While Rheah pushes her fake grin to be wider, Cataleya tries to mimic her sister's expression but was failing miserably. Nevertheless the two guards finally begin to move towards the girls, ready to set them free.

o o o

"Sis you almost finished in there?" Cataleya calls out while pulling out her messy bun to make it bigger,  "I'm sure the Terminator and his Autobots will burst through the doors any minute now."

"Yeah," Rheah replies with slight humour in her tone, "I just have to pull on my sweatpants and I'll be finished."

"Alright." Cataleya says, finishing off her edges in the reflection of the bedside lamp.

Not even a minute later, Rheah walks out of the bathroom dressed and ready, to find Cataleya, already dressed, rummaging through her duffel bag as she inspects what else the boys had packed in there.

When they had first opened their bags, Cataleya and Rheah were surprised to find brand new hair products sitting on top of a neat pile of clothes which still had the price tags on them. Making a quick judgement based off that, the girls could only assume that the brothers had sent some of their female workers to buy it for them along with toiletries, towels and underwear they'd found.

Now, as they search through their bags, the girls were once again surprised to find a few more items which were also brand new.

This causes a small smile to creep on their faces.

Although it wasn't much and they both knew the boys still hated them, this small gesture of consideration was enough to let them know that somewhere deep down inside, Michael and Chris still had a drop of care for them.

"Hmm," Cataleya hums as she pulls out a bottle of prenatal vitamins, "Maybe we haven't broken their hearts completely..."

But as quick as those words had left her mouth, a small voice in her head told her he probably didn't even do it for her, but for the sake of his unborn children.

Shaking the thoughts away subtly, Cataleya continues to examine the bottle with curiosity. She quickly notices that they were different to the ones the doctor had prescribed for her but all the same beneficial.

"Mhm..." Rheah nods her head in agreement after a while as she pulls off a simple pair of black thick rimmed glasses that surprisingly matched her prescription perfectly.

Then a thought comes to mind.

"You know," She starts, grabbing her sister's attention immediately, "Maybe we could use this to our advantage..."

Cataleya raises her eyebrow with curiosity. "What do you mean?"

"Well...I have a feeling we won't be staying in New York for much longer, you know with Gabriel out on the hunt and all," Rheah's thoughtful facial expression falls into a desperate one, "But Leya, I can't leave without knowing how Papa is holding up."

Cataleya sighs and nods, "Same Rhee but what do we do? It's not like we could sneak out and come back. You heard how high up we are and even if we get through Terminator 1 and 2 on the other side of the door, I'm sure Clash of the Titans would be waiting for us downstairs!"

"Trust me I wasn't planning for us to do either of those." Rheah chuckles slightly, "I was thinking maybe we could just ask the boys if we could go and see him?" She suggests, biting her lip with a nervous smile.

Cataleya's eyes bulge slightly before she lets out a short chuckle, "Oh your optimism, Rhee." She shakes her head before giving her sister a subtle incredulous look, "You really think that Michael and Christopher Anderson are going to sympathise with us and let us visit the man they despise? Especially now that they hate us and are treating us like hostages?"

"I know it's a long shot Leya, but we have to try." Rheah voices with desperation and determination heavy in her tone. "We owe it to him."

Cataleya immediately notices the distress that begins to manifest its way from her sister's tone into her body language and sighs.

"Look Rhee, I feel the same way you do about needing to see Papa and I wholeheartedly hear what you are saying, but those men aren't who they used to be to us, despite what these duffle bags are trying to imply." She offer Rheah a comforting smile, "All I'm tryna say is, when we try, we shouldn't get our hopes up."

Rheah stares at her sister for a moment, taking in her words. She knew Cataleya was right. A duffle bag of personal items didn't technically show much but Rheah had to find hope from somewhere.

Not only for the sake of being able to see her father but also for the sake of her broken heart.

Zoning back into reality, Rheah sighs and shakes her head, about to reply to her sister, but before she could talk, the door bursts open and Michael strolls in with Chris not too far behind.

Cataleya's eyebrows furrow slightly, "Uh, Michael, you know you could have at least knocked. Imagine if I was still getting ready."

"I told y'all 10 minutes." Michael bites. "So if you weren't ready that would've been a personal problem."

Stunned, Cataleya naturally glances over to Chris for him come to her defence, only to be met with his deafening silence and cold glare.

Feeling intimidated and embarrassed by her wishful thinking, Cataleya wanted to divert her gaze away from Chris immediately, but the look of exhaustion deep within his eyes and plastered on his face had her orbs locked tightly onto him. He looked like he hadn't slept a wink last night...

And her prediction was correct.

Chris had been up all night...Trying to come to terms with the drama of yesterday.

There was a lot to take in and he was still struggling to wrap his head around it all. Particularly the parts which solely pertained to him and a certain someone...

While the room was silent and filling with awkward tension, Chris continues to stare down his former girlfriend, his blood beginning to boil all over again with each passing thought.

Cataleya was the daughter of his current rival and had been sent here to kill him!

The guy he had been in competition with for her love, just so happens to be her brother!

And if that wasn't enough, she was carrying his children! He was going to be the father of twins!

Chris' mind was once again spiralling out of control. But before he could sink deeper into the dark depths of his thoughts, the sound of his brother's harsh voice draws his attention back to reality.

"Here." Michael grunts, throwing two brown paper bags at the girls carelessly.

Ignoring how rudely they received their packages, both Cataleya and Rheah silently open the bag and peer inside to find a sandwich, an apple, yogurt and a bottle of orange juice.

"Don't say we didn't feed y'all." He adds sharply.

With a slight frown, the girls draw their eyes back up to Michael briefly before looking back down towards the disappointing breakfast. They wanted to comment both on his tone and the choice of breakfast but once again, they held their opinions to themselves.

Rheah nods and licks her lips slightly as she observes the yogurt. "Uh, thanks..."

"I guess." Cataleya adds with an even deeper frown on her face once she spots what was inside her sandwich.

The boys don't respond. Instead they switch to a whole new different subject.

"We're leaving for Miami." Michael announces bluntly.

"What!?" Rheah exclaims in panic. "Why?"

Michael's face pulls into a mug instantly at the sound of her voice, but nevertheless he answers her question.

"It's not safe here since y'all got your bastard of a brother hot on our tails." He states, purposely ignoring the glares they were giving him when he insulted their brother.

"Well w–"

"This information wasn't out of curtesy or up for debate either." Michael sharply cuts Rheah off, " We just don't want y'all acting stupid when it's time to move 'cus I promise y'all neither one of us has the patience to tolerate bullshit right now."

Once again, Rheah's face falls into a frown. It wasn't so much the threat itself that bothered her, but more so how casually yet serious Michael had said it. Next to her, Cataleya was burning with annoyance and questions, but not wanting either one of them to blow up on her, she raises her hand quietly.

While Chris rolls his eyes and finally turns his gaze away from her, Michael scoffs and folds his arms across his chest.

"Speak." He says to her gruffly.

Cataleya frowns, "When will we leaving for Miami? And how long will we be there?"

"The fuck does it matter?" Chris grunts with annoyance, turning his gaze back to her.

"Uh, well, w-we were wondering if we..." Cataleya starts but Chris' burning gaze was making her extremely uncomfortable and quite nervous, "Uh Rhee, can you ask please?" She says, pulling her eyes away from Chris onto her sister.

"Uh, okay." Rheah replies, slightly confused by Cataleya's behaviour but the moment she turns her gaze towards the brothers, particularly Michael's,  she could feel what she assumed her sister was feeling, "Uh well...we...we were wondering if we could be allowed to see our father before we leave?"

After seconds go by and tension practically overcrowding the room, Rheah decides to cut through the nerve wrecking atmosphere with her verbal butter knife.

"It doesn't even have to be a long visit."  She tries to reason, "And if it makes y'all more comfortable with the idea, we could go heavily guarded and in our chains."

The boys continue to send Rheah a very blank stare before they turn to each other and burst out laughing.

"Yo y'all can't be serious!" Michael shakes his head trying to pull himself together.

"Yes, yes we are actually." Cataleya speaks up, a frown setting deep on her face, "We can't leave New York without seeing him, especially with the condition he is–"

"You really think we're gonna let y'all go just to see Antonio fucking Giovanni?" Michael folds his arms against his chest, "How foolish do you think we are?"

Rheah furrows her eyebrows, "Michael I promise you were not trying to play games or escape, we genuinely just want to check up on our father."

"No." Michael states firmly.

"Look, we understand why you two are locking us up and holding us hostage and we take full responsibility for our actions." Cataleya expresses sincerely, "But Antonio Giovanni is our father and he's lying in a coma right now technically because we've sacrificed almost everything for the both of you. The least we deserve from y'all is the opportunity to see him."

"Sacrificed?" Chris scoffs, "Hoe, the least y'all deserve from us is privilege of being here right now to ask us some dumb shit instead of laying 6ft underground somewhere, where y'all should be."

Cataleya was stunned into silence once more by Chris' words. The pain she was experiencing, now moving on from her tattered heart to claw away at her struggling sanity.

Rheah sighs, "Chris, I know we are in no position to ask for anything, but imagine if Maria was in our fathers's curr–"

"Don't you fucking dare bring our mother into this shit Rheah!" Chris snaps, causing Rheah to raise her hands in defence.

"I'm sorry. I truly didn't mean any harm in doing so Chris." Rheah says cautiously, "I just wanted to point out that if the roles were reversed, you guys would want to see her."

"Well it's a good thing they fucking ain't." Chris grunts.

Rheah breathes out deeply while she internally coaches herself not to give up, "Look, I–"

"Man, fuck we doing this back and forth shit with them anyways." Michael furrows his eyebrows, looking towards Chris before he turns a more serious gaze towards the girls, "Y'all ain't going nowhere to see shit. The answer is no."

"No?" Rheah's face falls with distress, "Please Michael, don't say that. I know you're both angry and upset right now but please, just allow us this one visit."

"NO!" He says sternly. "And don't ask us shit else again."

A tense silence takes over the room once more, the finality of Michael's words sink to Rheah and Cataleya's minds.

While the girls stare at the boys with sad and weary eyes, the brothers' orbs were practically void of emotion. Before the tension could consume them all, even more than it already had, Chris' sharp voice cuts swiftly into the stifling atmosphere.

"Derrick, Theo." He calls out loudly, causing the room door to open and the guards to show their presence.

"Yes boss?" They both reply curtly.

"After they've eaten, cuff them back to their beds."

"Yes boss."

"And make sure that one," Chris points to Cataleya, "Takes the prenatal vitamins. They should be in the bag."

"Yes boss."

Chris nods at the two men before turning on his heels and exiting the room. Behind him, Michael finally decides to pull his dark glare away from the girls and follow his brother out of the room.

As soon as the door closes behind Michael, the girls naturally look towards each other and sigh. While they both chose to remain silent, too at loss for words, their eyes communicate every emotion they were currently feeling.

Eventually, they turn their attention away from each other and onto the brown paper bags in their laps. And with a huge internal sigh, the girls begin to take out their meals.

"Well...that went as planned." Cataleya grumbles as she picks out the cucumbers from her cheese sandwich.

Rheah sighs, "Maybe we can try again later?" She looks towards her sister with hopeful eyes.

Cataleya lets out a bemused scoff, "Sis did you miss the part where your baby daddy said don't ask for shit again?"

"I didn't but–"

"Aye." Theo calls out sharply, catching their attention, "No talking."

While Rheah looks towards him with a slight frown Cataleya scrunches up her face in annoyance.

"Sis? Is that man talking to us?" She scoffs and shakes her head in disbelief, "'Cus I know he can't be talking to us like that."

Rheah's mouth opens and closes slightly, "Sis I–"

"Are you deaf? I said no talking! One more word out of the both of you and I get the bosses back up here." Theo threatens sharply.

Cataleya throws him a pointed glare but grudge-fully adheres to his instructions, not wanting to face the wrath of Chris again.  Beside her, Rheah, too, decides to hold her tongue. She was not ready to deal with another altercation with Michael. As a result, she turns her shocked gaze away from the guard and down onto her egg and tomato sandwich.

Her face twists into disgust.

"This is gonna be a long ass day. " Rheah grumbles as she shakes her head in defeat.


In the kitchen, the Kings were seated either around the table or at the breakfast bar engaging in light conversation with each other as they delved into their meals. However, the once peaceful atmosphere was disturbed by Michael's angry voice approaching in the distance.

"They got some fucking nerve son!" Michael fumes as he enters the kitchen, immediately catching the Kings' attention. "They pissing me off and it ain't even 9 o'clock yet!" He kisses his teeth as he opens the fridge.

"Yo, deadass I ain't going back up there for the day." Chris' jaw clenches with annoyance as he follows in behind his brother, walking over to the seat behind Benny.

"What happened?" Kyle inquires curiously, taking a sip from his orange juice.

Michael shakes his head in disbelief, "They had the nerve to ask if they could go to the hospital to visit their father before we leave. Can you believe that shit?!"

Mase smacks his lips, "Yo they asking for a lot for guilty hostages."

"I'm saying." Chris spits with disgust, "Talking bout they deserve to see him" man y'all don't deserve shit but to be laying in a fucking body bag." He huffs before tearing a bite out of the toast he had stole from Benny's plate.

Benny turns in his seat slightly to stare at Chris before looking over to Jamal who was sitting to the right of him, "Nigga I know this Heartbreak-On-A-Full-Moon-ass nigga ain't just take a bite out my food."

Jamal almost chokes on the tropical juice he was drinking at Benny's reference.

But before Chris could reply to Benny's grumble, Kyle speaks up. "Look, Ion wanna be that guy... but the girls do have a point."

"Nigga what?!" Chris sends Kyle an incredulous look while Michael kisses his teeth in annoyance.

"Ay, hear me out." Kyle says with his hands against his chest, "I'm just saying, put yourself in their shoes. That man is their father first before he is our enemy and right now he's in a coma. They don't know what the outcome finna be on their end or his. So at least give them a chance to say goodbye."

"The answer is still No." Chris mugs Kyle "End of discussion."

"No. Open discussion." Benny counteracts, ignoring the glare Chris was now giving him, "Put it this way, imagine if it was Aunty Ria. Y'all would want to see her too if she was in a coma right?"

The brothers stare at Kyle and Benny for a moment. While Chris looks at them as if they had grown two heads, Michael was trying so hard not to agree with their words.

"Look, if it helps, me and Benny will take them, make sure they don't try anything stupid." Kyle says. "I hate that guy as much as y'all do but at the end of the day, Mafia King or not, that's their Pops first and foremost."

Michael and Chris kiss their teeth. They hated the idea along with the facts that Kyle and Benny were right. But eventually, they both nod their heads in agreement.

"Y'all better make sure they don't fuck around and escape." Chris narrows his eyes between the two.

Kyle nods and smiles, "Trust me, we won't. We'll double up a few guards as well for extra precaution."

Everyone nods their head in agreement.

"Alright. Find out which hospital he at, don't tell the girls until you got your info. And DO NOT let those girls out of your sight." Michael says warningly.

"Fa sho." Benny nods, taking a bite out of his slice of toast.

"You already know we won't." Kyle adds.


Manhattan, New York📍
11:00 am
April 13th '19

Sitting on the comfortable cream arm chair next to his father's hospital bed, Gabriel twists the Mafia ring on his pinky finger while his mind was in a million and one places.

He couldn't believe those damn Anderson brothers had escaped from his custody! But what blew his mind was the fact that his own sisters had helped them! Even after knowing that they were responsible for Antonio's current state of well-being, they STILL chose the brothers over their family.

To keep himself sane, Gabriel had to believe the Anderson brothers had brainwashed his sisters because nothing else made sense! How could they?! How could they betray the Giovanni name! The Mafia! Their father! For those filthy, vile sons of bitches?!

He was fuming!

Gabriel turns to watch his father who was still in a state of unconsciousness, the only thing indicating life was the steady beat of the ECG. Taking a hold of his father's warm hand, he squeezes it tightly and begins to vent what weighed heavy on his heart.

"Papa, it is worse than we thought. Rheah and Cataleya have lost their minds and it seems they have picked a side." He heaves a heavy sigh, "I don't know what to do, Papa. I can't wrap my head around it either. Your own daughters have turned against you. Turned against us. Please wake up, Papa. I need your guidance. I know what happens to those who turn their backs against the Mafia. But what happens when it's your own family? How do I deal with this? How would you deal with this?"

He waits for an answer but there was none. Not even a flinch or a twitch or a blink of an eye.

Antonio lays there, as still as a statue, in a deep state of sleep. His son, clearly torn in two, bows his head and a tear drop falls from his eye onto his father's hand. Gabriel's heart was hurting so much, he wanted to pull it out of his own chest. Stress was getting to him and it was evident on his pale face and apparent from his sleep-deprived eyes.

A curt knock on the door pulls him out of his troubled thoughts.

"." He responds.

The hospital door swings open and a guard pokes his head inside.

"Signore, I Giamaicani sono qui (The Jamaicans are here!)"

Gabriel springs up from his seat. "Cosa?! Dove esattsmente e quanti? (What?! Where exactly and how many?)"

"Li abbiamo fermati nella sala d'attesa principale. In totale sono sei, Signore. Quattro di loro sono uomini e due sono donne. Le donne dicono di essere tue sorelle. (We stopped them at the main waiting room. There are six in total, sir. Four of them are men and two of them are women. The women claim they are your sisters.)" The guard responds.

Gabriel barely hid his surprise.

His sisters were here?! This was THE last thing he expected to hear!

Fixing his suit button and quickly reigning in his flailing emotions, Gabriel follows the guard out of the room into the hallway which was surrounded by guards lined up against the walls.

As he takes huge strides down the lengthy corridor with two armed guards by his side, Gabriel pulls out his own gun, locked, loaded and ready for action, just as he nears the two double doors at the end of the hallway.

Once at the doors, the guard that was leading the way knocks briefly on the barricade, alerting his colleague that was standing on the opposite side blocking entrance, to step side and allow them through. Swiftly, the two guards on the other side of the door, move out of the way all while pulling the doors open for Gabriel and the guards to cross the threshold into the waiting room.

Gabriel's eyes immediately analyse the scene.

Surrounded by 8 of his men, were the group of intruders held at gun point. Aside from his sisters, he immediately recognised two of the kings out of the four men who stood within circle.

Naturally, the siblings' eyes meet and though they didn't say anything out loud, their eyes spoke a thousand words, especially between Gabriel and Cataleya. However, their silent conversation was cut short when Gabriel's eyes drift down towards the gleaming metal cuffs on their wrists dazzling under the fluorescent hospital lights.

Gabriel couldn't help but chuckle at the sight before turning his attention back to the visitors.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He interrogates bluntly.

"Well, the gir–"

"Not you." Gabriel cuts Benny off sharply. "I was talking to them." He turns his cold glare towards his sisters, "Che cazzo ci fate qui voi due traditori? (What the fuck are you two traitors doing here?)"

Cataleya and Rheah glance at each other before looking back towards Gabriel. Beside them, Benny, Kyle and the two other men held looks of confusion.

"W-we came to see Papa." Rheah answers on behalf of her and Cataleya.

Gabriel snorts in disbelief, "Quindi ora ti ricordi di avere un padre? (So now you both remember that you have a father?)"

The girls couldn't help but look away in shame.

Cataleya sighs, "We never forgot Gabriel, things just got complicated."

"Complicated?" Gabriel raises his eyebrow, "You had three instructions to follow." He lifts his fingers, displaying the amount he'd said. "1, get information off the enemy. 2, kill the enemy. 3, come back home to Italy. So please, help me to understand what was so difficult about those tasks for you to comprehend?"

Cataleya couldn't answer that question. It's not that she didn't have an answer, it was just one she couldn't say right now. Rheah, too, knew her own answer would never be insufficient to argue her case of betrayal, so they both remained silent.

"That's what I thought." Gabriel grunts.

"Gabriel please," Cataleya begs, her eyes swirling with desperation, "We know that we're not in a position to ask you for anything but please, we just want one moment with Papa. "

"No." Gabriel declines sternly.

Rheah sighs, "Gabey pl–"

"Nah don't Gabey me!" Gabriel snaps, his eyes blazing with fury as they move onto Rheah, "After what you two did, you don't deserve to see him! You don't get to want anything but mercy, and pray to God that our father wakes up from his state and deals with you two before I do!"

"Look man, we're only here for a short amount of time. Can you please just let them see their father before we have to go." Kyle tries to reason.

Gabriel's glare immediately shifts to Kyle, his eye twitching.

"Look you little mutt, you'd do best to hold your tongue and stay out family business!" He hisses.

Kyle wanted to lash out but him but remembering that they were greatly outnumbered and the purpose of their visit had not yet been fulfilled, he holds his tongue.

Gabriel turns back towards the girls. "Matter fact, you come in here wanting to see your father and you disrespect him even further by allowing the enemy to come this close to him while he is in this state. How do I not know you two haven't been sent here to kill him?!"

The girls gasp.

"What?! Gabriel we would never try to harm Papa or you!" Cataleya exclaims. "Why would you even think that?!"

Gabriel shrugs, "Never thought you guys would betray us either but here we are."

"Look, we know we technically committed treason and we know no amount of apologies will ever be enough to fix what we've broken but Antonio Giovanni is not just your father, he is ours as well and despite the circumstances, we deserve to see him." Cataleya argues.

"Please." Rheah says, giving her brother a determined look, "You know Papa would expect us to be there at a time like this."

Gabriel stares silently at his sisters, pondering over their words. As much as he wanted to deny it, he knew they had a valid point. So very reluctantly, he nods and gives in.

"Fine," He grumbles, "You two may see him. But your guard dogs stay here."

Benny shakes his head, "Can't do that. We can't let these girls out of our sights." 

"Well that's too bad," Gabriel scowls, "I'll be damned if I ever let any of you near my father. You four will remain here while they both go inside."

Kyle turns to the girls, "Well, since your brother won't let us in, one of y'all will have to stay. We can't let both of y'all out of our sights at the same time."

The girls sigh and look at each other.

"Okay Rheah, you should go first." Cataleya offers.

"You sure?"

"Yeah," Her sister nods, "If anything, I need more time to pull myself together anyway."

Rheah couldn't help but chuckle, "Alright. I won't be too long." She looks over to Gabriel who turns to the guards.

"Let her through." He commands.

Immediately, they part a path for her, allowing Rheah to make her way towards Gabriel. He nods to the guards at the door and they open it to let them through.

As expected, guards were posted everywhere making sure no one dared entered the room without permission from the current Mafia King.

As they made it to the door, the guard gives Rheah a questioning look before his eyes shift to Gabriel. His boss gives him a short nod, causing the guard to step aside. Rheah glances back at her brother before she opens the door and steps inside, Gabriel following close behind.

Once the door of Antonio's room closed behind them, the world was shut out. Apart from the ECG's rhythmic beeping and the oxygen machine humming, the room was silent.

Rheah's eyes fall on her father laying in the bed. He looked so peaceful, the complete opposite to how she was feeling. A storm was raging inside of her and the painful lump in her throat threatened to choke her. She desperately tries but fails to swallow it down.

She just couldn't believe it. This was the last thing she ever expected to happen to her father, the king of the Mafia, the lion of the family, the Don and alpha male.

Taking cautious steps closer towards her father, Rheah touches his hand softly.


Her voice was barely above a whisper.

"I don't know if you can even hear me, but I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry for everything! You have given me the world and this is how I repay you."

Trying to hold back her tears, she pulls the chair closer to his bedside and takes a seat.

"I remember the day I told you I was pregnant." Rheah reminisces. "I was so scared, Papa. I didn't even get to actually tell you, I threw up all over your Versace shoes!" She chuckles. Even Gabriel couldn't hide his small smile as he stands nearby.

"I think it was either because of the morning sickness or the nerves...I don't know." Rheah smiles, shaking her head at the memory and looks to her father, hoping for a reply. But as expected, she doesn't receive one. Her small smile vanishes slowly and with a sigh, she continues.

"I remember the way your face fell when I confessed." She frowns, "You looked so disappointed and I couldn't stop crying for days! I felt so bad! Because I'm the oldest, you know, I'm expected to know better. I have never cried so much in my life and on that day in my room, Papa, I made a promise to myself to never ever disappoint you like that again. Ever."

She wipes a lone tear that fell from her eye.

"I'm so sorry I broke my promise, Papa." Her voice breaks and her lips tremble, "And now I guess I'm being punished for it because here you are, lying in a coma. All because once again, I let my emotions get in the way. Last time I did that I brought home a baby. But now I–"

She couldn't finish her sentence. The guilt was too painful, it was tearing her apart.

"Papa, I don't know how many times I can apologise. I can say it a million times but it still wouldn't make me feel better. To be honest, I don't think I deserve to feel better. And now, I'm questioning if our rebellion was even worth it."

Rheah looks down at the cuffs on her wrists momentarily before she glances up at her father with sincerity glistening in her eyes.

"But Papa, if not for me, please wake up for Cienna. I should have told you about Michael being her father the moment I saw his file. I guess that's where my first act of rebellion started. But I didn't do it for me, I wanted Cienna to have a father in her life because I know what it feels to have one. And even though it doesn't look that way, I really really am grateful for all you have done and I am so so sorry for what I have done. I wish I could turn back time and take the honest route with you. I'm just..." She sighs, "Mi dispiace (I'm sorry) Papa."

Rheah sits there for a moment, just taking it all in. Her thoughts were speeding through her head and when it all became too much, her mind just went blank.

She observes her father. He looks the same from the last time she saw him, many months ago. She runs the back of her hand soothingly against of his cheek, feeling the slight tickle from his salt and pepper stubble growing on his jawline. She and Cataleya always preferred it that way and Cienna loved the feel of it on her cheek when she rubbed her face against his. He had always said it made him look old but like always, to please his girls, he kept it how they liked it.

After around 5 minutes, Rheah stands up and leans over to plant him a soft kiss on his forehead. She lingers for a moment or two before standing up straight once more. Rheah gives his hand one last squeeze before she reluctantly lets go and walks out of the room.

Making a swift return back to the main waiting room area, Rheah re-enters the guarded circle and glances towards her sister.

"Your turn sis." Rheah heaves out a heavy sigh.

Cataleya's eyebrows cave in with worry once she notices Rheah's sad orbs. "You wanna talk about it sis?"

"Later." Rheah offers her a small smile, "It's your turn to go in now anyways."

Cataleya stares at her sister momentarily before turning her gaze onto her brother. Taking a deep breath, she begins to make her way towards Gabriel who had not blinked his piercing glare away from her once.

Not being able to hold his stare due to the guilt now bubbling rapidly within her, Cataleya looks away from Gabriel. Even when she finally closed the distance and stood in front of him, she did not remove her gaze off the ground beneath her feet.

Gabriel could only scoff. Without warning, he turns on his heels and begins to head back into the private wing. Cataleya's eyes instantly lift from the floor and onto Gabriel's retreating figure with slight confusion. She knew she was allowed to see her father but she wasn't sure if she should follow him or not because he hadn't instructed her to do so.

"Muovi i piedi Cataleya (Move your feet Cataleya)." Gabriel's gruff voice calls out sharply from over his shoulder.

Feeling slightly embarrassed by her own weird behaviour, Cataleya quickly makes her way through the double doors, lagging behind him with the two guards following closely behind her. By the time she had got to what she assumed was Antonio's room, Gabriel was already holding the door open for her to enter.

"Thank you." She mumbles quietly, glancing up at him for a brief second as she crosses the threshold of the door into the room.

Gabriel however, doesn't reply.

Cataleya watches as he motions to the guards to remain outside while he steps inside the room, closing the door behind him. With one last glance towards her brother, Cataleya reluctantly shifts her gaze onto the person laying ever so still on the hospital bed.

The sight instantly shatters what was left of her already broken heart.

From the time Gabriel told her about Antonio's condition, she didn't want to believe it. But now here she was, staring at her father who was strapped and attached to all sorts of wires and drips, with an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth to help him breathe.

The closer she etches towards her father, the more overwhelmed she becomes. Seeing him in such a vulnerable state was not only heartbreaking but extremely weird.

From the moment Cataleya laid eyes on Antonio many years ago, all she'd ever seen was a man nothing short from a superhero. He never failed to radiate authority, strength and power anywhere he was. But now, as he laid almost still on the large white hospital bed, his aura projected nothing of that sort. He looked helpless, weak, fragile, broken... and the fact that she played a huge part in the matter that led him to this state, broke Cataleya even further.

So as she now stood directly against his bedside, peering down at his death like state, Cataleya couldn't hold herself together any longer.

"Mi dispiace, Papa! Sono veramente dispiaciuto! (I'm sorry, Papa! I'm so sorry!)" She repeats as she sinks to the chair and sobs against his chest, her whole body trembling with grief.

If she had known failing to kill the Andersons would have led to her father ending up in a coma, she would have done the mission without hesitation! But the truth of the matter was, she didn't complete her mission. She had betrayed her father and because of her selfish choices, he was the one paying for her failure.

Behind her, Gabriel couldn't help but look away from the scene playing out before his eyes. The pain in Cataleya's voice almost brings him to tears. He knew deep down, his sisters still loved their family deeply and weren't cold-hearted women who had decided to turn against their own.

In that moment his conclusion was solidified. They really had been brainwashed.

Despite his anger and frustration towards Cataleya, Gabriel understood that Antonio's health condition was hurting her as much as it was hurting him. So he continues to stand near the doorway and watch as his sister's sobs slowly begin to grow quiet.

Eventually, Cataleya lifts her head from Antonio's chest. She tries to pull herself together by taking deep breaths to calm herself, but she ends up crying out all over again.

"Papa, you need to wake up." She croaks through her tears, "I need you to wake up. I need to know that you're going to be okay because I can't live in a world where you're not in it."

She wipes her tears and takes a hold of his warm hand as she finally gathers her composure.

"I know no amount of apologies could ever fix what I have broken but I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me, Papa. Because hurting you was the last thing I ever wanted to do." She bows her head in shame. "And despite what the evidence may show right now, I love you dearly, Papa. I always have and I always will. "Sei il mio angelo e non è ancora il momento per te di andare (You are my angel and it's not yet time for you to go.)"

She spends a few moments quietly crying while holding her father's hand tight. It had the same warmth she felt the day he rescued her. She was terrified at first but Antonio's warm hand told her everything was going to be okay. That day, he promised that he would always keep her safe and protected and ever since then, he had kept his word.

If only she had done the same...

Reluctantly, Cataleya lets go of his hand and wipes her tears. Rising to her feet, she lays a gentle kiss on her father's forehead before she makes her way towards Gabriel.

"Sono pronto (I'm ready)." She says.

Gabriel opens the door to let her out once again and they step back into the hallway. But before she could walk off, a strong grip tugs her back.

"Not so fast. We need to talk."

Cataleya sighs, "About what, Gabriel?"

"What do you mean 'about what?'" He gives her an incredulous look, "We need to talk about us!"

"Gabriel there is no "us" anymore." She responds tiredly, "Besides, we've already spoken about that and there isn't anything left to say on that matter."

Gabriel's jaw clenches. There was still a lot he had to say on that matter but he knew Cataleya was not going to budge on that topic.

"Okay," He frowns in annoyance, "Let's talk about you and our sister's erratic behaviour."

"Gabriel please..."

"No! Cataleya! You are not going to avoid this conversation!" Gabriel objects, "What the hell are you and Rheah doing because I don't understand! You let the enemy get away only for them to throw you in cuffs! What the fuck is this?!"

"Gabriel it's complicated."


Cataleya blinks at his sudden outburst. "Gabriel you need to calm down."

"DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN CATALEYA!" He glare at her in rage.

"Well, I'm not gonna talk to you until you do because I know you're not gonna listen to anything I say or try to understand where I'm coming from when you're getting worked up like that!"

Gabriel shrugs. "Fine. I'll go ask Rheah."

He powers down the hallway, ignoring Cataleya calls for him to return to her. Quickly, she sprints behind her brother and catches up with him just as he slips through the door of the waiting room.

"Rheah why the fuck have you and Cataleya turned against La Famiglia to save those sons of bitches?!" Gabriel bellows, catching Rheah and everyone else completely off guard.

Her eyes meet his furious ones before she momentarily looks to Cataleya for answers, noticing her frowning behind him.

"Don't look at her!" Gabriel snaps his fingers in Rheah's face, drawing her attention back onto him, "I'm talking to you!"

Rheah frown with worry, "Gabey you need to calm do–"

"I swear, if either of you tell me to calm down one more time!" Gabriel closes his eyes, trying to catch himself before he exploded again. "Rheah," He turns to her, "What. Possessed. You to betray your father after everything he's done for you?!"

"Gabriel, you have to believe me when I say I never wanted to betray Papa but the circumstance I was placed in left me no choice!" Rheah shakes her head.

"No Rheah! You had a choice! Multiple! And instead of picking the right one you decided to pick the one that would ruin our family forever!"

"I promise Gabriel that was never my intention." Rheah sighs, "But please, for a moment, try to put yourself in our shoes. You finally find the love of your life but she just happens to be the person you're supposed to kill. What would you have done?"

"That's easy, Rheah! I wouldn't go against my family because at the end of the day, that's what I had before her and that is what I will have after her. You don't go against your own, Rheah, Papa made sure we learnt that."

The girl couldn't help but sigh at how true his statement is. This was a life lesson Antonio never failed to instil in his children. He always told them:

"Before everything there is family and you don't go against family."

"Not only have you gone against our father, but you went against me too!" Gabriel continues to rage. "Rheah why didn't you tell me Cienna was Michael's child?"

Rheah frowns, "I'm sorry Gabriel. I didn't know until after I saw the file and if I had told you then, you and Papa wouldn't have let me go on the mission!"

"Damn right we wouldn't because look what happened when we did!"

"Yeah! Cienna has a father now!" Rheah argues. "You know she has been constantly asking about him and now that she finally knows who he is and the connection they have built, I couldn't take that away from her!"

Gabriel stares at her in disbelief. "So is this your new reason for slacking off on the job and sparing his life? For Cienna?!You chose to play house with your little family over the man who raised you?! Is that what you're telling me right now Rheah?!"

"No! Not the way you're trying to imply it Gabriel!" Rheah defends. "But if you're trying to ask me who comes first between you guys or Cienna, it's going to be Cienna! Always!"

Gabriel scoffs, "You know what Rheah, I'm having a hard time believing you did this just for Cienna's benefit."

Rheah scrunches up her face, "And what's that supposed to mean?"

Gabriel rolls his eyes, "Don't play dumb with me, Rheah. You were always strung up on the stranger you met in Venice. You never got over him! And the moment you found out it was Michael, you just couldn't wait to play out your silly little fantasies at your daughter's expense!"

Rheah's jaws drop at his spiteful words. Behind her, Benny and Kyle raise their eyebrows awkwardly.

"What did you just say?!" Rheah narrows her eyes at him.

"You heard me." Gabriel shrugs defiantly.

Rheah glares at him before she shakes her head. "You know what Gabriel, I'm not even going to entertain your stupid theatrics right now. Clearly you're hung up on the delusional idea you've created in your head instead of listening to the truth." She kisses her teeth. "You will never understand where Cataleya and I are coming from until you have children of your own to care for and worry about."

"Gabriel scrunches up his face at this. "Delusional?! Rheah, are you even hearing yourself right now?! Cataleya doesn't even have kids..."

But then, the revelation dawns on him as soon as the words slip out of his mouth.

Gabriel turns around slowly until he comes face to face with a stunned Cataleya who looked like she wanted the ground to swallow her whole.

"Shit..." Rheah mumbles with immediate guilt as her hand flys to her head in distress, watching as Gabriel stalk slowly towards their sister.

"Cataleya," He starts in a slow and low tone. "Tell me whatever Rheah is trying to imply is a lie."

Cataleya starts to stutter, "I-I-I don't know what she's trying to imp–"

"CATALEYA!" Gabriel shouts, causing Cataleya's heart to drop to her stomach, "Are you or are you not fucking pregnant for Christopher fucking Anderson!?" He grits out slowly.

Cataleya flinches against the ferocity of his question and doesn't even dare to look nor answer him. Though the longer she remains silent, the quicker Gabriel receives his confirmation.

With each agonising second that passed, his rage continued to grow like a thick ash cloud, filling and darkening the room, tensing up the atmosphere and suffocating all hope of resolutions and agreements ever being met.

This news was the final arrow to his heart. There was nothing left for her to break.

"CATALEYA ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!" Gabriel roars, causing her to slightly cower away from him.

His fury was too strong to handle. She had never seen him so enraged before and it was frightening to say the least. Even Rheah looks deeply concerned and slightly taken aback, especially when she noticed the terror in her sister's eyes.

Gabriel looked like a volcano that was about to erupt! His whole body was vibrating with rage, veins were protruding out his neck and temples, his face was red, smoke coming out of his ears.

He was LIVID!

"I'm so sorry, Gabe!" Cataleya pleads. "Please believe me when I say I never pla–"

"NO! Fuck your apology!" Gabriel advances towards her, "Is this what we sent you for?! To sleep with the enemy?! We told you to kill them, not get pregnant by them! Are you sick?! What the fuck is wrong with you?! Cataleya why would you do this to us?! To me?!" He continues to rage, "And don't you dare say you love him because fuck that shit!"

"Gabriel..." Rheah mediates, "You need to calm do–"

"DON'T TELL ME TO FUCKING CALM DOWN!" Gabriel snaps his rage towards Rheah.

The sisters gulp in unison.

Gabriel swivels his head back round to glare at Cataleya. "HOW DARE YOU?! Forget how this is gonna make Papa feel, what about me?! I fucking placed my trust in you!" He fumes, "I knew our relationship wasn't a conventional one but I loved you too much to even care! You were all that mattered to me!"


"I'm not fucking finished!" He snaps. "You spend a few months in a different city and all of a sudden you don't want me no more! You betray the Mafia's trust, put Papa in a coma and still that wasn't enough! You just had to go and get pregnant for THAT SON OF A BITCH!"

"Aye look," Kyle voices, "I hate to interrupt the family domestics but we need to go."

Gabriel scoffs incredulously as he turns back to the Kings, "Go?! They ain't going nowhere! Especially not with you four! I came to New York for my sisters and I'm leaving with them!"

Benny shakes his head, "Well then we got a problem because we were given strict instructions to bring them back. So they're leaving with us son, whether you like it or not."

Gabriel stares at Benny and the rest of the men like they were crazy. But the deep chuckle that ripped through his chest and into the tense atmosphere, causes the men to return the same gaze he'd been sending them, right back at him.

The girls however, knew that laugh only meant one thing and as he began to settle down from hysteric outburst, the girls begin to set themselves on the alert.

"Uccidere gli uomini (Kill the men)." Gabriel orders with a sinister smile and glint in his eyes.

While the boys stand there, confused at what he said, Rheah and Cataleya's eyes widen in panic.

As soon as the Italians draw their guns, the girls think fast. Without warning, Cataleya throws her cuffed hands over Gabriel's neck from behind and pulls him towards her, strangling him.

Instantly, all guns turn towards her, giving Rheah the chance to kick the nearest guard next to her in the stomach. He immediately releases his gun from his grip and she catches it before pointing it towards some of the Italians that had turned towards her. Kyle, Benny and their guards had already drawn their guns and were pointing it towards their opponents.

"Spara e io gli spezzo il collo! (Shoot and I snap his neck!)" Cataleya threatens.

"Non ascoltarla, sta mentendo! Spara agli uomini! (Don't listen to her, she's lying! Shoot the men!)" Gabriel orders,  trying to break away from her grip without injuring himself.

Kyle looks to the girls for answers. "Rheah what the fuck is going on?! What are y'all saying?!"

"We're tryna get y'all out of here alive! Tell your boys don't shoot!" Rheah answers him.

"If I see anybody even itch to pull a trigger I will snap his neck and my sister will kill the rest of you!" Cataleya glares at the Italians before she turns to Rheah. "Go!"

Rheah gives her a worried look, "No! What about you?!"

"Don't worry about me, I'll be right behind you guys." Cataleya assures.

Rheah, the Kings and the guards cautiously begin to make their way towards the elevator, their guns still pointed towards the Italians.

"No! Don't let them escape!" Gabriel shouts as he too, felt Cataleya turn them towards the direction of the elevator.

But the men were torn on what to do. "Sorry boss," One of them apologises, "But we can't risk endangering another Mafia King."

"If you don't stop them getting away, me being endangered will be the last thing any of you will have to worry about!" Gabriel snaps.

Suddenly, Cataleya kicks Gabriel's legs from underneath him, causing him to lose his balance. As he descends to the floor with a hard THUD, she releases her grip on his neck and makes a run for it.

Gabriel tries to grab her feet before she could sprint off but he didn't catch her in time.

"Don't let her escape!" He shouts, scrambling to his feet to chase after her.

"Close the door! Close the door!" Cataleya screams as she makes a beeline for the elevator the Kings, Rheah and the guards had already piled into.

Noticing that the Italians and her brother were hot on Cataleya's tail, Rheah suddenly jumps out of the elevator and grabs the nearest fire extinguisher. She sprays it in the men's faces, just as Cataleya zooms past her.

"Fuck! My eyes!" Gabriel screeches as the fumes from the fire extinguishers clouds the room and irritates everyone's eyes, blurring their vision.

But once the mist clears and they could finally see again, it was too late.

His sisters were long gone and now doctors, nurses and security were making their way to Antonio's private ward after hearing the commotion.

"Mr Giovanni, is everything okay? We heard reports about a disturbance on this ward." One of the doctors ask him.

Still seething, Gabriel fixes his suit. "We're fine." He responds bluntly as he makes his way back to the hallway towards Antonio's room. Inside, three doctors had flooded in to check to see if Antonio was okay. Luckily, these doctors were already paid off by the Mafia.

"Are you sure?" The doctor probes. "It seems as if the fire extinguisher has just been used and your eyes are red. Do you want me to take a look?"

"No!" Gabriel snaps. "What I want is for my father to be ready for transfer immediately."

The doctor gives him a confused look. "To where? This is the best hospital in the state, you won't get better care for your father anywhere else."

"I'm transferring him back to Italy." Gabriel responds curtly.

He refused to take any more chances. Antonio was not safe here in New York, not when his own sisters have clearly picked sides. They truly couldn't be trusted.

The doctor blinks at this statement and tries to find the humour in Gabriel's eyes. But there was none.

"That means taking a flight! It is not safe to do so in his condition!" The doctor cautions.

"I don't wanna hear that negativity Doc!" Gabriel objects. "Make it safe, because if you don't and we can't successfully move my father back to Sicily where he is away from danger, then you and I will have problems. And you, your wife and three kids wouldn't want that, would you? I won't even spare the dog."

The doctor gulps hard. He knew Gabriel was dead serious and was not a man to take lightly.

"I-I-I will do what I can, Mr Giovanni." He stutters with nerves.

"You better." Gabriel rounds up a few guards. " Andiamo (let's go). My sisters are weak and since they clearly don't know where their loyalties lie, it's only right I help them make a final decision." He then begins to smile menacingly. "Since they refuse to kill those bastards, I'll certainly show them how it's done."


Queens, New York📍
1:30 pm
April 13th 19

The drive back to the safe house was an extremely quiet one. Everyone had been deeply submerged in their thoughts over the events that took place at the hospital.

After parking the car in the apartment parking lot, Kyle turns off the engine and looks over at Benny who was already looking at him, before they both turn their attention towards the sisters in the backseat.

Cataleya was fiddling with the hem of her crewneck while Rheah stares out the window, both of them still lost in her thoughts.

Once again they had betrayed their family, the Mafia and everything they stood for. It seems as if hurting the people they cared about was becoming a habit for them.

While Gabriel's shouts of distress due to the fire extinguisher burning his eyes tormented Rheah's mind, Cataleya couldn't escape the sounds of his shouts of rage over the news of her pregnancy. Both women could feel the guilt of what they had done eat away at their core and they could only hope that he was okay.


Kyle's voice turns the girls' attention away from their thoughts onto him.

"I'm not saying what y'all did to us or were planning to do to us was right, but I understand the situation y'all were in and the choices y'all made." He states, verbalising what was on his mind the whole of the journey back.

"Yeah," Benny agrees, "I mean y'all still ain't shit for lying to us, well me particularly 'cus, you know, I thought we were BFFs and we told each other everything." He fakes a pout.

The girls couldn't help but crack a small smile at Benny's comment and facial expression, naturally causing him to smile back.

"But if I was in y'all's position and it was for the fam, hell yeah I would have done the same thing." He shrugs.

"Thanks B." Rheah smiles, "We really appreciate you guys trying to at least understand where we're coming from."

"We just hope your boys would have the same mindset." Cataleya grumbles more so to herself but it was still loud enough for everyone else to hear.

Kyle sighs, "Well whatever happens, just know that your family and the brothers still love you. And families fight but they always make back up again."

"Not every family has a Gabriel in it." Rheah mumbles.

Cataleya glances at Rheah before shaking her head and turns back to Kyle and Benny.

"Thank you guys, but no offence, it's not just you guys that we need this understanding from. We're in so much shit both ways that I'm over it. At this point, all I want to do is turn back time to where I was back home with my father."

Rheah looks towards Cataleya, noticing the slight defeat in her voice.

Benny sighs, "I could imagine but unfortunately, life's not the simple."

"Oh you ain't gotta tell me twice." Cataleya scoffs, shaking her head.

"I'll talk to the boys...see what I can do." Kyle offers, "But for now, bare with them. Y'all really did them dirty and it's gonna take time for that shit to heal."

For some reason, his words agitated Cataleya. She knew what they had done wrong and hurt the boys in ways they wouldn't have imagined, but it's like they, in turn, didn't notice what she and her sister were sacrificing FOR them and it was beginning to bother her.

Seeing her father laying hooked up to those machines really played with Cataleya's mind and a storm of emotions surrounded her. But the one that stood out the most was anger. If she would have just done her job, she wouldn't have been in this mess in the first place, her father wouldn't be in a damn coma and she wouldn't be on the run from her brother in cuffs awaiting more angry people who were going to treat her like shit.

"So how long do their period usually last 'cus I am over it." She replies tiredly.

Rheah side eyes Cataleya.

"I don't know," Benny shrugs, "I ain't never pulled a low shit like y'all have so y'all just gotta wait and see."

Cataleya rolls her eyes back towards the window.

Beside her, Rheah notices the shift in her sister's attitude and had a feeling that she was finally coming off the emotional Ferris wheel she was on and back to her usual self. She had a feeling seeing Antonio like that would mess her up and even though that wasn't Rheah's initial intention when she suggested the idea, it had to be done.

Cataleya was losing herself in the guilt and sadness and now was not the time. Both girls needed to be strong. They were going to go through a lot of hard trials and tribulations, nothing like they had faced before and they needed each other more than ever. It was the Angeli Della Morte against the world now and if they wanted to survive it all, they had to be the best versions of themselves.

"Well," Kyle picks up his vibrating phone to see Michael calling him, "We finna go inside now, bossman's calling."

"Oh boy..." Rheah mutters.

In front of her, Benny and Kyle chuckle to themselves briefly as they step out the car before opening the door for the girls. They assisted them out, due to their hands still in cuffs and lead them up to the basement entrance of the house.

Benny punches in a code into the silver key pad of the elevator they had stepped in front of, causing the door to slide open and allowing them to all pile inside.

"Aight, Mickey said we should meet them in the kitchen." Kyle informs as he slides his phone back in his pocket.

"Say less." Benny nods as he enters a code in another keypad. The elevator doors slide close again and after ascending to the floor of the safe house, they pile out of the elevator and head towards the kitchen.

As expected, the brothers was waiting for them, talking amongst themselves. But the room falls awkwardly silent as soon as the girls made their appearance.

Chris, who was leaned against the counter near the stove, slowly chews away on his apple as he stares at them intensely. His glare only disappears once it shifts to Kyle who was walking towards him.

They dap each other before Kyle moves towards Michael who was sitting on the island, rolling up a blunt and daps him up as well. The other 3 guards in the kitchen stood armed as they acknowledged Kyle and Benny. Michael's eyes shifts from Kyle to Benny, who nodded his head in acknowledgment and Michael gives him a short nod back.

"So, how was your visit?" He asks when his eyes fall on Cataleya and Rheah to find them already staring at him.

Rheah furrows her eyebrows, "Is that a serious question?"

"Nah he's asking for fun." Chris scoffs, kissing his teeth.

Cataleya flashes him a glare. "Last time I checked, Michael had a voice so why are we hearing yours?"

"Oh shit..." Benny mumbles. Near him, Kyle sighs, folding his arms as he shakes his head while Rheah inwardly smiles as she glances at her sister.

A dark chuckle rumbles out of Chris as he shakes his head. "I see you've found yours again huh." He meets Cataleya's gaze.

He could tell she had been crying, her hazy red eyes look tired and full of sadness. But within that sadness, he also notices the cold look in her orbs and that made Chris smile. The real Cataleya was back, which made it more fun for him to tear her apart for all the pain she was causing him.

Cataleya doesn't respond as she looks away from him, biting the inside of her jaw in an attempt to calm down.

Chris lifts himself off the counter and advances towards her slowly. "What? Cat's got your tongue?" He provokes as he towers over her, staring her down.

Cataleya stares at his chest, refusing to look up at him. She knew the moment she looked up into his eyes, all she would see was hate and she couldn't take that right now.

Noticing she was avoiding his gaze, Chris' hand grips her jaw tightly, lifting her head upwards to meet his gaze.

Just like she had expected, Cataleya stares back into his hate-filled eyes and felt whatever was left of her heart break away.

"Don't think your pregnancy is gonna give you a free pass to talk shit and get away with it." He growls lowly, "So let me make one thing clear, the next time you say something to piss me off, I'm going to fuck up your pretty little face, Yuh hear me?"

Cataleya blinks at him.

Chris tightens his grip on her face. "Now you speak."

"Fuck you."

Silence lingers as the two glower at each other until suddenly, he shoves her down from the strong grip he had on her jaw. The sheer force causes Cataleya to stumble backwards into the edge of the nearest chair. 

Filled with rage, Rheah pushes Chris with her cuffed hands. "Christopher! What the hell?!"

Chris lunges for Rheah but Michael, who had made his way round to Chris, pulls him back just in time.

"Ay, easy," Michael pulls Chris behind him, "Don't worry bout them bro, they will get theirs. They ain't worth it right now." He watches Rheah who was glaring at him. "Take them upstairs." He orders to the guards though his cold stare never left Rheah. "Put 'em in separate rooms and make sure someone is with them at all times. Four people minimum, fully armed."

"Yes boss." The guards respond.

"And if they so much as move without permission ... shoot them."

"Yes sir."

Rheah glares at Michael. Her eyes show fierceness but her heart and mind were being torn apart. She couldn't believe the man that had proposed to her two days ago, was now ready to send her to an early grave.

Michael's rigid gaze lingers on her for a moment longer before he turns away and walks over to Chris who was now leaning against the kitchen island, about to light the blunt his brother had rolled.

"Follow them up with the guards," Chris instructs Benny and Kyle, "Bring some more along while y'all are going upstairs and add extra cuffs. Once everything is settled, come back here, we need to talk.

Kyle and Benny nod. "Alright boss."

Kyle turns to the guards. "Alright, let's move."

Benny takes hold of Cataleya and Kyle takes Rheah's arm as they lead them back out the kitchen door.

As soon as Chris' blunt was lit, he closes his eyes, allowing the smoke to fill his airways as he tries to calm down.

"You good bro?" Michael asks from beside him.

Chris blows out smoke, "Yeah..." He shakes his head as he takes another hit, "Man I was so ready to kill her," He chuckles, "But love is a bitch huh."

"Who you telling?" Michael scoffs with a light chuckle, taking the blunt Chris was offering him. But then he shakes his head. "You know that crackhead mofo finna be gunning for us even more now."

Chris sucks his teeth, "Man let his bitch ass come. Shit, I been waiting for his dirty rass so mi coulda drop sum hot ones inna him bumba–" He breathes, "Fuck."

Michael passes him back the blunt, exhaling out the excess smoke. "Don't stress bro. Best believe we finna handle that nigga."

"Facts." Chris co-signs.

After a while, Kyle and Benny return to the kitchen.

"They're settled for now," Kyle informs, "Four guards are posted outside each room and we told them to check on the girls every half hour. They also aren't cuffed to the headboards but we put ankle chains on them so they can only go so far from their beds."

"Good." Michael nods and watches them take a seat by the breakfast bar.

"Where Mase and Jamal at?" Kyle asks.

"They went to check on the fam at the other safe houses." Chris responds, causing Kyle to nod his head.

"So, how was the visit?"

While Benny takes the blunt Chris was offering him, Kyle shakes his head. "Man, shit was crazy! That Gabriel is something tho. Bitch tried to pop us and we wouldn't have even made it out if the girls hadn't intervened."

Chris raises his eyebrow, "Word?"

Benny blows out smoke, "Yeah man, they were really going at it with him, especially when he found out about Leya's pregnancy. Shit, half the time I ain't even know what was being said, they started slanging that Italian shit, next thing I know, Cataleya strangling homeboy with her cuffs, the Italians started pointing their guns at us, Rheah popped them in the face with a fire extinguisher and we made our way out of there."

"Damn..." Michael mutters his shock.

"Yup," Kyle nods. "But if it's one thing I got from today, is that no matter what the girls have done so far, they have a lot of love for you two."

His words instantly earn him an eye roll from Chris while Michael sits back, folding his arms across his chest with a tight jaw.

"Not this bullshit again..." Chris groans.

"Wait wait hear me out," Kyle persuades, "Now I'm not saying y'all don't deserve to feel the way y'all do, but at least consider the sacrifices they are making to keep you guys alive...well, all of us, to be honest."

"Forreal," Benny chimes, "Those are some real riders up there and all I'm saying is y'all better choose your steps wisely before you end up playing yourselves," He puts his hand up in defence, "And I mean that in the nicest way possible."

Chris kisses his teeth. "I don't give a fuck what they sacrificing for us. Shit, if it was that much of a hassle, the bitch should have killed me when she had the chance!" He rants. "Fuck her and fuck her sister and I meant that in the nicest way possible."

Michael smirks at Chris' words while Kyle and Benny shake their heads at his stubbornness.

"Ay listen," He looks towards his friends, "Don't worry bout what we finna do with them, we'll handle it."

"I'm not doubting y'all won't but I just want you guys to make those decisions rationally. Don't regret anything after it's too late, you know." Kyle warns.

Chris scoffs, "So far, the only thing I regret is getting that bitch pregnant 'cus if she wasn't, guaranteed she wouldn't have been an issue anymore. She better thank God that she's carrying my children."

Benny smacks his lips, "Man you don't mean all of that."

"Does it look like I'm fucking kidding?" Chris stares him down.

Noticing the seriousness in his friend's dark eyes, Benny could only shake his head as he looks away from Chris.

"Mickey..." Kyle grabs his attention, "Think about CiCi. I'm sure you don't want to hurt her."

"And that's the only reason why her mother is alive." Michael answers, "I'm not gonna kill her, well, I haven't really decided on that just yet," He double backs, "It's down to her, to be honest. If she wanna fuck around and lose her life then by all means I won't hesitate to pull the trigger. But there's no chance in hell I'm finna let her get away with this shit that easy."

"Facts." Chris pipes in.

Kyle stares at his godbrothers with a frown. He knew they were just talking out of a lot of anger and pain but he also knew that their word was bond and they always followed through on whatever they said.

He could only hope, for the girls' sake, that the boys would falter on that on this occasion.

After seeing and hearing all that went down first hand, Kyle and Benny's view stance on the matter changed slightly.

Yes, they still couldn't care for the Italians and both wanted to ruin them for messing with their business and killing Rashaun, but witnessing the sisters fight for them today, knowing the weight of what they were giving up, the boys couldn't help but admire the girls and for that, Rheah and Cataleya had won back their respect from the two Kings.

Kyle and Benny still didn't like the way the girls handled things at the start but they could only imagine the tough choices they had to make and how difficult they would have been. And if they had to be honest, if they were in the girls' position, somehow they would have made similar decisions.

"Moving on from that conversation," Chris' voice pulls everyone out of their pensive thoughts, "We will be leaving for Miami first thing tomorrow morning. Mase and Jamal are gonna meet us out there in the afternoon after they handle a few things and then we're gonna have to sort and finalise replacements for Rashaun and Isaiah before me and Mickey head down to Jamaica."

Michael looks towards Benny and Kyle. "So while we're down there," He says, "You four take care of business and train the other two potential candidates so they can join y'all in handling shit. We may be in Jamaica for a while, depends on how far that Italian scum is willing to push his luck and come out there."

Benny nods. "Heard you. But what about funeral arrangements for Shaun?"

Chris sighs, solemnly. "I got one of the men in I.T to wire his aunt some money to organise it. If she needs any help, y'all direct the right hands and we'll definitely be back for the burial."

"Alright," Kyle nods, "Anything else?"

"Yeah, call up Mase and Jamal and let them know what the next move is." Michael instructs. "Make sure transportation is ready and secured for tomorrow. It may not be a long drive to the jet but it's long enough for those Italian bastards to show face if they actually keep up and I'm not about to lose anymore men to those fuckers, am I clear?"

"One hunnit ."


Queens, New York📍
7:30 pm
April 13th '19

Staring up at the ceiling, Rheah laid on the double sized bed she was chained to, seemingly intrigued by the small chandelier above her as it swayed gently from the small draft coming into the room.

She was was tired, hungry and fed up at this point. All she wanted was to see her daughter's adorable face once more and go back to the way things were before the drama and betrayal.

As her heart longed to see Cienna again, Rheah's thoughts drift towards her daughter and many questions on her well-being crams into her mind.

How was Cienna coping in Jamaica?

Does she like it there?

Does she miss her parents?

Will she ever see her mother again?

The last question tightens the knot in Rheah's empty stomach and clutches at her heart. She immediately swats the question away, it was too painful to even dwell on.

She made a promise to Cienna that she would see her again and despite how harshly Michael was treating her, Rheah was determined to keep her promise.

Distracting herself from the troubling thought, Rheah begins to fill the silent room with her voice, softly humming an old Italian lullaby she sang to her daughter every night from the moment she was born. It was the same lullaby she remembered her mother used to sing to her when she was Cienna's age.

So deeply lost in her thoughts once more, she almost didn't notice the door open until the sound of footsteps catches her attention. Thinking it was one of the guards again, Rheah didn't even bother to look up.

"I bought you food."

At the sound of his voice, Rheah slowly sits up and turns to meet Michael standing near the door, staring at her.

She surveys him for the moment, noticing his outfit had changed from the one he wore earlier to a more casual look. He was now wearing a black Nike tracksuit with black Nike sliders and white socks. She also notices a container in one of his hands and a bottle of water in the other.

Her gaze travels back up to his to find him still looking at her with the same empty stare.

Rheah couldn't help but feel nervous and self conscious under his gaze. She knew she probably looked a mess and here he was standing in front of her like the fine specimen he is.

"Urm," She clears her throat. "Do I get to shower again and change, or is that too much of a privilege too?"

Michael scoffs as he walks over to the bedside table and places the food down. He pulls out a key from his pocket as he bends down and takes off her ankle chain before he rises back up and takes off her hand cuffs. "You have 10 minutes."

Rheah rolls her hands and shakes them as she slides off the bed. Rising to her feet, her face comes into close contact with his chest. In that moment, both bodies radiate feelings they were both trying to suppress from each other.

Rheah looks up to find Michael already staring down at her. The two search each other's eyes for missing answers, but before they could find any within the windows of their souls, Michael cuts his quest short, turning away from her and heads over to the arm chair in the corner of the room.

"8 minutes." He calls out, taking a seat.

With a sigh, Rheah turns away from Michael, grabbing the towel and the bag he had given her in the morning before she pads into the en-suite bathroom.

o o o

Not too long after, Rheah emerges back into the bedroom wearing a grey oversized T-shirt with a pair of leggings, pink furry socks and her hair plaited into two french braids. Peering up from his phone, Michael observes her movements as she make her way to the bed, sits down and picks up the food he had left there for her to eat. He looks on as she opens the container and a small smile graces her face at the sight of curry chicken, rice and peas, plantain with a side of salad.

Rheah picks up the fork that was besides the water bottle and doesn't waste any time digging into the food. Michael couldn't help the small smile that naturally graced his face as he continues to watch her. But as soon as it came, the quicker it left and his eyes soon return back to his phone screen.

After a moment of silence, Rheah looks up from her food at Michael and clears her throat once more, taking her chances at making small talk.

"Did you make this?" She asks.

Michael glances up at her briefly before he looks back at his phone. "Chris did."

Rheah nods, "It's really good. Tell him I said thank you."

"Mhm." He replies, leading the pair back into an awkward silence.

Rheah sighs and places the container back on the nightstand, "Mickey p–"

"Don't call me that."

Rheah heaves a heavy sigh, "Michael please, don't do this to me, to us. You know I would never intentionally hurt you but somehow I have managed to do that and nothing right now is hurting me more than the fact that you can't even look at me for more than a minute without looking like you wanna kill me!"

"That's because I do." Michael looks up from his phone and stares at her dead in the eye. "And if I look any longer, I may end up following through with those thoughts."

Rheah stares back at him.

Suddenly, she slowly advances towards Michael who watches closely as she makes cautious steps towards him, like a gazelle walking towards a lion, before she stands firmly in front of him.

She crouches down and boldly takes his hand into hers as she peers deep into his brown eyes. "Let me fix this Michael. Please. Give me the chance to make things right and I promise you, I won't stop until you find it in your heart to forgive me for all the pain that I have caused you."

The moment her hands had touched his own, Michael felt the warmth and tingles shoot up his hand and after her speech, all his body wanted to do was pull her up on him and kiss her deeply until their lungs forced them to come up for air.

But his mind told him otherwise.

"So you're saying you would do anything huh?" Michael raises his eyebrow.

"Yes," She nods confidently, "Yes I would."

Michael smiles, "Okay, so what if I asked you to kill your brother? Would you still be willing to do that?"

Rheah instantly snatches her hand from his as if his words had physically burnt her. "Would you kill Chris if it was the other way around?"

"Hell no."

"Well then, you've got my answer already." She scowls, folding her arms across her chest, "Gabriel may not be my blood but he is more my brother than blood could ever have made us."

A sinister smirk plays on Michael's lips as he rises from his seat. "Well, it looks like we," He motions between them, "Won't be "fixed" anytime soon then huh."

"No... but we will be." She smiles.

Michael raises his eyebrow, amused, "Is that so?"

"Yes." She nods, "You love me. And that's not going to change no matter what you say or do. And all I have to do is wait for the moment when you finally realise that our love is more than this bullshit that we're dealing with."

Michael chuckles, "I admire your hopes, sweetheart, but there's one thing wrong with your lil speech." He leans down close to her ear, "I don't love you anymore."

A small blissful chuckle escapes Rheah as she turns around and walks back over the bed.

"Alright Michael, whatever you say. But I know better," She sits down on the bed, "And I know you. It's only a matter of time before you realise that you need me and come back."

Michael walks over to her with a smirk. He shakes his head as he bends down and attaches the ankle chain back onto her foot before he moves on to the hand cuffs. He pulls them out of his pocket, only to see she had put her hands together in front of him, waiting.

Michael looks up into her eyes, noticing the mischievous glimmer dancing within them along with love and hope, which causes him to shake his head with a small smile. He wouldn't admit it but he enjoyed the fact that she was determined to win him over despite the way he was treating her.

Locking the cuffs onto her wrists, he takes up the container and fork before he makes his way towards the door.

"Anything else?" He calls over his shoulder.

"No, goodnight Michael."

Shaking his head, Michael turns and leaves the room. Rheah watches as he closes the door behind him with a small smile.

Nothing about that altercation should have made her happy. But for the time being, it did and eases off a little bit of the sadness that was in her heart.


Meanwhile, in a room down the hall, Cataleya was sceptically picking through the food that Chris had brought up to her.

Across the room, leant against the dresser, Chris rolls his eyes for the 5th time, his patience running out by the second. She had been doing this for almost 5 minutes and it was pissing him off! He didn't want to be in her presence any longer and she was delaying that!

Lifting himself off the dresser, he strides over to her, snatching the food out of her hands along with the fork.

"Hey I–"

Chris scoops a forkful and put it in his mouth, eating it. "I ain't fucking poison it, so you can stop playing with it and eat so you can take your damn pills!" He scolds.

Cataleya takes the container back from Chris as he shoves it back in her direction along with the fork.

"You didn't have to snatch it out my hands you know." She grumbles.

Chris scrunches up his face at her.

"Bi–" He breathes in and out an attempt to calm his rage, "You know what, you ain't even worth it." He walks over to her bag and rummages through it before pulling out her pre-natal vitamins. "You take them this morning?"

"Yeah," Cataleya chews on her food with a frown, "They're disgusting."

"And I don't care if they taste like shit, you still finna take them."

Cataleya rolls her eyes. "Yes father."

Chris side eyes her before pulling out a pair of jogging bottoms and a hoodie for her to wear. "Here." He throws the clothes next to her on the bed, "For after your shower."

Cataleya furrows her eyebrows at the choice of clothes. "We going somewhere?"

Chris looks at her as if she had asked a stupid question. "No dumbass, it's for you to wear to bed!"

"You got one more time to call me out my name, Chris!"

"Or what? Please do something." He pulls out his gun, taking it off safety, "Give me a reason to shoot you right now."

Cataleya looks at the gun, then at Chris before scoffing and shaking her head as she returns back to her food. Chris watches her for a moment before he puts the weapon back on safety and tucks it back into the waist band of his grey Nike joggers. His fit for the night consisted of a dark green hoodie with black sliders and white socks on.

"That's what I thought." He glowers.

"Whatever." Cataleya rolls her eyes, "But all I know is, I'm not wearing that to bed Chris. First of all, I'm already hotter than usual, I think your children are playing a part in that, and secondly, you know I don't sleep in that kinda stuff anyways."

"I know," He smirks, "Which is exactly why I picked them out. You can't be wearing that shit you usually do, there's hella niggas coming in and out of the place."

Cataleya flashes him a weird look, "So?! They're outside most of the time and I'm going to be covered by the blankets anyways. And last time I checked, you weren't claiming to be my man so don't act like it now!"

Chris clenches his jaw, "You're not putting on next to nothing and being left alone. Period."

Cataleya groans, throwing her hands up in frustration, "Fine then! You stay since it's such an issue for you!"

"Hell no!"

"Please Chris," She pleads, "It's not even like that at this moment. I can't sleep in those and I didn't slept properly at all last night. P–" She sighs, "Please, today has been an extremely stressful and exhausting day and all of this isn't good for the babies. So please let me just get one night of good rest and I will wear the damn tracksuit for all the other nights to come."

Chris stares at her for a moment.

He knew laying up with her was a dangerous game to play, but he sure as hell didn't want to leave her half naked with hella men just outside her door. And even though he knew his men wouldn't try anything, the thought still rubbed him the wrong way.

"Fine." He grumbles, "Finish your food then take your tablets and shower. I'll be back."

He heads over to the door and leaves the room.

o o o

Fresh out the shower, Cataleya stands patiently in her towel, waiting for Chris to return.

Soon, the sound of the door being unlocked and opened catches her attention before the sound of his footsteps fill the room once again.

Cataleya peeks her head out the bathroom to find Chris standing there with a grey T- shirt in one hand and his charger and phone in the other.

"Here," He pushes the T-shirt towards her, "I ain't pack none of your shit like that so you're just gonna have to use my shirt."

Cataleya quickly walks over and takes the shirt from him before dropping the towel and pulling the shirt over her head. The moment the towel drops, Chris' eyes automatically gaze at her body and he inwardly appreciates what he sees until the grey T shirt covers up his view once more.

He brings his gaze back up to her face which was now popping up through the head of the shirt. He watches as she pulls it down properly, the shirt stopping just above her knees before she begins to wrap her hair into a bun as she walks over to the bag.

His eyes now follow her ass which was slightly on show as her arms were raised, showing off her black feminine boxers. He couldn't help but lick his lips and shakes his head before he walks over to the opposite side of the bed to charge his phone. He then turns back to Cataleya, who now was wearing a black silk head scarf as she climbs into bed.

"Uh, not so fast, those cuffs and ankle chain gotta go back on." He tells her.

"Are you serious?!" She exasperates.


"But you're in here with me! I won't do anything, I promise."

He scoffs, "Like I'm finna believe that."

Cataleya sighs. "Look Chris, I know I have lied to you before and for a while now, but the moment everything came out, I promised to never lie to you again because lying to the ones I love tends to hurt more than telling them the truth."

Chris studies her for a moment. "Okay...Lemme ask you this..."

Cataleya stares back up at him, listening.

"Was any of it true?" He questions, "Did you genuinely love me?"

"From before I could even admit to myself, yes, it was all true." She looks at him with sincerity in her eyes. "Every feeling, every kiss, touch, moment and love that we shared, it was true, it is true because I still love you Chris. Even if you don't believe a word of it, I know what I feel for you ain't ever going to fade and I don't want it to...I just hope that you find it in your heart or what's left of it, to forgive me and not let whatever you feel for me fade away."

After a moment of tense silence, Chris sends her a brief nod.

In turn, Cataleya furrows her eyebrows questionably, not really sure what to make of his response and begins to get lost in the possibilities of its meaning. All the while, Chris begins to make his way over to her side of the bed.

Quickly noticing his fast approaching figure, Cataleya moves her attention away from Chris' puzzling answer, right back onto him, anticipating his next move. When he finally reaches in front of her, he bends down and clasps the ankle chain back onto her foot, causing Cataleya to sigh in defeat. She lifts her hands up solemnly, awaiting the cuffs to be locked around her wrists but Chris turns away and heads into the en-suite to turn off the lights.

The small but significant gesture was enough to make Cataleya smile at his retreating figure as she slips into the bed and gets comfortable under the covers. She continues to watch Chris with the same warm smile etched across her face as he makes his way around the room to turn off the main lights before he finds his way to the opposite side of the bed.

By this point, the only thing giving off light in the room was the moon slipping though the gaps in the curtain, allowing Cataleya to watch intently as Chris pulls off his hoodie and tosses it onto the arm chair in the corner of the room. He then takes a seat on the bed, his back facing her.

But before she could admire his beautifully sculpted back and the tattoos that covered it, Chris' gruff voice cuts her quickly out of the growing fantasy.

"Yo, touch me at any point tonight and you're sleeping on the fucking floor." He throws over his shoulder.

Cataleya's smile instantly falls into a frown, "Noted."

"Good." Chris grunts as he lays back against the headboard and picks up his phone.

Shaking off his tone and behaviour, Cataleya could feel her smile returning once more as she gazes up at his concentrated face, which also had a small smile tugging on his lips as he types away on his phone.

Not thinking too much of it, Cataleya enjoys the sight for a few minutes before tiredness decides to overthrow her system.

"Goodnight Christopher." She says softly, looking up at him with hopeful eyes.

Chris sends her a side glance before he turns back to his phone. "Go to sleep Cataleya." He scolds with annoyance in his tone.

Cataleya couldn't help but chuckle at him before she turns away from the glare of his phone onto her other side and closes her eyes. Behind her, Chris watches her settle for a moment before his attention once again, drifts back to his phone.


Queens, New York📍
7:35 am
April 14th '19

From the moment he woke up, Chris had been staring down at Cataleya's sleeping figure burrowed deep within his arms.

He didn't know how or when they ended up like this but he couldn't lie and say he was surprised. He and Cataleya were unfortunately, naturally drawn towards each other so he figured something like this would end up happening.

So, for a short while, Chris took the time to admire her peaceful state. He reminisces back to a few days ago when they were in this exact position, sharing deep thoughts and feelings with one another, basking in the organic nature of their love.

But the longer Chris stared at her, the quicker the good feeling and memory slipped away, allowing the rage, hurt and pain to consume him once more.

All the times where she was smiling in his face but lying through her teeth, flashes through his mind, reinforcing the festering idea that she had only pretended to be in with love him... and still was.

He even envisioned her and her bastard of a brother, laid up in the same position they currently were in, sharing moments like the ones she had shared with him for the past few months.

The thought alone sickens him and just looking at her, fed his anger.

She truly is everything toxic that he had been protecting his heart from for months on end, ever since his ex.

In that moment, Chris felt the growing urge to choke her death while she slept. But thoughts of his unborn children still his movement for the time being, simmering his rage. Instead, he redirects his hand to slip under her shirt and rests it gently on her stomach.

The only thing good to survive the destruction of their relationship was the two human beings growing inside her womb. Chris was already so in love with them and anyone that knew him and his love for kids, knew that those babies were about to be the centre of his world.

Not only was he finally going to have a child but God had blessed him with two! Chris knew he wasn't the most holy saint of a person but God still always managed to provide for him through his darkest times. This was one thing that he had been secretly praying for, for a very long time now, ever since his first chance at fatherhood...

No one knew that aside from all the twisted shit Janelle had done to him during their 8 year relationship, the one that hurt the most was when she lied about her miscarriage but in actuality, she'd had an abortion.

They were going to have a baby girl and Janelle was almost 4 months along when it all went down...

Almost four years ago, Chris and Janelle were on their first relationship break. Chris was considering to actually call it quits, drained from her more apparent toxic behaviour. But the moment Janelle had told him about the baby, he was quick to take her back and forgot the whole idea all together.

Despite her flaws, Chris loved her deeply and starting a family with her was something he had always dreamed of. He thought Janelle felt the same way due to the many conversations they used to have growing up and how deeply she felt for him. But Janelle had reached the point where she had come so close to losing Chris, sharing him, even with their own kids was not an option anymore.

So once the baby had served it's purpose and stopped Chris from ending things with her, Janelle went behind his back and got an abortion.

Knowing it would hurt Chris and that she'd end up losing him once again, Janelle decided to fake a miscarriage. But to add insult to injury, she pretended to be upset and depressed for months! Making Chris feel extremely guilty and willed him to be under her almost every moment of the day.

Eventually, he found out about her little hoax after coming across her well-hidden follow up letters. As expected, Chris flipped and broke up with her.

But like always, the love he had for Janelle, along with her persuasive nature, had him running back to her in a matter of months.

However, this time around, Chris' perception of her had altered drastically and so did his love. They were on and off for a few more years before they settled down in his home two years ago. Then last year's drama with Damian happened, breaking Chris' last piece of patience and love for her.

That day, he had sent her and his heart packing. But like always, his heart didn't seem to get the memo and decided to return a few months ago, along with its deep feelings. Though this time around, it wasn't for Janelle, but for a new problematic woman...

Chris couldn't help but scoff in bemusement as he resurfaces from the depths of his deep dark memories.

"You sure do know how to pick em huh Christopher." He thought sarcastically.

Just then, his phone begins to vibrate on the dresser. Swiftly, he turns over and reaches for it without waking Cataleya up. Glancing briefly at the contact, Chris swipes his finger against the arrow, answering the call.

"Morning, kid." Michael's warm voice filters through the phone, "She up yet? 'Cus we got about 45 minutes before we have to leave."

"Morning Micks." Chris smiles knowing Michael probably rolled his eyes, "And nah, I'm gonna wake her up now. You been to Rheah's room yet?"

"On my way there now," Michael answers. "I made breakfast so a guard should be bringing it up to Cataleya's any minute now."

"If it's any of that oily greasy shit you be making, send it back down. She can't have that." Chris scowls.

Michael scrunches up his face, "Nigga don't come at me sideways, my breakfasts always be the shit." He defends.

Chris chuckles, knowing he had touched a nerve. "Untwist your panties nigga, I ain't mean it like that. I'm saying all that oil and grease ain't good for the babies."

"Oh shit... you right, my fault," Michael nods, chuckling in slight embarrassment. "You gon' make something then?"

"Yeah she need to eat and take those damn vitamins and I'll be damned if she think she gon' skip out on them shits."

Michael laughs, "I see papa bear has already made his presence with you."

"Bro," Chris looks down at Cataleya who was still fast asleep, "I'm telling you this having a heart shit is for the birds."

Over the phone, Michael couldn't help but chuckle as he shakes his head. "Who you telling? Anyways, I'm bout go into Rheah's so I'll just meet you in the living room in 30."

"Aight bro." Chris answers as he begins to sit up, gently pushing Cataleya off him, "I'll holla at you."

Michael nods at the guards who unlocks Rheah's door. "Peace."

Once the phone call was ended, Chris stretches before he drops his phone back on the dressing table. In front of him, Cataleya, who was slowly waking from her sleep, rubs her eyes as she yawns before she scans the room.

Her survey was cut short when she spots a shirtless Chris standing in front of her. The grey joggers around his waist made his morning wood even more visible, causing her to shift up onto her knees, pressing her thighs together as she felt the temperature around her suddenly soar.

Chris notices her shift in body language, scoffing before shaking his head as he walks over to the chair to retrieve his hoodie.

If it was any other time, Chris would have definitely been deep inside Cataleya, waking her up the right way, fulfilling her every desire and both their needs. But his anger and pain continue to get the best of him, along with the sickening images of her bastard brother touching her.

He wouldn't get over that any time soon.

Cataleya watches his back retreat towards the chair and her tongue subconsciously slides across her lips the moment his back muscles flexed.

Now was definitely not the time, but her hormones were running wild and one of God's best works was standing right in front of her. It took all of the will power she had left to stay put, along with the fear of rejection she had at the moment with him.

Once his hoodie was on, Chris walks back to the bedside table to collect his phone and charger.

"We're leaving in half an hour." He announces as he pushes his feet into his sliders, "Get up, get dressed and wait for me or someone to come collect you to take you down for breakfast. And you need to take your vitamins before you leave the room."

Just the mention of the vile supplements made Cataleya frown. "I don't think I need to take those today."

A humourless laugh escapes from Chris. "You bout as dumb as it gets if you think I'm going to let you miss one of those."

"But I feel fine," She argues, "Aren't they just to help boost my immune system or something?"

"No Cataleya. They also provide the nutrients and vitamins that you need to help the babies grow. It's especially important 'cus you're carrying twins."

"Oh..." Cataleya ponders as he takes off her ankle chain and cuffs, "But I'm sure you'll be feeding me right anyways so is it still necessary? Matter fact, can't I just get regular vitamins? Preferably some with flavour."

Chris gives her a deadpan look. "No 'cus they wouldn't have enough Folic acid and you need that for the babies' growth and development. It helps lower the risk of developing problems with their brain and spine."

"Oh wow..." Cataleya frowns, "I didn't know all of that."

Chris raises his eyebrow. "You ain't go to the doctors yet for a full check up?"

Cataleya shakes her head as she pushes a strand of hair behind her ear. "I just went to confirm that I was pregnant. My follow up was meant to be next week but..."

Chris nods as he heads over to the door. "It's cool. I'll organise something according to where we are. We should be in Jamaica next week so Imma take you to our private hospital there."

"Oh alright, that's fine." Cataleya nods.

"Don't be long," He says, unlocking the door, "You have 10 minutes."

He doesn't wait for a reply as he opens the door and disappears into the hallway.


"Alright, tell the pilot to start fuelling the jet now," Michael instructs Benny over the phone, taking a seat on the chair in Rheah's room.

He continues to converse with Benny over transportation details as he waits for Rheah to finish getting dressed.

She had already eaten the breakfast he had made and tried to make some small talk with him. But unlike yesterday, Michael didn't budge, nor did he pay her any attention.

Shortly after she had finished her food, Rheah headed into the bathroom before resurfacing almost 5 minutes ago and had begun to get ready.

Michael watches as she drops the towel, revealing her red matching underwear set as she begins to moisturise her skin. Due to his lack of interest earlier, Rheah assumed he wasn't even paying attention as he continues to talk on the phone.

But she was wrong. The moment she had stepped back into the bedroom, Michael's gaze was solely on her.

She was beautiful. And for a moment he even forgot why he was angry with her. But his amnesia only lasted for a second before his senses returned and diverts his concentration back to his phone call.

"Say less, tell the men to strap up over there too. We ain't taking no chances." He converses, his eyes lingering once again on Rheah.

Just when she bends down to rub excess moisturiser off her hands onto her legs, her bra unclips. Before he could stop himself, Michael was right behind her.

His smooth fingers briefly brushing against her back, immediately causes Rheah to stiffen in her place. Fire crawls against her skin where he touched as tingles run down her spine.

After her bra was clipped back together, Rheah turns to face him.


Her gratitude was interrupted and ignored as Michael turns away, heading back over to his seat and conversation. "Yeah, let me know what he says." He speaks into the phone as Rheah stares at him with a confused and disappointed frown.

But what did she really expect?

With a small sigh, Rheah makes her way over to her duffle bag to pick out a pair of blue denim distressed jeans and a yellow crewneck. Michael's attention was drawn to her once more as she jumps to put the jeans on, shimmying to get her thighs and ass through.

Michael couldn't help but lick his lips, wanting nothing more than to bend her over the dresser in that moment. But his rational self knew better and thus, the fantasy was thrown away into the depths of his mind along with his feelings towards her.

"Aight bro, Imma holla at you." Michael rounds up the call before hanging up as he stands up. "Alright, it's time to go." He tells her.

"What?!" Rheah exclaims, "I thought I had 3 minutes left! I still need to do my hair!"

Michael shakes his head. "Nah the cars' already here. Besides, you ain't going no where special or gonna be seen so just pull it back or some shit."

Rheah bites the inside of her jaw, "It's. Not. That. Simple."

"And do I look like I give a fuck?" Michael snaps back, irritated.

Holding her tongue, Rheah sighs and begin to pack the rest of her stuff back into her bag before sauntering into the bathroom. With the comb she had left out near the sink, she combs her hair high enough into a curly pineapple updo. Once finished, she storms back out of the bathroom, dumping the comb back into her bag.

"Good." Michael nods as he gives her a quick once over before he unlocks the bedroom door. "Bring your stuff and let's go."

Slipping into the sneakers she had came with, Rheah lifts the strap of the duffle bag over her shoulders and heads towards the door. But just as she was about to walk out, Michael suddenly sticks his hand out and pulls her back into the room.

"What the hell?!" Rheah screams at him furiously.

"Hands up." Michael orders as he pulls the cuffs out of his pocket.

Rheah glares at him with disgust and disbelief.

Michael raises his eyebrow.

With a groan, she rolls her eyes, dumping the bag down and lifts her arms. "You know, this is completely unnecessary." She huffs.

Michael doesn't give her a response while he secures the handcuffs on her. Once he was finished, he begins to walk out the door.

"Uh, how am I meant to hold the bag like this?" She questions him.

"Figure something out." He throws over his shoulder, "And you better not keep me waiting."

Rheah glares at Michael's retreating figure making its way down the hall. Fighting the urge to throw her shoe at his head, she shifts her focus to the 4 armed guards waiting for her to follow Michael.

"Can someone please take the bag?" She asks them.

But the guards don't even blink at her nor do they move from their stance.

Rheah heaves an irritated sigh. "Fine." She grumbles as she bends down and struggles with the bag.

Barely managing to hold it, she begins to stumble down the hallway behind two of the guards who were leading the way while the other two follow close behind her.

Just as they were about to pass the third door, it opens and Chris steps out. The guards acknowledge his presence with a nod.

Chris sends them a small nod before his gaze lands on Rheah who was trying to peek into the room to see whether Cataleya was with him.

"She's not in there."

Rheah's eyes to dart toward Chris, puzzled.

"The bitch kept testing my patience so I may have let off a few rounds." He shrugs.

Rheah frowns, narrowing her eyes. "You're lying."

Chris folds his arms across his chest and stares at her dead in the eye. "Am I?"

Rheah blinks.

She tries to keep composure but her heart was threatening to burst out of her chest! She shakes her head in disbelief as her whole body tenses up. He wouldn't... he couldn't. He was lying... he had to be!

"Chris please, it's too early for this. Where is my sister?" Rheah's fearful voice begs for an answer.

Chris shrugs. "Probably about to be disposed of."

In the blink of an eye, Rheah charges towards Chris but the guards react fast and quickly intercept, pulling her back before she could wrap her hands around his throat.

Chris' face twists with cynical amusement as he watches the guards push Rheah back with force and aim their guns at her.

Fighting against the guards, Rheah pins her murderous glare past them onto Chris. "I swear on everything that I love Christopher if you've done something to her I'm going to–"

"Kill me?" Chris smirks as he raises his eyebrows. "Okay shorty..." He reaches past the guards and pats Rheah on the head, "Good luck with that."

Chuckling, Chris turns on his heels and begins to make his way down the hall in the same direction Michael had previously gone in.

Rheah glares at his retreating figure. Once Chris was out of sight, she desperately tries to power past the guards and once she had broken free, she sprint into the room Cataleya was in.

But like Chris had said, she wasn't there and any sign of her existence was gone too...

....Aside from the small drops of blood leading out of the room, that only strengthened his claims.

Instantly, Rheah's heart plummets as she begins to feel the panic sink in heavy. She suddenly felt sick with fear.

Chris had to be lying! He didn't really kill her, did he?


Rheah's outfits to the hospital

Cataleya's outfits to the hospital

Safe House Kitchen and Bedrooms



Hello hello hello 👋🏾

How's everybody doing after that chapter? Let's get into it shall we...

First up, we have the trip to the hospital. CAN Y'ALL SAY EVENTFUL?

The girls finally got to see their father and apologise but obviously it didn't come without its problems.

Do y'all think Gabriel had a right to blow up the way he did or nah?

Next we had, the small moment in the carpark between the girls and our kings🥺And it seems as if Kyle and Benny are warming up to the girls once more.

Do you think the other kings will?

After that, we had the Andersons and Giovanni sisters get into a little show down in the kitchen 👀 Can we say poor Cataleya? Sweetheart almost broke her back on the chair she was pushed into😖

What do y'all think about the way Chris and Michael are treating the girls? You think they deserve the verbal abuse and physical mistreatment?

Next we had, the ex couples night time scenes.

It seems Rheah is confident she will win Michael back.

Do you think she will?

Meanwhile, Cataleya somehow managed to convince Chris to stay the night 👀

Do you think he will ever give love a chance again?

And finally, the following morning events...


Did Chris finally kill Cataleya?!

That's all folks! See you in the next one! Ciao! 😘

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