Falling Again || bnha

By Helolo06

269K 10.8K 6K

❝BUT IF I HADN'T FALLEN, I WOULN'T HAVE MET YOU ❞ [various x reader] When an unknown... More

"Hello, World!"
Burn Marks
School or Prison. Aren't those the same?
This is why I don't socialize.
The Purple Man
Secrets. We all have them either if we know them or not.
V is for Villain
Midnight coffee
Why can't I have my Sweets in Peace??
Don't you think it's a bit cold for ice cream?
A God/Hero wannabe
A Hug that was worth the wait.
The goddamn Hero outfit
A Destructible God
Honey and Milk
Just like Home.
Urgh, Where are you, Sleep?
Me? A God? Pfft
Would you hold my hand, if the world was up to flames?
Lil' Museum of covers (Falling Again edition)
The unordinary life of (Y/n) (L/n)
Crazy How Fast this felt Like Home.
My weakest point isn't my mind
The Beast isn't merciful.
I wanna become something else.
A magical girl! That's what I'll become!
Midnight and coffee.
Whatever you say, Brocoboy. Whatever you say.
How long I wanna stay by your side? Does forever count?
Forever is not a number? Oh, then infinity.
Infinity can't be determined? Then as long as you're alive.
I don't care if you're going to live for an hour or thousands of years.
I want you, so stop denying my love.
But I don't want your love.
Seth was big big dragon, with a big big heart.
Yellow is now my favorite color.
A broken home, makes a broken hero.
Aren't broken heroes, just villains?
Give me the goddamn stars
Almost a happy ending.
Love is such a bitter medicine, and I'll never take it.
I think the world likes to see me suffer.
Don't worry, darling, I will always be your safe Haven.
Monsters will always be my favorite.
Wow, so many creative names.
The light has gone out of life. It doesn't shine anymore.
Has no one told you that you should bow before your god?
"Eyes blue like the Atlantic and I'm going down like the titanic."
I'll say a little prayer for you.
The World was only meant for the chosen ones.
I am not worth saving.
For you, I choose death.
We were meant to be. Can you not see it?
You were only a child.
Love is everywhere.
You are like cinnamon rolls

Takoyaki: the love of my life

6K 273 150
By Helolo06

I personally had the amazing expecience of losing this whole chapter, but luckly I got it back. I did have a heart attack and all but I'm fine now... I think.

I've been itching to read a Harry Potter fanfiction where the reader is a huge weeb, Imagine having an owl named Bokuto! There would be so much reference and the characters would be like "what the hell is she even talking bout". *sigh* being a weeb is hard 😩 (ps: if you write or find one, tell me! I wanna read it!)


Chapter 13: Takoyaki: the love of my life


After the short talk and quick explaining of how patrols work, the three of them were off to the streets. (Y/n) could barely contain her excitement when she put on her hero outfit.

It was a simple outfit, a black body suit with big golden lines on the sides, and two crossing her chest. The suit goes from the ankles to the wrist covering her whole body. Black boots with golden details. A short puffer black jacket, with golden cuffs, that stopped before the waist, with golden line on the sides and big golden wings drawn on the back.

After walking through the food stall on the streets, and grabbing a few takoyaki, Fat Gum started to get serious about the patrool. "(L/n), Tamaki, do you see that guy over there?" Fat Gum poked his last takoyaki, and pointed it to an alley, where a guy with black hair stood.

"He's known to sell drugs, but we don't have concrete proof," He narrowed his eyes, as the black haired man gave a small white packet to a hooded person. " With Tamaki's offense skills, and your information aquiring quirk, you guys make a great team," He glaced at Tamaki who's depressed expression changed to a more serious one.

"If any thing happens I'll be backing you guys up,"

"Leave it to us" (Y/n) began walking, eating the takoyaki from his hand before he said anything.

It's his fault for not protecting his food.

Tamaki followed behind her, but half way she turned towards him, pissed off. "Oh, walk beside me already," she grabbed his arms and pulled him "and if you let me, we can be friends too".

Tamaki froze, but after a few seconds he muttered under his breath "Why would someone like you ever want to be friends with me?" his look of depression came back, (Y/n) hummed and with her index finger she lifted his head.

"Why the hell not?" His eyes sparkled as he heard every word the girl said "You are so nice, kind, and the one of the cutest cinnamon rolls I have ever met. And never ever look down, the world is so beautiful with skies, trees, and people like you to see."

She glanced up, pointing at the tall buildings, "If you keep looking down, you won't see views like this" he glanced down to his feet.

"You make it all sound easy"

She sighed "We all make things sound easy, it's part of our nature. 'Cause if you keep looking at how hard it is you'll never start it. I just don't want you to regret looking down your whole life" She then shrugged and began walking "I guess we all have our own opinions about life"

Tamaki stood there for a moment glancing at the girl's leaving figure, memories flashing back in his mind. He deep inside wanted to be stonger, and he couldn't acomplish that by looking down. A sudden rush of courage washed through him, however when he reached the alley, his heart dropped.

It was completely empty, with no sign of dealers, or even (Y/n). He could've sworn he saw her entering. Desperation ran through him, "F-Fat Gum?"


"What if she gets hurt? what if we arrive late? what if we never find her? AHH- I should've followed her!" Fat Gum placed a hand on Tamaki's shoulder, smiling down at him.

"Don't worry she's strong" Fat Gum seriously glanced at the alley where now police officers searched for any clues.


"So like, If tomato is a fruit, then is ketchup a smoothie?" It's been literal hours of her asking those type of questions.

"Wait, isn't it a vegetable or sumthin'?" (Y/n) was tied to a chair, in the middle of the room. When she arrived everyone ignored her, but when she began to ask weird questions, one by one, people began to sit making a circle around her chair.

"Doesn't China put it on a fruit salad?" She had stopped the whole prodution of drugs, to literally talk about ketchup. The leader no where in sight.

"Ew, I heard they put it with sweet maionese" once she had reached the alley, people began doubting if she was a hero, but once they saw an "I love Fat Gum" sticker on her chest, they took her away to not spread any information.

"Wait, isn't it yorgurt?" (Y/n) tried moving her hand to call attetion.

"Guys, we're running away from the main topic"

"Ew, There's no way I'll drink ketchup"

"Says the guy who literally said water is dry"

" Wait-" (Y/n) tried to add fuel to the fire. "When we discussed about hot dog being sandwich, he called you stupid for thinking it is."

"YOU WHAT." The bald man with tanned skin and tatoos on the arm, stood up his mucles showing a few veins.

"I-I-I didn't! She's lying!" The skinny man remained in his seat, pointed to the tied up girl, tryng not to start a fight.

"Did you lie?"

"No, sir." She shook her head repeatedly, knowing full well she did.

Let's just say Chaos happened, the strong man jumped towards the skinny man, hitting a few punchs. Suddenly a black man stood up yelling at an afro-haired man.



yeah, and he did.

"YOU SAID THAT TOMATO IN A FRUIT SALAD IS DISGUSTING," another man began to repeatedly punch the man while saying "YOU ARE DISGUSTANG."

Suddenly everything came to a stop when a tatooed guy yelled "STOP!! Guys, we haven't even talked about the most important one yet! Are rectangles squares?" everyone looked at him, then (Y/n) spoke.

"Dude, that's basic math"

"Are you dumb or sumthin'?"

"What the hell dude"

"What the fuck man"

"I think he's missing a few buttons on his remote control."

"Nah, I think he is missing the whole thing."

"Guys, I think I got a better idea," everyone looked at the one who started the fighting "Why don't we stop fighting each other," he stepped on a few people who were knocked out "and punch him?" Everyone nodded.

"OH! Can I also join, please?"

"Yeah, of course you can, sweety" the man grabbed a knife and cut of her rope, completely forgetting the situation they were previously in.

And by the end of he night, everybody was kocked out except for the girl, who stood in the middle attaining a few informations about them."Okay, guys last one: if cereal is soup, then is milk a broth?" She waited a few minutes in the room, looking at everyone one who was knocked out. "Yeah, I totally agree with you all".

Suddenly, three banging sounds filled the room, along with a yell "FBI, OPEN UP" a few murmurs were heard, until a clear voice said "You're watching too many American shows, it's NPA, National Police Agency."

"Oh," He coughed "NPA, OPEN UP!"

"FUck, fUcK, the police are her-" The drug dealer entered the room, going face first on (Y/n), who was holding a pencil, in the middle of knocked out bodies. "What the fu-"

"They killed my dog, so I killed them with a pencil." The man began to breath heavily, a pure look of confusion on his face. "Seriously? you've never seen John wick? You uncultured swine-"

The man, out of nowhere dropped, holding his heart. (Y/n) walked over to him, kneeling in front of him. "Are you having a heart attack?" She placed her hand in his hand, her eyes shining gold, confirming her suspicion "I know, it must be so hard," she looked down at him, golden eyes analising him as she attained more information.

"We work so hard to get money for our family who doesn't even love us," She glaced at the door hearing some comotion "You try so hard to get money for your sick daughter, even going through ilegal stuff to make her healthy. And what do you get?" a tear escaped his eyes.

"A free pass to hell... Life is so cruel isn't it?" When he slightly nodded, she frowned "A mistake doesn't justify another, there were other ways but you choose to ignore them. Your daughter's cancer does not justify you selling drugs." she let go of him, despise evident on her face.

"Do you even know how many life's you ruined? 1478, the exact number that brought your doom. Life is fair, what you reap is what you sow, and that's it." Suddenly, the door busts open, reaveling a bunch of police man who came armed.


"He's having a heart attack, he can't-"


"geez, someone is a little grumpy today." She placed her hand behind her head watching the man hold his chest, in pain, crying his heart out. After a few minutes, they sucessfully managed to put the guy on an ambulance, and luckly, Tamaki and Fat Gum cleared the missunderstanding.

"You beat them all?" Tamaki looked scared at all the knocked out people.

"Nah, I just put wood on the fire, and surprisingly it worked" Fat Gum placed a hand on (Y/n)'s head.

"Takoyaki?" He smiled as the girl looked at him.



There some things I never thought I'd learn:

"Mild heart attack symptoms might only occur for two to five minutes then stop with rest. A full heart attack with complete blockage lasts much longer, sometimes for more than 20 minutes."

I now feel so smart... like wth 😩💅

I do so much research to not get anything wrong, like their personalities. So I hope they are not ooc 😳

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