New Beginning

By StoriesLoubbie

12.8K 370 449

AU: Debbie and Lou are a couple but get separated after an unfortunate incident. After few years, when they m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 4

1.3K 29 33
By StoriesLoubbie

Lou met Debbie and Tammy outside the Boutique at around 11. For a change, Lou was wearing just track pants and a hoodie.

"Did you get robbed on your way?", Tammy asked, mocking.

Lou shrugged. "I am supposed to be chilling today. You are making me see these white curtains that you call gowns"

Debbie rolled her eyes. "Did David Bowie file a lawsuit against you for copying him?"

"If so, then you'll have to defend me in court", Lou smirked. "Anyway, hurry up. I have another appointment today"

"What about our movie?", Debbie didn't realise she spoke out too loud. Tammy looked at her, raising an eyebrow and smirking.

"Oh, that. Well, I am free after 7"

"Okay. Good. Debbie will be outside your door at 5", Tammy said, grinning.

"What the... I won't... Tammy"

Tammy grinned while Lou blinked, not really getting what Tammy meant. Debbie thanked all Gods for keeping Lou oblivious to certain things.

"I don't know what you two are speaking about, but I really need to get going by 1 in the noon. So, can we hurry up?", Lou asked, checking her watch.

"Sure. Let's go"


While Tammy was busy changing one gown after another, Debbie decided to ask Lou about her appointment.

"What's so important that you are checking your watch every 5 minutes?"

"Ugh? I have an appointment"


"I should go to airport to receive Joy"

"Joy? Who is that?"

"Ugh? My friend", Lou said, again checking the time. "Tamera Robinson, hurry up"

"Friend as in?", Debbie questioned again.

"Friend", Lou said, not really paying attention to Debbie's indirect investigation.

"How do you know him?"

"Her. I met her in Switzerland"

"Oh. So, she is from Switzerland?"

"Nope. British", Lou said, checking her phone for any calls or text messages.

"How is she to look?"

"Beautiful", Lou replied casually.

"Oh. And is this her first time visiting US?"


"Then why are you receiving her? And why do you look so flushed?"

"She is 30 weeks pregnant", Lou said. "I don't want her to have any trouble while landing here"

"Oh", Debbie sighed. She didn't know how tensed she was before she found out Joy was pregnant.

Pregnancy means she probably is in committed relationship, right? But... what if she is not?

"Is she travelling alone?"

"Yeah. She is"

"Where is her husband?"

"She doesn't have one"

"Oh. Boyfriend?"


Now Debbie's worry was back.

"She is pregnant"



"Drunken one-night stand"

"Oh. Why is she coming here?"

"She stays here"

"But you said she is British"

"She works here. She went back a month ago when her father expired. Now she is back"

"Oh. Is she here on working visa?"


"What she does here?"

"She is the lead designer in my company"


This information increased Debbie's worry.

"She is our lead designer. She works in our R&D. She is the boss there"

"Aren't you the boss?"

"Yes. But I mostly stay in our customised products factory. She looks after mass production factory and everything related to that. And she handles things just as much as I do"

"Oh okay"

Lou went back to her phone, checking on some text messages from telecom services, client meet reminders while Debbie had the unknown fear in her tummy. She couldn't stay quiet for more than 5 minutes though.

"You said Joy is beautiful. How beautiful is she?"

"Ugh... Well, see for yourself", saying so, Lou took her wallet out, removed a pic from one slot and handed it to Debbie.

"Oh", Debbie looked at the pic. She was jealous seeing Joy so close to Lou. Also, not to forget how beautiful Joy was.

She is beautiful. She can easily seduce Lou! And was she about to kiss Lou?

"Are you thinking about my short hair? I had shaved and it was growing slowly. That's when this pic was taken", Lou said, taking back the pic and keeping inside the wallet.

"Uh...", Debbie didn't say much. Lou didn't ask. She was too tensed about Joy, her pregnancy and flight. She wasn't paying attention to anything else for now.

"So, how close are you with Joy?", Debbie asked. Lou was busy with her phone

"She is my best friend"

"Oh. And?"

"And what?"

"You know... Did you date her?"

"Why will I date her?"

"She is beautiful"

"And my best friend"


"I don't see her that way. She is my best friend"


Debbie had a small smile of victory.


After Tammy was done with selecting the wedding dress, Lou went to airport to receive while Debbie and Tammy went to have lunch.

"Do you know Joy?"


"What? What kinda name is that?"

"Joy, you meant Lou's friend, right? Her name is Rejoyla"

"That's so unfortunate", Debbie said, smiling.

"You are smiling. What's wrong? And how do you know Joy?"


Debbie explained the earlier incident to Tammy.

"Jesus! You are so jealous of Joy", Tammy laughed.

"No, I am not"

"Then why are you enquiring about her?"

"Well, Lou was prioritising her over your dress selection. So, I was worried for you"

"You mean, the girl whom you are  attracted to is worrying about Joy and so, you are jealous?", Tammy smirked.

"What the... Why are you hellbent in fixing me with Lou?"

"I'm not. You are"

"Fuck you"

"You can't hide it, Debbie. Your jealousy is so evident. You gotta gush your feelings for Lou out"

"Fine! I am attracted to her. Happy now?"

"Well, I will be if I see you guys together. Lou is really sweet and I am very sure she is attracted to you too"

"How do you know?"

"Well, she didn't kill you when you joked on her sister. That's enough to guess that she kinda has something for you"

"As if I will allow her to kill me", Debbie rolled her eyes.

"You have no idea what she can do", Tammy chuckled. "She didn't care to beat the shit out of Smith's youngest son in public during a party"

"You mean Billionaire Smith?"

"Yup. His son misbehaved with Ann. You know, drunk rich brat being an asshole in party. He called Ann something and Lou, who was standing behind Ann just charged on him and hit him until he asked sorry"

"Wow! And what happened next?"

"Well, most of the people knew how he was. No one had dared to condemn. But Lou was Lou. She didn't care"

"What about Mr. Smith?"

"He can't do anything to Lou or Ann. Liam will kill him if anything happens to his daughters"

"That's... But Smith is dangerous too"

"Yup. He is. And that's how he ended up losing some of his companies and factories"

"I don't understand"

"Liam Miller is too powerful, Debbie. Think", Tammy said, raising an eyebrow.

Debbie thought for a second. "He destroyed him?"


"That's... Well, Smith unnecessarily got served though. His son was at fault"

"You think that old man is a Saint? Smith has records of his own. Both father and son are perverts"

"Well, then I will say Liam did the right thing"

"Yup. So, I was saying, Lou doesn't care. When anyone speaks bad about her sister or her father, she will not hesitate to have a physical fight. But she didn't do anything that kind with you. It definitely means you have some kinda place in her life"

"Maybe she didn't do anything because I am your friend"

"Or maybe your brain is replaced with bullshit. Debbie Ocean, for fuck's sake, stop being a dumbass and approach Lou. She is definitely into you"

"I am not a dumbass"

"Yeah, you are right. You are not a dumbass. You are worse than dumbass"



Debbie sighed. "Fine, I'll try. I'm having a movie night with her. If she is into me, then maybe I'll give it a go"

"Don't speak as if you are doing a favour to her. You are as much interested in her as she is in you. Mutual. So, keep your superiority complex out and be Debbie. Don't be Debbie Ocean. Just be Debbie"

Debbie rolled her eyes. "Tell me again, why do I put up with you?"

"You need someone to kick your ass every now and then", Tammy said, chuckling.


That evening, while returning back home, Debbie decided to have quick shopping errand. She went to a boutique and while looking into the collection, she saw Lou. Well, it was Ann but Debbie didn't know. She thought her as Lou. Ann was there, on the other side, looking at some dresses.

Lou looking at dresses. Now that's funny

Debbie decided to pull her leg. She crossed the sections to meet Lou (Ann). But stopped midway when she saw Aron standing next to Lou (Ann), his arms around Lou's (Ann's) waist. Lou (Ann) was smiling and showing him the dress.

"It's beautiful", Aron said, and kissed Ann's cheek. Ann leaned back on him, putting all her weight.

Did Aron just kiss Lou? Wait why is his hand around Lou?

Debbie didn't find this right. She knew Lou and Aron were friends but this physical closeness wasn't friendly. It looked different.

"Try it on", Aron said to Ann.

Ann smiled, got out of his embrace and walked towards trial room. Aron was looking at her direction. Ann peeked out of the room and signalled him to come in. He shook his head smiling, and then ran inside the trial room and shut the door.

What the fuck was that!

Debbie couldn't believe her eyes.

Are they? Did Lou just... Wait, Lou and Aron? What the fuck!

Debbie, though knew it was wrong, decided to eavesdrop on them. She took a random top and went to the trial room next to Ann and Aron's. She stood very close to the partition wall and listened. She could hear Ann and Aron's low volume moaning.

"Aron...", Ann's voice was heard to Debbie. It wasn't loud and definitely wouldn't be heard to people outside.

Debbie was shocked. Unknown to her, a tear rolled down her right eye.

Lou is... She is having an affair with Aron? She just... But she told she doesn't have any feelings for... And she doesn't like cheating. Then why is she... Lou and Aron are cheating Ann behind her back! And Lou... Fuck! She is a bastard! She... God!

Debbie was angry. She quickly wiped her tears and then walked out of the trial room, handed over the top to the sales girl and walked out of the shop. She went home, angry, frustrated and heartbroken.


Debbie's phone rang. She was drinking, not able to digest what she saw and heard in boutique.

She looked at the screen. The name Lou Miller flashed.

Debbie huffed in anger. She didn't receive the call. Her voicemail was on.

Hey Ocean, what time will you be here? It's already 8!

Are you busy? If so, we'll have movie night some other time

Debbie, when you get this message, please call

Debbie didn't call. She didn't want to call. She was broken by Lou's double standards and cheating ways.


Next day went by without much of exchange between Lou and Debbie. Lou tried calling Debbie few times but her calls were never received or returned. Debbie didn't involve Lou in final selection of caterers, decorators etc. Lou was the one who narrowed down the options to two in each section of work. Debbie picked one in every department without Lou's consideration or inputs. She didn't want to have any conversation with Lou.

"Why are you not returning Lou's call?", Tammy barged inside Debbie's office.

Debbie didn't reply. She went on with her work.

"I am asking you something. What happened?"


"Nothing? You didn't go for movies with Lou, you haven't spoken to her in two days and now... I see you have finalised everything without her inputs. What's going on?"



"Look, I am capable of doing everything. I don't need any help. And about returning her calls, I don't want to. I am busy, Tammy. So, if you will excuse me..."

"Debbie, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Nothing is fucking wrong"

"Something's wrong. Honey, what happened?"

"Nothing. And you stop being worried. It's your wedding next week. You got to be cheerful"


"No Tammy. I won't listen to anything. Now, all these things aside, what happened to Greg Laurie's case?"



Tammy sighed. She knew something definitely was wrong. But she knew better than bug Debbie when she is not in mood. She decided to be in lawyer mode again.

"Yes. 9 millions. And we'll get 2"

"Good. Settle Stevenson's case too. And try to increase. I can see we could go up to 20 million. Push it"

"Sure. I'll do"

"And I am done with all the preparation work from my side. All you gotta do is wear that damn white dress and walk down the aisle. So, I am fee now. Give me something to work on. I am fine with pro-bono too"

"Wanna handle prenup agreement?"


"Rachel McCarthy is marrying Mr Rogers. And she wants us to handle the prenup"

"Okay, I will"


"She is angry. Did you do anything?", Tammy asked. She was sitting on the other side of the bar counter in Lou's penthouse.

"I don't remember anything wrong"

"Pretty sure something is wrong. She is very angry", Tammy said, sipping her cocktail.

"She was fine during our game night changed dinner night. She even kissed me on cheeks. And then... We were fine during your dress selection... Oh!"


"I was in hurry, remember? I had to receive Joy from airport. I was too worried that I didn't speak much"

"I don't think she is angry because of that. Jealous yes. Not angry"

"She was jealous? Of?"


"What? But she doesn't even know her"

"But you know Joy. And the way you were being affectionate to her... Well it became the cause of Debbie's jealousy"

"But why?"

"Because she is... Try to understand, Miller"

Lou looked at Tammy, blinking her eyes.

"She is attracted to you, dumbo. And you were not paying attention to her. So, she was jealous"

"She likes me?"

"Well, as far as I know, yes. She likes you"

"Then why is she... Wait she is angry because of Joy?"

"No. I don't think so. She is smart enough to not be angry on Joy and your friendship. And I cleared it to her that Joy is your friend. I think something happened. I am not sure what, but definitely you have done something or at least she is thinking that you have done something"

"Something? What?"

"I don't know. You should be knowing"

"I don't think I did anything that would make her angry"

"What did you do whole day?"

"Today? I was here. Didn't go to factory. I was worried what did I do that Debbie is mad at me"

"Not today. That day. The day you were supposed to watch movie with Debbie"

"Well... I went to airport, met Joy. I then came here with her. I was worried about her, you see. I was with her till evening. I spoke about Debbie. Joy decided to give us alone time for movies. So, after dinner, I dropped her back to her apartment. I had cleaned it already. So, she could be there without any inconvenience. And then I called Debbie. But she didn't recieve. We didn't have our movie night"

"Then why did she... I don't get it"

"Me too"

"Whatever, you better solve it"

"But how? She is not ready to even speak to me"

"Well, she is refusing to talk to you as a friend, but she can't refuse a million dollar billing client, can she now?"

"Ugh?", Lou raised her eyebrow.

"You wanted our firm to represent you and you spoke about it to Debbie. And it hasn't moved anywhere further. You can enquire about that"

"Good you are a lawyer. Tammy, I love you"

"Yeah well, make sure to not piss her off even more"


Next day morning, Lou went to Ocean's office and talked to Debbie's assistant for a quick meeting with Debbie. The assistant called Debbie and then informed Lou that Debbie is busy and won't be able to meet her.

"I'm her friend"

"Sorry Miss Miller. But I can't go against my boss's order"

"I understand. I'll wait here", Lou said and sat on the couch of waiting area.

For first 10 minutes, she just sat thinking what did she do that Debbie was angry, later though her mind diverted to the furniture and interior design. She didn't like the existing design and furniture. Like Debbie said, the furniture did look bad and old.

Lou took her notepad and began sketching the visual she was seeing. She then drew a quick sketch of what the room could be if she got the deal.

She spent three hours there, sitting in the waiting room. She didn't see Debbie walking right in front of her and out.

Debbie had seen her and walked away. When she returned, Lou was still there, deep in her work. Debbie didn't stop by. She just walked to her office.

Another 20 minutes passed. Tammy, who was back from court, saw Lou sitting.

"Lou, why are you in waiting room? Don't you wanna meet Debbie?"

"Yeah, but she is busy. That girl told I can't meet Debbie right now"

"Who? Jemma? Wait a minute. Jemma, why didn't you let Lou meet Debbie?"

"Ms Robinson, I... Ms Ocean told to not let anyone in. I..."

"Lou is not anyone. She..."

"Tammy, c'mon don't be angry on her. She is just doing her duty. Jemma it is? Sorry dear. Don't mind", Lou said and looked at Tammy. "I didn't waste my time anyway. Look"

Lou handed over her notepad to Tammy. Tammy opened and saw 5 different designs for just the reception and waiting room sketched.

"You are a genius"

"I know", Lou grinned. "My brain is storming with 10 different ideas just for this reception. So, if you guys decide and finalise the deal, I can get going"

"Well, you are onboard, Miller. C'mon, let's talk to Debbie"


Tammy knocked at Debbie's door. "Deb"

"I'm busy, Tammy. Not now", Debbie said, knowing very well that Tammy is with Lou. She was not busy. She just didn't want to talk to Lou.

"I don't care. I am coming in. And I have company"

Before Debbie could say anything, Tammy opened the door and walked in. Lou thought for a second before entering. She was caught between two crazy women to be honest. If she entered, Debbie will be pissed. If she didn't enter, then Tammy would blast at her.

"Tammy, I am busy. I am working on client..."

"I have a client here", Tammy said, sitting on the chair and pulling Lou down to sit on the other one.

"Tammy, I know what you are doing. So, please leave me alone and..."

Tammy didn't let Debbie continue. She kept Lou's notepad in front of her.

"What?", Debbie asked.

"Check out the designs"

Debbie raised her eyebrow and Tammy rolled her eyes. Lou didn't know what to do. She knew very well Debbie was not ready to talk. So, she decided to examine the room and furniture.

"So what?", Debbie asked glancing at the designs.

"We should think about it. We have enough money to renovate our firm. We can finally have brand new furniture instead of these worn out, beaten up garbage we have been using as furniture"

Debbie looked at Tammy, Lou and back at the design.

"We are not in hurry"

"Woman, we need new furniture right now. We decided this in our last partner meet"

"Well, I know. But we can't take any decision right now. All our partners are not here"

"Well, I can call them. They will be here in 15"

"I am busy. I can't..."

"Oh for fuck's sake, be professional, Debbie Ocean"


"Look I don't know what the fuck happened to you and why you are angry on Lou. But this is the offer our firm cannot let go of. Your refusal won't bother Lou's business but it will ruin ours. This deal is necessary, Ocean. She wants us to represent her company and in exchange she will renovate this place with best designs with reasonable discounts and offers. I am sure all our partners will agree to this"

"Tammy, I..."

"You know what, I am calling the partners"

Saying so, Tammy pulled the telephone close to her and dialled one of their partners

"Meeting in 15 minutes. Hurry up"

Debbie just looked, while Tammy dialled one partner after other in just 5 minutes.

"You could just inform your receptionist to do this", Lou said to Tammy once she was done with calls.

Tammy stared at her.

"Well, whatever you feel is right", Lou said, raising her arms in surrender. Tammy sighed.

"Sorry, Lou"

"Forgiven", Lou said.

Debbie was silent and observing everything.

"What's you budget?", Lou asked, not specifying whom she was speaking to.

Tammy looked at Debbie. Debbie rolled her eyes. Tammy sighed again. She was sure she would get breathing related problems if she sighed again.

"We have our budget sheet ready. And we estimated what was required for us. I mean, a draft. It's all on you now. How you'll adjust your creativity to our budget. And I am really hoping for discounts"

"Well, let me clear one thing. My company uses superior wood and other accessories while building furniture. We are not IKEA and not everyone can afford us. We don't use particle board or acacia or other cheap wood for furniture"

"So, how expensive will it be?"

"I'll have to list it. But if you want discounts, available. Also, do you need complete wood works? Or do you need metal and wood? We offer pure metal works too. I have trained professionals in my company. So, if you are interested, I can have those too. I can promise you to give the best products. But only one condition. My company Logo needs to be on it. You can't remove or stick something on it to hide"

"Sure. Come to my office. Let's talk business"

In next 20 minutes, partners assembled in the conference room which again made Lou mentally formulate better design for. Tammy addressed the gathering and spoke about Lou's proficiency and the outline of the deal. Everyone agreed to the deal.

"Okay then, Miller. We will have the documents ready by tomorrow. You make sure to end your contract with your firm and transfer everything here soon. Once you are done there, will sign on representing you"

"Sure", Lou nodded. The group adjourned, leaving behind Tammy Debbie and Lou.

"You two, sort it out", Tammy said and walked out.


"I'm busy", Debbie said and walked to her own office, leaving Lou behind. Lou sighed.

What the hell did I do?

She however didn't try to talk again. She went back to her office and began discussing about this new project with her staff.


Next day morning, Lou decided to meet Tammy regarding renovation. She went to the firm. While entering Tammy's room, she saw Debbie in conference room, with many people. Lou looked for a second or so, then walked in to meet Tammy.

Back in the conference room, Debbie was trying hard to settle a case.

"There, it's done", Tess smirked at Debbie.

A client was caught in a theft and there wasn't enough proof to prove his innocence. He had to serve time in jail.

Tess was the ASA handling this case and Debbie's junior Amita was on defence. Debbie however had to jump in when Amita lost control of the case. Somehow, Debbie got the serving time to 6 months.

"Whatever", Debbie said. "He did steal, though was in helpless condition, and I reduced his jail time. So, technically, I did better job"

Tess shook her head, smiling. "Why is that every fucking Ocean I meet is stubborn, headstrong, cocky and too proud"

Debbie rolled her eyes. "I am not stubborn"

"Yup. You definitely are not", Tess smirked while commenting sarcastically.

"Jesus...", Debbie whined and placed her head on Tess's shoulder. She could be free now as the clients and other representatives had left the conference room.

"What's going on with you? Seems like you are not happy", Tess asked, gently massaging Debbie's back.

"I just lost a case"

"That never set you back. Something else is bothering you"

Debbie sighed. "Nothing. I met someone..."

"You met someone? Who? When? How? Tell me everything!"

"God! It's not what you think"

"Fine. I am not thinking. Just tell me what happened"

"I met a person who spoke about morality, human behaviour blah blah"

"And you started liking that person?"

"No, listen. I got a sense of respect on this person..."

"Wait. Is this person a he or she?"

Debbie raised her eyebrow.

"It's fun to keep tag on your flings, you know. You have an alternating pattern. So, I am guessing this person is a he"

"She. And nope. I don't have any kind of..."

"Don't lie about your attraction to this person, Deborah"

Debbie sighed again. "Is it so easy for you to read me?"

"I was your nextdoor neighbour in childhood, your best friend who sat next to you in every class and your roommate in college. What do you think?"

Debbie rolled her eyes again. "Fine. Yes, I was attracted"

"Was? Not anymore?"

"Well, it's complicated. I mean, I am still fucking attracted to her. So, yeah, I got special respect to this person. But..."


"I saw her having affair with her brother-in-law"


"Yeah. All the preaching, and then she herself is cheating. She is betraying her sister"

"That's bad"

"Yes. And I am angry because of that. But my fucking feelings for her... That's not subdued. Every time I see her, I want to forget what I witnessed and make her leave her brother-in-law and be with me. But... I don't know. I can't forget the image..."

"You still like her?"

"Yeah. But I don't want such person in my life who cheats. I hate cheaters"

"Well, this is tough honey. But you gotta make up your mind"

"I should", Debbie said, snuggling closer to Tess.


When Tess walked out of Debbie's office, she saw Lou Miller hugging Tammy and then walking towards the lift. Tammy was standing there at the reception.

"Was that Louanne Miller?", Tess asked, waiting for the lift.

"Oh no, that's Louise Miller. Louanne's sister"

"Wow! The name, like their faces, are not confusing at all", Tess said sarcastically and Tammy chuckled.

"Well, both are hot though. By the way how do you know them?"

"Liam Miller and his whole family attended our SA's ball. And he introduced them to everyone there. A nice move to establish their hold in the city before he retires. Both girls are talented, must say. Didn't know they had their independent business before one of them decided to merge her company with Miller's group and take over her father's position"

"Well, older one will be the chairman. Younger one is not interested in that. She loves furniture more than people"

"Yeah. So, which one is this? Miller's group or furniture girl?"

"Furniture. And she soon will be our client now. Just few signatures away. Also, she is about to refurbish this office. Her furniture house does renovation and interior too. Didn't know that earlier. I can now make more money clearly once she becomes our client", Tammy chuckled.

"Wow, that's good. So, how's your wedding preparation going on?"

"Thanks to your sister-in-law, it's managed well"

"Debbie? You let Debbie handle your wedding preparations? Are you nuts?"

"Don't worry. Lou was with her"

"Again, Lou as in Louise or Louanne?"

"Lou as in Louise. Louanne is called as Ann"

"Oh thank god. At least the short forms are less confusing. Nothing else is different between them. Same eyes, same hair, even same hairstyle! I feel like they do it on purpose to trick people. Or maybe they are one and the same. One person acting as Lou and Ann"

Tammy laughed "If that's the case then this firm will soon be representing entire Millers group, not just the furniture company"

Tess laughed. Before Tammy could say anything more, maybe about Debbie and Lou, the lift bell chimed and Tess had to go.


"You won't be there"

"Lou, c'mon. My office isn't lion's den"

"But your office has a lioness Debbie Ocean who is angry on me"

"I am sure you can tame her"

"Tammy, I don't think so. She is very angry and I don't even know why"

"But well, you can't just monitor the renovation work from your office or factory"

"She doesn't want to see me. And you are taking a week off"

"I gotta get ready, Lou. My wedding is on weekend"

"What if I start the work after you return back?"

"Lou, speak to her once"

"You think I didn't try? She doesn't want to see me"

Tammy sighed. "Sometimes she can be such a pain in the ass. Fuck! Fine. You start your work after I return back to office"


One more day went by with zero exchange between Debbie and Lou. Lou tried but Debbie's cold response didn't build her confidence. But Lou realised one thing: she definitely has fallen for this brunette beauty Debbie Ocean and it's not like a fling. She is attracted to Debbie not just physically but also emotionally. She even dreamed of her every night.

Next day was Tammy's bachelorette party. Obviously they couldn't have done it earlier because of their busy schedule and so, they decided to have it two days before the wedding. Inconvenient but had no other choice.

Lou decided to not attend the party so that Debbie won't be uncomfortable. She wanted Debbie to enjoy this might as the host. She didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. But Tammy knew Lou's mind and she asked her to not quit. So, Lou attended.

The party was fun except, Debbie didn't talk to Lou. Well, she had to speak in regards to Tammy's wedding. But other than that, there wasn't any conversation. It was the most awkward convo ever in both their lives.

Lou didn't feel like doing anything much. She took a bottle of whiskey and went outside and sat alone, drinking. Debbie saw her. It killed her inside to see Lou alone. But she couldn't forget the moaning voice she heard in the trial room. Also, Lou is betraying Ann! The same Ann on whom Debbie joked and Lou blasted at her a week ago. She couldn't move on from this particular issue of Lou having affair with her brother-in-law.


Finally, it was the wedding night. Lou didn't arrive early like Debbie. She took her time. Anyway, she knew she would be there before anything starts there.

Debbie was running around the hall, making sure everything was fine. She knew Lou would help her a lot if she was here.

"You know, you are being unfair to Lou", Tammy said, while getting ready.

"You don't know what is fair and unfair when it comes to Lou. You are blind to her deeds"

"Really? You wanna argue with me today?"

"Nope. So, better not speak about me and Lou"

Tammy sighed. "Debbie..."

"I got you something by the way", Debbie said, diverting the issue. "Here, open", Debbie said, handing her a gift box.

"What's in this?"

"You'll see", Debbie smirked.

Tammy rolled her eyes and unwrapped the gift. The box contained a very revealing yet too sexy red lingerie, two plane tickets to New Zealand and the details of hotels and other things for staying there.

"Really? Red?"

"It's your colour"

"New Zealand?"

Debbie shrugged. "It's a beautiful country"

"I know. But I can't spend a month away. I only can afford two weeks max"

"Don't worry Tammy. I will take care of everything here. You've worked a lot last two weeks"

Tammy sighed with content. "Fine. Don't get into any fights though while I'm gone"

"Okay mom"

Tammy rolled her eyes while Debbie chuckled.


Debbie was now standing outside the church. The guests haven't arrived yet. She had both Tammy and Tom's parents seated. Other bridesmaids were there, except Lou.

Fuck! Where the hell are you!

Debbie was thinking about Lou when she saw a Lexus stopping. It was Lou's.

"Go in. I'll park", Lou said to Ann.

Ann nodded and stepped down the car. Debbie saw Ann stepping down and confused her to be Lou. She looked at Ann and almost gasped. Lou (Ann) was wearing a maroon knee-length dress, the one she and Aron selected in the Boutique a week ago.

Debbie was confused and irritated by this. She had chosen a suit for Lou. If she knew Lou would wear dress she wouldn't have argued with everyone regarding Lou's suit earlier. Also, she is wearing the dress from the Boutique!

"What the fuck are you wearing?", Debbie asked when Lou (Ann) neared Debbie.

Ann was confused. She didn't expect a random woman yelling at her right outside the church for no apparent reason.

"Excuse me? Do I know you?"

"Very funny. I don't talk to you for a week and you decide to act as if you never met me? Fuck you, Miller"

"Excuse me, whoever you are but mind your language. I am not here to take shit from you"

"Wow, and what language are you speaking, Miss-mind-your-language?"

"What the... Who are you and why are you yelling at me?"

"Stop your nonsense! You mess with me, mess with my feelings and now you mess with our bridesmaids dress. What are you trying to prove here?"

"What the... I came here to attend and congratulate Tammy for her wedding. Didn't expect this kind of welcome", Ann growled in anger. "I'll no longer stay here"

Saying so,Ann walked back. Debbie ran behind her in anger.

"Great. Now you decide to back out and ruin Tammy's important day. What the fuck, Miller? Why the hell are you so fake? Why are you... Oh... Oh my... What the fuck!"

Debbie saw Lou Miller in suit, walking towards them. Debbie was confused, she didn't know what to speak. Also, not to forget how fucking hot Lou looked in that suit.

"I'm out of here. Take me back", Ann ordered Lou, while meeting her halfway.

"Annie, what happened? Why are you... Is the wedding over without me? I didn't even hold the bouquet"

"No. But I don't want to be here. That crazy woman insulted me", Ann said, pointing at Debbie.

"Crazy woman?", Lou looked at the direction Ann pointed and saw one dumbstruck Debbie Ocean. "You mean Ocean?"

"Ocean? Lou, I am speaking about that woman. Where the hell are you finding an ocean here? We are not in beach"

"No, the woman you are speaking about... She is Ocean", Lou chuckled. "C'mon, definitely something is wrong"

"I'm not coming"

"Oh, c'mon Annie", Lou held Annie and Annie reluctantly walked near Ocean along with Lou.

"Hello Ocean. What did you do now?"

Debbie took few seconds before replying. "What... You two... You guys are..."

"Millers", Lou said.

"Did you... Where you shopping in Laurel's boutique the other day with Aron?", Debbie asked, looking at Ann.

Ann was taken aback and bit shy because of the memories that flashed to her. "Yeah"

"So, it was you who fucked Aron in the trial room?"

"Wh... What? I mean... Excuse me? What are you... Why are you...", Ann stammered and Lou looked at Ann and then Debbie.

"Fuck! It was you! And I thought it was Lou and... Fuck!", Debbie sat near the fountain, hands covering her face. "I was mad at Lou for no reason"

Lou again looked at Debbie and then Ann.

"I really don't know what exactly happened between you two, but seriously, Trial room?", Lou asked Ann, smirking.

Ann sighed, trying her best to mask her embarassment. "Lou, you are..."

"You guys are together for so many years now! You aren't new couple who do it on every fucking surface! Seriously, trial room? How did you two even fit inside that stupid room? And you...", Lou looked at Debbie. "Will you ever stop concluding me as a cheater?"

Ann and Debbie both stared at Lou.

"Just because we are together for many years doesn't mean we should be normal boring couple. And it's your fault for making me do it there", Ann defended herself and Aron.

"And it's your fault that I misunderstood you", Debbie blamed Lou.

"Oh please, you two, explain. How the fuck is this my fault?"

"You told I wasn't daring like you and I would not do anything controversial", Ann accused Lou.

"You didn't tell me you had a twin sister", Debbie accused Lou.

"Great! You fuck Aron, and you misunderstand me but I am at fault", Lou said, dramatically.

"You cause misunderstanding, Miller. Last time, you pretended to be a cheater. This time, you forgot to tell me you had a twin and I misunderstood you. It's all on you"

"Jesus! This is harassment. You are blaming me for no reason", Lou again said. "Also, why are you bothered if I slept with Aron?"

"Because you can't sleep with him"


"Because I don't want you to"

"Why is that?", Lou smirked.

"Because I don't like it when you are with others"

"And why is that, again?"

Ann looked at Lou and then Debbie. "Am I missing something here?"

"Well sister, you aren't missing anything. And Debbie is sorry for blasting on you earlier. She will apologise to you..."

"Why should I apologise? It's your fault"

"Excuse me, can someone tell me what's going on? Also, am I supposed to be civil with this crazy woman?"

"Hey, I'm not crazy"

"What I saw definitely qualified you of being crazy"

"I am not. It's your sister's fault"

"Well, my sister didn't..."

"Okay, enough you two. Ann, she thought you as me and so yelled at you. And Debbie, yes I have twin sister named Ann. Debbie Ann, Ann Debbie"

"And what is she to you?", Ann asked Lou, pointing at Debbie.

"My is my would-be lawyer and client"

"Excuse me?", both Debbie and Ann uttered in unison.

"How can she be your lawyer and client?"

"Well, she is the lawyer and I am soon going to be her client. And I am the one contracted to renovate her office, so she is my client"

Debbie rolled her eyes while Ann sighed.

"Whatever. But what now?"

"Now? You go inside the church and I will do the bridesmaids duty"

Ann sighed. "Fine. And you behave. Don't cause any more misunderstandings. I don't want this crazy woman..."

"I'm not crazy"

"... To be angry on me", Ann said, and walked inside the church.

Lou looked at Debbie, smirking and Debbie rolled her eyes.

"So, you were angry on me because you thought I was with someone else. What does that mean?"

Debbie sighed. "You were with Aron and he is your brother-in-law. So, I found it wrong. I don't care if you are with others"

"Firstly, it was Ann with Aron. And few minutes ago, you said you don't like if I am with others", Lou said, standing close to Debbie.

"Well, I changed my mind", saying so, Debbie pushed Lou a bit and walked inside the church.


"I fucked up again", Debbie said, entering Tammy's dressing room. "It was Ann Miller fucking Aron in trial room and I mistook as Lou. That's why I am ang...", Debbie saw Ann next to Tammy.

Tammy looked at both of them and she couldn't control her laughter.

"You are really a fucking mess, Debbie", she said, in between her laugh.

"It's not my fault. She looks like Lou", Debbie said, pointing at Ann.

"We are twins"

"I didn't know"

"Well, you unnecessarily troubled Lou because of this, so, better apologise", Tammy grinned.

"I am not gonna apologise. It's her fault. She didn't tell about her twin sister"

"I wasn't expecting you to sneak on my sister and brother-in-law", Lou said, walking in. "Besides, why do you care?", she smirked.

"Seriously, can someone tell me what's between Lou and this crazy lady"

"I am not a crazy lady! Jesus!"

"Wow! My half-jewish Sister-in-law is saying Jesus!", Tess said, walking in. "What happened? And... Woah! You really are two people", she said, looking at Lou and Ann.

"Fucking twins", Debbie muttered.

"Language", Ann said.

"Check on your sister's language first, lady"

"Hey, what did I do?"

"Why is Debbie so frustrated? I thought it was Tammy's wedding. Why is Debbie frustrated?"

"She didn't know these two were twins. Mistook Ann as Lou"

"And kissed Ann?"

"NO", both Debbie and Ann said in unison.

"No way I am going to kiss this crazy lady"

"For fuck's sake... I am not a crazy lady. It's your sister's fault. She is the one because of whom I blasted on you"

"Can someone tell me what's happening here? Debbie, did you really blast on... Ugh one of the Millers?"

"I'm Ann", Ann cleared Tess's confusion.

"I didn't know it was Ann. I confused"

"Why did you even mess with her?"

"Because I mistook her to be Lou"

"I know. But when and why?"

"Ann was fucking Aron in trial room and..."

"I swear to God, I am going to kill her if she tells about trial room again", Ann muttered and Lou chuckled.

"You were fucking in trial room? Oh, wait, the person, "she" who you are attracted to is Ann? Sorry, Louise? And you saw Ann with someone else and mistook as Lou? Oh, now I get it"

Tammy laughed loudly while Debbie facepalmed. Lou was kind of shy but also not very happy about anyone making fun of Debbie's feelings.

"You are attracted to my sister?"

"Jesus! Kill me! Just kill me"

"Lou likes Debbie too", Tammy added.

"Lou, really? Her?", Ann asked.

"Uh... Well... I...", Lou shrugged.

"So, both of you... You guys like each other", Tess concluded.

"Fucking hell", Debbie said, and covered her face with her palms and sat on the couch.

"Lou, you sure you are into this crazy woman?", Ann asked Lou, making sure others didn't hear.

"Annie, she is impulsive and stubborn. But not crazy. Well, at least not as crazy as my own self. And she is really good"

"So, you like her"


"And I have no other choice but to forget what happened outside the church?"

"Yup", Lou smiled sheepishly.

Ann sighed. "Fine. But do tell me how you met her when we are home"


Ann turned to Debbie who was not at all listening to Tammy and Tess's teasing conversation.

"So, Debbie Ocean. I guess we got off the bad foot. Let's start again. Shall we?"

Debbie didn't take her hands away from her face and Tammy sighed. She caught Debbie's hands and pushed them away from her face.

"You are so flushed, Ocean", Tammy laughed.

"Fuck you. Fuck you, you and you", Debbie pointed at Tammy, Tess and Ann. "Fuck you all. And you...", Debbie pointed at Lou, "fucking check on Tom. That man doesn't listen to anything I say", Debbie said in one go.

"Woah, you can't talk to me like that. You are supposed to be sweet to the person you are attracted to", Tammy said, teasing Debbie.

Debbie groaned and stared at Lou who didn't know what to do.

"Just. Fucking. Go. To. Tom. Before. I. Fucking. Kill. All. Of. You"

"Lou, just go. Don't make her blast. I got to marry now", Tammy said, faking fear. Debbie rolled her eyes. Lou nodded and went outside.

"So, Ocean, are we ready to start again?", Ann asked and Debbie groaned.

"I'm sorry for what happened earlier. I thought you were Lou. And yeah, I'll not tell everyone that you fucked in trial room. I just... I didn't..."

Ann sighed. "You didn't have to repeat that again. No wonder Lou likes you. You are perfect for her"


The wedding went smoothly. Lou was looking at Debbie, pulling her leg every chance she got, while Debbie got irritated. Yet she was the happiest today. In the most chaotic way, she got to know Lou wasn't sleeping with Aron. And also, it was very clear that Lou likes her. But there also was a part of her who got irritated and angry. That part was winning right now.

After the wedding, everyone shifted to the hotel they booked for reception. Lou had asked Ann to drive there by her own while she would be with Debbie. Ann agreed and within two minutes, she was out of church premises. Lou walked to Debbie, who was struggling to keep her gown above her ankles while walking.

"Can I get a ride", Lou said, joining her.

Debbie groaned. "You"

"Yes. Me. The one whom you are attracted to"

"Will you shut it, ever?"

"Nope. No way", Lou grinned.

"Fuck you"


Debbie sighed. "Just... What do you want?"

"Ann drove the car leaving me here"

"I'm sure you had something to do with it"

"Yup. I wanted to ride with you"

"Sorry, but I am not interested in having anyone in my car. So, nope"

"C'mon, don't leave me here. I'll be alone", Lou made puppy face. The face that made Debbie's entire body go weak.


"C'mon. Also, you won't be able to drive in this gown"

"I drove it here earlier. I can definitely drive again"

"Don't you think it will be easier to rest on the passenger seat like a Queen while I drive you to hotel?"

"I don't want any rest. And fyi, Queens don't sit on the passenger seat. They sit behind"

"Well, then you can sit behind. I'll drive"


"C'mon. Please"


"Fine then. I'll go to Alexa", saying so, Lou walked towards Alexa.

Alexa was one of the bridesmaids with whom Lou was friendly. Debbie had caught Alexa many times eying on Lou. Now, Lou going to Alexa alerted Debbie.

"No, wait", Debbie said and caught Lou's hand. "Get back here. You can come with me"

Lou turned, smirking.

"On one condition though. Wipe off that smirk"

"You can wipe it off by yourself by kissing me"

Debbie rolled her eyes to show she was irritated, but her curled toes spoke something else.

"Just... Get in", Debbie said.

"I'll drive"

Debbie sighed. "Fine. Here", she gave the keys.


"So, can we have our movie night later on?"

"Just drive"

"C'mon, you like me. I like you. We both know we like each other. Stop playing hard"

"Look, just drive"

Lou looked at Debbie and then back at the street. She didn't speak. Now Debbie disliked the silence between them

"Uh... So, what's the estimated time for finishing the work in my office?"

Lou looked at Debbie and turned back to the street ahead. "Don't know", Lou said, not really sweetly.

"Uhm, will you finish within our budget?"


"Can you have my desk prepared the way I need?"


"C'mon, can't you speak more than one word every time?"

"I tried. You didn't like me speaking"

Debbie sighed. "It's not like that, Lou"

"Look, I don't know what it is but you are really putting off whatever is between us"

Debbie took a deep breath. "Look, it was all too sudden and out of my control"


"Whatever happened. I just... I didn't think my feelings would be disclosed by others that way, and on top of that, get mocked"

Lou didn't reply. Just drove for next minute or so. Then she spoke.

"I know what you are speaking about. The situation wasn't under my control too. I didn't confess by myself"

"That's what is bugging me. Tammy, Tess... They all assumed and just blabbered out there. I just couldn't... I mean, it was kinda... Embarassing and... I'm not sure anymore. You know, I mean..."

"I know", Lou cut Debbie's words before Debbie could explain.

The next two minutes of the drive was filled with silence. They reached the hotel.


The reception was fun. But Debbie and Lou had an odd silence between them. More like, tension. Tension because of their lack of confession. Because of the awkwardness. Also, sexual tension.

The guests were having fun. Tammy and Tom were enjoying too, dancing, laughing etc. As the maid of honour, Debbie gave the toast. It was well received. Not to forget her victorious smile against the best man whose toast seemed flat compared to hers.

The fun night continued, and to the greater extent, Debbie and Lou avoided each other.

"What's with you?", Ann asked Lou.

Lou was sitting with Ann, in the designated table, looking at Debbie who was going all around, making sure of things.


"Didn't Tammy give you both the responsibility of this wedding?"


"Then go. Help Ocean. You've been sitting here for so long while that girl is going around, looking after everything"

"I... Like her"

"Yeah, I know. She likes you too"

"But she isn't happy with what happened in the dressing room"


"You know... Neither I nor her confessed. It was you, Tammy and that ASA who spoke and  exposed our feelings for each other. I know you guys didn't mean harm but... It was awkward and kinda... I don't know, embarassing"

"Yeah, I guess we unknowingly went overboard"

"Yeah. That embarassment is setting her back. Well, setting me back too. But she is more affected than me. Justified. The leg-pulling and teasing, it was too much. I moved on. But Debbie... I don't know. She isn't out of that embarassment. I am not sure what's between us anymore"

"Give her some time. It's very clear she likes you. When she yelled at me thinking I am you, she said and I quote 'you mess with me, mess with my feelings and now mess with our bridesmaids dress'. Clearly, she likes you and she definitely wants you"


"We all caught her off guard and from what I saw, she seems stubborn, head strong and wants control. She lost control of her own life today. Others busted her feelings out in front of you. More than you, she was the one whom we laughed at and pulled the leg. To be honest, if I were her and someone busted my feelings for Aron before he could know, then I would feel the same as her. So, give her time. Don't overwhelm her. And mainly, don't push her to her limits. She needs to calm down and get back her control"

"Uhm... You are right"


Debbie finally had time to stand somewhere and enjoy her first peaceful drink. She had toasted earlier but she was tensed. But now, she is relaxing. She stood near the window, away from the party and drank her champagne, looking at the moon outside.

"Care if I join?", Lou asked, standing next to her.

Debbie looked at Lou and back at the moon. They stood there for two whole minutes before Lou spoke.

"I like you, Debbie. A lot. I really am attracted to you. Do you have any such feelings?"

Debbie didn't reply. She took a sip, kept the glass down near the window and stayed silent for a while. Lou was looking at her.

"I love my job", Debbie replied. Lou didn't understand. Debbie continued. "I love what I do. My job is everything to me. It is my first priority"


"I'm a lawyer and my work demands complete dedication. So, I never dwelled in any serious relationships"


"And I don't want to have anything serious"

"Uh... Oh okay", Lou felt sad. She thought Debbie didn't want anything between them.

"I am not particularly fond of being in emotional commitments. I don't believe in love. I don't believe in marriage. I don't trust anyone when it comes to my life and feelings. Relationship never has been my concern. My soul is married to my profession"

Lou sighed. "Okay, I get it. I respect your choice. It's fine"

"I don't think two people can love unconditionally. I don't consider any relationship as the greatest. And I hate to get my heart broken by giving everything to someone. That's the reason I never entered any relationships. I might preach many things but I don't follow all of my preaching. I am not really a person to be in relationship. I like being free. I don't want my choices and ways to be changed for someone else. I hate being dependent on someone"

"I understand what you are saying. You have certain views and that clashes with the possible commitment between us. You don't want us to happen in order to avoid the clash. Okay. I respect your feelings and I appreciate you saying it before anything happened. Thank you. And have a nice day", Lou said, her voice already cracked and anyone could tell she was hurt.

Lou turned to walk. But Debbie caught her hand and pulled her back. Lou was now facing Debbie.

"But I want to trust you", Debbie said, her brown orbs locked with Lou's baby blues.

Lou looked at Debbie, surprised.

"I don't know how long, or how deep we will be involved. I don't expect anything and I want you to not expect anything from me. I don't know whether I am ready to commit or not. But I want to give a try. With you. To see if... Anything... I want to risk it. So, are you fine?"

"Are you asking me?"

"I am. I am considering my attraction for you to account and this is what I want. So, are you fine?"

"No commitments?"

"I didn't say that. Well, not exactly"


"More than fling, less than commitment for now"


"Yeah, about that... I always stay loyal to a person who I am going out with. I don't complicate anything by sailing in two boats at a time. You have to decide for yourself"

"Will you be okay if I don't choose exclusivity? If I see others while I go out with you?"

"Does that qualify as cheating?"

"Depends on the perspective"

Debbie sighed. "I don't like cheaters. I think cheating is the end of relationship. Cheating is a choice, not lack of option according to me. And choice means, that person wanted to cheat which also means that he or she is no longer interested in his or her partner. That's my firm belief. So, I hate cheating and cheaters"

"Same here. But if not exclusive, technically it is not cheating. But well, I usually stay loyal to my partner. So, I won't be seeing others anyway"

"I am not good at sharing. So, I want you to be exclusive"

"I like that too. I don't actually fool around with many at a time"


Lou nodded. They just stood there, facing each other.

"Uh... Now what?"

"I guess we should check on Tammy"

"Ye... yeah"


It was really awkward between them and they headed towards the party hall. The worst ever walk. Debbie couldn't take it anymore.

"Oh, fuck Tammy", Debbie said, and caught Lou's face in her palms, kissed her. Within fraction of seconds, Lou's arms were around Debbie, responding to the kiss. Debbie pressed Lou against the wall, kissing her as if her life depended on it.

There was no one in that hallway. Everyone was enjoying the party. Also, the curtains blocked most of the hallway length blocking anyone's vision on them. They kissed without bothering much.

When finally the need for oxygen overcame the need for making out, they released each other. But their faces were close, inches apart.

"Don't break my trust", Debbie said, panting.

"Never", Lou replied, breathing heavily and they kissed again. This time, the kiss was demanding and their lust ruled over their common sense. Lou's lips descended downwards to Debbie's neck, and shoulder. The strapless gown definitely gave her better access. Debbie's arms were busy drawing patterns on Lou's back. She had managed to slip her hands under Lou's tight vestcoat somehow and so, she was caressing Lou's back. The friction was elevating the sensation.

"I guess we should find a better room", Debbie said, while Lou was busy giving a hickey on her neck.

"Yeah...", Lou replied, but was in no hurry to let go Debbie's skin. Debbie, being a smart one, removed her hands from Lou's body and pressed them against Lou's front, pushing her back to the wall, making distance between them.

"We need a room", she said; more like ordered.

"Uh... I'll book one"

"I have a suite booked already"

"How? I mean... We got together just now. How? Premonition?", Lou was confused.

"Tammy booked two suites here. One for her honeymoon suite and another for me"


"She wanted that special discount for booking two adjacent suites"

Lou shook her head in amusement. "Well, good for us. C'mon", Lou caught Debbie's hand and they sprinted, yes sprinted to the suite.

"Where's the card?"

"Uh... Here. Tammy gave me both the cards. I don't know which one is honeymoon suite", Debbie said, taking the card from her purse.

"Well, let's see", Lou took the cards and opened one.

The suite had red and white heart pillows and cushions everywhere. And not to forget the blankets and other clothings folded in swan shapes.

"I guess this is the honeymoon suite"


They ran outside, locked it and went to the other one. There was no stopping. This time, while unlocking itself, Debbie had hugged Lou from behind. Lou unlocked, and turned to Debbie who kissed her, while guiding her backwards to the door. The door opened and they walked inside, still kissing. Debbie closed the door, kicking it. It was locked automatically.

The minute the door was shut, Lou pushed Debbie against the door, and latched her lips onto her neck. Her arms on Debbie's sides, holding her in place, while Debbie's arms were around Lou's. Debbie moaned when Lou bit on the hickey she had given earlier.

"Lou...", she whispered her name in pleasure which drove Lou crazy. Her right hand travelled down to Debbie's left thigh, slowly pulled her gown up, to expose the toned thigh, and prompted her to lift and wrap the leg around her body. Debbie did, making sure to pull Lou closer. Her heels digging Lou's back, resulting in low pain and pleasure. Lou hissed and Debbie smirked. She wanted the control. She removed her leg from Lou's body, pushed Lou backwards to the couch. The gown was back to position again. Smirking all the way, she walked towards Lou, who was on the couch, looking at Debbie. That's when Debbie saw the surroundings.




Lou looked around. The suite was decorated similarly to the honeymoon suite they saw earlier.

"This is the honeymoon suite?", Lou asked.

"I don't know. I remember Tammy booking two suites"

Lou looked at the room again. "Maybe, she booked two honeymoon suites"

"Uh... I guess. Well, never mind", Debbie said. "Let this be our suite"

Saying so, Debbie straddled Lou, well tried to. Her gown wasn't helpful.

"And you wanted me to wear a gown", Lou commented, grinning.

"Well...", Debbie didn't take it as a set back. Instead, she caught Lou's tie and pulled her to stand firm.

"Good you wore a tie", she smirked.

"Woah, what now?", Lou asked, raising her eyebrow.

"Now...", Debbie pulled her to the bedroom, holding the tie.

Lou realised Debbie isn't like other girls. She won't surrender. She likes control. The thought gave Lou chills. She definitely wanted Debbie. She always wanted to willingly surrender to Debbie.

Debbie pushed her on to the bed, and then laid on top of her, One hand holding her waist, other on Lou's cheek, lips on Lou's.

Lou held Debbie securely, kissing her with equal passion and lust. But then, Lou stopped her.

"Wait, you are my lawyer. We can't...", there was sadness in her voice.

"We haven't yet negotiated. All we spoke last time was about renovation. You are yet to be my client"

"Oh, yeah. You are ri..."

Debbie didn't let her continue. She kissed her.

Debbie kissed her again and again, then kissed her cheeks, eyes, forehead, everywhere on her face. She bit Lou's jaw and Lou moaned.

Debbie's fingers busied themselves to unfasten Lou's tie, while Lou tried to find the hook to Debbie's gown.

"Never removed a girl's gown?", Debbie teasing, smirking. Her lips were against Lou's cheek and so, Lou could feel her smirking.

"I mostly rip off", Lou replied, though it was a lie. She never did that in her life.

"Is it so?", Debbie whispered, close to Lou's ears.

"You want me to rip off this gown of yours?", Lou asked with false confidence because of fake experience.

"Nope. Tammy will kill me. So, undress me without ripping. Let's see who'll undress whom first", Debbie said, fully confident of winning.

"Well, in that case...", Lou didn't wait to find the hook. Instead she, rolled them. Now she was on top of Debbie. Then, she pulled Debbie's gown down from her breasts in one swift motion. An advantage because of strapless gown. The dress was stacked around Debbie's waist, exposing her upper body, naked and tempting. To Lou's luck, Debbie's gown was padded and so, no bra was being an obstacle. To be honest, she never did this move with anyone. This was her first time and she was lucky it was smoothly done. Debbie was astonished while Lou smirked before ducking her head down to explore the newly exposed flesh.

"Fuck, you are so...", Debbie couldn't continue as Lou's lips were working their magic on her breasts. She moaned instead.

"Naughty?", Lou asked, but the words were hardly clear because, obviously, her mouth was busy with something else. Talking wasn't the priority right now.

"Yeah", Debbie replied, panting and also smiling.

"You'll see how naughty I can get", Lou said.

"Show me"


After three rounds of pleasuring each other with lust and hunger, Debbie and Lou now were engaged in slow love making. Playing it slow, soft and filled with affection. Lou was whispering sweet nothings to Debbie while her fingers explored her slowly and attentively. Her body was half on top of Debbie, and Debbie had easy access to Lou's neck and shoulder. She was peppering kisses all around, occasionally biting and licking, while her fingers were pleasuring Lou. They were pleasuring mutually and were on the peak of ecstasy.

While there were making love, Tammy was searching for them in the hall. It was more than two hours since they disappeared. The reception had come to an end and guests were leaving. Lou and Debbie had duties. There wasn't any wedding planner and so, they were supposed to settle the quick bills. Hotel bills could be paid later but bands, florists, photographers etc needed their payment. Also, the return gifts were to be distributed. So far, Amita and other bridesmaids were looking after the return gifts.

"Where the fuck are you two?", Tammy muttered.

She tried calling them but their phones were not received. She sighed.

She went near Ann who was also trying to call Lou, it seemed.


"Tammy, have you seen Lou? I am not able to reach her. I need to go right now. I have to attend an emergency meeting. She doesn't know about it"

"Well, I am looking for her too. Do one thing. You go. I will tell her"

"Okay. Thank you so much Tammy. Also, happy married life, again", Ann gave a side hug and then walked out of the hall, hurrying.

Tammy sighed and continued looking at the two.

"What are you doing here? Go to your honeymoon suite", Amita said, walking towards Tammy.

"Uh... I am looking for Debbie"

"She was drinking alone, away from the party earlier. Then I didn't see her"


"I guess she is somewhere here. Don't worry. You go to your room. It's your big night", Amita teased.

After speaking to Amita, Tammy decided to go to her suite. She had to fresh up before she could make love to Tom as his wife.

Where is the key? Fuck! It's with Debbie

Tammy groaned and went to Tom who was speaking to his best man.

"Hey give me the key card"

"Uh... Wait", he turned to his best man and asked for the key card who instead gave him a pack of condoms. Tammy rolled her eyes while Tom looked at his friend as if to kill him.

"Key card, idiot", Tom stared at him and he gave the key card this time. Tom gave it to Tammy, who kissed him and then went to her honeymoon suite.

She unlocked the door and walked in. She sat on the couch and took a deep breath. She was now married. From now on, she will have to be mature, responsible and take care of her family.

"Wow! This feels... Different", she whispered, looking at the wedding band.

She decided to fresh up, and get ready for her big night. She walked inside the bedroom. But she stopped after seeing what was in front of her.

She saw a female body, covered in duvet from waist below, definitely having or had sex. And Tammy didn't fail in guessing who it was. She could recognise that bleach blonde hair anywhere.

"Lou fucking Miller", she yelled. "What the fuck!"

Lou, suddenly aware of Tammy's presence, turned to face her, while pulling the duvet on top of her. This covered Debbie's face completely.

"Tammy! What are you... Why are you here?"

"This is my honeymoon suite, idiot. And what the fuck are you doing? Who are you with? I thought you liked Debbie. What the..."


"Tammy, stop overreacting", Debbie said, still not revealing her face. Her voice was muffled because of the duvet.

"What the fuck, bitch. Get out of here and stop being with Lou. She is not meant for you. And Lou, dress up. Now"

"She is not meant for me?", Debbie asked, now revealing her face to Tammy.


(A/n: Imagine Tammy being Phoebe of friends. The way Phoebe said "CHANDLER AND MONICA")

Lou didn't know what to do. She covered her face with the cushion while Debbie smirked.

"Awww, you guys. I was searching for you all around and you guys are here in honeymoon suite having sex and... Wait, honeymoon suite. How dare you, guys! This is my suite!"

"No this is not yours. Yours is the next one", Debbie replied.

"This is mine, idiot. I had the key. So did Tom. This is my suite"

"But the other suite was decorated"

"So is this. Didn't you see before fucking?"

"I thought that was your room"

"And we made love too. Not just fucked", Lou said, now pulling the covers too on herself as if pillows were not enough.

"Hell with you two. You guys fucked in my bed! Fuck you, guys"

"C'mon Tammy, it was just..."

"Didn't you at least see the bouquet you yourself got for me? I kept it right here! And I told you earlier that I kept your things in your room. Do you see any of your stuff here, dumbo?", Tammy asked Debbie.

"Well, we might've... Missed it", Debbie smiled sheepishly. Lou, even though was covered with duvet, burried her face deep in the heap of pillows.

"What do I do now", Tammy whined.

"We... We will go. Don't worry", Lou said.

"You guys want me to sleep on this bed where you two fucked? No way"

"Uh... Well... My suite is free", Debbie said.

"And it's decorated", Lou added.

"But my things... I had kept it here. And..."

"We'll shift your things and the bouquet there", Debbie said, as a promise.

Tammy sighed. "Fine. Do it. Hurry up, you two. Also, settle the bills. I'll go fresh up"

Tammy said and turned to walk. But stopped and turned back again. "Before you touch anything though, get yourself cleaned", she said, making a face. Debbie rolled her eyes while Lou groaned, still under the covers.

"Also, I am so happy for you two. I wanna hug you guys but well... I'll do that tomorrow morning. Now, hurry up"

Saying so, Tammy walked out. Lou uncovered herself and watched Tammy walk away.

"Woah! That was..."

"Funny", Debbie said and started laughing. Lou joined.

"Let's go arrange her room before she kills us. Let me go to the bathroom"

Saying so, Debbie got up, still naked, and walked to the bathroom. As she entered, she looked at Lou. "Have any other plans?"

"Uh, no. Why?"

"God you are dumb. Join me, idiot"


"Yes, Where else I am going right now?"

"Uh I don't know. Wh..."

"Just join me, you bimbo"

Lou immediately got down the bed and rushed to the bathroom.


"I'll settle the bills. You shift her things to other suite", Debbie ordered while Lou kept on kissing her.

"Okay", Lou kissed again.


"Uhm", Lou kissed once again, and lingered a bit longer, which Debbie extremely loved.

"Go, Miller. Will kiss after the work is done", Debbie said, lightly biting Lou's lips.


"And cover your neck properly", Debbie smirked.

Lou immediately touched her neck. Her tie couldn't cover everything. Anyone could guess the mark as hickey.

"Oh fuck"

Debbie laughed.

"Don't laugh. You too have marks. And you are wearing strapless gown"

"Mine can be covered with makeup. But yours... Man, that's one hell of a white skin", Debbie said and laughed.

Lou groaned. "Let me cover some", she took the concealer from Debbie.


Lou settled the bills while Debbie arranged the suite. All guests were gone by now. Even other bridesmaids were leaving.

Lou went to meet Debbie to say goodbye and have the kiss promised by her. She met Debbie outside her suite. Well, now it was Tammy's suite.

"I guess I should go now", Lou said. "I'll see you tomorrow", Lou said, hugging.

Debbie wrapped her arms around her. "Or you could spend your night with me here"

"Really?", Lou asked, excited.

"Really", Debbie smirked. "Afterall, we have the real honeymoon suite all to ourselves"

"Oh yeah", Lou said, following Debbie to the honeymoon suite.

"I don't have anything to wear at night", Lou said.

"What makes you think I will let you wear anything tonight?", Debbie asked, smirking.

Lou took exactly 10 seconds to understand and her eyes widened in surprise. Debbie smirked and opened the door to honeymoon suite. Lou stepped in too and Debbie pulled her for a kiss.

"How can you be so smart and dumb at the same time", Debbie said, licking Lou's lips and biting the lower lip.

"Uh... I... Never met anyone like you who makes me go dumb because of the beauty"

"Good", Debbie whispered and slowly lowered Lou on to bed. "I like your answer. I'm pleased and so, I'm gonna please you now"


Next day morning, while checking out from the hotel, Lou and Debbie were holding each other, acting like teenagers. Tammy literally had to drag them out and to Debbie's car when the couple decided to have a quickie in the bathroom.

"Guys, behave. You two really need to behave"

"Not even one day of marriage, and you already turned boring", Lou said.

"And became a mom", Debbie added.

"Say all you want but if you guys get arrested for public indecency, then trust me, I will not bail you out"

"Well, you have to. I am your client", Lou smirked.

"That doesn't mean you can do anything and I will get you out. Also, you haven't yet sealed the deal. Only the furniture deal was done"

"Well, add a clause in the deal then. If I get arrested for indecency, then you'll fight till your death to get me out"

"Fuck you. You two are so bad"

"Really now? Who was the one fucking in office bathroom the other night?"

"What? This is new. When? And who was with her?" Lou asked, while Tammy facepalmed.

"I like to believe it is Tom but we never know", Debbie said, smirking.

"Fuck you guys. You guys are such a bullies"

"Well, we love you too"

Tammy rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Now, Debbie, remember you'll have to work for a month without break. I won't be there. And also, seal the deal with Lou's company. And now that you two are together, Lou, you can start working from today. So, work fast. I hope to see my new office once back from honeymoon"

"Yes ma'am. Anything else?"

"Yeah. Don't fuck in my office. I know you'll fuck during work. Just, not in my office"

Debbie rolled her eyes while Lou chuckled.

"We won't promise anything", Debbie replied and Tammy shook her head.


Debbie and Lou reached Lou's building, trying their best to keep their hands to themselves. But once they were in the private lift, there was nothing stopping them. Debbie pressed Lou against the lift wall, and quickly worked on Lou's belt.


Debbie winked and then kissed Lou. Lou had her hands around Debbie's waist, while Debbie's fingers reached where Lou wanted them to. Debbie was kissing Lou from her lips to jaws to neck and back up again to her lips.

The lift reached the last floor but Debbie prevented the door from opening.

"Ever had sex in here before?", she whispered in Lou's ears.

"Uh... N... No. Never", Lou tried her best to form the sentence without stuttering but Debbie's fingers were not letting her think or speak straight.

"So, this is the first time?"

"Ye... Yeah"

"Good", Debbie smirked, biting Lou's jaw. "Say my name"

"Uh...", Lou could barely hear anything because of her approaching climax.

"My name. Or you won't be having any orgasm", Debbie said, stopping the ministrations of her fingers.

"Wh... What?", Lou babbled.

"Say my name"

"Deb... Debbie"

"Say it again"


"Again", Debbie ordered, while her fingers began working.

"Aah Debbie... Debbie..."

And in a minute Lou climaxed. Her body was shaking and Debbie held her securely. Lou's head rested on Debbie's shoulder. Debbie gently got her down from high.

"That... Was..."

"Awesome?", Debbie smirked.

"Fuck yeah! The best"

Debbie grinned victoriously. "I am always the best"


"I'm hungry", Debbie said, looking at the city  through the glass window. Lou shifted to rest her head on Debbie's shoulder from behind. They were in Lou's bedroom, naked and tired.

"What you want to eat?"

"Besides you?"

"Yeah, besides me", Lou chuckled while her cheeks turned red. The blush didn't go unnoticed by Debbie.

"Do you know to cook?", Debbie asked, prompting Lou to roll off from her. Lou rolled and laid next to Debbie, flat on her back. Debbie snuggled closer, both looking at the ceiling.

"I do. What you want?"

"What do you cook? And please tell me you know to cook something other than what Tammy cooks"

"I am very proficient in traditional English, French, and my Aussie cooking"

"So many? That's great! How?"

"Well, my family preserved the traditions of our heritage"

"Heritage. So, what's your heritage?"

"I'm Aussie. But we all know it was British who settled in Australia"

"So, you have British heritage"

"Yup. Majority. Also bit of French and Scottish too. And little Irish"

"Oh, good. I have German, French and Swedish. My forefathers settled in this country, so, American"

"Cool. I can taste some German sausages then"

"You won't taste anything"

"What? Why?"

"I am so talented in kitchen, I burn water"

Lou laughed at Debbie's words. "Damn, that's funny. So, you don't know anything?"


"Then what do you eat?"

"Takeouts. And Tammy gets homemade food for me"

"Oh, but takeouts are unhealthy. I can cook for you now. What do you want?"

"Anything other than these traditional stuffs you mentioned?"

"I know Italian for some extent, bit of Korean, Japanese, Indian and Chinese, thanks to cooking shows"

"Chinese. I want Chinese"

"Sure then. Chinese. I'll prepare. You rest"

"I'm gonna enjoy sauna"

"Sure. As you wish baby"

Lou was about to get down when Debbie held her. "Where are you going?"

"Uh... Fresh up and then cook"

"Well, okay", Debbie smiled and laid down, back. Her body was naked and Lou smiled at her softly, then covered with the duvet.

"Take rest", she softly kissed Debbie's head and went to bathroom.


A/n: okay I wanted to have the present day timeline of the story in this chapter but it got lengthy. Promise you guys, next chapter will have present day timeline. How Lou and Debbie interact after they have been separated for three years.

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