Chapter 14

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Debbie in Lorien, Day 4 (contd.):

Lou couldn't wipe off the image of Debbie, wet and naked. True, she was wrong to see Debbie naked. And true, she turned around when she remembered Debbie didn't belong to her anymore. But she couldn't deny that her heart and her mind wanted to see her. Wanted to take in the beauty of her lover. She wanted to do more than just see. She wanted to hold her in her arms, hug her, kiss her... Worship her... Lou wanted to make love to her... Just like old times.

But nope, she couldn't. She shouldn't. Debbie doesn't belong to her. She has a new life with a man of her dreams. She doesn't want anything to do with Lou. Well, that's what Lou believed. And so, she tried her best to remove that image of her nakedness out of her mind. But it was impossible. Her heart and mind were so deeply attracted to Debbie, so madly in love with Debbie... It was hard for her to let go.

She doesn't belong to you, Lou. Don't dream. Don't unnecessarily fill your heart with hopes. Don't let your heart break once again

Lou took couple of minutes to actually agree with her mind about not letting her heart break into pieces again. She pushed away the blankets and sat on the bed. By then, Debbie was dressed.

"Oh, you are awake? Good morning", she said with a smile, pretending to be unaware of Lou's wakefulness.

"Uh... Yeah... Uh... Good morning"

"Thanks for the massage. It helped a lot", Debbie said with a chirpy and happy attitude which confused the hell out of Lou.

"Uh... Huh... Yeah, well... Yeah that's... I... No problem"

"I suppose you will have to prepare breakfast before we head out to repair the damage? Although I am hoping your friends have not eaten everything"

"Um... Uh yeah... I... I re... reckon"

"You know what, it was fun yesterday working alongside you. It was so... Different from my usual office work"

"Well... Yeah I mean... We were in the world of carpentry, trying to fix a stable... It's a nice change from your lawyer-y thingo"

"I feel I can help you more today. I am getting a hang of sawing and filing. It is definitely a diversion from my regular work"

"Uh... That's... I suppose it is"

"Yup. I am excited to work today. Let's hurry up"

"Uh... Yeah... Right"

Lou got up from bed and went to bathroom. She definitely was more confused by Debbie's smiling face and excited attitude.


Truth be told Debbie was determined to get Lou back. She decided to be, in her own words, a homewrecker. She wanted to break Lou's so-called relationship with Daphne. If only she knew...

She decided to be closer to Lou in every aspect. It included being seductive, attentive, creative and obviously assertive at times. Also, it included getting involved in Lou's profession and despite getting rude comments from Lou last night, Debbie was determined to be by her side during her wood works.

She wanted to be the most influencing person in Lou's life once again. Influence in everything; every aspect of her life just like old days. And first step in doing so, she decided to choose Lou's outfit for the day. She began looking at the cheap clothes and reminisced the times when Lou would wear Armani and Gucci. A billionaire now living a drabby life. Debbie didn't know that Lou was El Seem, a successful writer, although it's equally true that Lou didn't use money for herself. She spent on equipment, repairs, maintenance and the car. But whatever, right now Debbie saw Lou's modest lifestyle.

New BeginningOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora