Chapter 8

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A/n: I like drama. And I love to put the protagonists trapped in bad weather (exaggerated bad weather to be precise) and create emotional (not sensual, emotional and or arrogance) drama between them. Here I am going for emotional. Not similar to what happened in "Love Happens", but in different way.

This isn't the last fic where I use nature's wrath for drama😅 There will be arrogant dynamics between Lou and Debbie in "It's Complicated" while facing similar weather.


Debbie in Lorien, Day 1:

Lou prepared tea for Debbie and coffee for herself. Well, she added enough whiskey in her coffee. She needed it. She was a mess right now. Seeing her girlfriend... Well, ex girlfriend? Seeing Debbie out of nowhere fluctuated her barely stable state. And only alcohol can mildly get her to stability. Well, her theory.

She neared the room. The door was half closed. Lou sighed and walked inside right at the time when Debbie walked out of the bathroom, a towel around her fresh bathed form. Lou looked at her and for a second she was lost seeing Debbie's half covered body, water droplets trickling down from her thick wet mane of brown hair to her shoulders and lower, disappearing under the towel. Too much of hotness. And too familiar sight. Lou had seen her in that state many times and 99% of the time they ended up making passionate love (remaining 1% was the time when Debbie was hurrying to office and Lou didn't mess her schedule to fuck her). However, her dreamy self quickly got back to normal when she saw Debbie hold her towel around herself more firmly. That hurt Lou. Never did Debbie feel that way around Lou earlier. They had the comfort beyond any normal couple. But now, Debbie was hesitating. Maybe feeling threatened? Well, Lou didn't know what was that. If she used her common sense she would know that it was Debbie's quick defensive reaction after being alone for so long. Lou had walked in without announcing and Debbie, who was also a mess mentally, was startled. That was all. Her mind was trained to being alone for last couple of years, it was a sudden change of finding someone during her alone time.

"Ss... Sorry. I didn't mean to", Lou turned away and walked back to kitchen. Now it was Debbie's turn to misunderstand the situation. The awkwardness, miscommunication and the sadness of separation all were having different impact on them and neither one of them were behaving rationally. If they talk, everything will be clear. But talking was difficult. Debbie didn't want to destroy Lou's "new world" and Lou still thought Debbie was with Peter. After all, she had no idea what happened in New York or in the nation for last few years because of her isolation from everything.


Debbie quickly dressed; a jeans and long sleeved t-shirt, and sleeveless winter hoodie. She went to kitchen and sat on the chair opposite to the counter. Lou was standing near the kitchen window, sobbing but immediately wiped her tears when she heard Debbie's footsteps.

The silence was killing them. Finally, Debbie decided to speak.

"Nice place"

"Try heating it", Lou said with dry humour.

Debbie chuckled, albeit sadly. "When did you move in here? We were looking for you everywhere"

Lou took a minute before answering. "Three weeks after I left the city"


Again silence.

"Lou, I... How are you?"

"I'm fine"

This wasn't their style. This mechanical talk, nope. Not them.

"Do you... Are you... What do you do here?", Debbie changed her question. She couldn't ask about Lou's current relationship.

New BeginningDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora