Chapter 4

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Lou met Debbie and Tammy outside the Boutique at around 11. For a change, Lou was wearing just track pants and a hoodie.

"Did you get robbed on your way?", Tammy asked, mocking.

Lou shrugged. "I am supposed to be chilling today. You are making me see these white curtains that you call gowns"

Debbie rolled her eyes. "Did David Bowie file a lawsuit against you for copying him?"

"If so, then you'll have to defend me in court", Lou smirked. "Anyway, hurry up. I have another appointment today"

"What about our movie?", Debbie didn't realise she spoke out too loud. Tammy looked at her, raising an eyebrow and smirking.

"Oh, that. Well, I am free after 7"

"Okay. Good. Debbie will be outside your door at 5", Tammy said, grinning.

"What the... I won't... Tammy"

Tammy grinned while Lou blinked, not really getting what Tammy meant. Debbie thanked all Gods for keeping Lou oblivious to certain things.

"I don't know what you two are speaking about, but I really need to get going by 1 in the noon. So, can we hurry up?", Lou asked, checking her watch.

"Sure. Let's go"


While Tammy was busy changing one gown after another, Debbie decided to ask Lou about her appointment.

"What's so important that you are checking your watch every 5 minutes?"

"Ugh? I have an appointment"


"I should go to airport to receive Joy"

"Joy? Who is that?"

"Ugh? My friend", Lou said, again checking the time. "Tamera Robinson, hurry up"

"Friend as in?", Debbie questioned again.

"Friend", Lou said, not really paying attention to Debbie's indirect investigation.

"How do you know him?"

"Her. I met her in Switzerland"

"Oh. So, she is from Switzerland?"

"Nope. British", Lou said, checking her phone for any calls or text messages.

"How is she to look?"

"Beautiful", Lou replied casually.

"Oh. And is this her first time visiting US?"


"Then why are you receiving her? And why do you look so flushed?"

"She is 30 weeks pregnant", Lou said. "I don't want her to have any trouble while landing here"

"Oh", Debbie sighed. She didn't know how tensed she was before she found out Joy was pregnant.

Pregnancy means she probably is in committed relationship, right? But... what if she is not?

"Is she travelling alone?"

"Yeah. She is"

"Where is her husband?"

"She doesn't have one"

"Oh. Boyfriend?"


Now Debbie's worry was back.

"She is pregnant"



"Drunken one-night stand"

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