Chapter 11

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A/n: The storm and power failure explained here is somewhat exaggerated (or toned down, I am not sure) version of last year's Texas power failure. Parts of Texas suffered blackout for three days and few died because of cold. It was unusual for Texas to suffer such snowstorm. Imagine if Texas can go to through that, then the fictional Lorien which is very isolated somewhere in Minnesota and not found in maps sometimes (even in the story) will go through hell.


After fixing Doug's stable, Lou quickly fixed the fence. It wasn't harmed much; just few nailing and replacement of planks.

"I guess that's it for tonight. You should go now. The power is off. It's dark everywhere"

"I guess I should. Will you be fine here? Should I get you something?", Lou asked Doug.

"I'll be fine Lou. In my lifetime I spent time serving in scariest of the regions where comfort was least available. I can survive this"

"If you need anything, then wave that hideous flag", Lou said pointing at the wet piece of clothing which had illustrations of multiple superheroes. Constance and Nine had declared it the emergency flag to call Lou from here. Like a fire signal. Lou, who stays up the hill could easily see the flag when unfurled high on the nearby tree.

"I hope I'll not face such situation", Doug chuckled.

"Take care"

"You too. And also, wish you luck. You will have guests tonight"

Lou nodded. She was about to walk away when Doug caught her hand and stopped her. "And be very careful with her", he pointed at Daphne. "Kid doesn't really understand boundaries with you. You are very lenient with her. And despite her age, she still thinks herself as Disney Princess around you"

"I'm not lenient. I'm just... She is innocent and somewhat childish"

"That doesn't matter, Lou. You need to get hold of this situation before it worsens. I don't understand this whole woman loving woman thing. But if that's what you are into, then I suppose you can find someone mature. Someone who knows how relationships work. If not experienced personally, at least by witnessing other's experiences. Daphne is nowhere close to emotional maturity when it comes to romance as far as I can see. Everything is a fairytale to her. And probably had not experienced genuine concern and affection from her people. That's why she has no idea how those emotions are different from romantic ones. Your genuine concern and affection is being taken in wrong way by her. She is not realising your feelings are platonic"

"I know she is infatuated by me. But it's still innocent. I mean... you know, it is not... obsession type"

"I should ask, though you might be offended. Are you loving the attention from her?"

"What? No, Doug. I am not. I don't have any interest in her or anyone. I just... She is... I can't confront her. I... She has suffered a lot, Doug. She is finding solace here. I don't want to ruin her happiness after what she went through"

"But your hesitance in confronting is boosting her false notion of love. It seems like she thinks you are attracted to her, just playing hard to get. Typical movie scenario.  You can't give her false hopes by not telling her right away"

"I know", Lou sighed. "I just... She isn't ready for rejection"

"Nobody is ready for rejection, Lou. Nobody wishes to be rejected. But it's part of life. Every person gets rejected one or the other time, in one way or other. Need not necessarily be in romantic sense. Rejection happens in many ways: professional, emotional, in family... In life, rejection is as natural as acceptance. Depending on the person and the ability to handle the situation, the resulting pain and suffering varies. The sooner you make her realise you are not romantically into her, better the handling by her"

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