Chapter 5

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"You know, you should be a chef", Debbie said, while having lunch. Lou had prepared the best chicken fried rice and braised chicken drumsticks. Debbie was in awe after tasting.

"I guess I can", Lou said, chuckling. "This isn't really great though. Granny used to cook even better"

"This isn't great? Fucking idiot. This is awesome. You know what, cook for me daily and I might start worshiping you"

Lou laughed. "You are so dramatic. Anyway, what's your plan? Are you going to office?"

"Yeah, I should. I gotta sign the project proposal you have submitted"

"You haven't signed it yet?"

"I was angry on you"

"But this had nothing to do with us. This was professional", Lou said, amused.

"Well, still it's your fault. You shouldn't have shared your facial structure with your sister"

"What the...", Lou laughed. "So, it's my fault I am a twin?"

"Yes. And also, even if you guys were twins.... Why the fuck do you dress similarly? Why the same hairstyle? And same perfume too? Seriously?"

"C'mon, our style is cool and Armani perfumes are really good. Also, we do have one difference. I don't wear dress or gown while she does"

Debbie rolled her eyes. "Still, too much of similarity. As if you two are trying to scam people"

"Well, if we do, then you will be there to rescue me, my stubborn and headstrong attorney"

"I am not stubborn or headstrong. I am always right"

"Yeah, you are so right, you misunderstood me twice"

"It was your fault"

"Okay, I understood one thing"


"If we are to work, I should be blind to all of your stubbornness"

"Fuck you"

"You did"

Debbie threw a piece of carrot from her plate to Lou.

"No playing with food", Lou said, catching the piece mid-air. "We play with food here while millions out there are homeless and starving"

"It's not like you are going to give the leftovers of this particular food to homeless. You will just throw it in the rubbish bin", Debbie said, huffing.

"Okay... That was... don't you use your lawyer brain on me, Ocean. Also, you need to eat healthy food. And this is healthy. Eat the veggies"

"I hate veggies", Debbie groaned.

"Well, you have to eat though"

"Uhm... Okay. But as a compensation, can you prepare steak?"

"I can. You want me to?"

"Yup. I wanna eat steak someday. And Tammy doesn't cook well. Sometimes it's charred and is literally a piece of coal and sometimes still raw pink, you know, uncooked. I never was able to eat the steak she prepared. And she is too stubborn to join me to that steak place in the afternoon. I always go alone"

Lou chuckled. "You are the one to certify Tammy's cooking skills? You burn water if I am not wrong"

"But my taste buds are super powerful and highly qualified to certify others", Debbie smirked. "I rate you 9.5 for this food"

"Where did the point five go?", Lou asked, sarcastically.

"You didn't make this street-food style. The colour is dull and too many veggies in fried rice. I mean, who adds this red leaves kinda thing"

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