Chapter 6

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Six months later (after Lou's failed proposal plan)

"You what?", Debbie almost spit out her tea hearing Tammy's words.

"I... I just... Debbie, it was just one time"

"Just one time? What the fuck, Tammy! You developed crush on Jerald, flirted for months despite my clear warnings, and knowing you are married and your husband is alive and in love with you, you still spent two weeks fucking Jerald in a hotel? That's not just one time!", Debbie said, angrily.

"Baby... Calm down. Let's... Let's hear what she is saying", Lou tried to calm her down.

Apparently, Tammy somehow got attracted to one of their new associates Jerald. The late night work discussions and seeing him everyday made her vulnerable. Also, Tom was busy and their marriage was kind of dry. They both hadn't fucked in like six months now. They hardly spent time. Both were so busy with their work, they somehow drifted apart emotionally.

Jerald though, spoke to Tammy in charming way, flirting with her every now and then. Tammy equally flirted back, and probably the signals were from both sides. And that's how, she ended up fucking him for whole two weeks when she was in Chicago for a case. When she returned, she was welcomed by Tom, who, apparently after missing her for two weeks, wanted to spend good time with her. Tammy didn't know what to do. She spent time with Tom. But she was guilty. And so, she came to Debbie and Lou for advice. She knew Debbie will blast at her. She was aware of Debbie's thoughts on cheating.

"What the fuck, Lou? You want to hear her words? She fucking cheated! She cheated on her husband! Are you not getting this?"

"Debbie... You... At least give her time to explain"

"What is there to explain? She cheated. Crystal clear"

"She... She probably had reasons. Maybe... Maybe Tom and Tammy are not really together as we think?"

"We are together, Lou. He doesn't know this", Tammy said, ashamed.


"Debbie, baby... Calm down. Tammy is in trouble. We got to help her in this"

"No, we don't. Tammy, tell the truth to Tom. That's the only fucking solution here"

"Debbie, but... He'll leave me"

"Well, justified. He will leave you. You fucking cheated on him. What person will fucking be with a cheater?"

"Debbie, you are being harsh on her. She's our friend, Debbie. We can't..."

"I don't care if she is my friend. She did the mistake. She needs to own it"


"Lou, don't. She won't listen. She will not", Tammy stopped Lou.

"But... You... Debbie, be her friend. Stop being the judge. Be her friend and help her get out of this problem"

"No. When it comes to cheating, I fucking will never support. Whether it is my brother, father or Tammy", Debbie said, clearly venom.spitting while saying father.

"Debbie, but Tammy is not your brother or father. She... She didn't cheat knowingly. She... Probably she was helpless. Maybe she was distracted. Maybe..."

"Exactly. She was distracted. And she cheated. And you know what distraction means? You no longer love your partner! That's what it means"

"I love Tom"

"But not enough to stay faithful to him", Debbie snapped back.

"Debbie I... I was... It was a weak moment"

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