Chapter 15

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A/n: Many concepts are twisted or deviated from real life concepts in order to continue the story. Insurance doesn't work the way it is shown in this chapter, nor does a drive off-road on snow covered ground. Every event here is designed for this story and has no connection whatsoever with real life events/concepts. So, don't think about the physics, economics, statistics or business studies and just enjoy Loubbie story.

Also, the dialogues are of characters and that is to be taken to study their personalities. They aren't meant to be offensive to anyone. They aren't my words or my thoughts.


 Debbie in Lorien, Day 4 (contd.):

"Was that necessary?", Debbie asked, pointing at Nine's bag that had her laptop and a tablet.

"They go wherever I go"

Debbie shook her head, clearly forming an opinion on young girl: KIDS! Debbie never understood the younger generation and their obsession with technology.

"So, are you a good lawyer?", this time Nine started the conversation. They have been walking down the hill for a while now. Though a shorter route, walking on the snow wasn't quick.

"People say that"

"You defence or prosecution? DA, SA... government attorney who are supposed to help public but they don't?", clearly Nineball had an opinion on Judicial system.


"You have a law firm or are you an independent practitioner?"

"Firm. Ocean Robinson Feldman & Smith"

"You being the boss Ocean?"

Debbie shrugged. "Robinson is equally the boss"

"What's your speciality?"

Debbie raised her eyebrow. She didn't expect this girl to be interested in her profession.

"I mean, criminal, civil... Or those rich fancy celebrity lawyers who only do documents, paperwork and million dollar divorces for some rich dude and occasionally sleep with the wife of the rich dude behind his back"

Debbie laughed at that. "My discipline is criminal law. I love to solve crimes"

"Are you allowed to represent outside of your expertise? Maybe civil?", Nine asked with a purpose. She needed this information about Debbie. "I mean, in general"

"Technically we can. There aren't any rule saying we cannot handle a civil case but we will have to adapt a lot if we decide to handle one. It isn't easy. Tactics, laws, emotions are different. Most criminal lawyers avoid civil cases because they aren't thrilling as a criminal case and possess too much paper works. It is more of a word game, trying to find loopholes, come up with counters that are mostly novel and more... puzzling to opponents. Usually my firm avoids using criminal lawyers for civil cases. We have expert civil lawyers in our firm, who lead the case. But sometimes, I do sit in second chair assisting Tammy... I mean, Mrs Robinson who happens to be our top civil lawyer, when the case requires more support and other lawyers are busy with their own cases. It is a rare occasion and it has too much of paperwork but I do assist"

"What kind of rare occasions?"

"If the client requests my presence, or if they are known to me and I want to get involved in order to keep myself up to date... although I advice them to not have me. When I was a junior associate, I was second chair in both civil and criminal cases. But after that, I handled criminal cases predominantly. I was determined to be a criminal lawyer and focused on it. I am tuned to criminal cases rather than civil. My brain looks everything suspiciously which is a requirement to be a criminal lawyer. Civil cases need you to play games, smooth talk and even smile at arsehole lawyers of the other side. And you'll have to read too many paperworks and documents which is a strenuous job. So, I try to avoid unless I am requested by the client or by Tam- Mrs Robinson. Or when I am extremely bored and there are no criminal cases in hand, which is a driving factor for me to take part in civil cases"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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